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Locality: Santa Cruz, California

Phone: +1 831-466-3000

Address: 110 Cooper St., Suite 201 95060-3940 Santa Cruz, CA, US


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Productops 06.11.2020

Collaborative strategic and design sessions are at the core of every project. To solidify the vision we typically need to write some exploratory code, create proofs of concept, and create visual artifacts that provide a detailed definition of what the project will deliver.

Productops 23.10.2020

Probably the most difficult aspect of transformation is cultural. When planning, it’s natural to imagine an ideal outcome and paint the rosiest picture of how the project team will gel and perform. But there’s a point in many projects where the team as a whole starts to resist and project negativity and politics.

Productops 17.10.2020

Strategy. Technology. Transformation. Give us your hardest problem.

Productops 14.10.2020

"Ill defined business requirements and changing market conditions often lead to rushed software buying decisions that negatively impact the ability to do business successfully. In the long-term this leads to inefficiencies, customer and employee dissatisfaction, divisiveness, and ultimately failure."

Productops 29.09.2020

Building upon the computer vision on the edge platform provided by our partners alwaysAI, productOps created what we dubbed CROSS COUNT, a compound object tracker which could successfully parse a variety of traffic that was using trails.

Productops 23.09.2020

Join us at 7pm tonight. Presenters include Productops's JT Mudge.

Productops 09.09.2020

Hoping to see you back at our hub of innovation again soon. via Santa Cruz Works

Productops 23.08.2020

An optimistic look into the future of AI.

Productops 09.08.2020

Discovery is an exploratory engagement that solidifies the vision of a longer term project, provides the tools to articulate that vision, and offers a clear and measurable definition of success.

Productops 31.07.2020

"There’s a point in many projects where the team as a whole starts to resist and project negativity and politics. The task of a leader is to reach and overcome this point as quickly as possible and regain momentum toward the desired goal."