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Kingdom Academy 22.03.2021

I believe that you have to go beyond trying to be holy but that you need to know, study that from the beginning, you were made to be holy. And that your makeup and the substance you were built with is holiness. It's not an attribute to not only pursue holiness, but it should be viewed as something natural and instinctual. This is why I always emphasize going back to the King's original intent and study the beginning. I've come to find that knowing that holiness is not somet...hing you do, but its something you are. This gives a framework beyond relying on the flesh but tapping into the core of my spirit. #kingdom #holiness #kingdomacademyonline

Kingdom Academy 17.03.2021

Likeness and image are the very first things that the Creator gave humanity in creation before dominion/power. Knowing both of these concepts is essential in the Kingdom lifestyle. The knowledge of what the Creator equipped you with during creation is powerful wisdom when you operate with the understanding. It places a standard and the ability to measure yourself to which is the likeness and image of God. The text indicates that you were created not just from him but of him..., meaning the same substance. When you realize this is your core being, and you study it a bit deeper, then you should come to a place of authority and power as you function in the world. As you walk in the likeness and image of God, then you are and become the Kingdom walking on two feet. Remember, wherever you go, all of the Kingdom's benefits, providence, protection, and guidance is with you. It is the of your ambassadorship that everything that was given to you is there for you to access since the foundation of the world - Article Genesis Section 1:26 #kingdom #character #kingdomacademyonline

Kingdom Academy 15.03.2021

Colonization is one of the most important focus of a kingdom. Kingdoms desire to influence and impact other territories. These colonization ventures would become the extension of the Kingdom injecting it with its ethics, morals, lifestyle, and identity of the King. Depending on which kingdom you serve your actions and projection of your life would then portray the king you serve. This lifestyle would then give evidence of the influence you have allowed in your life to governe...d your actions and decisions. In the Kingdom of Heaven, the real estate that the Creator wants to take over is your heart which is your mind and your thinking. How you think proceeds your life and how you live it out. This is why whenever the King starts a new colony or a new generation as the Israelites coming to the promised land. The first instruction of God gave was to read the Word of God or what I call the Constitution. Remember to be a disciple of the King is to be a learner of the text he gave to his people/ambassadors. What's important about colonization is not only about taking over territory but its more about taking over the mind of its people to think like how their King thinks and functions. When your thinking matches the King then you take on and act upon the attributes of the King and the result is living out the life He intended for his people to live in his Kingdom. Colonization is getting to the mind of the King and understanding his will! #kingdom #colonization #colonize #kingdomacademyonline

Kingdom Academy 03.03.2021

The world, as we know, it has always been changing day by day. We just haven’t stopped to notice, but our daily life has been interrupted, so we are forced to pay attention to the things in life that matter most. But what hasn't changed is the power, control, and authority humanity has been given by the Creator to adapt in any environment on earth. You are in control of 80% of the results of how you handle these challenging times, the 20% you can't control, adapt, and innov...ate with the powerful mind you have been equipped with! #kingdomacademyonline #power #control #adapt #innovate #creator #kingdommindset

Kingdom Academy 22.02.2021

In the Kingdom, Prayer is a command, not an option. Two reasons why I think people don't pray. One, they don't get answers, and two, they don't get results. If we don't find answers, consider fasting and meditating in the Word. The King said man shall not live by bread alone but by the Word of God. He also said somethings require fasting. This allows us the best environment to listen and hear from the King. Lastly, results happen when we take action. Remember, it's a partnership in the Kingdom. The King has already provided everything we need to prosper in the Kingdom. We have to do our part, this is the power and authority that was given to us from the beginning. (Section Genesis 1:26)

Kingdom Academy 14.02.2021

What is humanity searching for? Man's search continues... Man is searching for something but doesn’t know what it is and where it comes from so, he explores and seeks to find satisfaction in everything, but regardless of where they end up is still left dissatisfied. So humanity as a whole attempts to work together or individually to attain a perfect and better world for themselves. Despite their effort and advancement in even innovation are still left searching for something... more. Purpose and meaning of life remain the most important question all human life searches for today. Who am I? What am I supposed to do? Why am I here? What is my purpose? Humanity’s best answer to this is religion. All 42,000+ religions and 42,000 denominations try to tempt to answer these questions, but many are left still searching. Even after doing all the requirements, religion says they must do to go to Heaven after they die, then many are still wondering is that all there is to life. Live to die just to go to Heaven. But wait, if we are of God, then didn’t we then come from Heaven to earth? Why are we trying to leave Earth for Heaven when that is where we came from originally. The search for answers continues. This long video talks about various ways humanity try to obtain and fulfill this void of the search. This fact is maybe evident to a few but not apparent for many. We try and fill this void with work, business, relationship, intellect, advancement, status, fame, power, and the list goes on. None of these things are bad things to desire, but most that have attained these things still in a place of searching. Even a billionaire I talked to intrigued with this Kingdom teaching as with their status one would think they would have already reach fulfillment and understanding with the unlimited resources they have access to answer the meaning of life. This video is designed to make you think to create a spark to learn for yourself about this Kingdom treasure that when you find it. You are willing to sell everything you own to have it. #kingdom #kingdomacademyonline #humanity #meaningoflife https://youtu.be/hWzcbognr2k

Kingdom Academy 12.02.2021

Understanding The Concept of what an Embassy is in a Kingdom Perspective When teaching the Kingdom and the way I want you to look at it is from the lens of a government. It is a governing system that is resposible for the earth and influencing the world. An embassy is then an extension of the Kingdom or nation or country. Embassies are being established everywhere in the world, and the way it's recognized is that although you are in another country and your home country is th...ousands of miles away. Once a property is deemed to be an embassy of, let's say the united states. Then if you get into the embassy, it as if you were in America. When you are in an embassy and when the location is in another country. The same rights, protections, and care are extended to its citizens. All the benefits and luxuries are activated once they step foot on the property of the embassy. So too in the Kingdom of Heaven. Churches, as we call them today, are and should be extensions of Heaven. What that should entail is that when someone enters a physical building of the church, then they must experience Heaven. If they are former citizens of the Kingdom. And now see the benefits of what the King has to offer. Which, by the way, has always been there, but they have lost the knowledge of it. Then they can get resources and knowledge in regaining back their citizenship they once had and given to them since the creation of the earth. But just like any government, there is a process in reconnecting back to authority. But they must be informed of their rights to kingship and the process of becoming a citizen again to access their power, control, and rulership over their domain. Take some time to learn more about how embassies function and what they provide to gain similarities with the Kingdom and its churches. #kingdomacademyonline #embassy #citizenship #church

Kingdom Academy 11.02.2021

Here's another way to look at the word "repent" in the Constitution. Repent is a word used by King Jesus on his very first recorded announcement in the historical text. So this was his thesis statement that would catapult his ministry. As you study this statement in Article Matthew section 4: subsection 17, the word repent genuinely deals with the mind rather than spilling out wrongdoings. Although that may have value, its original meaning in context is changing the way yo...u think. The mind is the hardest thing to change in the world today, and the only way to change thinking is with another idea. But this was an idea that was given to humanity at the beginning of creation. It's not new but old. That is why I greatly emphasize studying the beginning to understand God's original intent instead of religion, theological thinking, or schools of thought. #mindset #kingdomconcept #kingdomacademyonline

Kingdom Academy 09.02.2021

The word reconcile has the same prefix "Re" as to restore. Again it indicates that something is put back or brought back to the original intent of the thing that created it. In this case, something is being made into one just like when you reconsolidate loans into one. In essence, being made one or one whole. By being put back in the original position that humanity was supposed to have in the position of having dominion according to Article Genesis Section 1:26 then implicat...ion of having been reconciled by the sacrifice of King Jesus then what was once Adam or humanity's position was now accessible again. Most religions focus on going to heaven while the King and the Kingdom focus on taking territory to bring the King's glory in all the worlds. The perfect sacrifice was to place humanity back to its original position and to live out the original intent of the Creator. Humanity was made for the earth not for Heaven because Man came from Heaven. #kingdom #kingdomacademyonline

Kingdom Academy 21.01.2021

Every religion and activity of man is man’s attempt to find the Kingdom.