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Locality: Huntington Beach, California

Address: Pacific Coast Highway 92649 Huntington Beach, CA, US

Website: www.tiannleehealing.com

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Tiann Lee Healing 20.02.2021

Claim it! Looking for a sign can often times be a sign. Because what you’re really looking for is confirmation to what you’re already thinking, or picking up on. I asked spirit what I needed to share today, and this was it.... So in case you needed confirmation, here ya go! Take this as your sign . There’s a lot of energy shifting in the collective as many of you are breaking though old thresholds of fear and programming that is no longer in alignment with where you’re going and who you’re becoming. Many of you are receiving signs, messages, and insights. It’s safe for you to trust it. No you’re not crazy. No you’re not making it up. You’re intuitive, and you’re tapped in. Trust it. Many old identities rooted in ego are shedding. Dense energy is moving out of your body as these old timelines of lack and unworthiness collapse. There is a collective shifting from the head to the heart. So if you’re reading this, you are a part of this expansion. It safe for you explore the unknown. It’s safe for you to take the road less traveled. It’s safe for you to claim your desires. It’s safe for you to follow your heart. It’s safe for you to do what you feel is best for you. Step into this energy if you’re ready for Miralce. There is magic in the air, I can feel the tables are beginning to turn. New doors are opening. New paths are being revealed. New insights , solutions, and possibilities are coming to light. So what if you can’t see the full picture yet, so what if you don’t quite understand it all right now, so what it feels scary as hell, so what if you don’t know how it’s going to unfold. SO WHAT!? This where the MAGIC happens! Total faith as you let God work through you and for you. The universe supports you. The universe loves you. The universe hears you. The desires you hold are for a reason. The dreams you envision are for a reason. If it’s calling to you, it’s calling for you. Don’t give up. Don’t even let it be a fucking option. You got this. I love you. Keep going.

Tiann Lee Healing 10.02.2021

I may not be able to articulate the depths of what reciprocal, conscious, divine love is for you. But I can tell you what it’s not. It’s not feeling anxious all day because you don’t know if you will hear from them or not. It’s not calling your girlfriends trying to stream up all the reasons why he didn’t or isn’t texting you back. It’s not only late night text. It’s not crying into pillow wondering why you’re not enough, why he isn’t pursuing you, why he isn’t committing to ...you, or why he isn’t choosing you. It’s not fighting to prove your worth. It’s not him pulling you in only to push you back out. It’s not sending paragraphs of your feelings in hopes maybe he will see how much you care only to get nothing of substance back. It’s not being available all the time for him while he is only available when it’s convenient. It’s not breadcrumbs. And lastly, it’s NOT fantasying a relationship based off what he could be as refusal to see who he actually is. It’s not imbalanced. It’s not hot and cold. It’s not sometimes. And if is, he’s not the one. Don’t confuse strong chemistry with codependency. I believe many soulmates come into our lives to help us heal our patterns and crack us further open. They are merely a chapter, a season, but they are not forever. And that’s usually where the line gets blurred. When someone is distant, you feel it. When someone isn’t ready, you feel it. When someone is scared, you feel it. And at some point, you have to stop ignoring it + holding on when you know you need to let go. A Queen doesn’t take off her crown and beg for love. She doesn’t wait around. She doesn’t get strung along. She’s not a side item. Sometimes you have to lay down your wounds, open your eyes, and be willing to see what’s being reflected back to you. To finally break the patterns of unhealthy attachments, grab your dignity, hold onto your worth, and gracefully carry the fuck on. Ya feels me? So excited for my newest podcast episode Twinflames, soulmates, and Divine Love with @theamandamarit this one is so juicy and full of so much wisdom! Link in bio : @attittudeofgrattittude

Tiann Lee Healing 07.02.2021

You’re breaking through! Just because you are facing a challenge or what seems like a delay doesn’t mean your aren’t getting there. Just because something isn’t happening how you want it too or on your timeline doesn’t mean it isn’t still happening! Letting go of outcomes means you’re willing to show up + keep going regardless of what is happening in your outer world. Be curious about the journey you’re on, be ok if your goal happens or ok if it doesn’t and learn how to have fun anyways through the process. What is of your highest good will unfold so long as you keep going and don’t give up!

Tiann Lee Healing 24.01.2021

This isn’t something to ask permission for. Nor isn’t something to apologize for. This isn’t negotiable.... Put yourself first. Your heart, your emotions, your well-being, your health, your LIFE. Put yourself first means you make decisions and choices based on what you feel is best, and true for you. Not what is best and true for your parents, family, partner, friends, society... but what is best and true for YOU. Put yourself first means you set clear boundaries. It means you are allowed to be protective over your energy and space. It means you’re allowed to be picky about who you let into your circle, who you date, who you work with, etc. It means you’re allowed to step back from or even sever relationships (platonic, professional, romantic, family) that are no longer serving you. Putting yourself first means investing in yourself. Emotionally Spiritually Mentally Physically and Financially. Putting yourself first means you don’t have to answer that text, or phone call, or email if now is not a good time for you. Putting yourself first is commitment. To show up every day ready and willing no matter how difficult or uncomfortable it is... to choose yourself and what you know deep down is best for YOU. It’s ok if it’s messy at first. It most likely will be. Keep going. This is a key component in self love. In building confidence. Knowing your worth. Trusting yourself. Following through on ideas/goals. Creating new habits. Sticking to routines. And leveling up your effing life! Girl, this is your invitation. You are more than worth it. Your needs matter. You got this! If I can further support you and help stretch you more into your divinity, worth, and potential as a divine woman... Link in bio for coaching inquiries on 1:1 or my group program Spiritual Gangsters Every time you put yourself first you signal to the universe you’re worth it and you become open to receive all that you need.

Tiann Lee Healing 23.01.2021

I don’t know how many times in my life (too many to count honestly) when I didn’t know how something would work out, and yet it did. It always does. Growing up I dreamed of living by the beach, and specifically living in California. I grew up in Tennessee, and I always knew I wouldn’t plant my roots there. I didn’t know how I’d leave, or when I would, but I always dreamed of it. When I was 22 my soul was screaming at me it’s time to go. I knew in my entire body staying ther...e was no longer an option for me. I had to leave behind the life I was living to create to the life I was dreaming of. So I packed up my car, with little to no plan, not a lot of money, headed out west and never looked back. Almost 8 years ago and let me tell you. I have been figuring it out as I go every day since. But it’s all worked out. It always does. In 2015 I moved from LA to HB for a yoga job. A year later, with again, not a lot of money to my name, nor a lot of connections in another brand new city, I found my soul nudging at me it’s time to go. I had my yoga, my reiki, and a heart ready to do my own thing. With no new job lined up, with a not a clue of what I was going to do, I walked out the doors and never looked back. (Cue how I got to where I am now ). It all worked out. It always does. THE UNIVERSE SUPPORTS YOU. Let go of needing to know HOW something will work out and trust that it WILL. When you listen to your heart... You can’t get it wrong. It doesn’t matter how scary, or big, or irrational something seems... if your soul says jump, you jump! And you gain your wings, and you learn to surrender into the fall of the unknown. This is where the MAGIC happens. So let me ask you, what’s your soul nudging you to do? 2 more weeks until my group coaching Spiritual Gangsters takes off! 7 weeks of radical transformation from the inside out. This is for my women who are ready to JUMP and gain your divine wings as you unlock your Magic. No more letting fear and unworthiness hold you back from becoming who you are and claiming all that you desire! Link in bio

Tiann Lee Healing 21.01.2021

Your next level is calling you!

Tiann Lee Healing 08.01.2021

Because deep down you know settling for less than you deserve is no longer an option. Because deep down you have a feeling that you in fact can be, do, and have more for yourself. Because you crave to take your life to the next level.... Because your heart dreams big and you are no longer willing to apologize for it. Because you are no longer willing to apologize for who you are. Because you know that your worth the investment and commitment to discover even more just how magical you are. Can you imagine a life where you know + feel how magnetic your energy is? Where you fully trust in yourself and your intuition? Where you get to experience everyday miracles and all the unlimited ways the universe can and will show up to support you? Are you ready to rise the f up in your love, worth, confidence, abundance, joy, and MAGIC? QUEEN, I got you Spiritual Gangsters Unlock Your Magic has officially launched! This container is sacred + powerful and I’m SO excited to share it with you! 7 weeks Group Coaching: Week 1: The Divine Woman Week 2: Unpacking Your Sh*t Week 3: Radical Self Love Week 4: Unapologetic AF Week 5: Breaking Up With Lack Week 6: Becoming Magnetic Week 7: Miracle Mindset 90 min calls every week, a downloadable workbook, guided meditations + breathwork, energy work, plus one extra bonus!!! Drum roll....... A live self defense training class with my Krav Maga coach to further amp up your confidence and power! You’re ready babe, this is your sign. Take it I will be here supporting you, cheering for you, and stretching you the whole way. I’m taking everything I have learned + the powerful processes Spirit has led me through to get to where I am in my life and put it into this container. Are you ready to align your vibration to your highest self? No more wondering how. No more waiting for one day. No more second guessing yourself. No more doubting your greatness. No more holding yourself back. No more operating from fear. It’s time to unlock your magic and bust through your threshold! More information or to register - link in bio! Spots are limited! So grab yours meow and let the level up begin! Love, T

Tiann Lee Healing 29.12.2020

Hear me out.. Anything you keep reaching for to validate you, to make you feel enough, loved, seen, or heard.. Has power over you. Why? Because your mood, your energy, and ultimately your worth is being placed in the hands of sources other than your own.... For years, the men I dated had power over me because my entire mood was centered around whether I got a text back, whether they showed up for me, loved, or chose me. And when I didn’t get that, I fell down fast and hard. Anxious all the time. Frustrated, confused. Because I needed them to make me feel like I was enough, I never truly felt like I was unless they they showed up for me in ways that made me feel like I was. YIKES! When I first started my business, and this account, it also had power over me. I thought I needed to have lots of clients, be making good money, and have tons of followers on here to feel like my work was good enough. And when I didn’t get that, or would have slow months.. I felt like my work wasn’t good enough. Again, YIKES. Whether it’s from needing praise and recognition from your social media, boss, clients, a lover, your parents, or friends. Whether it’s needing status, success, and material things (which there’s nothing wrong with wanting any of that). But if it’s what makes you feel worthy, it ultimately as power over you. Because without it, you don’t actually feel good enough. Become the source of your own validation. Who gives a fuck if others don’t support you, love you, see you, invest in you, or choose you. So long as you support you, as you love you, as you see you, as you invest in you, and as YOU choose YOU... That’s all that matters. You don’t need anyone or anything to prove your worthiness. You are worthy. And when you show up in that knowing, those who see it too will come to you. Call your power back. Outside validation is fleeting. Give yourself the love your inner child is craving for. That supply is endless.

Tiann Lee Healing 13.12.2020

No more settling for breadcrumbs!

Tiann Lee Healing 06.12.2020

Trust me. My long history of dating these kind of men tried every angle to make this statement untrue. The only way for someone whose emotionally unavailable to become available is through them doing the work. You cannot do it for them.... You waiting on the them won’t do it. You having patience won’t do it. You playing cool won’t do it. You loving them with all you have.. Won’t do it. If you meet someone who is emotionally unavailable I’m here to tell you that person is not ready for a relationship. Wake up, girlfriend. I know it’s a hard pill to swallow when you feel like there’s such hope. When you see the potential of what could be. When you have convinced yourself that maybe this time it will be different. But it won’t. You won’t be the exception. The one who just magically made them ready because you stayed and put up with less than you deserve. And why would you want that? Love is not something you force out of another. It should be freely given. From a heart who is open, and is sure of you. You never have to prove your worth. You never have to chase. Or beg. Or convince someone to join you hand in hand. If it isn’t happening naturally and organically. It’s not it. Period. The only reason you are attracted to unavailable partners is because your inner child is trying to relive out the lack of availability you received as a child in hopes that maybe this time you’ll get the happy ending. But it doesn’t work that way. The same way it’s their job to heal to become available, it’s your job to heal the part of you (your inner child) whose attracted to their unavailability. Respect yourself enough to know you deserve more than a love that isn’t all the way in. Honor your inner child by walking away and be the hero of her story. You aren’t a damsel in distress. You don’t need a prince to rescue you. You are a queen. Who is meant for a king. So save yourself. With your head high. Your heart open. This one result my clients get working with me. Owning their worth and therefore cutting this pattern (along many others) bye bye. When you heal your inner child, EVERYTHING changes. Especially your love life. Love, T