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Locality: San Diego, California

Phone: +1 310-741-7707

Address: 100 Dickinson 92103 San Diego, CA, US

Website: Lockhartlegalfirm.com

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Lockhart Legal 03.05.2021

Guess who passed the CA Brokers Exam?!

Lockhart Legal 07.01.2021

Standing up to the big banks could have solved this but instead we are left to fight and bicker over whether the landlord or the tenant has the greater need

Lockhart Legal 12.11.2020

An American president boycotting an American corporation, this will no doubt make America great again

Lockhart Legal 01.11.2020

Meanwhile in Missouri

Lockhart Legal 23.10.2020

This young Sikh Lawyer is an amazing orator talking Woke

Lockhart Legal 07.10.2020

I was honestly really worried about the outcome of this case (and others) considering who is currently on the Supreme Court but my faith in justice is restored when I see things like this https://www.npr.org//supreme-court-hands-abortion-rights-a

Lockhart Legal 01.10.2020

In other good news... https://www.wlky.com//metro-council-to-vote-thurs/32841311#

Lockhart Legal 20.09.2020

For those of you who don’t understand or know what a logical fallacy is please take note

Lockhart Legal 05.09.2020

And for some good news...

Lockhart Legal 27.08.2020

As this injustice continues so will my dedication to helping those who have been wronged

Lockhart Legal 09.08.2020

I long ago learned that psychology plays a role in everything we do, even our feelings about the coronavirus

Lockhart Legal 30.07.2020

Justice delayed is justice denied but flat out ignoring justice is simply outrageous

Lockhart Legal 11.07.2020

Good information to know!