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Pioneer Health and Missions 31.10.2020

The memorial of the Lord’s supper commonly know as communion is practiced by all profess Christians. Are there any requirements laid in the Bible for those that wish to partake of the Lord’s supper? In this presentation Juan Carlos will share what the Bible and the testimonies have to say on this question. https://youtu.be/W18aysg6ZVg

Pioneer Health and Missions 29.10.2020

***Lessons From the Barren Fig Tree*** Bring forth therefore fruits meet for repentance. Matthew 3:8. I feel an earnest interest that those who have been creating dissension and strife shall be convicted of their wrong, and shall repent and be converted. Tell this to the people: Yet a little while is the light with you. Walk while ye have the light, lest darkness come upon you (John 12:35). Because the time is short we need to follow diligently the King's business. ... Two nights ago in visions of the night, I seemed to be addressing a company of our people.... I was saying: I have a message for those who have been working to destroy the influence of the messages that the Lord has been giving to His servants. There are some who for years have been spreading their roots far, but their fruit-bearing for Christ is represented by the barren fig tree. ... The lesson of the barren fig tree is one that we should keep continually before us. It is not profession of righteousness that will meet the needs of the world today and fulfill the will of God for the human family. God is looking for fruit-bearing branches. Feed My sheep with pure provender is the Lord's command to those who stand as teachers of the gospel of salvation. He has made provision that the gospel's saving power shall be represented in all places. I was shown that mistakes have been made that have left wrong impressions upon minds, because men were allowed to preside over important interests who were deficient of the saving grace of the gospel, who had not made its purity and simplicity a part of their lives, and who did not seek God often in humble, earnest prayer. Righteous, self-denying works were not considered by them to be a necessary part of Christian experience. They did not see the necessity of having the spirit of Christ and of emulating His example in their work of ministry. I heard words of warning and entreaty spoken to young men, imploring them to make a full surrender and to obtain a thorough conversion. Ministers were exhorted to make decided changes. The Saviour was presented to me as standing before the congregation, and addressing those who had stood to discourage and hinder others. The words were spoken, Break every yoke. You are years behind where you should be in the carrying out of the plan of redemption. Let each seek his orders from the One in whom dwelleth truth and righteousness. Let all come into right relation to God, making thorough work of repentance. Let us press our case to the throne of grace.... I pray that thorough conversions may now be experienced.Letter 202, June 23, 1908

Pioneer Health and Missions 27.10.2020

Are Miller's Rules Right? The Scripture tells us to "speak the same thing" to be "be perfectly joined together in the same mind and in the same judgment" (1 Corinthians 1:10). Yet Christianity has categorically failed in this command. This presentation explores the reasons for these divisions, God's simple solutions in the Scriptures in order to be effective in representing Christ to a dying world. https://youtu.be/hsZS0FCv8SU

Pioneer Health and Missions 20.10.2020

Flat Earth According to Ellen White Free Download - https://phm.org//Flat-Earth-According-to-Ellen-White-Digit... What is salvation? Does salvation depend on our knowledge of the shape of the earth? Is it important for us to understand the shape of the earth? Is proclaiming the shape of the earth our commission for these last days? These are a few questions addressed as we will take a look at counsel given within the Bible and Spirit of Prophecy on this subject. 12 pages

Pioneer Health and Missions 04.10.2020

***Christ Taught From Nature*** If then God so clothe the grass, which is today in the field, and tomorrow is cast into the oven; how much more will he clothe you, O ye of little faith? Luke 12:28. God encourages us to contemplate His works in the natural world. He desires that we shall turn our mind from the study of the artificial to the natural. We shall understand this better as we lift up our eyes to the hills of God, and contemplate the works which His own hands have c...reated. They are God's work. His hand has molded the mountains and balances them in their position, that they shall not be moved except at His command. The wind, the sun, the rain, the snow, and the ice are all His ministers to do His will. Can we be surprised, then, that Christ, who made all things, should choose the open air as His sanctuary; that He should desire to be surrounded by the works of His creation? ... Jesus drew His lessons of spiritual instruction from the natural things with which His hearers were familiar. These He used to represent the truth. He would pluck the lilies, the flower of the valley, and place them in the hands of the little children, and by these simple instructors proclaim the truth of His Word. The Word of God and the things of nature around us are our lesson book. God has spread out before our senses the beauties of nature, and He watches with pleasure and a Father's joy the delight of His children in the beautiful things around them. The root of the tree has a double office to fill. It is to hold fast by its tendrils to the earth, while it takes to itself the nourishment desired. Thus it is with the Christian. When his union with Christ, the parent stalk, is complete, when he feeds upon Him, currents of spiritual strength are given to the branches. Can the leaves of such a branch wither? Never. As long as the soul reaches toward Christ, there is little danger that the leaves will wilt and droop and decay. And the temptations which may come in like a tempest will not uproot him. The true Christian draws his motives of action from his deep love for his Redeemer. His affection for his Master is true and holy. And it is the cheerful, lovable Christian of whom Christ says, Ye are my witnesses (Isaiah 43:10).... Those who have fled to God for refuge; those who have believed the heaven-sent message, who believe the assurance that, if they confess their sins, He is faithful and just to forgive them their sins, God will cleanse from all unrighteousness. Our God has pledged His word by His own greatness and infinity that He will bestow pardon and peace upon all who will come to Him in the name of Jesus.Manuscript 16, March 25, 1897

Pioneer Health and Missions 23.09.2020

PHM Online Church Link: https://zoom.us/j/8424518354

Pioneer Health and Missions 07.09.2020

***Keep Climbing*** And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God. Romans 12:2. God will accept nothing less than unreserved surrender. Halfhearted, sinful, professing Christians would spoil heaven, were they permitted to enter. They would stir up a second rebellion there. Those who know the truth, yet do not exalt the Author of truth, will never enter the ...City of God. Heaven would be purgatory to them, because they know nothing of the high, holy principles that govern the members of the royal family above. The directions that Christ has given are so distinct and so definite that no one need take a false step.... Let us not think that because we have made crooked paths for our feet, every other professing Christian has done the same thing. Let the one who in the past has been a faultfinder begin to climb the ladder heavenward, keeping his eyes fixed on the light above. The true Christian keeps the windows of the soul open heavenward. He lives in fellowship with Christ. His will is conformed to the will of God.... Shall we not, in the few days of probation that remain to us, act like men and women seeking for life in the kingdom of God, even an eternity of bliss? We are to strive earnestly to reach the standard set before us. Not as a penance are we to do this, but as the only means of gaining true happiness. The only way to gain peace and joy is to have a living connection with Him who gave His life for us, who died that we might live, and who lives to unite His power with the efforts of those who in this life are striving to overcome. Holiness is constant agreement with God. Shall we not be that which Christ so greatly desires us to beChristians in deed and in truththat the world may see in our lives a revelation of the saving power of truth? This world is our preparatory school, and while here we shall meet with trials and difficulties. But we are safe while we cleave to Him who gave His life as an offering for us.... In the lower school of earth we are to learn the lessons that will prepare us to enter the higher school, where our education will continue under the personal instruction of Christ. Then He will open to us the meaning of His Word. We cannot afford to miss the privilege of seeing His face and of hearing the gospel from His lips. Shall we not put our whole souls into the work of preparing for admission into the higher school, where we shall see Christ face to face?Manuscript 61, July 2, 1903

Pioneer Health and Missions 05.09.2020

Part 3 of 3 https://youtu.be/ZoUbvh0R4Z0

Pioneer Health and Missions 28.08.2020

***Walk by Faith, Not by Sight*** For we walk by faith, not by sight. 2 Corinthians 5:7. You need at every step the faith that works by love and purifies the soul. This faith quickens and uplifts the soul by the nobility of holy practice. It is essential to everyone who is running in the race for eternal life. It raises the soul into a purer, holier atmosphere, enabling its possessor to look forward to higher and still higher attainments and to discern clearly the dangers of... a life of self-indulgence. Look by faith above yourself and see in the work of God the way to gain the riches that can be laid up beside the throne of God. O the height and depth of the knowledge that may be obtained by unreserved consecration to God. The Lord will have the whole man, or none at all. His favor cannot be purchased with gifts of money. He calls for the gift of the whole heart. It is not necessary for us to know the results of our course of action before we surrender wholly to God. We do not need to see the way, or to know what the future will be. One thing we do know, because God has said itthe man that fears God and works righteousness will be accepted by Him. This is enough for us to know. Day by day walk before the Lord in humility and contrition. Your future destiny depends on your own course of action. Choose you this day whom ye will serve (Joshua 24:15). If the Lord be God, follow him: but if Baal, then follow him (1 Kings 18:21). Be one thing or the other. Ye cannot serve God and mammon (Luke 16:13). Your present happiness and your future well-being depend on your own choice. If you choose to follow Jesus, you must obey the word, If any man will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow me (Matthew 16:24). Eternal life is for all who eat the flesh and drink the blood of the Son of Godliving by every word that proceeds out of His mouth. Those who do this will gain a clear understanding of what it means to be one with Christ. The wisdom that is from above is first pure, then peaceable, gentle, and easy to be intreated, full of mercy and good fruits, without partiality, and without hypocrisy. And the fruit of righteousness is sown in peace of them that make peace (James 3:17, 18). Two people may engage in the same acts of outward worship, yet the service of one, when weighed in the golden scales of the sanctuary, may be found wanting, while the service of the other may be accepted. Only the service that is performed in sincerity, with a humble, contrite heart, is acceptable to God.Letter 39, February 28, 1903

Pioneer Health and Missions 14.08.2020

***Elmshaven Spared From Fire*** October, 1900 When Ellen White settled at Elmshaven, her new home near St. Helena in northern California, she hoped to give most of her time to writing her books. She was 72 and still had a number of volumes that she wished to complete. She little realized how much traveling, counseling, and speaking she would also be called upon to do. The crisis created by the controversies in Battle Creek would also make heavy demands on her time and strength. Even so, by writing early in the morning, she was able to produce nine books during her Elmshaven years. FH 10.1 https://youtu.be/o3NyXaqTpz4

Pioneer Health and Missions 29.07.2020

***Today Is the Day of Salvation*** For he saith, I have heard thee in a time accepted, and in the day of salvation have I succoured thee: behold, now is the accepted time; behold, now is the day of salvation. 2 Corinthians 6:2. How thankful we all should be that it is not yet too late for wrongs to be righted! It is our solemn duty to reveal love for God not only in our words, but in deed and in truth. ... God calls at this time for skillful workers who will always be found on the side of the Chief Worker. We must have truth in the heart, and love for Christ. Whosoever will come after me, He says, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow me (Mark 8:34). We have each an individual work to do in denying self and in working out our own salvation with fear and trembling.... Every soul who places himself on the side of Christ will be tempted with all the power of Satan's seductive influence. The grace of God can renew your heart, brace you against temptation, and give you earnest longings for the Spirit of God.... God will soon vindicate His justice before the universe. His justice requires that sin shall be punished; His mercy grants that sin shall be pardoned through repentance and confession. Pardon can come only through His only begotten Son; Christ alone can expiate sinand then only when sin is repented of and forsaken. Man has severed his connection with God, and his soul has become palsied and strengthless by the deadly poison of sin. But there was a time when the proclamation sounded through the heavenly courts, I have found a ransom! A divine life is given as man's ransom; One equal with the Father has become man's substitute. So ingenious are the plans that Satan lays to deceive and pervert, that the very blessings that come to us in the divine life may be turned into snares. By the same false reasoning by which he deceived Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden, he seeks to turn the very blessings which God sends for our good into snares and a curse. He seeks to lead men to use God's gifts as weapons against the Giver. God gave His only begotten Son to the human race that man might become a partaker of the divine nature by accepting the remedy for sin and allowing the divine grace of Christ to work in his life. The power of divinity working in humanity can bring man into right relation with God. Fallen man, by laying hold of the divine power brought within his reach, can become one with God. Everlasting life is the blessing that Christ came to give to the world.Letter 38, February 4, 1907

Pioneer Health and Missions 14.07.2020

***Froomism Conquers the System*** Le Roy Froom may have been the greatest influence within the Seventh-day Adventist Church in moving it toward mainstream Evangelical doctrine and away from the foundation of the first fifty years of the denomination. Acts 20:28-30... 28 Take heed therefore unto yourselves, and to all the flock, over the which the Holy Ghost hath made you overseers, to feed the church of God, which he hath purchased with his own blood. 29 For I know this, that after my departing shall grievous wolves enter in among you, not sparing the flock. 30 Also of your own selves shall men arise, speaking perverse things, to draw away disciples after them. https://youtu.be/pgWzng6PIyY

Pioneer Health and Missions 24.06.2020

***The Perfume of Christ's Character in You*** Thanks be to God who leads us, wherever we are, on Christ's triumphant way and makes our knowledge of him spread throughout the world like a lovely perfume! 2 Corinthians 2:14, Phillips. There is no hope for the success of any religious organization where criticism is cherished as a fine art, and called spiritual discernment. Men might far better be blind to others’ faults than to be inspired by that keen, detective spirit that ...will watch for defects in those whom the Lord loves, and through whom He works. We all need to humble ourselves, not to have an exalted idea of self.... Lose sight of all others except Christ. We want Christ in our humanity, and Christ wants to abide in us. We are human and fallible, every one of us, and unless Christ is formed within, the hope of glory, we shall make wonderful blunders in estimating our fellow workers according to our pattern and measurement. God sees beneath the surface. He sees all the good, and He marks all the evil. Leave to Him the work of passing judgment on your brethren. Have a care for the young men and young women who are now forming their characters. Converse with them, and help them all you possibly can. Let no one educate the young men and young women in the science of picking flaws. Let not the youth hear you finding fault with those who do not please your fancy. The youth are Christ's servants, to be cared for, to be encouraged in good, pure, holy thoughts. They need no lessons in evil surmising. Satan stands ready to instruct them in this line. Teach them to be kind, to respect and love one another as Christ has loved us. Keep the perfume of Christ's character in your own words and actions. Let querulous complaints forever cease. Then there will flow into your heart the sunbeams of the righteousness of Christ. God will bless you, and make you a blessing.... It is the character, not the placing of our names on the church books, that makes us Christians. What manifestations will appear when Christ, abiding in the heart, is shining in the faces of those who love Him and keep His commandments. Truth is written there. The man is transformed into Christ's image. A worldling may pass by and not mark the change, but those who have had communion with Christ discern the expression of Christ in word, in spirit. The influence upon the heart is seen in a habitual gentleness, a more than human love. The sweet peace of heaven will be in the soul, and will be revealed in the countenances.Letter 6, January 14, 1899