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Midtown Strength & Conditioning 10.11.2020

The more you love playing your sport, the more effortless it feels. The more effortless it feels, the more effort you can give. The more effort you can give, the better you can perform! 7-11-20 Saturday S & C Foam roll 3 minutes ... Mobilize 3 minutes Active warm up 250 double unders or / 500 Single unders the workout 1. Hang Power clean at the hips + 1 jerk Work up to a 1 rep max. You can drop under if you need too 2. A. Burpee pull ups 8 B. Russian twist 12 C. Lunge jumps 12 D. American KB swings 8 = 3 to 4 rounds stretch + foam roll + hydrate

Midtown Strength & Conditioning 23.10.2020

To end my letter I tell you, be strong in the Lord and in his great power. Wear the full armor of God. Wear God’s armor so that you can fight against the devil’s clever tricks. Our fight is not against people on earth. We are fighting against the rulers and authorities and the powers of this world’s darkness. We are fighting against the spiritual powers of evil in the heavenly places. That is why you need to get God’s full armor. Then on the day of evil, you will be able to s...tand strong. And when you have finished the whole fight, you will still be standing. So stand strong with the belt of truth tied around your waist, and on your chest wear the protection of right living. On your feet wear the Good News of peace to help you stand strong. And also use the shield of faith with which you can stop all the burning arrows that come from the Evil One. Accept God’s salvation as your helmet. And take the sword of the Spiritthat sword is the teaching of God. Pray in the Spirit at all times. Pray with all kinds of prayers, and ask for everything you need. To do this you must always be ready. Never give up. Always pray for all of God’s people. Also pray for methat when I speak, God will give me words so that I can tell the secret truth about the Good News without fear. I have the work of speaking for that Good News, and that is what I am doing now, here in prison. Pray that when I tell people the Good News, I will speak without fear as I should. Ephesians 6:10-20 ERV https://bible.com/bible/406/eph.6.10-20.ERV . . Stay focused Keep improving Persevere Praise God See more

Midtown Strength & Conditioning 10.10.2020

Discipline is not a light switch. Discipline is a way of life. John Harbaugh 6-6-20 Monday Strength Foam roll 2 minutes ... Mobilize 3 minutes Dynamic Warm up A. Jumping jacks 100 B. Plank climbers 100 C. Reverse lunges 50 The workout 1. KB split stance clean + press 8 sets of 5r/5l 2. KB snatch 5 x 5r/5l 3. A. 1 rep MAXIMUM effort deadlift B. Complete a set of Maximum Rep pull -ups after every set of deadlifts. 4. Optional sumo deadlift drops sets 1 x 50 at RPE 5 Stretch + foam roll + hydrate

Midtown Strength & Conditioning 28.09.2020

Six ways to be a good teammate: 1. Play unselfishly in games. 2. Help lead and encourage your teammates in games. 3. Do your job as best as you can. 4. Help out your teammates in practice.... 5. Be a team player and accept your role on the team. 6. Be a true friend off the field. Sportspychtips.com 7-3-20 Friday Strength Foam roll 2 minutes Mobilize 2 minutes Dynamic Warm Up A. Jog in place 3 x 20 seconds B. Mountain Climbers 3 x 20 C. Lateral hops 3 x 20 F. Jump up 3 x 12 G. Roll ups 3 x 5 F. Hip Cradles 3 x 4r/4l The workout 1. Back Squat 3 x 20 at 50% 2. Stiff leg deadlifts 4 x 8 3. Bent row 3 x 10 4. Lunge jumps 2 x 20 5. Hollow rocks 1 x 100 Stretch + foam roll + hydrate

Midtown Strength & Conditioning 13.09.2020

You can never move into another role until you dominate the one you currently have. Expanding roles come when work ethic says so. Tom Crean Congratulations to my wife Maria Gutierrez for placing 4th in true novice, 3rd novice, 2nd in Masters division... 6-29-20 Monday Strength Foam roll 3 minutes Mobilize 3 minutes Dynamic Warm Up stationary A. Low skips 1 x 50 B. Bear crawl 1 x 12 yards C. Side shuffle 1x 20 D. Knee huggers 1 x 6 E. Jump 1 x 7 F. Fast feet 1 x 12 seconds G. Cariocas 1 x 20 The Workout 1. A.Barbell Single Arm Snatch into a Turkish Get Up This is practice week. Go light 5 to 6 sets of 1r/1l B. Jump rope 6 x 100 or Double Unders 6 x 50 2.Deadlifts 10 reps down to 1 start at RPE of 5 then add weight after each set. 3. DB complex A. Split stance row 4 x 5r/5l B. Lunge switches 3 x 12 C. 1 arm clean between feet/ down middle of body max reps in 30 seconds on the right hand and 30 seconds on the left hand. 2 sets D. Hanging/ lying Knees Chest 2 sets of 20 Stretch + foam roll + hydrate

Midtown Strength & Conditioning 31.08.2020

Players should want coaches to be hard on them. One way to tell a great player: How they react to being pushed. Steve Nash . . #strength #teamwork #courage #perserverance #workhardandbelieveinyourself #improvement #truth #faith #focus #dedication #desire #discipline #routine #winningmindset #winninghabits ... #PraiseGod See more

Midtown Strength & Conditioning 21.08.2020

6-19-20 Friday Strength Foam roll 3 minutes Mobilize 3 minutes... Light Dynamic A. Low Skips 1 x 20 B. Bear crawl 1 x 12 yards C. Lateral lunges 1 x 4r/4l D. Jump ups 1 x 7 E. Mountain Climbers 1 x 30 The workout 1. Back Squat 10 x 1 at 70% to 75% of max 2. RDL's 3 sets of 5 3. A. Lunge jumps 3 x 8 B. Russian twist 2 x 30 C. Duck walks 2 x 10 yards stretch+ foam roll + hydrate2

Midtown Strength & Conditioning 08.08.2020

6-18-20 Thursday Active Recovery Foam roll 2 minutes Mobilize 2 minutes ... Extended Dynamic Warm up A. Lateral hops 5 x 20 B. Jump ropes 5 x 100 C. Inch worms 5 x 8 yards D. Lunge jumps 5 x 12 E. Hip Cradles 5 x 2r2l F. Rotating planks 5 x 8 G. Roll up to burpee 5 x 5 H. Hollow rocks 5 x 9 I. Long Mountain Climbers 5 x 8 J. Jump up 5 x5 K. Single leg hops 5 x 3r/3l. Casual pace = Active Recovery Combine into a circuit or go straight sets 1. Alternating KB swings 4 x 12 2. Bicycles 2 x 50 3. Pull - up 6 sets of 3 ( chest to bar) 4. Overhead farmers carry 2 x 30 yards 5. Sumo Deadlift 3 x 5 rpe= 4 6. Jog around block 1x 1 stretch + foam roll +hydrate

Midtown Strength & Conditioning 03.08.2020

Five steps to entering the zone: 1. Quiet your mind and relax your body 2. Be positive 3. Focus on the task at hand 4. Give your best effort... 5. Trust your instincts Entering the zone can be difficult, but if you keep trying these five things, you can do it! 6-17-20 Wednesday Strength Foam roll 2 minutes Mobilize 2 minutes mini Warm up Jump rope 4 x 100 Bear crawl 4 x 8 yards Lateral hops 4 x 20 Fast feet 4 x 10 seconds Roll ups 4 x 10 The Workout 1. Turkish Get Ups 3x 3r/3l heavy 2. Db/ BB push press 5 sets of 5 at (RPE 6) Then work up to a 1 rep max effort push press 3. Work up to a 1 rep MAXIMUM single in the Front Squat Then complete 1 drop set of 20 reps at 50% of today's best. 4. Hang Power Snatch at the knees 5 sets of 1 with RPE of 6 5. A. Pull ups 5x5 + B. DB or KB floor press 5 sets of max reps with (RPE of 6) you can swap in bench instead of floor press. stretch + foam roll + hydrate

Midtown Strength & Conditioning 30.07.2020

Practice as if everyone is watching. Perform as if no one is watching. 6-16 -20 Tuesday Conditioning Foam 2 minutes ... Mobilize 3 minutes 1 jog around the block The Workout A. KB / DB Snatch 10r/10l, 9r/9l, 8r/8l, 7r/7l, 6r/6l, 5r/5l 4r/4l, 3r/3l, 2r/2l, 1r/1l B. Double Unders 20 each round OR Single Unders 40 C. Lunges 12/12l, 10r/10l, 8r/8l, 6r/6l, 4r/4l D. Planks 20 seconds each round OPTIONAL WORKOUT #2 A. DB Jump ups 10 down to 1 B.DB Burpees 10 to 1 C. Hollow Rocks 10 down to 1 D. KB/ DB Swings 10 to 1 stretch + foam roll +hydrate

Midtown Strength & Conditioning 19.07.2020

Once you become good, strive to be great. Once you become great, strive to be the best. Never settle. Always keep raising your goals! . . . 6-15-20 Monday Strength... Foam roll 2 minutes Mobilize 3 minutes Light Dynamic A. Low Skips 1 x 10 B. Side shuffle 1 x 5r/ 5l C. Bear crawl 1 x 8 yards D. Cariocas 1 4r/4l E. Single leg hops 1 x 4r/4l F. Butt kickers 1 x 10 G. Jump ups 1 x 10 H. Mountain climbers 1 x 30 The Workout 1. 2 clean high pulls + 1 hang clean at the knees + 1 power clean + 1 jerk complete 3 sets at 70% or ( RPE of 6 to 7) 2. Sumo deadlift 8 sets of 3 at ( RPE of 7 to 8) 3. A. DB pull overs 4 sets of 10 + B. DB stationary lunges 4 x 8r/8l + C. Split stance DB rows 4 sets of 5r/5l 4. A. Hollow rocks 4 sets of 20 B. Rotating planks 4 sets of 12 C. Bicycles 4 sets of 50 D. Roll up to jumps 4 sets of 5 stretch + foam roll + hydrate

Midtown Strength & Conditioning 06.07.2020

Be the type of teammate that you like playing with. Be the type of opponent you hate playing against. @sportpyschtips.com 6-13-20 Saturday Conditioning... Foam roll 4 minutes Mobilize 4 minutes Light Dynamic A. Low Skips in place 1 x 20 B. Side Shuffle 1 x 10r 10l C. RDL 1 x 5r 5l D. Mountain Climbers 1 x 30 E. Cariocas 1 x 5r 5L F. Jump ups 1 x 20 G. Lateral hops 1 x 4r 4l H. Single leg hops 1 x 5r 5l The Workout 1. DB thrusters 8 x 8 2. Jump rope 8 x 40 3. Plank twist 8 x 20 4. Sumo/ conventional 8 x 8 at (RPE of 6) 5. Hollow Rocks 8 x 12 6. Buellers/ or reverse lunges 8 x 4r 4l stretch foam roll + Hydrate

Midtown Strength & Conditioning 22.06.2020

Finally, be strong in the Lord and in the strength of His might. Put on the full armor of God, so that you will be able to stand firm against the schemes of the devil. For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the powers, against the world forces of this darkness, against the spiritual forces of wickedness in the heavenly places. Therefore, take up the full armor of God, so that you will be able to resist in the evil day, and having don...e everything, to stand firm. Stand firm therefore, having girded your loins with truth , and having put on the breastplate of righteousness , and having shod your feet with the preparation of the gospel of peace ; in addition to all, taking up the shield of faith with which you will be able to extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one. And take the helmet of salvation , and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God. With all prayer and petition pray at all times in the Spirit, and with this in view, be on the alert with all perseverance and petition for all the saints, and pray on my behalf, that utterance may be given to me in the opening of my mouth, to make known with boldness the mystery of the gospel, for which I am an ambassador in chains; that in proclaiming it I may speak boldly, as I ought to speak. Ephesians 6:10-20 NASB https://bible.com/bible/100/eph.6.10-20.NASB See more

Midtown Strength & Conditioning 13.06.2020

Life's battles don't always go to the stronger or faster man. Sooner or later the man who wins is the man who thinks he can. Vince Lombardi 6-11-20 Thursday Conditioning Foam roll 3 minutes ... Mobilize 4 minutes Dynamic Warm - up A. Low Skips 1 x 12 yards B. Side shuffle 1 x 5r/5l C. Bear crawl 1x 10 yards D. High skips 1 x 12 E. Lateral hops 1 x 6r/6l F. Fast feet 1 x 12 seconds G. Single leg hops 1 x 4r/4l H. Crab walk 1 x 8 yards I. Butt kickers 1 x 12 J. Cariocas 1 x 3r/3l K. Bounding 1 x 5r/5l L. Jump ups 1 x 7 M. Inch worms 1 x 8 yards N. Mountain climbers 1 x 50 O. Hi knees 1 x 20 P. Hop scotch 1 x 20 Q. Walking RDL's 1 x3r/3l R. Sprint 50% for 20 yards / then sprint back at 60%. S. Rest then sprint at 60% for 20 yards/ then sprint back at 70% The workout 4 house build ups Set 1. House 1 50% house 2 60%, house 3 70%, house 4 80% recovery is the walk back Set 2 House 1 at 50%, house 2 at 60%, house 3 at 70%, House 4 at 80% Set 3 house 1 at 50%, house 2 at 60%, house 3 at 70% house 4 at 80% Set 4 house 1 at 50%, house 2 at 60%, house 3 at 70% house 4 at 80% Set 5 house 1 at 50%, house 2 at 60%, house 3 at 70% house 4 at 80% Workout #2 A. Jump rope 50 B. Mountain climbers 30 C. Body squats 20 D. Oppo hand OPPO foot 20 E. Burpees 25 F. Walking lunges 30 G. Russian twist 30 H. Jumps 20 I. Rotating planks J. Kettlebell swings American style 25 complete 3 rounds Stretch + foam roll + hydrate