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Locality: Sacramento, California

Phone: +1 916-864-3242

Address: 2716 X Street 95818 Sacramento, CA, US

Website: www.obtainbetterbalance.com

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Better Balance Acupuncture + Wellness 15.01.2021

Did you know we also treat men for infertility? Often times it is not just women struggling with infertility but also men! We don't hear enough about it. The facts are- it takes 72-90 days to produce mature sperm.... That means if you need to improve sperm count, motility or morphology, you need roughly 2 and half to 3 months of dietary and lifestyle changes. In addition, herbs and supplements may help to see those numbers go up. Whatever you do now to improve your health will increase your chances of fertilization/conception 2-3 months from now. There's no shame in making sure you are healthy and thriving as a whole. Book an appointment now to start taking charge of your health!

Better Balance Acupuncture + Wellness 01.01.2021

Ever wonder what kind of training your acupuncturist went through? Acupuncturists spend a minimum of 4 years completing an accredited masters program. In California we are regulated by the California Acupuncture Board which is known to have some of the highest standards in the nation for testing and certification. Each of our practitioners have not only the proper medical degrees, but also are schooled in Chinese medicine theory, herbal medicine, Chinese fire cupping, foo...d therapy and a variety of Asian wellness practices. It is required that every L.Ac. (Licensed Acupuncturist) complete 25 hours of continued education a year but often times we prefer to do more. More education = more knowledge and tools to help our patients. What accreditations should you look for when booking an acupuncture appointment? Masters or Doctorate degree in Chinese Medicine State licensing (L.Ac. behind their name!) Better Balance is proud to have ABORM (American Board of Reproductive Medicine) certified acupuncturists on staff as well. Your safety, health, and comfort are our priority! Give your acupuncturist a slow clap in the comments if you appreciate all their hard work!

Better Balance Acupuncture + Wellness 12.12.2020

STOP! Rip off the bandaid. YES, it’s hard! But it is also freeing. And it’s also healthy! Do you really want to be the person that is not true to themselves? You’re too old and wise for that now Take charge of your life. You’re allowed to seem rude if it means you’re sticking to the high vibe folks. It’s ok to fail at a business if it means you’re trying to make something of yourself. It’s ok to let people go that do not serve you. Stop apologizing & start doing. It get...s easier when you feel how RIGHT it is to live BY YOU. Share with someone who needs this reminder too!

Better Balance Acupuncture + Wellness 10.12.2020

Ready to try acupuncture?! There are three ways to book! 1. Go online to our online scheduler. There you will find our available practitioners and their openings for your convenience. We have a very user friendly set up so that you can book any time of the day or night. Link in bio!... 2. Give us a call to book a new or reoccurring appointment. 3. Send us a text message to find out our availability for your next appointment.

Better Balance Acupuncture + Wellness 06.12.2020

"Symptoms are not normal! Symptoms are your body asking for YOU TO CHANGE! Change what? Your behavior, your diet, your habits, your beliefs/opinions, whatever the thing is you have been doing over and over without success! The BEST place to start is with what you are eating. Stop starving and start eating only proper human nutrition."... -Karen Wright

Better Balance Acupuncture + Wellness 24.11.2020

Are you missing out on Vitamin D? Now that the days are shorter and cooler, we’re venturing less and less into the sunshine. With that comes an uptick in sickness, low moods, and a decline of the natural Vitamin D levels that our bodies were storing up from our time in the sun! Why is it so important? Vitamin D is involved in way too many physiological functions to list here but here are a few.... Hormonal health If you haven't noticed, we are ALWAYS stocked with D in our offices. We treat a ton of women's (and men's!!!) hormonal health issues, especially when it comes to infertility. Vitamin D is an extremely important one for anyone working on regulating their hormones and/or trying to conceive. This applies to EVERYONE. Healthy vitamin D levels have a direct correlation with sperm AND egg quality. Higher vitamin D levels are associated with higher levels of conception, maintaining a health pregnancy, and live birth rates. Immune function Vitamin D assists in regulating the absorption of minerals like calcium, facilitating normal immune system function, and it is important for normal growth and development. In addition, Vitamin D fights disease and reduces depression. A lack of Vitamin D can result in general unwellness, fatigue, muscle or bone weakness, and heightened anxiety to name a few. Mood There have been countless studies linking low vitamin D to depression. And it has been proven that supplementing with a good quality vitamin D is an extremely effective, low cost solution. Consuming foods with the sunshine supplement and getting enough safe sun exposure are the best ways to make sure you’re getting enough of this vitamin, but adding a high quality supplement is very beneficial when dealing with low levels. I highly recommend my patients supplement D October-March at a bare minimum. Remember that supplement quality and form are very important. Ask your acupuncturist at your next appointment if Vitamin D would be helpful for your health plan!

Better Balance Acupuncture + Wellness 22.11.2020

We’re huge moxa fans around here. If you’re new to acupuncture, the little ball made up of a Chinese herb that we lightly balance at the tip of specific acupoints and set on fire can seem a little unconventional. What is Moxa and what does it benefit? Moxa is an ancient medical treatment within Traditional Chinese Medicine. We use it as a heat therapy locally on acupuncture points and meridians to help ease blockages and encourage energy flow. ... Moxa is the herb, also known as Mugwort, and moxibustion is the act of burning that herb over the specific points and body parts. This practice allows the herbal properties and warmth of moxa to absorb into your skin and olfactory system, similar to aromatherapy! The heat also is conducive for better blood circulation and relaxation. A few key ailments we treat with moxa: Menstrual cramps Digestive Symptoms Respiratory problems Allergies Pain Are you a fan too? Let us know in the comments.

Better Balance Acupuncture + Wellness 19.11.2020

Three Supplements for Stress Magnesium - A vital mineral coined the original chill pill that helps your body to relax and counters stress by switching on your GABA receptors, or brain activity regulator, and keeps your brain from getting stuck in overdrive! Racing thoughts anyone? 40-60% of us are deficient in magnesium!! Signs of vitamin D deficiency are trouble sleeping, anxiety, constipation, muscle cramps and twitching muscles. Vitamin D - It’s typically more grey out...side this time of year so we’re getting WAY less sunshine than we usually do! That means our vitamin D levels are getting lower and it may be time to incorporate more foods or a supplement to help your levels stay normal! Do you have a habit of staying up or awake after midnight? Then your sunshine vitamin levels might be working to the max as your stress hormones try to keep up. Be sure to take vitamin D with a healthy fat, k vitamin, or omegas for maximum absorbtion. The herbal formula classically called ‘Xiao Yao San’ - A traditional Chinese medicine blend of herbs that works by clearing liver stagnation to improve the flow of qi (energy). The translation for this herbal formula is free and easy wanderer because when you take it your stress levels lower and you feel like you have not a single care in the world! Stagnant liver qi(AKA stress!) can contribute to stress/mood swings, pain, anxiety, irritability, constipation, abdominal pain, premenstrual syndrome (PMS), and irregular menstrual periods. Our very own @floyd_acupuncture has put together her own variation of this formula which is always stocked in our offices. These are 3 staples we always have on hand. Ask about these supplements at your next appointment!

Better Balance Acupuncture + Wellness 18.11.2020

But really Acupuncture and TCM, Traditional Chinese Medicine, can benefit everyone. Whether you’re experiencing problems with pain, fertility, hormones, anxiety or depression, auto immune disease, fatigue, acupuncture can help by treating the root cause of your symptoms. Not sure if acupuncture can help you? Send us a DM with your symptoms and we can let you know if acupuncture would be a logical next step for you!

Better Balance Acupuncture + Wellness 17.11.2020

The goal of acupuncture is to help your body heal itself by achieving homeostasis. This state of healthy internal regulation can be thrown off by internal or external influences, illness, environmental toxins, stress, past physical or emotional traumas, toxic chemicals, processed foods and chemicals basically anything that isn’t natural to the body and what we were intended to eat, live around, or breath. You know homeostasis is off when you’re overly fatigued, irritable, experience digestive issues or PMS symptoms (that’s right, those are NOT normal!!), low libido, aches and pains, etc.. But not to worry! Our bodies are incredibly resilient. It never ceases to amaze us how well our patients heal even after many years of imbalance.

Better Balance Acupuncture + Wellness 06.11.2020

How many acupuncture sessions do I need to see results? We get this question a lot and wanted to break it down! Many see results quickly but that is not always the case for everyone. Acupuncture / Chinese Medicine work over a series of treatments. It totally depends on various factors! For example - how long a condition has been present, the nature and severity of the condition, the state of the patient's body/nervous system, lifestyle factors, diet, environment, etc. everyon...e is so different. This is why we spend about 45-60 minutes on the intake process on the initial visit before the actual treatment. We really take our time to assess our patients and get a clear understanding of their condition and needs before working with them and building a treatment plan. Are you an acupuncture patient? How long before you experienced changes from your treatments?!

Better Balance Acupuncture + Wellness 31.10.2020

Should you care about fertility and reproductive health if you're not planning on having children? YES!!! Whether you plan on having children or not, having a healthy reproductive system is vital to your overall hormonal health. A well body is a fertile body.... Hormones are about much more than being able to carry a pregnancy, but extend to all areas of your well-being including - mental, sexual, and physical health. Healthy hormones are a sign of a healthy nervous system, immune systom, healthy skin, and so much more!

Better Balance Acupuncture + Wellness 30.10.2020

Feeling the burn? The burn out that is? Try one of these next time you’re feeling a little run down! Which do you find yourself needing more of to avoid burn out? Remember that when you're tired it is not because you are doing too much. It's because you are not doing enough of what makes you come alive. images by @maisiesghost

Better Balance Acupuncture + Wellness 21.10.2020

Should I book my appointment during, before, or after my period? We get asked this a lot! Any time during your cycle is just fine. The purpose of our treatments are to help regulate and balance hormones throughout your entire cycle. In doing this, the end result is that your symptoms, whether they occur before, during or after your period eventually settle down or go away completely. This is how you know your hormones are functioning as they should in their natural ebbs and f...lows. Each day of your cycle is like a snapshot of those natural ebbs and flows. No single day is more important than the other when it comes to the bigger picture of getting you back on track. Upon arrival for your session, your practitioner will likely ask you what day of your cycle you are on so that she can tailor your treatment appropriately. Please let us know if you have any questions! Hormonal health is one of those things acupuncture is really good at helping with. We are here to help! See more

Better Balance Acupuncture + Wellness 13.10.2020

Are you feeling stressed, overwhelmed, or worried? Who hasn’t with the year 2020?! Close your eyes. Relax your shoulders. Take a deep breath.... We’ve been there and this is your reminder that all of those feeling are valid and that it’s okay to give yourself space to work through one or all of the above. Some ways we’re scheduling in self care Getting to bed early. Drinking enough water. Taking a bath. Having some quiet time. Playing music we love. Of course - getting regular acupuncture! Sending you so much love! Like or share if you’ve been needing this reminder too.

Better Balance Acupuncture + Wellness 24.09.2020

Are you all about that Work From Home life these days? If so, here are a few tips we’ve found helpful! Establish a routine Get ready for the day Use a standing desk... Avoid working in your bedroom Take breaks from screen time Stretch often Share some of your WFH tips below!!!

Better Balance Acupuncture + Wellness 16.09.2020

Never been to an acupuncture appointment? Let’s chat about what to expect! If you’ve never been a patient at Better Balance, we cannot wait to serve you! You’ll be scheduled for an initial consultation at your first appointment where we dive in depth into your medical and health history, allow you to share about your mental and emotional health (it’s all connected!!!), and get to know you! We’ll ask you questions about your hormones, sleep patterns, and bowel movements, and w...ill check out your tongue and feel your radial(wrist) pulses. This first appointments takes about an hour and a half. You’ll also be given an acupuncture treatment to start you on your healing journey. At follow up appointments, we’ll use the first few minutes to check in to see how things have gone since your last appointment and give you a treatment based on your progress and symptoms! Did that help give you a better idea of how things go? Let us know if you have any other questions about what to expect!

Better Balance Acupuncture + Wellness 03.09.2020

In our practice, we are constantly treating patients with trouble falling or staying asleep or both. Acupuncture and Chinese herbs are extremely helpful when it comes to improving sleep, but there are a few other components to good sleep that should be reviewed with patients. So we put together a few ways to refresh your sleep habits! Diffuse essential oils like lavender and cedar wood to calm your mind and body. Also, our brains are wired to link scents to certain moods o...r memories -- using the same essential oils to wind down each night will trigger your brain to start winding down and begin producing those sleepy hormones. Drown out noises that could wake you. Consider using a white noise machine, fan or ear plugs(depending on if you’re able to - parents to little ones!). I have a dog and husband () who both snore so I started sleeping with earplugs about 6 months ago. The difference in my sleep has been LIFE CHANGING . Keep your bedroom pitch black: I always recommend doing the hand in front of your face test. Turn off the lights, let your eyes adjust to the dark, wave your hand in front of your face. If you can see it, your room is too bright. You may need black-out curtains or I like to use an eye mask. I always take it with me when I’m traveling too. Watch your internal dialogue around sleep. Tell yourself you’re going to sleep well and wake rested. Do you ever lay in bed for a while, realize you’ve been awake for far too long, look at the clock and say to yourself It’s so late! I’m going to be so tired tomorrow!? That kind of anxiety is not productive. Use affirmations to help yourself sleep I recommend the book Miracle Mornings if you’re feeling a little negativity around your morning routine and feeling sleepy!!! Use minerals to help calm your body and mind. You can never go wrong with an epsom salt bath before you go to bed. Epsom salt is rich in magnesium, a mineral that will help calm your system (P.S. 40-60% of people are deficient in this and it is essential to your body!). If a bath feels like too much commitment - I get it, sometimes you just can not - then take it in a capsule or apply a topical spray

Better Balance Acupuncture + Wellness 29.08.2020

Does it hurt? I think one of the biggest fears patients have about acupuncture is that it will be painful. Most people associate needles with pain. Understandably, when many think of needles, they picture those giant intradermal needles used to draw blood or inject something. Or if they’re tattooed they replay the pain of that process But I’m here to let you know that it doesn’t really hurt! Most first time patients are pleasantly surprised at their first appointment when ...they realize how tiny the needles are (like about as small as a horse hair tiny) and how relaxing it is. You may feel an initial ache or heavy sensation as your needles are placed but that typically goes away in moments. If it ever stings or burns, the needles are readjusted and that’s it! Then you lie there, on our comfy treatment table listening to relaxing music or if you prefer, a guided meditation, as you float off into what sometimes truly feels like another reality. If you’ve never had acupuncture, what is your biggest concern? Was it this one?

Better Balance Acupuncture + Wellness 12.08.2020

Migraines can be caused by so many different things including hormonal changes, stress, weather changes or allergies, and sleep changes. They are characterized by throbbing pain on one or both sides of your head, sensitivity to light and sound and can be extremely debilitating. While many allopathic treatments work to get rid of the pain temporarily, TCM or Traditional Chinese Medicine targets the root issue through acupuncture, herbs, diet and lifestyle changes.... We often find that if there are head issues there are often internal or external factors blocking that flow in the meridians cutting off nutrients, causing pain, or inflammation. Acupuncture helps by sending messages to the brain to decrease the inflammation, unblock pathways from getting the needed nutrients, and healing pain response transmitters. Simple changes you can make at home: - Drink more water - Get enough protein/fat - Limit sugar intake - Get in some green tea Struggling with migraines? Send us DM to see if we can help!

Better Balance Acupuncture + Wellness 29.07.2020

California is on our hearts right now with the wild fires affecting our state and local communities. While some of our patients are not directly affected by the fires, many have been suffering from the affects of the smoke settling in our valley so we wanted to share a few ways we’re combating the smoke and working to keep our lungs healthy. Keep your windows, doors, and vents closed as much as possible including fireplace vents. Make sure your vents and air filters are cl...ean and functioning. If you have one on hand or can find one in store, run an air purifier in whichever room you or your family are spending the most time in. Diffuse essential oils. Essential oils like peppermint, lavender, or lemon can help to soothe your airways and keep the air in your home breathable. Wear a mask when outdoors. The smokey air carries many toxic gasses and can contain dangerous particles that can harm your airways. Limit outdoor activity. You won’t hear this from us often, but now is the time to stay inside as much as possible and move any kind of workouts to indoors. Unless you plan on driving FAR to get away from the smoke. Drink teas like Traditional Medicinal's Throat Coat and Breathe Easy, or Yogi Breathe Deep to help soothe your lungs, support your respiratory system, and help keep your sinuses moving. Sending our support and prayers to our emergency service men and women and all of those affected by the wildfires.

Better Balance Acupuncture + Wellness 16.07.2020

We asked our very own Christine what her favorite things to treat were. Here’s one of her answers! Insomnia/Anxiety I find it extremely rewarding to treat patients suffering from insomnia, especially when a patient is also exhibiting anxiety. I have found this to be a very common pairing, especially with sensitive, empathetic people. It can be hard to walk around in this world with a sensitive heart, and yet more of those hearts is exactly what the world needs. These clien...ts in particular are often very responsive to acupuncture, probably because their access to energy is more pronounced. As such, they tend to notice the effects of acupuncture very quickly. It is gratifying to help people ground into themselves; to help them find good sleep when they thought it was a lost cause; and to help them feel more available in their lives, and in such a way that they don’t have to suppress their feelings or their sensitivities. These people are often stronger than they think they only need a little support coming back into their center. Check out our highlights to see Christine’s full Q+A and see when her next available new patient appointments are!

Better Balance Acupuncture + Wellness 29.06.2020

We’re hiring!! To be considered, please email a resume and cover letter to [email protected] by 11am Tuesday 8/18/20. We look forward to hearing from you! ... Swipe for more details >>>

Better Balance Acupuncture + Wellness 11.06.2020

I’ve been thinking a lot lately about how to live more of a lifestyle that brings total balance and fulfillment. What components provide that? What is missing from our modern lifestyle? I know for me one of the biggest ones is getting into nature regularly. I love going backpacking and spending a few days breathing clean air, drinking filtered water from fresh mountain creeks or lakes, sleeping under the stars, and sitting by a fire with friends sharing belly laughs. I’ve al...ways called these trips my reset button because I always return feeling more like myself. My thoughts are clearer, my emotions are lighter, my body feels happy, and creativity comes so much easier. It’s like that chaos that city life brings just gets washed away and I have such a better capacity for everything. I know there are a ton of reasons for this: disconnection from work and other responsibilities, separation from WiFi, electricity and cell service, connection with myself and people I love, drinking cleaner water with better mineral content, my microbiome is interacting with new bacteria from the soil and plants, effects of the sun and natural light, living more in tune with a proper circadian clock, the tequila shots(kidding!)... I recently heard such a great conversation on @carnivoremd ‘s The Fundamental Health podcast (the July 30 episode with guest Dr. Anthony Gustin) about the concept that anytime an organism is taken from its natural environment, it starts to suffer from a health perspective. Humans aren’t intended to live this modern lifestyle. THIS. This is why I feel great when I backpack and get into nature. Humans aren’t meant to live in artificial environments. It’s not in our nature to eat packaged foods and drink water that’s traveled through pipes for miles and been treated with who knows what. It’s also not in our nature to not have community, to stay up late looking at a lit screen. None of this is how our ancestors lived. This is why I believe anxiety and depression rates have sky rocketed in our modern world. Not to mention the recent isolation COVID has brought. Are you feeling like you’ve felt out of sorts lately? Way too stressed? Like you’re not fulfilled in life? Consider adding a hike a week to your non-negotiable self care and see how it changes you. And invite a friend! Especially someone you know is having a hard time right now. You could change their life exponentially in the process

Better Balance Acupuncture + Wellness 03.06.2020

The face you make when your hip injury no longer holds you back from doing something you love @ Desolation Wilderness

Better Balance Acupuncture + Wellness 15.05.2020

Parents - must read. I am so grateful to have a preschool with this mindset as our neighbor