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PazNaz Kids 08.11.2020

Get your pumpkins, costumes, and good deeds ready! Let God shine through YOU!!!

PazNaz Kids 26.10.2020

From the first pages of the Bible, we've been poor judges of wheat or weeds. Our job has always been to not judge but to love! In the Parable of the Wheat and Weeds, even though both look the same initially - at the end, they're known by their fruit. ... Weeds turn dark and stiff, but the wheat bows down from the weight of its fruit. Unfortunately, the weed of temptation first sown continues to choke God's promises and commands to this day. The only way to save our hearts from turning dark and stiff is to bow our hearts before the Lord. God cleans the weeds that choke His promises, so you can bear fruit and plant seeds of His Words into other's lives! Join us today on our Family Life YouTube Channel to learn more!

PazNaz Kids 08.10.2020

As a seed breaks open, it absorbs the nutrients of the soil and grows toward the sun. It will grow toward the sun NO MATTER WHAT - obeying God's directions.... Even when its world is TURNED OVER- it will go against gravity to obey God. Will you grow towards God no matter what? BUT in order to grow, we need to BREAK from the things that BIND us. The devil distracts us, discouraging the seed of God’s Word from taking root and growing fruit. We need to BURY God's Treasure in our hearts and not get discouraged in the dark..... growing towards the light of the Lord even when our world is turned UPSIDE DOWN. We can only grow when we plant ourselves in the right soil... Where are you spending your time? Join us on our PazNaz Family channel to learn more!

PazNaz Kids 21.09.2020

It sure is hard to find your way in the dark! But God has not left us without light! God's Word Lights the way: a Living Map to avoid traps..... ... leading us to True Treasure! Eight-year-old King Josiah followed the Lord with all his heart and uncovered the TREASURE of God's Word in the abandoned temple. As God's words were spoken Judah's sins were exposed. King Josiah pulverized the idols of false worship and saved a generation from God's judgment. We can't obey God's Word if we don't know what He says! We should pulverize anything in our lives that displease the Lord as well. "Don't let anyone look down on you because you are young, but set an example for the believers in speech, in conduct, in love, in faith, and in purity."1 Timothy 4:12 You are a child of the King! He gave you the treasure map of His Word! Cut holes in the darkness with the light God shines in and through you!

PazNaz Kids 09.09.2020

Disobedience can get you into some fishy situations! Disobedient religious leaders demanded a sign that Jesus was the Savior. Jesus said the only sign that would be given to them... would be the "Sign of Jonah." The story of Jonah was a prophecy of Jesus' death and resurrection. Jonah's name meant Dove, son of obedience, but Jonah was anything but first. Trying to escape God's Presence he went DOWN! Down to Joppa, a ship, the sea, a sea monster, and down into the underworld to his death. The sailors cast lots before Jonah's death, just as the Romans cast lots for Jesus' garment. The sailors even prayed to be cleansed from any responsibility for Jonah's death, just as Pontius Piolet washed his hands before Jesus' death. Jesus said, "Just as Jonah was 3 days and 3 nights in the belly of the sea monster, so will the Son of man be 3 days and 3 nights in the heart of the earth." Matthew 12:40 That's what Jesus meant by the Sign of Jonah! Death cannot devour you, when God has saved you!! Resurrected at the end of 3 days and 3 nights in the belly the sea monster - Jonah said, God "brought up my life from the pit." The Hebrew word for pit - "shacath" - meant grave or hell. Right after, Jonah emerged from the deep waters - a story of BAPTISM - illustrating our sins washed away. God wants you to share the treasure of His Kingdom and transforming power with others as well! Anger and bitterness are at the root of disobedience. God does not call for us to judge others, but to love them. Jonah paid to go on a ship but never reached his destination! When you disobey - YOU will pay! But if you go God's way, He will pay the way BACK TO HIM. Join us on the PazNaz Family life YouTube channel to learn more!!

PazNaz Kids 02.09.2020

Guess Who is the BEST Party Planner Ever: GOD! Jesus taught the Pharisees at the dinner party how God invites people over for a Feast! The Master's goal in the Parable was to fill his "house". In Hebrew - "house" means FAMILY... ... He wanted everyone to be part of his family! But when the servant came to call the invited guests to the table, the excuses they gave were outright LIES! In Bible times, no one bought LAND without checking it out first. It'd be like buying a house on Ebay but never going and seeing it first. No one bought OXEN and then tried them out. It would be like buying a car and then driving it to see if you like it. The third excuse also was a LIE. The man who had just gotten married was excused from military service according to Jewish laws - NOT FEASTS! The Master was shamed by his guests, but now shared the pain of other suffering human beings. So he invited the beggars and homeless to be part of his banquet. ************************************************************ God has invited us to be with Him since the beginning of Creation, but Adam and Eve rejected the invitation to walk to the Tree of Life, accepting an invitation to eat rotten fruit instead. So God sent another invitation through His Son Jesus, Who shared in our human sufferings so EVERYONE could be part of His family in His House and dine together. Will you accept the invitation and be like the servant, reminding others of their invitation as well? Don't bury the invitation under "I wants" and excuses. R.S.V.P today! Join us on our PazNaz Kids YouTube channel to learn more!

PazNaz Kids 30.08.2020

X MARKS THE SPOT!! But every day we miss the mark - falling short of God's perfect path and landing far away from the Kingdom of God. Jesus knew He needed to give up Heaven and Earth to pave our way back to Him - where "X" marks the spot!... "X" marks where when He entered the world - at "Xmas" (CHRIST-MASS): "X" stands for the first letter of Cristos in Greek. "Mass" is the celebration of Him. The Cross is where He paid for us to enter Heaven - where He is - our great reward. "X" and "P" (the first 2 letters of Christ in Greek) appeared in a vision to Emperor Constantine - as Jesus spoke to him in a battle. Constantine then instructed his soldiers to display those letters on their shields! He found his Treasure in Christ... displayed his love for the Treasure.... and lead others to the Treasure as well! When we follow the directions in the Bible,we follow Jesus into the Kingdom of God... where the Treasure is...where Christ is. Don't bury Christ in your life with the things of this world - display the treasure of His love for all to see! Will you ask Jesus into your heart and follow Him along the right path? For where your Treasure is, there your heart will be also! Join us today on our PazNaz Kids YouTube channel!!

PazNaz Kids 24.08.2020

What would you do if someone gave you a large amount of money to take care of? Would you obey or play while they are away? Everything has been given by God and it is our job to take care of it.... In the Parable of the Talents, each servant was entrusted with the equivalent of $2,000,000, $800,000, and $400,000 (about 20 years wage for a laborer). But their thoughts directed their steps. Just as Adam and Eve's thoughts trapped them, the last servant trapped his potential for growth as he buried his talents in the ground. God holds us accountable for what we think and rewards us when we are faithful in the small things. Just as Moses and David went from taking care of sheep to shepherding God's people - we too should be faithful to serve God and others with the love He has invested in us. Join us today on our PazNaz Family Life YouTube channel.

PazNaz Kids 08.08.2020

It's not fair!!!!!! Well, how many times have you said those words????? Before Jesus told this parable - ... a rich young ruler had walked away, unable to forfeit his pride and possessions. He allowed his wallet to be bigger than his faith. So Jesus traces the steps of a vineyard owner, noting how he hires and rewards workers at the peak of the harvest season. Each hour was crucial and one day too early may have cost him dearly. But no matter how long they worked during the dusty dry heat of "khamsin" (50 days of desert winds during harvest season), they all got 1 denarius. Crying out..."It's not fair" - the workers played by the world's rules, but the landowner played by Kingdom rules. If God gave us what we deserved, we would never enter the heavenly gates. Jesus became the servant of all to receive the GIFT of having you in His Kingdom. YOU are His great REWARD, and spending eternity with HIM is yours. When we trade our "I-WANTS" for the Gift of Grace, only then can we gather Harvest for Heaven and love others as ourselves. Join us today on our PazNaz Family Life Channel to learn more!!

PazNaz Kids 03.08.2020

Decisions, decisions - we all have to make them! But the path you choose could make a huge difference to you and the people around you! Parable of the Good Samaritan defines a good neighbor as someone who moves toward someone with open hands to carry and care for them - no matter the cost. Jesus saw our helpless body on the side of the road - robbed, stripped, and beaten by evil. We were doomed to death and sin. But He gave up heaven and earth to be a good neighbor to you!... He paid the price to save us. His stripes healed us (pictured in communion wine and Samaritan's First Aid Kit) His Ressurection Restored us His Holy Spirit Revives us (anointing us with oil - also in First Aid Kit) And He carries us to the Inn of the Church. If Jesus followed the path you take throughout the day - would He say you were a good neighbor? Join us today on our PazNaz Family Life YouTube channel!!

PazNaz Kids 25.07.2020

Mistakes - we all make them. If only we could just erase them and start over again... But every day you can erase the mistakes others have drawn on your heart because in the end - the anvil of anger will only crush YOU. But how many times should we forgive?... The unmerciful servant owed an equivalent of 12 trillion dollars today. But instead of being grateful for the forgiveness of the king, he put someone in jail for 1/600,000 of what he had owed. What he did to others was then done back to him - finally landing in debtors prison forever. 15-pound chains were placed on a debtor as torture, in Roman times. Unforgiveness is a weight that tortures and crushes our spirit as well. Because God has forgiven us of a colossal debt, shouldn't we forgive those who offend us too? If we don't, any offering of prayer or praise you present to Him will be rejected. "So if you are offering your gift at the altar and there remember that your brother has something against you, leave your gift there before the altar. First, go and be reconciled to your brother then come and offer your gift." Matthew 5:24 Do unto others as you would have them do to you...and as God did for you. Because love covers a multitude of sins. Join us on the PazNaz YouTube channel as we journey through the Bible!!

PazNaz Kids 17.07.2020

Have you ever lost something that could affect your entire future? In the Parable of the Lost Coin, a woman lost what was the equivalent of her engagement ring. She was to polish and treasure those 10 coins as a reflection of her love for her future husband - but it vanished into the dark cracked floors of her home. God gives us all "10 coins" to take care of as a reflection of our faith and love for Him - His command to love others is one of them. If we don't, we announce we don't cherish Him and all He has entrusted in our care. Will you polish your love for others and reflect His love to the world?

PazNaz Kids 07.07.2020

We pursue what we value. What is valuable to you? Sheep were very valuable to Pharisees, so Jesus taught them how to value others through the Parable of the Lost Sheep. We have a lot in common with sheep - their impressive mental and emotional intelligence, memory well as their tendency to fear. ... Their only hope for rescue when they feel unsafe is hearing the comforting the voice of the shepherd to run immediately back to him. Our Shepherd knows our every fear and emotion - so He continually pursues us, drawing us back to safety through the Treasure Map of His Word. Join us in our adventure on the Paz Family Life YouTube channel as we dig for treasure in the Parable of the Lost Sheep and learn more about our Shepherd in Psalm 23..... unveiling how valuable God thinks you are!

PazNaz Kids 18.06.2020

We are going on a Treasure Hunt through the Bible together!! Be sure to watch every Sunday on PazNaz Family Life on YouTube to get your clues and claim you Bible Bucks!! Do you know you are God’s special treasure? He gave up Heaven and earth to be with you forever!! Just like in the Parable of the Hidden Treasure and the Pearl - we have the choice to seek the Kingdom of God with all our heart as well. ... Come join us as we seek Treasure together!!