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New Covenant Tabernacle Church 17.07.2021

God Has Greater Things for You Adapted from the resource Battlefield of the Mind - by Joyce Meyer The devil is constantly waging war on the battlefield of our mind. Our soul is the tangible area between our spiritthe place where God Himself livesand our physical body. It is made up of our mind, will, and emotionsit tells us what we think, what we want, and how we feel. When our mind is constantly stirred up with concern, worry, and anxiety, our God-given inner voice of ins...Continue reading

New Covenant Tabernacle Church 15.07.2021

Daily Devo ~ God Works All Things Out for Good Adapted from the resource My Time with God - by Joyce Meyer No matter what you might be going through right now, if you simply continue loving God and wanting His will in your life, He promises to turn your difficulties into something good. I encourage you to remain steadfast and to never give up on believing you will see God’s goodness in your life. Even if things don’t turn out the way you wanted them to, they can turn out b...etter than you ever believed they would. Bad things can become good things when we put God in charge of all things! Prayer Starter: Lord, help me to put You in charge of everything in my life and I expect my problems to turn into blessings! In Jesus’ name, amen.

New Covenant Tabernacle Church 11.07.2021

Getting Through Tough Times Adapted from the resource Love Out Loud - by Joyce Meyer In Habakkuk 3, people were going through a time when everything in their lives seemed to be going wrong. You may be thinking, I can relate! Perhaps you are having problems in several areas: with your children, in your marriage, at work, or with your finances. Maybe you have health concerns. We all go through seasons when we seem to have more trouble than usual, and these struggles in your lif...e can be the "high places" mentioned in today's Scriptureplaces of trouble and suffering. God says He will give us "hinds' feet" for the high places in our lives. A hind is a mountain goat that can leap about freely on rocky, precarious slopes. These animals can navigate what others cannot because of the way God has designed them. Be encouraged today because God has designed you to leap over your troubles, toonot in your own abilities, but because He is your strength. He will sustain you and provide a way out of the challenges for you. Depression, despair, and discouragement are from the enemy and they will weaken you. Even if you cannot find something to rejoice over, you can rejoice in your relationship with the Lord. When you love God and trust in Him, He enables you to keep on walking forward. Prayer Starter: Thank You, Lord, for giving me hinds' fee when I'm on the slippery slopes of all my high places. In Jesus’ name, amen.

New Covenant Tabernacle Church 05.07.2021

Daily Devo ~ Let the Spirit Take the Lead Adapted from the resource Hearing from God Each Morning - by Joyce Meyer Most people are afraid not to be like everyone else. Many people are more comfortable following specified rules than daring to follow the leading of God's Spirit. When we follow man-made rules, we please people, but when we step out in faith and follow God's Spirit, we please Him. We do not need to feel pressured to pray a certain way for a certain length of t...ime or to focus on specific things because other people are doing so. Instead, we need to be free to express our uniqueness as we pray the way God is teaching us. God uses each of us to pray about different things and that way all the things that need to be prayed about get covered. Somehow, we feel safe when we are doing what everyone else is doing, but the sad thing is that we will feel unfulfilled until we learn to "untie the boat from the dock," so to speak, and let the ocean of God's Spirit take us wherever He wills. I spent many years tied to the dock following specified rules and regulations of prayer that others had taught me, and it was a good beginning, but eventually my prayer experience became very dry and boring. When I learned to untie my boat from the dock and give myself to the leadership of the Holy Spirit, a freshness and creativity came, and it has been wonderful. I find that the Holy Spirit leads me differently almost every day as I pray, and I no longer do it according to rules, regulations, and time clocks. Start asking God to show you who you are, and the uniqueness He has given you, and to help you hear and follow His voice according to the one-of-a-kind, wonderful way He has created you. Prayer Starter: Lord, I ask you right now to help me be the person You created me to be and to learn to pray the way You would have me pray. Help me to be bold and brave and unique! In Jesus’ name, amen. This is what the Lord says your Redeemer, the Holy One of Israel: I am the Lord your God, who teaches you what is best for you, who directs you in the way you should go. Isaiah 48:17 NIV https://www.bible.com/111/isa.48.17.niv

New Covenant Tabernacle Church 02.07.2021

Daily Devo ~ The Benefits that Result from Taking Chances Adapted from the resource Ending Your Day Right - by Joyce Meyer There are times in life when you must take a step in order to find out, one way or the other, what you should do. Some doors will never open unless you move toward them. At other times you may take a step and find that God will not open the door. If you trust Him for guidance and the door opens easily, you can trust that He is leading you to enter into... the opportunity before you. the only way to discover God's will is to practice "stepping out and finding out." If you have prayed about a situation and still don't know what you should do, take a step of faith. Trusting God is like standing before an automatic door at a supermarket. We can stand and look at the door all day, but it won't open until we take a step forward and trigger the mechanism that opens the door. Prayer Starter: Father, thank You for the gift of prayer, and the privilege of coming to you when I’m unsure of what to do. Help me to take the necessary steps of faith and trust You to guide me in everything I do. In Jesus’ name, amen.

New Covenant Tabernacle Church 26.06.2021

Daily Devo ~ Love, Trust and Faith Adapted from the resource Closer to God Each Day - by Joyce Meyer Instead of trying so hard to work up faith, we would be wise to spend that time and effort simply receiving God’s love and loving Him in return. We are only going to be able to walk in faith based on whatwe believe about the Father’s love.... Galatians 5:6 says that faith works by love. Faith will not work without love. This scripture is telling us that if we don’t know how much God loves us, we have nothing to base our faith on. Trusting God and walking in faith is leaning on Him and trusting Him for everything. You can only do that with someone when you know you are loved unconditionally. God’s love is His free gift to us, and we simply need to receive it, be thankful for it, and let it bring us closer to Him. The Bible says, We love Him, because He first loved us (1 John 4:19 AMPC). When you are assured of the fact that God loved you first, you are excited to love Him in return you are excited to live your life completely for Him. Nobody in all the world will ever love you as God loves you.

New Covenant Tabernacle Church 26.06.2021

Daily Devo ~ God Is Faithful Adapted from the resource Wake Up to the Word - by Joyce Meyer I have experienced the unfaithfulness of people many times in my life, but at the same time, I have experienced the faithfulness of God. Indeed, God is not like people!... God promises that He will never leave you nor forsake you, but He will be with you until the very end (see Matthew 28:20). He is with you in your times of need, and He is planning to provide for all your needs (see Hebrews 13:5). God is with you when you are going through trials, and He is planning your breakthrough (see 1 Corinthians 10:13). When all others forsake you, God will stand by you (see 2 Timothy 4:1617). Others may have hurt you or abandoned you, but God never will. He is ever faithful! Prayer Starter: Lord, thank You for loving me and always being with me! I know You are always there for me. Thank You so much! In Jesus’ name, amen.

New Covenant Tabernacle Church 24.06.2021

Daily Devo ~ Developing Great Faith Adapted from the resource The Power of Being Thankful - by Joyce Meyer Little faith can become great faith as we use it. As we take steps to trust God, we experience His faithfulness and that, in turn, encourages us to have greater faith. As our faith develops and grows, our problems have less power over us, and we worry lessthat’s something to be grateful for.... We can choose to think about what God can do instead of what we cannot do. If we continually think about the difficulty of our situation, we may end up in despair, and that means we feel unable to find a way out. We feel trapped, and then it is easy to panic and begin to do irrational things that only make the problem worse. But the Bible tells us that God always provides the way out (see 1 Corinthians 10:13). Even though you might not see the way out right now, one does exist, and God will reveal it as you trust Him. Prayer Starter: Father, I thank You that my faith can grow stronger as I put my trust in You. You are greater than any problem I will ever face. When I focus on You, I know that worry and despair will fade away. Thank You for Your faithfulness and Your work in my life. In Jesus’ name, amen.

New Covenant Tabernacle Church 15.06.2021

Daily Devo ~ God’s Unconditional Love for Us Adapted from the resource Wake Up to the Word - by Joyce Meyer The word, love in the general sense, means to be pleased with; to regard with affection.... To many, the words, I love you are mere words that hold very little meaning. However, when God says that He loves us, He means it in every way that is important and vital to us. His love always moves Him to action on our behalf. God’s love (agape) seeks the welfare of all and works no ill toward any. It seeks an opportunity to do good to all men. God’s love is the love of a perfect being toward entirely unworthy objects (us). God’s Word states that He loves us because He wants to, and it is His kind intent. God loves because He mustit is who He is. God is love! Therefore, when we receive Christ as our savior, God’s love comes to live inside of us and when that happens, love spills out of us and onto others. When we love others as God loves us, we live a life that honors God. Receive God’s unconditional love today. It is the foundation of your relationship with Him. Yes, and a thousand times yesGOD LOVES YOU! Prayer Starter: Father, I know with my head that You love me, please help me feel Your love in my heart and soul. In Jesus’ name, amen.

New Covenant Tabernacle Church 08.06.2021

Daily Devo ~ Enjoy Ordinary Days Adapted from the resource Starting Your Day Right - by Joyce Meyer Our days in the kingdom of God are like seeds scattered upon the ground. We must continue to sleep and rise, night and day, while the seeds that we sow through our words and deeds sprout and grow and increase (see Mark 4:2628).... Most days are not full of excitement, and some days are more difficult to endure than others. But we can learn to enjoy the ordinary and the challenging days of our lives. As the earth first produces the blade, then the ear, and finally the full grain in the ear, so will our lives produce a great harvest from our faithfulness in sowing righteousness. Continue to do what you know is right to do and enjoy this ordinary day. You are one day closer to a joyful harvest. Prayer Starter: Father, help me to enjoy ordinary days as much as the exciting ones, knowing that every day is a good day with You. Amen

New Covenant Tabernacle Church 27.05.2021

Daily Devo ~ Life Is What You Make of It Adapted from the resource My Time with God - by Joyce Meyer Two people may have the same problem, but one will be kind to others and joyful, while the other is harsh in their dealing with people and always discouraged. The difference is found in the attitude they choose to have toward their life and their problems.... Our quality of life is not determined by our circumstances but rather by how we view those circumstances. Any life can be good if we choose to think and speak good things instead of finding fault and complaining. If you need a change to happen in your life, ask God to help you not to complain, because if you complain you will remain right where you are. Prayer Starter: Lord, I know that complaining is a waste of time that never makes anything better. Please help me to stop complaining every time I even begin to. In Jesus’ name, amen.

New Covenant Tabernacle Church 13.05.2021

Daily Devo ~ Knowing God Adapted from the resource Love Out Loud - by Joyce Meyer Today's Scripture emphasizes the importance of knowing God. There is a big difference between knowing about God and really knowing God. knowing God is a lifelong pursuit, something that happens throughout our lives, not over the course of a few days or weeks. Attaining the true knowledge of God doesn't come through reasoning or logic or reading books. it must be God-given, and it comes throug...h revelation. it comes as we seek God and gain experience with Him through trusting His promises. If we have a true knowledge of God, we are not disturbed by things like scientific theories that seek to disprove His existence. We have come to a peaceful understanding of Who God is, and in knowing Him, we know that nothing else matters. People often want to explain God, but if we truly know Him, then the first thing we give up is trying to under-stand or explain Him. Knowing God goes beyond what we think, see, or feel. It is an inner knowledge of God that cannot be taken from us. When we have this inner knowledge, nothing outward can sway us from our belief in God. We no longer need evidence to protect our faith. I encourage you to pray daily for a spirit of wisdom and revelation (see Eph. 1:17). Celebrate the fact that you are an eternal being and that you are coming to know Him better with every passing day. Love God Today: Hunger for the type of knowledge that can only come from God Himself. Prayer Starter: Lord, thank You for loving me. Thank You for helping me to truly know You. Thank You for the wisdom that can only come from You. In Jesus’ name, amen.

New Covenant Tabernacle Church 02.05.2021

Daily Devo ~ Peace and Confidence Adapted from the resource The Confident Woman - by Joyce Meyer Look at each word Jesus spoke and meditate on it so that you get the full meaning of what Jesus is saying. He is telling us that during our lives we will have hard times, trials, and things that frustrate us, but we don't have to let worry or depression be part of it, because He has given us courage (if we will take it), confidence, and assurance. No matter what comes against u...s, if we have confidence that we can make it through, it won't bother us that much. It isn't really our problems that make us unhappy; it is how we respond to them. Jesus said to "be confident." He did not say to "feel confident." Start today choosing to be confident in every situation and you will begin driving fear back to Hades where it came from. When Satan tries to give you fear, give it back to him. You wouldn't drink poison if someone offered it to you, would you? Then stop taking fear and start choosing courage. Prayer Starter: Lord, thank You that You have overcome the world. I will be confident today because I follow You and walk in the victory You have already won. Amen.

New Covenant Tabernacle Church 12.04.2021

You Can Bear Good Fruit Adapted from the resource Healing the Soul of a Woman - by Joyce Meyer When we have experienced great pain in our soul, we can hurt other people or spread negativity without meaning to do so. The brokenness that affects our thinking, our choices, and our feelings usually affects the people around us, too. Spiritually speaking, this is called bearing, or producing, bad fruit. But God calls us to bear good fruit. As the Lord heals our soul, we become m...ore and more able to bear the fruit He wants us to produce. God would never ask us to bear or produce anything without giving us what we need to do it. Jesus has everything needed to produce good fruit, and when He is in us and we are in Him, by the power of the Holy Spirit, we have what we need to do anything He asks us to do. Galatians 5:2223 lists the fruit of the Holy Spirit, the good qualities we exhibit because He lives in us. They are love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control. Today and tomorrow, we will look at each of these individually, thinking about how God has put them in us and now expects us to bear their fruit. Love: God is love (1 John 4:8). When He lives in our hearts, our hearts are filled with love. God first loved us, so we have the ability to love others (1 John 4:19). Joy: Jesus was a man of joy. Before going to heaven at the end of His earthly ministry, He says to His Father in John 17:13 ESV: But now I am coming to you, and these things I speak in the world, that they may have my joy fulfilled in themselves. Many times in Scripture we are encouraged to rejoice, such as in Philippians 4:4: Rejoice in the LORD always. Again I will say, rejoice! (NKJV). Because we trust God, we can rejoice in any situation. Peace: According to Ephesians 2:14, Jesus is our peace. When He is in us, we have peace. When Jesus went to heaven after His ministry on earth, He left us His peace (see John 14:27). This empowers us to remain calm and peaceful in every situation. It is important to believe you have these things; otherwise you will never enjoy and walk in them. Patience: God is extraordinarily patient and slow to anger, and Scripture teaches us to imitate Him. The LORD is merciful and gracious, slow to anger and abounding in steadfast love (Ps. 103:8 ESV). The LORD is slow to anger and great in power (Nah. 1:3 ESV). Paul urges us in Romans 12:12 to rejoice in hope, be patient in tribulation, be constant in prayer, and in Ephesians 4:2 ESV, to act with patience, bearing with one another in love. When we receive Jesus as Lord and Savior, He lives in us, and everything that is in Him is now in us by the Holy Spirit. He gives us what He wants us to produce. Even if your life has produced bad fruit in the past, you can produce good fruit from now on as the Holy Spirit leads you and helps you. Prayer Starter: Father, please help me to bear good fruit, Your fruit, in my life. In Jesus’ name, amen.

New Covenant Tabernacle Church 03.04.2021

Take Time to Listen to God Adapted from the resource Closer to God Each Day - by Joyce Meyer In order to hear the voice of God, it is necessary to find times just to be still. This is an important part of living in close fellowship with God. It is how you recognize God’s leading in your life. A busy, hurried, frantic, stressful lifestyle makes it very challenging to hear the Lord.... If you are hungry to perceive God’s voice, find a place to get quiet before Him. Get alone with Him and tell Him that you need Him and want Him to teach you how to receive His guidance and direction. Ask Him to tell you what He has for your life and what He wants you to do each day. And then I encourage you to do this: Take time to listen. Even if you don’t feel an immediate prompting in your spirit, God promises that if you seek Him, you will find Him (Jeremiah 29:13). You will get a word from God. He will lead you by an inner knowing, by common sense, by wisdom, or by peace. And each time, however He leads you, His leading will always line up with His Word. I have found that God doesn’t always speak to us right away or necessarily during our prayer time. He may end up speaking to you two days later while you are in the middle of doing something completely unrelated. Though it may not be in our timing, God will speak to us and let us know the way we should go. Prayer Starter: Lord, I want to hear Your voice. Help me to always recognize Your voice when You speak to me. In Jesus’ name, amen.

New Covenant Tabernacle Church 18.03.2021

Spending Time with God Adapted from the resource Power Thoughts Devo - by Joyce Meyer We all have the same amount of time each day, but some people regularly find time to spend with God while others never do. I have found that when we say we "don't have time to spend with God," it's simply an excuse.... The truth is, if you spend time with God, He will multiply what you have left. Like the little boy with the loaves and fish who gave Jesus his small lunch for use in feeding thousands of people and ended up with more food left over than he began with (see John 6:114), you will end up with more time than you would have had by leaving God out of your busy schedule. At this moment, you are as close to God as you want to be. What you sow, you will reap, so if you want a bigger harvest, then you simply need to sow more seed. If you want a closer relationship with God, spend more time with Him. He wants you to find more peace and joy in His presence. Prayer Starter: God, I want to get as close to You as I can get. Help me make spending time with You a priority and I believe you will multiply the rest of my time. In the name of Jesus, I pray. Amen.

New Covenant Tabernacle Church 14.03.2021

Daily Devo ~ God Is Faithful Adapted from the resource Wake Up to the Word - by Joyce Meyer Good relationships are built on trust, and God wants us to choose to trust Him with ourselves and everything else in our lives.... God is faithful and it is impossible for Him to fail us. If something doesn’t turn out the way we would like it to, it may be because He has something better in mind for us and we simply don’t know how to ask for it yet. God only has our benefit and well-being in His plan for us and the best policy is always to relax and trust Him. Waiting on God’s timing is usually challenging for most of us, but His timing is always perfect. Things will turn out better with God’s plan than they would with ours! Actually, God’s Word is filled with many examples of angels giving assistance, so I encourage you to believe they are with you today and to let that thought comfort you. Prayer Starter: Lord, thank You that even in the most challenging times, I can trust in You always, knowing Your timing is always perfect. In Jesus’ name, amen.

New Covenant Tabernacle Church 24.02.2021

Daily Devo ~ Don’t Get Upset Adapted from the resource Starting Your Day Right - by Joyce Meyer The devil sets us up to get upset so that we act ugly, throw fits and ruin our witness of what God has done in our lives. Without God’s love flowing through us, it can be difficult to be nice to the nice people we encounter, and next to impossible to be kind to those around us who are difficult to begin with. We need God’s help in order to live well and be the kind of examples G...od wants us to be. The Holy Spirit will give you the power to walk in love everywhere you go. Don’t leave home without inviting Him to fill you with the grace to demonstrate God’s love and compassion toward everyone you meet. Prayer Starter: Lord, help me to stay committed to take each step You call me to take, trusting You to lead me where You know I should go. In Jesus’ name, amen.

New Covenant Tabernacle Church 11.02.2021

Daily Devo ~ Grace and More Grace Adapted from the resource My Time with God - by Joyce Meyer Grace is not only God’s undeserved favor that provides forgiveness and mercy when we sin, but it is also His power that enables us to do whatever we need to do in life. But He gives it to those who are humble enough to admit that they need help. We all need help, but a prideful, independent attitude will cause us to keep trying to do things in our own strength, instead of admittin...g our inability and leaning entirely on God. We should trade trying for trusting. Instead of struggling and being frustrated because our efforts always fail to produce what we want, we can ask for God’s help at the beginning of, and all the way through, each thing that we undertake in life. We can learn to lean on God, and as we do, it takes the pressure off of us. He can do more in one moment than we can do in a lifetime. Faith the size of a mustard seed can do more than the willpower and self-determination in the world (see Matthew 17:20). Frustration always equals works of the flesh, which happen when we try to do in our own strength and effort what only God can do. WE are partners with God, and as such, He will assign things for us to do, but we cannot complete what He asks us to do without leaning entirely on Him, let alone trying to do things he hasn’t told us to do. For example, it is not our job to change our family and friends, but it is our responsibility to pray for them and represent Christ in all of our interactions with them. If you are ready for help, humble yourself, admit that you can do nothing without Jesus, and receive His wisdom, strength, and help! Prayer Starter: Apart from you, Jesus, I can do nothing. I will fail completely without You, so I ask for Your help, and I will give You the glory for any success that I achieve. In Jesus’ name, amen.

New Covenant Tabernacle Church 03.02.2021

Daily Devo ~ Let Peace Be Your Umpire Adapted from the resource Hearing from God Each Morning - by Joyce Meyer I try to run my life by finding peace. If I am shopping, I don't buy something if I don't have peace about it. If I am involved in a conversation and find myself losing my peace, I become quiet. When I make decisions, I look at the options before me and see where the peace is. When I am trying to discern between the voice of God and the other voices that compete f...or my attention, I listen to see which voice or message brings the peace of God into my heart. I have learned that maintaining peace is important in order to maintain power in our lives. When we don't have peace, we may very well be making a serious mistake. I would go so far as to say we should never act without peace. We might say that peace is an "internal confirmation" that God approves of the decision we have made. God leads us by peace. The verse for today says peace is like an umpire that decides what is "safe" or what is "out." If there's no peace, it's "out!" We are to let the inner harmony in our minds and souls rule and act as an umpire continually in our hearts, deciding and settling with finality all the questions that arise in our minds and the decisions we must make in our lives. We must learn to obey our own sense of right and wrong and resist doing things our inner conscience is uncomfortable doing. God gives or takes peace from our conscience to let us know whether or not we are on track. Prayer Starter: Lord, help me to make every decision according to the peace I feel in my heart peace that I know comes from you. In Jesus’ name, amen.

New Covenant Tabernacle Church 09.01.2021

Daily Devo ~ Operate in Wisdom Adapted from the resource Starting Your Day Right - by Joyce Meyer Without wisdom we can make poor decisions and later wonder why we didn’t pray first. It is wise to seek God early each day before we start making decisions in order to know ahead of time what we ought to do, and then to receive the grace to do it. Wisdom keeps us from a life of regret.... Jesus operated in wisdom. When others went home to rest, Jesus went to the Mount of Olives to spend time with God. And early in the morning (at dawn), He came back into the temple and taught people (See John 7:538:2). Jesus always spent time with the Father before facing the crowds. If Jesus needed time with God, we need even more time with Him. Walk in wisdom today. Prayer Starter: Father, thank you for Your Word that encourages me to learn more about walking in wisdom. Help me recognize the importance of praying for Your help before I ever try to make a decision. In Jesus’ name, amen.

New Covenant Tabernacle Church 30.12.2020

Daily Devo ~ A Confused Mind Adapted from the resource Battlefield of the Mind - by Joyce Meyer My friend Eva received a summons for jury duty in a robbery trial. For two days, twelve citizens listened to the prosecuting attorney as he presented evidence to indicate that the accused had broken into a home and stolen many items. Eva was ready to convict him....Continue reading

New Covenant Tabernacle Church 19.12.2020

Daily Devo ~ Why the Gifts? Adapted from the resource My Time with God - by Joyce Meyer Today is Christmas Eve, and in four hours my entire family will descend on our home with great enthusiasm. Today, we give gifts to the people we love.... Why do we celebrate Jesus’ birth with gifts? We do it because He is the greatest gift that has ever been given to mankind. When the wise men heard of Jesus’ birth, they went to worship Him with gifts, and it’s our privilege to do the same. I urge you not to lose sight today and tomorrow of what the holiday is truly about as you celebrate this blessed season. Don’t get so busy cooking, preparing, shopping, and giving gifts to others that you forget the reason for the season. Thank God for the gift of Jesus and take time to thank Him for all He’s done and continues to do in your life. As you give gifts to others, enjoy every moment, keeping in mind that you’re celebrating the greatest gift of allJesus! Prayer Starter: Father, thank You for the gift of Jesus. Please be with us as we’re celebrating Your birthday, Jesus! Today we want to say Thank You for giving us the greatest gift ever. In Jesus’ name, amen.

New Covenant Tabernacle Church 15.12.2020

Daily Devo ~ Work Now, Play Later Adapted from the resource New Day, New You - by Joyce Meyer We have seen that the Bible teaches us that we are to owe no man anything except to love him. When we allow debt to overwhelm us, it can bring discouragement and even depression. When Dave and I were young marrieds, we got into trouble with debt. We did it by running up our credit cards to the maximum buying things we wanted for ourselves and our children. We were making the mini...mum payment on the balance each month, but the interest was so high we never seemed to make any progress toward paying off what we owed. In fact, we just kept getting deeper and deeper into debt. If you and I are ever going to get anywhere in the kingdom of God, we must learn to live by wisdom and not by our carnal desire, which is human emotion (SEE PROVERBS 3:13). The Bible teaches that Jesus has been made unto us wisdom, and that the Holy Spirit is wisdom within us (SEE 1 CORINTHIANS 1:30 AND EPHESIANS 1:17). If we will listen to the prompting of the Spirit, we will not get into trouble. But if we live by the dictates of the flesh, we are headed for destruction. Wisdom makes the decision today it will be comfortable with tomorrow. Emotion does what feels good today and takes no thought of tomorrow. When tomorrow arrives, the wise enjoy it in peace and security, but the foolish end up in discouragement and depression. Why? Because the wise have prepared for tomorrow and are able to enjoy the fruits of their labor, while the foolish who have put pleasure first must now pay for yesterday. It is much better to work now and play later, than to play now and worry later! It is so discouraging to go to the mailbox every day and find nothing there but bills, bills, and more bills. Eventually that discouragement leads to depression because of the pressure of not being able to see a way out. How many people are deep in depression right this moment because of overwhelming debt? To live a disciplined life, we have to be willing to invest today so that we can reap tomorrow. To relieve the discouragement and depression that come from being in debt, we must get out of debt by becoming self-disciplined to think not of today's sacrifices but of tomorrow's rewards. Get ready to see your life transformed by God’s timeless wisdom. Check out Joyce’s newest book, In Search of Wisdom, available now at joycemeyer.org/wisdom or wherever books are sold. Prayer Starter: Lord, I know I haven’t always been mindful of the future. I ask You to help me operate in wisdom today and every day, so that I can enjoy a more peaceful tomorrow. In Jesus’ name, amen

New Covenant Tabernacle Church 03.12.2020

Daily Devo ~ Change Your Focus Adapted from the resource Love Out Loud - by Joyce Meyer Do you need to readjust your priorities or change your focus? in today's Scripture, Paul prayed that the church at Philippi would abound in love, and that their love would display itself in a greater way. He also prayed that they would learn to choose what was excellent and of real value. in 1 Corinthians 12:31, he wrote that love is the more excellent way.... Paul was praying that these believers would focus on love. We cannot have powerful, victorious lives unless we love people. We must have our minds renewed to know what love really is. It is not a feeling we have, but it’s a decision we makea decision to treat people the way Jesus would treat them. When we make a true commitment to walk in love, it usually causes a shift in our lifestyle. Many of our waysour thoughts, our conversation, and our habitshave to change. Love is tangible; it is not just an emotional feeling, or an abstract idea that cannot be seen or touched. it is evident to everyone who comes in contact with it. A love walk does not come easily or without personal sacrifice. You may even have to sacrifice some self-focus and begin to focus more on others. Are you willing and ready to become a student of what it is to walk in love? if so, you need to know that it requires education and commitment, but it’s more than worth the investment. Prayer Starter: Father, please bring me so close to You that our desires start to become one and the same. Thank You for showing me Your heart in each situation, and for giving me grace to make godly decisions. In Jesus’ name, amen.

New Covenant Tabernacle Church 01.12.2020

Daily Devo ~ God’s Timing Adapted from the resource My Time with God - by Joyce Meyer God’s timing in our lives is perfect, and we will enjoy life much more if we believe that. He knows the exact right time to do the things we have requested of Him. Don’t waste your time being upset about something that only God can change. If He withholds your desire for the time being, thank Him that He knows best.... Time is a giftdon’t waste it being upset! Prayer Starter: Father God, please help me to trust Your timing in my life. Help me not to frustrate myself by trying to do what only You can do. In Jesus’ name, amen.

New Covenant Tabernacle Church 21.11.2020

Dali Devo ~ You Have Value Adapted from the resource Wake Up to the Word - by Joyce Meyer Worth - that property or those properties of a thing that render it useful or estimable... The fact that God sent His only beloved Son to die a painful death to buy our freedom assigns tremendous value to us, and lets us know God loves us immensely. The Bible says we are bought with a price, a price that is preciousthe blood of Jesus (see 1 Peter 1:19). He paid for all our sins, secured our justification, made our account with God balanced, and absolved us from all guilt (see Romans 4:25). Jesus is our substitute. He stood in our place, taking the punishment that we deserved, and freely gave us what He deservesevery kind of blessing. So the next time you feel you have no value, remember all that Jesus did out of His great love for you. He gave everything to be in relationship with youbecause you’re everything to Him. Prayer Starter: Father, thank You for paying such a high price for my freedom. When I forget that or start to feel worthless, please help me remember Your love for me. In Jesus’ name, amen.

New Covenant Tabernacle Church 19.11.2020

Daily Devo ~ God’s Delivering Power Adapted from the resource Love Out Loud - by Joyce Meyer In the story of Daniel, the Word tells us that Daniel got on his knees to pray and thank God three times a day. He had a habit of prayer and thanksgiving. When we get on our knees before the Lord, we humble ourselves and say with our actions, Lord, I reverence and honor You. I am nothing without You. I need You and I humble myself in Your presence.... Daniel was delivered from a den of hungry lions. His enemies threw him into the lions’ den because they were jealous of him, a foreigner who rose to a high position in their country’s government. When they conspired to hurt him, they knew he was a righteous man and they could not accuse him of wrongdoing. So, they asked the king to issue a decree stating that anyone who did not worship the local gods or the king would be thrown into the lions’ den. Daniel was not afraid. He refused to compromise his worship. He kept up his habit of praying and praising his God three times a day. He did get thrown into the lions’ den, but God shut the mouths of the lions and Daniel emerged unharmed. We can never underestimate the power of worshipping God. Like Daniel, our prayer and worship needs to be a habit and we need to keep doing it, no matter what anyone says. When enemies or circumstances rise against us, we can count on God to hear our prayers, receive our worship, and deliver us. Prayer Starter: Lord Jesus, I worship you! Thank you for coming to live in my heart. Help me to never compromise Your principles. In Jesus’ name, amen.

New Covenant Tabernacle Church 05.11.2020

Daily Devo ~ God Speaks When We Worship Adapted from the resource Hearing from God Each Morning - by Joyce Meyer I believe that worship creates an atmosphere in which God can speak to us. Worship is difficult to define. It is more about Who God is rather than what He does for us. True worship comes from deep within us; it is precious and awesome, and it is our attempt to verbalize how we feel about God. It is a powerful outpouring of our hearts toward the Lord and it repre...sents a depth of love, gratitude, and devotion that we find difficult to put into words. Human language is not rich enough to describe everything that true worship is. In fact, worship is so personal and intimate that maybe we should not even attempt to limit or define it with our words. Worship is much more than just singing songs. In fact, true worship is first and foremost a condition of heart and a state of mind. We can be worshipping passionately without singing a single note. Worship is born in our hearts; it fills our thoughts and then it is expressed through our mouths and through our bodies. If our hearts are filled with awe for God, we may want to sing, dance, clap, or lift up our hands in worship. We may also be reverently silent and still before God. We may desire to give offerings or offer other forms of outward expression of love for God. But any of these actions done without a right heart are simply formalism and meaningless to God. I encourage you to sincerely worship God today. Do it because you love Him, and don’t be surprised if He speaks to you while you are worshipping Him. Prayer Starter: Father, help me enter into true worship with You today. Show me how to praise You with a true heart of gratitude! In Jesus’ name, amen.

New Covenant Tabernacle Church 05.11.2020

Daily Devo ~ Trust God’s Perfect Timing Adapted from the resource Trusting God Day by Day - by Joyce Meyer It’s a human tendency to want good things to happen, but too often we want them now, not later. When the good things we want aren’t happening in what we think to be a timely manner, we’re tempted to ask, When, God, when?... Most of us need to grow in the area of trusting God and shrink our focus on the when question. If your mind feels constantly worn out from reasoning, you’re not fully trusting Him. I spent a large part of my life feeling impatient, frustrated, and disappointed because there were things I didn’t know and didn’t have yet. God had to teach me to leave things in His hands. After many years of prayer and practice in this area, I finally learned to trust the One Who knows all things, and began to accept that some questions may never be answered. We prove our trust in God when we refuse to worry. Trusting God often requires not knowing how He’s going to accomplish what needs to be done, and not knowing when He will do it. We often say, God is never late, but generally He isn’t early, either. He uses times of waiting to stretch our faith in Him, and to bring about change and growth in our lives. We learn to trust Him more by going through many experiences that require trust. By seeing God’s faithfulness over and over, we gradually let go of trusting ourselves and place our trust in Him. Looking at it this way, it’s easier to see how timing plays an important part in learning to trust God. If He did everything we asked for immediately, we would never grow and develop into the people He wants us to be. If you’re waiting on something right now and you feel frustrated, I want to encourage you to ask God to help you grow in trust, and learn to be okay not knowing all the detailsHe’s working them out. Prayer Starter: Father, I want to trust You more; please help me let go of any wrong expectations I might have of when certain things will happen. Thank You for caring about me, and for working it all out in Your perfect timing. In Jesus’ name, amen.

New Covenant Tabernacle Church 23.10.2020

Daily Devo ~ Accepted, Not Rejected Adapted from the resource Quite Times with God - by Joyce Meyer Jesus didn’t always enjoy the acceptance or approval of most people while He was on earth. He was despised and rejected by countless people, but He always knew His heavenly Father loved Him. He was sure of who He was, and it gave Him confidence.... Everything that Jesus endured and suffered was for our sake. He went through rejection so that when we face it, we can go through it and not be damaged by itor if we’ve already been damaged, then we can completely recover. Knowing that He loves us gives us the ability to be bold and confident (see Ephesians 5:29-30; John 6:37-39). There will always be some people who won’t accept you, but their acceptance isn’t what ultimately matters. God loves you unconditionally; He always approves of you and accepts you. His love is complete, unchanging and will never leave you, no matter what. Prayer Starter: Father, thank You for loving me completely, no matter what. Please heal me from the pain of others’ rejection, and help me receive and remember Your love in every moment. In Jesus’ name, amen.

New Covenant Tabernacle Church 03.10.2020

Daily Devo ~ God’s Vision for You Adapted from the resource Battlefield of the Mind - by Joyce Meyer God’s plan for the people of Israel was only for their good, yet they wandered around in the wilderness for 40 years on what was actually an 11-day journey. Why? Was it their enemies, their circumstances, the trials along the way, or something entirely different that kept them from arriving at their destination in a timely manner? To really know the answer to this question,...Continue reading