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Locality: Jackson, California

Phone: +1 209-223-1437

Address: 604 Mission Blvd 95642 Jackson, CA, US

Website: www.stsavamissionfoundation.org

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St. Sava Mission Foundation Inc. 15.11.2020

Meet the Serbs on #Instagram: www.instagram.com/meet.the.serbs (Tag #MeetTheSerbs) Photo | Фото: @ebojsa SLAVA is an exclusively Serbian Orthodox tradition of c...elebrating one's family patron saint and is celebrated annually. This tradition is an important part of Serbian identity. Before the Christianization, the Serbs believed in many gods and each household had its patron god whom the family venerated. This custom later became part of Serbian Orthodox faith, when the Christian saints replaced the Slavic deities, and the ritual itself survived as a national custom of the Serbs. Slava is passed on from father to son, while women inherit the patron saint of their husbands upon leaving their families. In 2014, Serbian slava was inscribed in UNESCO Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity. --------------------------- Слава е искучиво српски православни обича славеа породичног свеца, кои се обележава сваке године. Ова обича е изузетно важно обележе српског идентитета. Пре примаа хришанске вере, Срби су веровали у више богова и свако домаинство е имало свог бога-заштитника кога су славили. Та обича е касние наставен и након примаа православне вере, када су хришански свеци заменили словенске богове, а сам ритуал е преживео као српски национални обича. Породични светац, т. слава преноси се са оца на сина, а жене након удае преузимау славу своих мужева. Године 2014, Слава е уписана у Унескову листу нематериалнe културне баштине човечанства. See more

St. Sava Mission Foundation Inc. 31.10.2020

The Serbian dynasty of Karadjordje along with Romanov and 6 other royal dynasties of Europe, used the House of Cartier, hence they got to display the royal cre...st at their establishments. In honor of our royal family Karadjordje at the entrance to the #Cartier store in Cannes stands the coat of arms of Karadjordje.

St. Sava Mission Foundation Inc. 23.10.2020

Serbia Incoming team wish you happy International coffee day

St. Sava Mission Foundation Inc. 19.10.2020

Meet the Serbs on #Instagram: www.instagram.com/meet.the.serbs (Tag #MeetTheSerbs) Photo | Фото: @seoskecari Rakija, a traditional Serbian drink made of fruit. ...Serbian soul originates from the countryside, so only in the countryside the real Serbian rakija can be made. In the old days, almost every farmhouse in Serbia had its own cauldron for making rakija, and those days when rakija was being made were special. Both young and old people from the village would come to the host's house and, while the housewife would prepare food and serve the guests, they would sit with the host on stumps or tripods around the cauldron, eat slowly, drink rakija, recount various adventures and sing. Although today this custom dies out, because there are less and less people in the villages, what is preserved from the ancient times is the custom that without rakija there is no celebration. With rakija we celebrate the birth, going to the army or to war or getting married; with rakija we sing, rejoice and grieve. -------------------------- Ракиа, традиционално српско пие. Српска душа е потекла са села, па са тако на селу едино може направити права српска ракиа. У стара времена скоро свака сеоска куа имала е сво казан у ком се ракиа пекла, а ти дани кад се ракиа пече били су посебни. Тада се код домаина скупало и старо и младо. Домаица би спремала храну и служила госте, док би они са домаином, седеи на паиима или троношцима око казана, полако ели, пили ракиу, препричавали догодовштине и певали. Иако е данас тога све мае, ер е мае и уди у селима, оно што е остало од давнина есте обича да се уз ракиу слави раае, испраа у воску или рат, жени и удае, пева, радуе и тугуе. See more

St. Sava Mission Foundation Inc. 13.10.2020


St. Sava Mission Foundation Inc. 03.10.2020

Belgrade, like every city, has its own taste. Unique, unpredictable, delicate and sweet. Delicious and unforgettable. This is the city that thrills even thos...e with most refined taste. #foodlovers #sweets #serbiafood

St. Sava Mission Foundation Inc. 23.09.2020

in Serbia..... The Serbian air is filled with the smell of roasted peppers! That means ajvar production is underway! If you don't know what ajvar is, here's t...he definition from a cooking site: Ajvar is a Serbian roasted eggplant-sweet pepper mixture, sometimes referred to as vegetarian caviar. It can be mashed or left chunky, depending on personal taste, and served as a relish, vegetable or spread on country-style white bread like pogacha as an appetizer. Its smoky flavor is a great match for grilled or roasted meats. I will never forget the first time I tried some at my buddy's house in Zrenjanin around June of 2010. He told me that I was about to eat a red pepper spread so I braced for a hot, yucky taste of red pepper ( not a big fan). Once I dropped a bit on my tongue, it was actually very sweet and nothing like I expected. I declined to take a larger helping of it as it was new and strange. Fast forward to 2020: ajvar is my single favorite condiment on the planet! I've had Serbs from all over Serbia send me their delicious family recipe with each one tasting surprisingly different based on the region, peppers, and ingredients! I can go through a jar a day eating it for breakfast, lunch and dinner. If you are planning a trip to Serbia or any other Balkan country, make sure you try some homemade ajvar. You can thank me later!

St. Sava Mission Foundation Inc. 10.09.2020

Growing plum trees in #Serbia is a tradition. Depending on the region, there are several varieties of the plant: the Požega Plum, the Italian Prune Plum, the a...ak Early Plum, the aak Beauty, the aak Best, the Stanley Plum, the California Blue. Then there are those cultivated in Serbia in particular: the Red Early, the Bulgarian, the Thorny Plum (trnovaa), the Morava, the wild yellow and blue cherry plums (džanarika, piskavac), the Petrovka, the aromatic one (Mirisavka) Limewashing the fruit trees protects them against insects, thus the plum orchards acquire a particularly pleasant look. One can hardly imagine a Serbian countryside without the plum orchards. They are cultivated mostly in the Šumadija region, areas around Valjevo, aak, etc. Today Serbia produces less than it used to, but still half of all the fruit trees in Serbia are plum trees. (text: Serbian code) ----------------------- Узгаае шиве код Срба представа део традицие. У зависности од краа у ком се узгаау, заступене су и различите сорте. Назаступениа е пожегача, али су распростраене и друге сорте италианка, чачанска рана, чачанска лепотица, чачанска набоа, стенле, калифорниска плава, затим сорте кое су добили баш српски воари: црвена ранка, бугарка, трновача, моравка, анарика, пискавац, петровка, мирисавка... Кречеем стабала шива, шиве се штите од инсеката, а шивици добиау посебно приатан изглед. Тешко се може замислити српско село без шивика. Шиве се гае навише у Шумадии, у краевима око Ваева, Чачкa, итд. Иако се данас у Србии производи нешто мае него некад, и дае су половина од свих засаених стабала воака у Србии шиве. (текст: Српски код) See more

St. Sava Mission Foundation Inc. 05.09.2020

Meet the Serbs on #Instagram: www.instagram.com/meet.the.serbs (Tag #MeetTheSerbs) Photo | Фото: @vojvodina.sky.view Uvac Canyon, one of the most picturesque r...egions of Serbia, an ecological oasis and a protected nature reserve. It belongs to the Pešter plateau, one of the largest in Europe, and is one of the few remaining habitats of the Griffon Vulture. ---------------------------------- Каон Увца, едан од наживописниих предела Србие, еколошка оаза и заштиени природни резерват. Припада Пештерско висоравни, едно од навеих висоравни у Европи, и едно е од свега неколико преосталих станишта Белоглавог супа. See more

St. Sava Mission Foundation Inc. 02.09.2020

Did you Know ? Serbia was among the first countries that banned slavery.

St. Sava Mission Foundation Inc. 13.08.2020

Meet the Serbs on #Instagram: www.instagram.com/meet.the.serbs (Tag #MeetTheSerbs) Photo | Фото: @milana.toca Until the middle of the 20th century, the basic fo...otwear for the majority of Serbs were opanci, Serbian shallow peasant shoes made of leather. They were initially worn in special occasions, but later, giving way to modern factory made footwear, they became mostly working footwear. Depending on the type of leather used and the manufacturing style, there were several types of opanak. Further, the most prominent and recognizable part of an opanak is its front peak (beak) and types of opanak differ also in terms of shape, size and the way in which the beak is folded. Opanci usually got their names after the areas in which they were manufactured or after some of their characteristics, so in Serbia there are šabaki, valjevski, užiki, šumadijski, kosmajski, kolubarski and moravski opanak, but also noske (snouts), mrki (brown ones), kilaši (kilo ones), etc. --------------------- Основна обуа веине становника у селима Србие до прве половине 20. века били су опанци, плитка обуа од коже. Првобитно су служили за свечане прилике, да би касние, са поавом савремене обуе, постали углавном радна обуа. У зависности од употребене врсте коже и начина израде, израивано е неколико врста опанака. Поред тога, напрепознативии део опанка е егов врх (кун), a типови опанака се такое разликуу и према облику, величини и начину на кои е савиен. Опанци начеше носе име краа у ком су израени или ихово име означава неку ихову особину, па су тако у Србии ношени шабачки, ваевски, ужички, шумадиски, космаски, колубарски и моравски опанци, али и носке, мрки, килаши, итд. See more

St. Sava Mission Foundation Inc. 01.08.2020

Весели Се Српски Роде, Бесели Се Због СЛОБОДЕ

St. Sava Mission Foundation Inc. 27.07.2020

St. Georges Church and the Mausoleum of Karadjordjevic dynasty is located on top of Oplenac hill, in the town of #Topola, #Serbia. The temple is an emphaticall...y monumental building of authentic beauty, constructed in a uniquely interpreted Serbian-Byzantine style. The church was designed with a cross-shaped base and a huge central cupola surrounded with four smaller at the points of the cross. Above the main entrance there is a wide ornamental field with Karadjordjevic coat of arms in deep relief, placed in its oval centre. In a semicircle lunette above the portal, there is a mosaic representing the church’s patron saint, St. George, portrayed with Karadjordje’s face, slaying the dragon. It was made in Venice, after the drawing by Paja Jovanovi. The inside of the temple is covered in lavish mosaics that greatly contribute to the required representativeness. The entire area of the mosaic is 3,500 square metres with 40 million various coloured pieces of glass which have 15 thousand different varieties of colour, making the most vivid artistic impression. The entire mosaic has 725 painted compositions, on which there are 1500 figures. Copies from 60 Serbian medieval churches and monasteries had been brought to the St. George church at Oplenac. (text: www.oplenac.rs) ---------------------------- На русском: http://bit.ly/2oTW4Wp ---------------------------- Храм Светог ора и маузоле династие Караореви подигнут е на самом врху стеновитог брда #Опленац. Храм е наглашено монументална граевина аутентичне лепоте, изведен у српско-византиском стилу. Замишен е као петокуполна граевина у облику слободног крста са великом средишом куполом и четири мае поставене на краевима равнокраког крста. Изнад главног улаза налази се широко орнаментално пое у чием средишту е у овалу смештен дубокореефни грб дома Караоревиа. У полукружно лунети изнад портала, поставен е мозаик са представом патрона цркве Светог ора кои носи Караорев лик и кои пробада аждау. Ова мозаик израен е у Венеции по нацртима Пае овановиа. Унутрашост храма е прекривена раскошним мозаицима кои доприносе захтевано репрезентативности, свечаности и уедначеном утиску. Преко 3500 м2 зидних површина прекривено е са 40 милиона коцкица у 15 000 нианси. Изведено е 725 композициа са 1500 фигура. У опленачко цркви сабране су копие фресака из 60 познатих средевековних српских манастира. (текст: www.oplenac.rs) Photo source | Извор слике: Wikipedia (http://bit.ly/2mWJVMa) Photographer | Фотограф: Kovaevi Goran