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General Information

Locality: Santa Rosa, California

Phone: +1 707-583-6711

Address: 3295 Guerneville Rd 95401 Santa Rosa, CA, US

Website: www.mcdonaldranch.org

Likes: 342


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McDonald Ranch 25.05.2021

Everyone pleage give a big thank you to Katja for being our wonderful teacher and friend!

McDonald Ranch 07.12.2020

please click here and support us!

McDonald Ranch 19.11.2020

Thank you to everyone for being so patient. We have taken all procautions with getting the email fixed. If you ever get an email that concerns you please feel free to message or call us.

McDonald Ranch 17.11.2020

Dear friends, We have recived a message that a mass email has been sent out asking for a pre paid card. Please disregard the email and do not reply. We are taking care of the issue as fast as we can. If you have ny questions please call linda.

McDonald Ranch 15.11.2020

And, here is Cooper who is a 3 day old Nubian. He has a "parrot mouth" but that doesn't stop him from being adorable and fun to bottle feed by the children.

McDonald Ranch 08.11.2020

Meet Ben, our new LaMancha goat. He is 5 days old and being bottle fed by children at our farm school!