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Locality: San Jose, California

Website: www.mollyhostudio.com

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Molly Ho Studio 01.11.2020

Taking a break from Facebook! If you'd like to get in touch, you can send me an email at [email protected] or find me on Instagram (https://www.instagram.com/mollyhostudio/). - Molly... : Meo Baaklini Photography

Molly Ho Studio 20.10.2020

I felt like a complete fraud. I mean, who was I to start a business? No college degree. No formal education in graphic design. NOTHING.... Not to mention I was really, really scared of failure. Have you ever felt like that? Have you ever wondered if you were cut out for it? If others were going to find out about what a fraud you really are? If so, I have some good news for you: We have all felt like an imposter before. Why is this good news? Because you’re not alone, and also because you don’t have to let it hold you back. Sure, I didn’t have a college degree, formal design education, or any kind of business knowledge, but guess what? I did it anyway. I figured it out and I made it work. I just spent the last 6 MONTHS in Europe and Asia. I’m financially independent (and wow, I did not ever think those words would come out of my mouth last year). Your dreams? They don’t just have to stay dreams. They can 100% become your reality. All of this? Once felt like a really, reallllly far away dream for me. In fact, that was only A YEAR AGO. But now I’m here. ME. The girl who once earned $11/hr ringing up people’s groceries, genuinely believing she wasn’t capable of more. Boy, did I prove my 21-year-old self wrong. And thank goodness I did! What about you? Do you want to prove yourself wrong? If you’re ready to finally stop making excuses for yourself, because let’s be honest - you probably are, I was too until I finally started calling myself out on it. And now, I’m calling you out on it too because I KNOW you’re capable of more and I know you know it too. Then I have the perfect thing just for you. My ebook, "Become the Author of Your Own Life", is for the modern-day woman (that's you, babe!) to confidently share her story and transform her life in a way she never imagined possible. You ready to do this? Click here to grab your copy today! https://mollyhostudio.com/become-the-author : Meo Baaklini Photography | edits by me

Molly Ho Studio 18.10.2020

Whether you think you can or can't, you're 100% right. So why not use that energy to tell yourself YOU CAN?

Molly Ho Studio 04.10.2020

Pro tip: Stop overthinking and GO FOR IT.

Molly Ho Studio 01.10.2020

Hey there! Have we met? If not, I’m Molly. You can call me a brand designer, a digital nomad, a storyteller, a Gemini, or you can just call me Molly. 4 yrs ago, I was doing min wage at $11/hr ringing up people’s groceries.... 3 yrs ago, I was at an office job that gave me free lunch and took me to Hawaii also for free but... made me absolutely miserable and oh yeah I cried every day. 2 yrs ago, I was eating $1 mac n cheese and often cried myself to sleep because entrepreneurial isn’t an overnight ordeal. It’s hard and intentional work. 1 yr ago, I finally decided enough was enough and I was going to change my life and myself. And good news: I did just that. Real talk? This journey is HARD, which is exactly why so many people find themselves quitting or wanting to quit. BUT if you’re willing to show up for yourself, again and again, failure after failure, road bump after speed bump you will be SO GLAD you did it. This journey takes serious commitment, to say the least. And I’m not just talking about staying up late and getting work done. I’m talking about the inner work, the deep work, the getting honest and vulnerable af with yourself work. Confronting and working through your deepest and darkest fears. So if you’re wondering what you can expect from me, this is it. The messy, unfiltered truth. Because I’m the kinda gal that wants you to know that: 1. you do not have to be ashamed of anything ever, and 2. I’m here to have real, honest conversations - not sell you some kind of magic pill that will transform your life overnight. But don’t get it twisted, because I *AM* 100% here to sell you stuff okkkk. After all, I’m a business/brand and I’m here to make that monayyyy and secure that bag, you feel me? And also yes, I 100% DO want to help you transform your life, but it’s not going to happen overnight -- so if that’s what you’re looking for, this ain’t it fam. Speaking of transformations, tell me a bit about you and your life! What's your story and where do you want to go? Comment below and tell me all about it! See more

Molly Ho Studio 24.09.2020

It’s called brand positioning. Are you setting yourself up to be a Walmart or Whole Foods? What kind of clients do you want to be attracted to your business? Clients who only want to pay or clients willing to invest in themselves? Speaking of which, my friend Cassandra from The Quirky Pineapple Studio and I are teaming up and offering brand identity, design, AND copy done-for-you services!... If you'd like to work together, send me a message and we can chat about working together! See more

Molly Ho Studio 18.09.2020

Other people do not define your worth. YOU do.

Molly Ho Studio 15.09.2020

I am SO excited for my FREE presentation for the Be Seen, Get Booked Summit tomorrow morning where I’m talking all about How To Incorporate Your Personality & Unique Style Into Your Business! I'll be sharing my secrets on how to connect with YOUR dream client with your personality and style, because I truly do believe being in your business and brand is the best thing you can do. Plus, I even created a worksheet for you to follow along with and put these strategies to work fo...r your business! It's all about taking ACTION, my friend. My goal is to take what you’re already doing when it comes to branding and showing up online and make it a wholeee lot EASIER. How does that sound? If you haven’t grabbed your FREE ticket to the summit yet, you can do so by going here >> https://beseengetbooked.co/ref/5/ My presentation will be live for 24 hours and there are a lot of other amazing ones for you to check out. See you soon! Your branding + biz bestie, Molly

Molly Ho Studio 29.08.2020

It’s amazing how QUICKLY your life can change once you set the intention and put it out into the Universe. A few weeks ago, I was feeling horrible, lost, scared, and just uneasy. Honestly, it felt like I was having at least 10 meltdowns a day. Oh, I WISH I was exaggerating. ... But after talking to a few of my closest friends, I started to remember that... your life is what YOU make it out to be. Your thoughts become your reality. Your behavior becomes your reality. Your actions become your reality. Whatever you do consistently, whether it’s good or bad, becomes your life. And you will attract more of whatever you put out there. I realized that I was projecting MY own fears, doubts, insecurities, etc. onto other people. And when you find yourself doing that... you have to ask yourself why, instead of mindlessly continuing the behavior. If you want to change your life, you have to be honest with yourself and be willing to call yourself out on it. If you want to change your life... you have to be willing to show up and DO THE INNER WORK. And I’m not going to sugarcoat it: It’s not easy. But you know what’s even harder? Staying in your comfort zone because you’re too scared to get out. Never finding out what you’re truly capable of. Not going after your dreams and desires. Sure, the uncertainty of it all is terrifying. Trust me, I know. But what I also know is this: You are capable of SO much more, babe. And once you stop holding yourself back... once you stop telling yourself you can’t... once you make the DECISION to show up and do the work, you’ll be so glad you did it. If you’re ready to do the work, I wrote a book just for YOU. Grab a copy of my new ebook: Become the Author of Your Own Life! https://mollyhostudio.com/become-the-author

Molly Ho Studio 23.08.2020

It is always worth it.

Molly Ho Studio 07.08.2020

I’m sure you’ve heard me talk about it by now, but I wanted to remind you that the Be Seen, Get Booked Summit kicks off on Tuesday! (September 3rd) This totally FREE event features 15 speakers who are ready to teach you how to show up and actually be seen online, stand out among your competition, and get booked by dream clients consistently. I mean... who doesn’t want that?!... You’re going to hear from me on September 5th about How To Incorporate Your Personality & Unique Style Into Your Business. Will I be seeing you there?! Let me know, because I'd LOVE to see you there. Grab your FREE ticket here!! >> https://beseengetbooked.co/ref/5/

Molly Ho Studio 04.08.2020

HOW TO GET YOURSELF OUT OF A SLUMP 101 1. People, energy, and environment. The people you spend time with, the language they use, their tone, the way they treat themselves, etc. - these are all things we pick up on.... One thing that really helped me get out of my funk was the conversations I had and the people I spent time with. Instead of feeling judged and in a state of continued comparison, I felt understood, seen, loved, and inspired afterward. Pro tip: There are people who will drain you or energize you. Spend time with the latter. 2. Stop beating yourself up. You’re not perfect. So what? You’ve had a setback. or ten. So what? Things didn’t go as planned. Again, sooooo what? It’s great to be ambitious and push for more, but let me ask you this: at what cost? If you continually tell yourself you’re not good enough, you WILL start to believe you’re not good enough. 3. Remember you are not a one-size-fits-all. Have you ever felt like you were doing something wrong because it wasn’t what everyone else was doing? Because I have. As someone who didn’t go to college, work at a 9-5, left home to travel the world on her own, it took me a while to learn to accept and love my own path. My path isn't better or worse than anyone else's. It's just... mine. Basically what I’m trying to say is STOP COMPARING YOURSELF, because it’s a losing battle. Part of the reason I ended up in this slump is because I compared myself to others too often and tooooo much. So just don’t, okay? Have any tips for getting out of a slump? I'd love to hear them! See more

Molly Ho Studio 29.07.2020

The Be Seen, Get Booked Summit is kicking off NEXT week. As more details come out, this event just keeps getting better and better - you won’t want to miss it! I cannot waittttt for you to hear from the amazing experts being featured and learn the best strategies to show up and actually be seen online, stand out among your competition, and get booked by dream clients consistently. It’s going to be SO good!... You’re going to hear from me on September 5th about How To Incorporate Your Personality & Unique Style Into Your Business. All presentations are totally FREE to you for the first 24-hours as long as you’re registered. I can’t wait to see you at the summit and to hear your favorite takeaways. Get your FREE ticket here!! >> https://beseengetbooked.co/ref/5/

Molly Ho Studio 09.07.2020

Just wanted to remind you that YOU GOT THIS. Go get it girl.

Molly Ho Studio 01.07.2020

Running a service-based business is hardddd work. Can I get a ?! Not only are you busy enough managing your business and day-to-day life, but you’re also trying to show up on social media, publish new blog posts or YouTube videos, and hustling to get clients. It’s no wonder people start to feel like there’s not enough hours in the day.... But, I see you, friend, and I know you are DONEEE with the hustle. You’re done being a wallflower online. You’re ready to be seen, stand out, and finally get booked by dreamy clients consistently. That’s why I’m so excited to tell you about the Be Seen, Get Booked Summit, hosted by Kory @codedcreative! The goal for this summit is different than most. Instead of being full of vague concepts and pushes to work with the speakers or purchase their courses, the Be Seen, Get Booked Summit is full of actionable advice you can put to work for your business right away. You’ll get strategies for your specific business model as a someone who's trying to book clients. The summit is running from September 3-5, it’s totally FREE (say whatttt?!), and you’re NOT going to want to miss it! Here's the link to grab your free ticket! >> https://beseengetbooked.co/ref/5/