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Self-realization 02.12.2020

All around us, things are shifting. These shifts are paving the way for accelerated awakenings and advances in consciousness, but along with this also comes waves of emotion.Like with all things, how we feel now and what we are facing right now is temporary. Eventually, healing, acceptance, and greater love will follow. Whenever we are exposed to vulnerable, soul-bearing emotions, it opens the doorway to awakening. This is a huge awakening moment, and anyone who has been thro...ugh any kind of awakening knows that it’s not all sunshine and rainbows. It’s painful because it forces you to pull back the layers and discover a new truth.Once this new truth is discovered it means that change has to follow, a different way has to now be birthed forward. There is no going back to sleep.Use this time to process your own emotions in whatever way they show up for you.Use it to get to know yourself intimately and deeply. Use it to realign your life with your values. Recognize that life is never going to be the same, but that also means it can be better than it was before.Hold the vision of a better world for everyone. A world that is more beautiful, more connected, more prosperous, and more balanced than before.~Foreverconsciousn. See more

Self-realization 16.11.2020

Keep calm and remember that we’re all at a different places of consciousness. We all have to crawl before we walk and walk before we fly.It’s not a race or competition of who is more wakened or enlightened those are terms the ego likes to use to fuel separation.We step into a bigger role of the ego when we think that we are more Intune, advanced, or awakened then others. It’s not our responsibility to convince anyone of anything. Let’s remember that we all have a past that ha...s served as a catalyst.. Look how far you have come, much has transformed and only through lessons and doing the work you have been able to evolve. ... To extend compassion, forgiveness, unconditional love and non-judgment for all who are not awakened or empowered to their greatness, it’s the biggest gift you can give them and yourself, you both can grow by not engaging into a negative energetic pull of anger, yet transcending with love and understanding. Earth is our school for the evolution of souls and the collective of humanity. You will begin to master and transcend into new heights leaving the old soul work behind of learning forgiveness, judgment, unconditional love/ self-love, fear, greed, lack, hate. We can find harmony and balance here, once we integrate these lessons and apply them.It’s not going to be easy, it’s meant to be a challenge. Until we work through it, we will continue to be shown it. We are the students of life and the teachers of its lessons. We are mirror's for each other's expansion, awareness of this changes everything. Chantelle Renee See more

Self-realization 02.11.2020

MULTI-DIMENSIONAL SACRED HEALING HAND'S WELLNESS CENTER. Contact Reiki master teacher Arcelia. Taking appointments now. Thursday and Saturday call Kindred spirits. (909)626-2434. In Claremont California Or direct to me Arcelia. (909) 286-4333.

Self-realization 01.11.2020

Está claro que el planeta está pasando por una época de tremendo cambio y agitación. Claramente, esto es una llamada de atención que no puede ser ignorada, está claro que el planeta está pasando por una época de tremendo cambio y agitación. ¿Cómo te afecta todo esto? No puedes "girar" tu camino fuera de la realidad cuando está ahí. ... El impulso inicial es asustarse y no mirar lo que está sucediendo, produciendo grandes bloqueos en nuestro interior, generando impotencia y miedo en el planoo menta y en el plano físico la tierra se mueve y esa vibración llega a tí a mí, produciendo una gran inestabilidad. Con ese fin, te ofrezco esto' clases de yoga secsiones de REIKI energis sanadora. Y un sin fines de Talleres como.completando con tu pasado family costelacion. donde cuerpo y mente trabajarán para eliminar cualquier obstáculo que bloquee tú energía. ¿Que ocurrirá en este taller? Supón que hay algo que quieres mover, y no se mueve. Hay un bloque y no es móvil. Nuestra palanca será la respiración, unas asanas específicas, cantar un valioso mantra, es un conjunto de ejercicios que será como cavar profundamente hasta llegar a lo más profundo de tí para poder sacar todo a la superficie y así poder equilibrar tú energia...

Self-realization 27.10.2020

COMO CAMBIAR UNA MALDICIÓN Las palabras y los pensamientos son energías, vibraciones que forman puentes espirituales, cargados de emociones e intenciones, positivas o negativas. Lo creas o no, así como existen las bendiciones también existen las maldiciones, es por eso que debemos hacer una limpieza energética cuando las cosas no están fluyendo en armonía como deberían y nuestra intuición nos está diciendo que es tiempo de renovación. ... BENDÍCETE, cuando tú te bendices no hay maldición que perdure, tienes el poder de crear y transmutar las energías, recuerda que eres un ALQUIMISTA, manifiesta la LUZ poderosa de tu Ser Consciente y declara: "Bendigo ahora mi vida, mi familia, mi casa, mis finanzas y nuestra felicidad." CANCELA toda la energía negativa que ha llegado a tu vida a través de decretos o pensamientos mal intencionados, cargados de bajas vibraciones y declara: "Yo cancelo, disuelvo y transmuto cualquier energia negativa que se acerque o intente acercarse a mi vida. Rompo todo lazo espiritual energético con las personas que me han deseado mal, y lo entrego con Luz a la justicia Divina del Universo." AGRADECE por la transformación Divina en tu vida y por la asistencia del Universo para manifestar tus decretos aquí y ahora. Declara: "Gracias Divinidad por todo el amor, la protección y la luz que me rodean a mí, a mi familia a nuestros hogares e intereses. Me bendigo y te bendigo. Gracias infinitas por TODO." Puedes hacer esta limpieza y transmutación energética acompañándote de un incienso de canela, mirra, romero, loto o jazmín. Para mantenerte en armonía y plenitud constante, medita y fortalécete espiritualmente, la meditación equilibra nuestros chakras energéticos y activa nuestra aura para que actúe en su máxima expresión de LUZ como campo de protección espiritual. NAMASTÉ -Ale Gutiérrez

Self-realization 25.10.2020

La meditación no es algo nuevo; has llegado al mundo con ella; lo nuevo es la mente, la meditación es tu naturaleza, es tu mismo Ser ¿Cómo puede ser difícil? Lo hacemos difícil al luchar contra aquello que pensamos que nos está impidiendo ser libres o al buscar algo que presumimos que nos va a dar libertad. Realmente se la encuentra al relajarnos en eso que somos, viviendo la vida momento a momento. Vivir en el aquí -ahora, momento a momento, no en el recuerdo ni en la opresi...Continue reading

Self-realization 20.10.2020

WHY MEDITATION CAN CHANGE THE WORLD? Meditation can give us better sleep.Reduce our Stress.Make us more peaceful.Help us to deal with the conflicts of life with a more focused mind.But that's not the gift of Meditation.Meditation is meant to be awaken the true potential within all of us.To understand who we are.What is the relationship with all living beings and what is my relationship with nature.The mind is compared to a mirror.When you look in a mirror,You expect to see y...ourself.But when the mirror is covered with years and years of dust, pollution,you don't see yourself.All you see is all that pollution,all that dust,and you think that's me.Meditation is meant to clean the mirror of the mind so that you can actually see yourself as you are,and to the degree you see yourself as who you are,you could see the whole world for what it is.And you could see all living things for who they truly are.when we clean our hearts from the dust of arrogance and greed and selfish passions and envy and illusions,then the soul shines into our mind and through us into the world.If you have a million dollars.It solves all the $1 $2 $5 $100 problems;they are all included so similarly,when enlightenment of the true nature of the soul, the love of the soul is awakened through Meditation then the problems with stress and problems with lack of clean thinking and the problems with sleep and all of these things are automatically solved.The goal of Meditation is to awaken the highest potential in every human life, which is the awakening of Divine love within ourselves. By Subhendu Roy. See more

Self-realization 08.10.2020

Yoga is not about right/wrong, or good/bad, or better/worse. Rather it's about the self conscious awareness of teacher and student. To know what you are doing as you are doing it in your body, and--in the case of the teacher-- to remember each one and translate these movements accurately into language as step-by-step pose instructions to someone else. Teaching yoga is another way of practicing yoga: We endeavor to be more conscious of every movement, every sentence, every word. Awareness becomes more aware. Welcome to yoga, If you want to improve your practice and your awareness this program is for you. Join us and learn more about Info (909)286.4333.

Self-realization 16.09.2020

YOGA CLASSES. FRIDAY MORNING @ 9:AM FRIDAY AFTERNOON @6:30PM.... SATURDAY @8:30AM 3425 Pomona Blvd unit E Pomona ca. 91768. Inf(909)286.4333. Bring your yoga mat ( $10 )one hr class and meditation. Plenty of space.Thank you.

Self-realization 06.09.2020

ALL THINGS YOGA--Workshops, Classes, Meditations, and a happy community. Share Happiness, Find Connection, Learn, and Grow at Pomona California Yoga classes. Contact (909)286 4333. Arcy

Self-realization 17.08.2020

Stretch your lower back :) These ten easy yoga hip stretches and lower back stretches can help strengthen your hips, but when moving through them, make sure to listen to your body’s internal voice. It will tell you if you are in pain or just feeling a stretch. At first, a stretch may feel a little sore, but will eventually feel like it is releasing tension where you’re feeling tightness. If, however, you feel sharp pain, back out of the pose. Consider using a prop if you want to continue doing that stretch or move on to another stretch. Thank you and enjoy the practice :)

Self-realization 28.07.2020

WHAT IS DIFFERENCE BETWEEN YOGA AND EXERCISE? 1. Yoga is a holistic practice that focuses on healthy maintenance of all the systems of body, while exercises mainly focuses on physical strength and agility. 2. Yoga focuses mainly on mind then body. Exercises mainly focuses on body.... 3. Yoga reduces our ego, so help us to live with hormony with nature and society. Exercises boosts our ego, which makes one more intolerant with the society. 4. Yoga is an excellent tool to reduce stress, combined with good food habits, will help to reduce weight. Exercise is a good tool to reduce weight, prolonged exercise also reduces stress. 5. Traditional Yoga practice does not make us tired, infact it increases our energy level. Exercises make us fatigued. 6. Yoga promotes anabolism. Exercises promotes catabolism, unless we take adequate anti oxidants, it can be harmful also. 7. Yoga has a great therapeutic utility. Exercises also has therapeutic utility but lesser than Yoga. 8. Yoga emphasis proper attention on breath. In exercise, breathing is dis oriented.

Self-realization 13.07.2020

The heart chakra, or Anahata, is the fourth of the seven main chakras. It is the center of unconditional love. It is responsible for the administration of: * the circulatory system, including the heart...Continue reading

Self-realization 22.06.2020

Maneja el estrés emocional, desarrolla tu consciencia, conecta con tu cuerpo y despierta tus sentidos a través de la respiración. y con yoga.

Self-realization 14.06.2020

The Camel Pose Benefits - Increases The Flexibility of The Spine This Increasing the flexibility of the Mind. Relieves Anxiety and stress. Helps One To deal with deep Helps The Free Flow Of Energy Due To The Opening Of The Heart Chakra. Helps Overcome Menstruation. Improves Flexibility Of The Spine And Improves Posture. Relieves Lower Backache. Stretches And Opens The Front Of The Body. It Also Strengthens The Back And Shoulders. Improves digestion. Yoga is the key to heal your body mind soul spirit.