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General Information

Locality: Long Beach, California

Phone: +1 818-518-5074

Address: 1090 E Wardlow Road 90807 Long Beach, CA, US

Website: www.longbeachcdfc.com

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Capoeira Dance & Fitness Center 14.11.2020

As a community leader, and head of CDFC Capoeira Long Beach, I feel a responsibility to share my thoughts. I hope you will take the time to read. George Floyd’s death was no accident, this was a public EXECUTION. Please watch the video in its entirety, so that you may form YOUR OWN thoughts and feelings. This is not a political matter, it is a humanitarian matter. From a martial arts point of view, LE in the field and any BJJ/grappling practitioner is trained on how to protec...Continue reading

Capoeira Dance & Fitness Center 25.10.2020

Buti yoga is back with GLOW! March 13th, $15

Capoeira Dance & Fitness Center 18.10.2020
