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General Information

Locality: Fairfield, California

Phone: +1 707-639-9693

Address: 915 Texas Street 94533 Fairfield, CA, US

Website: Kybercave.com

Likes: 2164


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Kyber Cave 30.10.2020

For anyone looking to go into kybercave today, we are having battles at 5 pm tonight and ending at 7 pm aswell as closing the store tonight at 7 pm. We are also encourageing people to come in, in costume as today is halloween, we will be passing out candy for anyone Trick or Treating from 4:30 pm - 7 pm, hope to see you all today and have a spooky halloween

Kyber Cave 24.10.2020

TONIGHT: Kyber Cave presents: Saber Rattle Friday 7 PM (Pacific) Webcast at: Facebook.com/KyberCave Special Guest: Skylar McFall... Fighter with Ashes of Abeloth. Interview by Gary A. Ripper of Ripper Blades See more

Kyber Cave 07.10.2020

To crossgaurd or not to crossgaurd, that is the question!

Kyber Cave 21.09.2020

Lodi comic con... Anyone been to Lodi Fairgrounds before? How was it?

Kyber Cave 15.09.2020

Come on out to my buddy Charlie Sotto's show and see me and my dear friend Alan Fernandes. This is going to be a good one. Don't miss it!