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Ayurveda San Diego 22.11.2020

Very helpful for immune system. #ayurveda #ayurvedasandiego #organicindia #chyawanprash #tulsi... #turmeric #ginger #agni #immunity #ojas See more

Ayurveda San Diego 10.11.2020

A thought for you to think about... You have the ability right now to take a deep full breath. What if you make that deep full breath a silent prayer for someone who right at this very moment can't take a breath because of this Covid19 virus? So to all my FB friends & Yogi friends, friends in Ayurveda your next meditation, prayer session, pranayama practice, or next time even in your backyard or anywhere for that matter take a deep full breath and send a prayer out to someone who is struggling for that breath. Be grateful for your moment of breathing. You will be helping your self as well. Breathing practices strengthen your lungs, uplift your mood, detoxify and oxygenate your body. With Love, Jessica

Ayurveda San Diego 09.11.2020

Hope is the light within -Hallmark card (Amethyst and the moon) #ayurveda #ayurvedasandiego #hope

Ayurveda San Diego 30.10.2020

Very helpful for immune system. #ayurveda #ayurvedasandiego #organicindia #chyawanprash #tulsi... #turmeric #ginger #agni #immunity #ojas See more

Ayurveda San Diego 26.10.2020

Hope is the light within -Hallmark card (Amethyst and the moon) #ayurveda #ayurvedasandiego #hope

Ayurveda San Diego 22.10.2020

Covid 19, Simplicity and Stillness: It’s a surreal experience that we are all sharing right now. Who knew just six weeks ago that we’d be living in the world that we share today, a world that has changed so much in such a short period of time. Our bubble of Western cultural ease and excess has burst and it is very humbling. I know not what will come, only that along with the pain and suffering there will be peace and joy. For if nothing else, there is a new level of stillnes...s re-emerging - the kind of stillness that comes with simplicity. And isn’t that what we lost?

Ayurveda San Diego 12.10.2020

Boost brain health in winter!

Ayurveda San Diego 30.09.2020

Ayurveda San Diego 12.09.2020

You have more strength to overcome difficulties than you have troubles to overcome. -Paramahansa Yogananda #paramahansayogananda #ayurveda #ayurvedasandiego

Ayurveda San Diego 01.09.2020

The Failure of the Intellect (Prajñaparadha) How many things do you already know - that if you did would make you healthier or happier than you are right now...? For almost everyone, there is a long list. Most people know that if they went to bed earlier, they would feel less tired during the day. Some know that if they woke up earlier and had a relaxed morning that included some exercise and time for meditation or reflection, they would have a better disposition throughout the day. Almost everyone knows that if they gave up sugar or ate less fast food, they would be healthier. Yet, in spite of knowledge, choices are often made to act in a manner that is contradictory to the goals of health and well-being. This is an important part of what is meant by The Failure of the Intellect. The question arises as to why it is so difficult to implement what we know is best for us? The answer is found within the philosophies that underlie Ayurveda, known as Samkhya and Vedanta. Put simply, there is a part of us that is in fear of change and in fear of reaching our physical or emotional potential. The status quo, the way things are now, is the preferred way of being for our ego. Our ego is attached to how we act now, not how we’d like to act. That makes change very difficult because the ego controls our ordinary way of being and perceives change as its own death. The ego experiences the world through our senses. The senses provide the intellect with information about which of our choices will bring greater pleasure and avoid the most suffering. The ego and the senses work together and from their perspective, the world and our choices are really quite black or white; pleasure or pain. If all we were was our ego, our choices would always be based on the pursuit of pleasure and its related enticements; power and money. More simply, we would choose dessert over vegetables. However, secondary input comes to the intellect from the higher self, or soul. The purpose of this input is to provide information about which choice would bring about the greatest harmony and well-being. The soul’s interest is not in pleasure and pain but in the pursuit of the highest ideals. Following the soul’s direction leads a person to make choices that go beyond the interests of short-term pleasures. The path to control over the senses and the choices we make goes through the higher Self the soul. Hence, spiritual practice, from any tradition, is essential on the journey to health and harmony. Adapted from my book: Healing Your Life, Lessons on the Path of Ayurveda

Ayurveda San Diego 26.08.2020

Flower hearts great color therapy, when your feeling a little down, anxious, or in a funk go buy or take a nature walk and pick yourself some flowers and put them in every room of your house! #ayurvedasandiego #ayurveda #colortherapy

Ayurveda San Diego 09.08.2020

Your day can turn out to be that you are taking things for granted OR you are grateful for everything. It's your complete choice. When you live in the moment more, and step back to be the watcher of your life you will notice more things about you and your surroundings. You begin to become grateful and appreciate more. But when in the rat race of the world and in constant motion you are going to miss all the simple yet profoundly the most important things about your simple life. Things that if taking away from you , you will greatly wish you would have been more appreciative of. So stop the motion in your life more often, take a breath and soak it all in. #gratitude #ayurveda #ayurvedasandiego #sandiegoayurveda #yogasandiego #sandiegoyoga

Ayurveda San Diego 20.07.2020

The Bitter Taste: Made up of the air and ether elements, it has a cool virya and a pungent vipaka. Its major qualities are cool, light, dry and mobile. These ...qualities are identical to the qualities of vata and hence, the bitter taste is the taste that most increases vata. The bitter taste is best for balancing pitta and kapha doshas. The bitter taste is the coldest of all tastes. Hence, it reduces agni. Interestingly, some traditions credit small amounts of bitters as increasing the appetite and thus the agni. Some say it is the result of a rebound effect. Another explanation consistent with Ayurvedic principles is that the bitter taste, like vata, has the qualities of the wind. A small amount of air added to fire increases the fire. A lot will blow it out. Hence, small amounts can increase the agni while larger amounts decrease the agni. The bitter taste is the lightest of tastes and is very drying. Because of this, the bitter taste is strongly reducing/purifying to all dhatus. The bitter taste is a strong detoxifier of the body, acting as an antidote to many poisons, and it is also an antimicrobial. While the bitter taste purifies all of the dhatus, its strongest action is on the rakta. Psychologically, the bitter taste increases prana, decreases tejas and decreases ojas. The strong reducing effect of the bitter taste on tejas results in less anger and critical judgment for those who have high tejas. Too much, however, will result in poor discernment. By reducing ojas, too much bitter taste leads to great dissatisfaction in life. Such a person may become bitter about many aspects of his/her life. They may also become fearful, anxious and insecure. Too little bitter taste leads to a loss of motivation and an inability to grow. Examples of the bitter taste include many leafy greens. But my favorite is Brussels Sprouts. Bitter herbs include dandelion and goldenseal, kutki and bhumyamalaki among many others. Tip: Use more bitters if you have inflammation in your body including red skin rashes.

Ayurveda San Diego 09.07.2020

On this day of Mahashivratri , let your perceptions be purified and Shivas energy destroy your delusions, judgements, criticisms, so that you may see clearly the truth of who you really are and what is. ShivaShambo! #ayurvedasandiego #ayurveda #shiva #mahashivratri