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The Empowerment Center 13.10.2020

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The Empowerment Center 10.10.2020

True Knowledge seeks to unify the thoughts of the subjective with the object of contemplation through an inculcation of a secret teaching. It is as the Zohar relates, "Come and See! Thought is at the beginning of everything that is, but as such it is contained within itself and unknown. The real cosmic thought is connected with the AIN (No-Thing) and never separates from it." Within the causal mind is an existential plan which is an ideal of perfected forms. Its existence an...d duration is the material worlds and these serve as the basis for the subjective mind to observe his thunder and lightening god. Duration antecedes the infinite as a phenomenal construct derived from this preexistent plan of "Knowledge" and represents the outgrowth and outline of thought regulating and giving harmonic order to the cosmos that we observe and consider as merely mechanical objects in specific planetary revolutions. By: Ravi-Akiba Ben-David Image by: Ravi-Akiba Ben-David

The Empowerment Center 07.10.2020

KRIYA YOGA AND THE EVOLUTION OF THE SOUL "Kriya Yoga is an instrument through which human evolution can be quickened. Kriya Yoga, controlling the mind directly through the life force, is the easiest, most effective and most scientific avenue of approach to the Infinite. The after effects of Kriya bring with them the utmost peace and bliss. ... The joy that comes with Kriya is greater than the joys of all pleasurable physical sensations put together. From that joy experienced in meditation I receive the rest of a thousand sleeps." - Yogananda

The Empowerment Center 17.09.2020

"Magick is the art of causing changes in consciousness to occur in accordance with the will." - Dion Fortune

The Empowerment Center 29.08.2020

Paracelsus, and after him nearly all students of the occult sciences, associated the seven planets with the seven-fold consititution of man and the septenary division of the world. These correspondences are valuable to the astrologer inasmuch as the horoscope is a hieroglyphic not only of the physical man but of his whole composite nature. The most usual order of the correspondences is as follows: Jupiter The Auric Egg. By this Paracelsus intended to imply the entire invis...ible, causal nature of man as the seat and habitation of the spirit. Mercury Buddhi, the seat of the intuitional nature. This is the center from which radiates the true spirituality and illumined understanding of man. Venus The Higher or Spiritual Mind. This is the part of the intellect which, verging towards consciousness, partakes in some measure of illumination. Saturn The Lower or Animal Mind. This is the seat of the personal consciousness which verges towards corporeal concerns and cannot know the mystery of spirit. Mars The Astral or Emotional Body. This is the seat of sense perceptions and emotional reactions and from it issue forth the physical desires. Sun Prana and the Vital Body. In this division is included the subtle and invisible ethers which are the media through which the solar vitality is diffused. Moon The Physical Body and the Lower Elements of the Etheric Envelope. Paracelsus also declares that the ghost or shadow of man is included in this classification.

The Empowerment Center 20.08.2020

Unity Of Purpose

The Empowerment Center 14.08.2020

Inner Peace and Acceptance in 7 Steps: While each chakra can hold deep mystical experiences and act as gateways to Revelation, they also hold the keys to inner peace and total acceptance. While GREATLY simplified, here is a practical guide to a much larger practice that is summed in affirmations: Step 1 - "I am": This stage and center is dominated by our needs and ability to meet them. It is our sense of survival, and at this stage we are hindered by our fear that we cannot...Continue reading

The Empowerment Center 09.08.2020

There is only Infinite Love

The Empowerment Center 22.07.2020

There are 5 overall phases of the moon. 4 are the common phases of the moon and the 5th is its Union with the sun. 1: New moon (no light) 2: Waxing moon (filling with light) 3: Waning moon (light diminishing)... 4: Full moon (full of light) 5: Cazimi - when the moon is in the "heart" of the sun. There are 28 moon mansions. This divides into 7 mansions in the 4 quadrants. Understanding the connection between this, our conscious states, and their influence in our lives allows us to shape our meditations and practice in a way to use these currents to their maximum benefit. To simplify, when the moon is filling with light, we seek to increase what may be deficient. When the moon is reducing in light we seek to cut away excess and what we wish to eliminate. When the moon is full, we reveal and manifest. When new, we plant seeds of manifestation and observe our inner self retrospectively. We are not separate from the cosmos. Each aspect of the cosmos has influence on us. "There is one glory of the sun, and another glory of the moon, and another glory of the stars; for star differs from star in glory." - 1 Corinthians 15:41 "Can you bind the chain of Pleiades, or loose the bands of Orion?" Job 38:31

The Empowerment Center 15.06.2020

Continue Allowing Less Ego ~