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Locality: San Diego, California

Address: 9875 Aviary Dr 92131 San Diego, CA, US

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Green Lion Martial Arts 30.12.2020

#greenlionmartialarts #family

Green Lion Martial Arts 20.12.2020

I love all of you! Thank you for all of the joy and inspiration. ‘Nuff said. #GreenLionMartialArts

Green Lion Martial Arts 30.11.2020

What is the duty of the warrior archetype in the world? The warrior is capable of enduring certain challenges, maybe even enjoys them. One who finds themself drawn to the throws of combat and the lifestyle that comes with it should remind themselves; a fighter is not a tool of malice. You are blessed with fortitude, initiative, and willpower. These gifts exist to be wielded as tools to protect and empower those around you. Your Self is manifesting strength, you are drawn to r...igor, and the opportunity to do good with this strength is invaluable. Whatever your life mission is, value your life, value your gifts and your drive, and direct it towards the betterment of the world as a whole. This is the Green Lion way. #martialarts #sandiego #wayofthewarrior #buddhism #sandiego #selfdefense #taekwondo #fighter #greenlionmartialarts #positivity #empower #inspire #muaythai #mma #tkd See more

Green Lion Martial Arts 21.11.2020

Buddhism is heavily intertwined with traditional eastern martial arts. For thousands of years its teachings have influenced warriors from Samurai like Miyamoto Musashi, to Bruce Lee, and the Muay Thai fighters of the modern world. If you are intent on pursuing your martial art journey fully; understanding the self and the world around you is essential. Mastering the art of breathing, and exploring the deepest levels of meditation is key in achieving true understanding of your practice, centering yourself on the battlefield, and operating with nobility. I highly recommend the writings of Thich Nhat Hanh. #greenlionmartialarts #meditation #zen #buddhism #musashi #wayofthewarrior #selfless

Green Lion Martial Arts 16.11.2020

Savagery! #sparring #greenlionmartialarts #sandiego #selfdefense #muaythai #kickboxing #training

Green Lion Martial Arts 03.11.2020

Killer! Just three months of training for this guy. Beautiful work and fantastic progress. #sandiego #selfdefense #greenlionmartialarts #striking #muaythai #angles #kickboxing #tkd #mma