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Locality: San Diego, California

Phone: (619) 800-2287

Address: 4455 Twain Ave, Ste H1 92120 San Diego, CA, US

Website: WeLoveAcupuncture.com

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We Love Acupuncture 26.12.2020


We Love Acupuncture 23.12.2020

Hello Friends, I want to tell you about an upcoming class offering. It’s called EMPOWERED HEALTH, and I am super excited about it. As a healthcare provider, I consider education to be as much of my job as treatment is. When applicable, I try to lend advice and provide education about what my patients can do on their own to support their health. ... I like treating patients, but a major aim of mine is to help empower my patients to take care of their own health. No one has a better chance of caring for your health than you do! Over the years of working with patients, I realize that while a few may take those moments of education and run with them, many more require a little more structure and guidance through the process of change. This is where EMPOWERED HEALTH is designed to help: 13 Weeks of Step-By-Step Instruction: Our format will be weekly live Zoom lectures and video recordings along with time for you to ask questions. Nutrition Based Program: Food will be the cornerstone of the class. What we eat. Why we eat it. What change should we make? Why we should make it. What is the best way of eating for YOU? (hint: it’s not what’s best for everybody else) If we are what we eat, then let’s be better! More than Nutrition: Over my decades in healthcare, I have come to the realization that simple daily practices have the best chance of making lifelong change. It’s the self-care version of slow and steady wins the race. We will discuss simple, no-cost, daily practices that anyone can add to their daily routine, which will make lasting impact on overall health. The Benefits: Previous class participants attributed the following benefits to the changes they learned to make in EMPOWERED HEALTH ~ Increased energy ~ Improved sleep ~ Improved focus ~ Weight loss ~ Reduction in allergy symptoms ~ Improved symptomology related to their pre-existing conditions ~ Improvements in laboratory blood test markers Our next class begins on Monday, January 11, 2021. To learn more, just follow the link. Sincerely, Brent Keime, LAc We Love Acupuncture, Inc. https://weloveacupuncture.com/empowered-health/

We Love Acupuncture 12.12.2020


We Love Acupuncture 12.11.2020

Happy Mother’s Day!!! It’s an incredible honor to have played a part in so many amazing women’s journey to motherhood. Today is for you! (Okay, way more than today should be for you, but seriously, use this day to get your people to spoil you) Cheers!

We Love Acupuncture 24.10.2020

Wanna change your life for the better in as little as 30 seconds a day? Sound too good to be true? Scientific research says otherwise. Ending your shower each day by turning the water as cold as it will go for 30 seconds has been shown to be an effective form of Cold Therapy. * * * Cold therapy improves physical health through a process known as mitochondrial biogenesis. In layman's terms this means the body makes more mitochondria. Well, what the heck is a mitochondria an...d why should I want more? If everyone can think back to their cell biology class in high school, mitochondria are the energy factories of the cell. More energy translates to better functioning cells, which means better health overall. * * * The research shows that the process is best stimulated when the cold water hits your chest and face. Get ready! A cold blast to the face each morning is pretty darn effective at waking your butt up fast! * * * Some of you have probably been introduced to the charismatic Wim Hof and his methods of breathing and cold therapy for both psychological and physical well-being. If you have no idea who Wim Hof is but you’re interested in cold therapy, give a search for Wim Hof or The Wim Hof Method for more information. See more

We Love Acupuncture 22.10.2020

Is anyone experiencing any anxiety or depression in this current world climate? I would expect a lot of nodding heads based on conversations I’ve had with people. Let’s see if we can make a change in those feelings. * * * Heart 7 (HT7) is said to Calm the Spirit. In less poetic language, that means it’s used to calm the mind and ease emotional overwhelm. Heart 7 can be used for insomnia, anxiety & fearfulness, agitation, depression or when experiencing overwhelming sadness.... I see so much of this in people during these uncertain times. * * * Clear your mind as best you can and apply pressure to HT7 on one wrist using the thumb of the opposite hand. Press with slow increasing pressure until a strong sensation is felt. We aren’t looking for pain, but the sensation should be strong. * * * Now hold the point while you breathe slow steady breaths. Don’t try to control the breaths too much. Focus on easy, slow breathing. No resistance. Breathe into the belly, but don’t force it. With each inhale feel your heart and mind opening to the radiant energies of the Universe. With each exhale feel the oppressive feelings of anxiety, agitation, or depression leaving the body. * * * Feel your connection to the greater Universe around you, filling you more and more with the energies of Creation with every Inhale. Feel the relaxation in the mind, chest, and rest of the body deepen with every exhale. Rest in this lighter state. Welcome it like an old friend. Feel confident that you can carry it with you into the day, and when you’re ready, slowly release the pressure on HT7. Repeat on the other wrist when you’re ready. * * * Don’t let uncertain times create havoc in your life. You have the Power to find Calm inside you no matter what life throws at you. See more

We Love Acupuncture 17.10.2020

The circadian rhythm in the brain is synchronized to the outside world by light and darkness. Getting outside in daylight for at least 30 minutes each day is an effective way to synchronize your brain with nature’s daily cycle of light and darkness. * * * A lack of access to daylight has been shown to increase the risk of depression and other mood disorders. 30 minutes or more of time outdoors in daylight reduces anxiety & stress and increases alertness. ... * * * Another benefit of time in the sun is that the UV portion of sunlight is a disinfectant which can help kill bacteria and viruses on the outside of our clothes. See more

We Love Acupuncture 12.10.2020

People need people. Now I know that there are a lot of introverts out there who are saying, Nah. I’m doing just fine with this whole sheltering-at-home thing. That may be true for some, but definitely not for all. * * * Sheltering at home can be torture for many. Are you one of them? Social isolation can lead to increased depression, stress, and insomnia. All of this compromises overall health and therefore compromises immune function. NOT GOOD!... * * * Spend more time with those you live with. Reach out to friends and family by phone or video chat. Organize a virtual Happy Hour with your friends. * * * Keep your mind busy and productive. Tackle that book you’ve been wanting to read. Watch that movie you haven’t had time to watch. Listen to music that lifts your spirits. Try puzzles and board games. * * * If you have friends and family that you know have a propensity for high-stress or depression, be sure to reach out to them often. Help them stay out of the pitfalls of social isolation. Is there someone in your neighborhood who lives alone? You can go old-school May Basket style. Leave homemade food, flowers, or notes on their doorstep. Ring the doorbell and leave, or step back to physical distancing range and wait. Show people that you care. * * * Can I end by saying how much I dislike the term, social distancing? It’s physical distancing. Call it what it is. Words have POWER. Words influence thoughts. Thoughts influence beliefs. Beliefs influence actions. Don’t distance yourself from Social interactions. Walk into a supermarket or down the street and see the almost look of terror in some people’s eyes when they spot you and identify you as a person who could potentially break their six foot safe zone. I’m happy to give people physical space, but don’t be afraid of other people. We’re all in this together. Show warmth and understanding in your eyes (I’d say show a smile, but I’m assuming you’re wearing a mask). Say hello. Wave. Connect. Humans need that. Okay, mini-rant over. See more

We Love Acupuncture 09.10.2020

Daily exercise can be a key piece of setting your daily circadian rhythm. Even if you aren’t an exercise kind-of-person, get in some steps. Do some simple stretching or simple strength exercises at home. Find a time daily that works best for you. * * * Are you a person with or do you know someone with limited movement capabilities? That doesn’t rule out exercise. Check out @aandewellness for information on chair yoga classes through Zoom. Great for anyone!... * * * Exercise doesn’t always have to look like exercise. Quarantining at home with kids? Turn on some music and have a dance party. It’s a great way to get kids (& you) moving. We do this with our littles to wear them out before bed. Works every time. See more

We Love Acupuncture 27.09.2020

Intermittent Fasting or Time-Restricted Eating are two names for a style of eating that limits the times an individual eats, cycling between periods of eating and fasting. It has been shown to have wide reaching health benefits. * * * 50% of Americans eat over a 15-hour window or longer, but this may not be the best choice. Satchin Panda of the Salk Institute for Biological Studies states, such large eating windows disrupt the body’s circadian rhythm and weaken organs, incl...uding the gut, liver, muscle, heart, kidney and lungs, making it harder to fight an infection. Yikes! * * * Panda explains that the brain synchronizes its circadian rhythm to the light and darkness of the outside world, but the rest of the body organs synchronize their rhythms by when we eat. * * * Numerous studies point to benefit from consuming all calories in an 8-12 hour window. Reduced disease risk; reduced infection risk; improved brain health; & improved body health. * * * Panda also suggests that the last calorie consumed be 2-3 hours before bed. Combine this with healthy, home-cooked meals using whole foods, and profound health changes can begin to occur including losing unwanted body weight, and improving blood pressure, glucose levels & cholesterol. See more

We Love Acupuncture 23.09.2020

Studies have shown that chronically sleep-deprived animals and humans have weaker immune systems, making it easier for even mild infections and viruses to gain entry to the body and cause more damage or even death, according to Satchin Panda of the Salk Institute for Biological Studies. * * * Panda states, Sleep allows the brain to rest, detoxify and rejuvenate. Doesn’t that sound like what each of us needs?... * * * Begin signaling your body to move towards sleep by dimming the lights for 2-3 hours before your intended bedtime. * * * Try a bath just before bed each night. It can help relax the body and prepare it for sleep. A bath will cleanse the body and may rinse away any virus that may have found its way onto our skin during the day. * * * Panda suggests that adults alot for 8 hours in bed to plan for at least 7 hours of sleep. For babies and toddlers, he suggests up to 12 hours of sleep, and for children & teenagers, he suggests at least 9 hours in bed. * * * Maintaining a consistent sleep schedule is VITAL to maintain healthy immune function. See more

We Love Acupuncture 16.09.2020

Circadian Rhythms are the daily cycles of bodily functions that form the foundation of good health. * * * According to Satchin Panda, Professor of Regulatory Biology at the Salk Institute for Biological Studies, and Adjunct Professor of Cell and Developmental Biology at UCSD, These body clocks, found in nearly every organ of the body and part of the brain, are central and vital to a properly functioning immune system. ... * * * Disruptions in our circadian rhythms weakens our immune systems and makes a virus more difficult to defeat. * * * So how can we create and maintain a strong circadian rhythm? Simple: Develop a daily routine and stick to it. Sleep, eat, exercise, socialize, and control exposure to light and dark cycles on a routine schedule daily. * * * Stay Tuned. We’ll cover more on each of these areas in the days to come. See more

We Love Acupuncture 27.08.2020

Wanna strengthen your Lungs? Yeah you do!!! Could you think of anything better in these crazy coronavirus times? * * * Lung 9 (LU9) is the single most important point on the Lung channel to strengthen the Lungs, and you can utilize this point daily to benefit your own lung function. ... * * * Clear your mind as best you can and apply pressure to LU9 on one wrist with the thumb of the opposite hand. Press with slow increasing pressure until a strong sensation is felt. We aren’t looking for pain, but the sensation should be strong. * * * Now hold the point while you breathe consciously and purposely using slow steady breaths. Breathe deep into the belly, and fill the chest. Inhale over 5 seconds; hold at the top for 3 seconds; exhale over 5 seconds; hold at the bottom for 3 seconds. Repeat 3, 5, or 7 times before releasing the point with slow decreasing pressure. Next repeat the process pressing LU9 on the opposite wrist. Repeat 3, 5, or 7 times throughout the day. * * * Easy, right? But POWERFUL! Feel your lungs expanding and contracting. Feel your diaphragm rise and lower. Feel the lungs energizing and powering up with every breath cycle. * * * As you become more proficient try to increase inhale and exhale times to 7, 9, 11 seconds or beyond. Lengthen your breaths as long as you can as long as you stay calm and the breathing feels comfortable. See more

We Love Acupuncture 12.08.2020

Let’s learn about an old Herbal Folk Remedy: FIRE CIDER! Western Herbalists have created variations of this health tonic for years. Ever heard of it? Ever made it before? It’s super easy to make. Let’s talk about the how to: * * * As a core, most fire ciders start with: ... Onion - cardiovascular benefits; anti-inflammatory Garlic - cardiovascular benefits; benefits the immune system Ginger - digestive benefits; respiratory benefits Fresh Horseradish - benefits the immune system; respiratory benefits * * * From there the variations are endless. Some herbalists add oranges, lemons, or limes (peel & all). Some add hot peppers like habanero, serrano, or jalapeno. Others add various health benefiting herbs like turmeric, astragalus, and oregano. The possibilities go on and on. * * * Start with fresh organic produce & herbs if possible. Chop or grate everything you’re adding & combine together. Fill jars of any size leaving 2-3 inches of room to the top. Cover with organic, raw, unfiltered apple cider vinegar (ACV). I use Braggs. Bringing ACV level almost to the top of the jar. ACV can damage canning lids. Either use a plastic lid, or put wax paper on top of the jars mouth before you screw on the canning lid. * * * Now’s the hard part. Time to wait for 4 weeks. Shake the jars daily. At the end of 4 weeks, strain off the ACV through a cheesecloth squeezing to get every last drop. Add raw, local honey to the strained liquid, and BAM you have Fire Cider. Drink 1-2 shots daily for a little health pick-me-up. * * * FYI: The batch in the pic used: 1 red onion; 1 white onion; C chopped garlic; C grated fresh Ginger; C grated fresh horseradish; 2 habaneros; 3 Tbs Turmeric; 1 Lime; 1 Lemon; 3 Tbs each of chopped fresh Rosemary & Oregano; 4 Tbs Astragalus. * * * I still have a few days to go on this batch. When it’s done, I’ll add C of raw, local honey to the strained liquid. See more

We Love Acupuncture 30.07.2020

In support of life in quarantine, We Love Acupuncture has added Telehealth appointments on Mondays and Thursdays. Appointments are 30 minutes in length and use Zoom for face-to-face conferencing. * * * What the heck can a Licensed Acupuncturist do through Zoom!?! I’m so glad you asked.... * * * Telehealth appointments include a discussion of the issues and chief complaints of the patient. We will then discuss possible acupressure protocols that you can do at home daily. We will discuss Traditional Chinese Herbs and look at your issues through a functional medicine framework to identify any nutritional supplements that could benefit you. * * * Let’s OPTIMIZE your health and SUPER-CHARGE your immune function. * * * Customized Traditional Chinese Herbal Formulas and nutritional supplements can be drop-shipped directly to patients. You never have to leave your home during the shelter-at-home order. * * * Appointments can be made through the booking link in our profile or through our website. * * * FYI we are still open for in-office appointments during our regular scheduled office hours. We continue to monitor and follow CDC as well as local, county, and state guidelines for cleaning, sanitation and public safety protocols. Our patients’ health and safety is ALWAYS our number one concern. See more

We Love Acupuncture 12.07.2020

Happy Easter to all who celebrate whether for religious reasons or for the sheer joy of children hunting for magically hidden eggs or for those moving in the traditions of Ostara. Who could have imagined that we would have been in the national...no scratch that...global predicament that we find ourselves in today? * * * My wish is for everyone to take today to shift focus away from global pandemics and move that focus to the love and gratitude for all the blessings that do fi...ll your amazing and wonderful lives. * * * Spend the day with those you love. Love them up and soak up the love that’s returned to you. * * * Happy Easter, everyone!!! See more