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Phone: +1 650-762-6121

Address: 1511 Rollins Road, Ste 30 94010 Burlingame, CA, US

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Lisa M. Kelsey, MFT 18.01.2022

Super powerful video of her experience with taking medication for her mental health. The content is raw, vulnerable, courageous, honest and brave. Her openness could help so many people who are struggling with mental health or who are supporting people struggling with mental health. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gh8Gl2GwB6s

Lisa M. Kelsey, MFT 05.01.2022

Reflections Day 990: I value and treasure my friendships. Tonight I celebrated my friends birthday that happened during us both having COVID. We have known each other for 28 years. We had a nice dinner and then went back to her house and had a dance party. We danced to all of our favorite old school hip hop songs, MJ songs, Prince, and even salsa and meringue. We felt like we were back at DV8 and Sound Factory some of the best times in our 20’s. It was so much fun. COVID you won’t stop us from celebrating. All we want from our friends is to be there for us and with us. Nurture your friendships and they will be treasured as will you be.

Lisa M. Kelsey, MFT 01.01.2022

Reflections Day 989: Grace and compassion are two words that have come up in the past few weeks for me. I am always someone that is striving to grow and learn and move forward. I pride myself in learning from my mistakes and doing my best to not repeat them or get pulled into toxic interactions. I was reminded to have grace and compassion for myself, especially when I don’t get it perfectly right or when I do get pulled in. It was framed to me that I am doing the best I can as often as I can and I’m human. Sometimes we can do all we want and sometimes we can’t and that’s ok. Being ok with those times is where the grace and compassion for ourselves comes in. Being aware and trying is moving forward.

Lisa M. Kelsey, MFT 23.12.2021

Reflections Day 988: Our bodies signal us, we have to pay close attention and listen to them. During my COVID experience I was pretty much laying on the couch for 7 days with little to no energy. As I gained energy I would do a little and then my body would let me know if that was too much or if I could do more. Last Thursday was my first day working after being off for 7 days. It kicked my butt even though I was sitting on my butt for my calls. My body had been used to doing... nothing and now it was working and moving. The moving was slowly adding daily walking in little by little. First 2 laps, then 3, then 4, then 6 and over the weekend getting back to 8 laps. One day in the middle of that my energy was low and I didn’t walk. This morning I woke up and was pretty low energy. I went on my walk and it helped a little. By 2 pm I was beat. I shifted some meetings around today, tomorrow and Friday to ease into things a little slower. Tonight was first night back with clients. It was a long day. I am having to really listen to my body and if I can’t do something or I get too tired I need to shift something to allow my body to heal and recover. Listen to your body and follow what it tells you. This is good advice for everyone, whether you have COVID or not. See more

Lisa M. Kelsey, MFT 04.12.2021

Reflections Day 987: Excited to share that my daughter and I both tested negative today for COVID, yay for us. I’m very proud of my daughter in the last few days for speaking up and asking questions and asking for what she wants/needs. This can be hard enough for adults to do and also hard for kids. In one instance it was for clarification and in the other instance it was to change something. Teaching her self empowerment is a trait that will benefit her her entire life. I also suggested a surprise today to have her dad drop our puppy off. She hasn’t been able to be around us for a week. This surprise made my daughters day and it was great to have our puppy here. Her tail has been wagging all day so we know she is glad to be back. It’s little things like having your puppy back that can mean so much.

Lisa M. Kelsey, MFT 26.11.2021

Reflections Day 986: While getting COVID sucked and my daughter being positive was worrisome, there has been one benefit and it’s the extra time we’ve had together. First off I’m grateful she has had no symptoms. We have had so many extra days and our time with each other is so valuable. Watching lots of shows, playing games, laughing, getting out some anger and just being together. She is also looking out for me. My cough is still dragging on and when she hears me cough she says are you good?. She wants to make sure I’m all right just as I always want to make sure she is all right. We originally were going to have more time apart than together and instead we ended up with more time together. Our time together means the world to me.

Lisa M. Kelsey, MFT 18.11.2021

Reflections Day 985: Support systems are critical in our lives. During the past few weeks so many people have supported me, supported my mom and supported my daughter. People have texted daily if not multiple times to check on all of us. It means so much to us to know that the important people in our lives care about us and how we are. When we are down we really find out who has our backs and will be there to support us and we also find out who won’t and who we can’t count on. Sometimes this is can be hard to go through and disappointing and yet it’s a lesson of who we can trust and count on. Thank you to all that have been there for us, your support has helped us get through this.

Lisa M. Kelsey, MFT 02.11.2021

Reflections Day 984: When a situation comes our way, our first thought needs to be how it will impact us and our well being. We are the only person that we can count on to do this. Sometimes depending on the situation we can feel rushed to make a decision and it may not be in our best interest and may not even consider our needs. This is the time to pause and think about the pros and cons. This recently happened to me and I rushed my decision and didn’t even think about my well being, in fact I was only considering what was best for everyone else. My lesson is that I needed to think of myself first, this is true self care.

Lisa M. Kelsey, MFT 18.10.2021

Reflections Day 983: Today my daughter woke up pretty bummed as tonight would have been her Beauty and the Beast Jr show. At first I was trying to say or offer to do things to try to make it better. I realized there wasn’t really anything I could do to make her feel better. The best I could do is be there for her to support her right where she was at. Sometimes we can’t make things better. This afternoon she asked me to send a message to two of the parents of kids in the show to wish them good luck. I was so proud of her that through her own disappointment she still wanted to send well wishes. It really warmed my heart. We wish the full cast of Beauty and the Beast Jr. the best show tonight and tomorrow.

Lisa M. Kelsey, MFT 12.10.2021

Reflections Day 982: Today is a special day, it’s my dads birthday. He would have been 76. My mom, my brother and I usually get together on special days like today. Being with each other allows us to share memories of our dad and celebrate who he was. We couldn’t do that today because COVID took that away from us. We will get together when it’s safe to do so and celebrate all he was. He was a special man to many and so grateful of the time he had with both his granddaughters. He was as much the world to them as they were to him. I hope all our loved ones we have lost are together celebrating my dad, playing their guitars and having a yummy meal. Love and miss you every day dad.

Lisa M. Kelsey, MFT 25.09.2021

Reflections Day 981: Let me just tell you that plan B took a huge curve ball when I received a call from my daughters school at 11 am that she tested positive. I was in shock especially with all the precautions we had put in place, her quarantining at her dads etc. My first thought was she won’t be able to do her Beauty and the Beast show this weekend and she will be devastated. Her dad picked her up and we told her together and she broke down. She wasn’t told at school about... the positive test and didn’t know why she was being picked up. She cried hard. She said why me, I hate COVID and I worked so hard with all my rehearsals. It truly broke my heart and I just hugged and loved her. We of course had to notify her dance company and they had to notify everyone. So many friends and loved ones were coming to see her so lots of disappointment for her and for them that she can’t be in the show. She had tears earlier and anger this afternoon. So we got an empty wrapping paper stick and she pounded the couch as if it was COVID. Getting a little anger and frustration out also led to some laughter about the stick breaking up. Sometimes naming and getting the feelings out in an activity can be helpful. She is asymptomatic right now and I hope it stays that way. I am masked up to keep myself safe although many have said I can’t get it again, going by my doctors recommendation. It has been quite the journey so far in the new year for my mom, for me and now for my daughter. We are being told loud and clear to rest and rest we shall. Happy birthday to my Nannie, she was one of the best and would have been 110 today wow. Miss you so much just know your double, triple and even quadruple solitaire lives on. See more

Lisa M. Kelsey, MFT 20.09.2021

This is a really simple yet good thing.

Lisa M. Kelsey, MFT 14.09.2021

Reflections Day 980: Today was about a surprise and a plan B. The surprise was my daughter stopping by outside to say hi with our puppy before school. She wanted to let me know she missed me. I so wanted to hug her but I can’t. I wore my mask and stood in the doorway with a huge distance between us. Our puppy jumped out of her arms and ran inside as she doesn’t know I have COVID. I wanted to pick her up and hug her but I couldn’t either. I had to guide her out and close the d...oor so she would go back to my daughter and not come back inside. Seeing her and our puppy was a great way to start the day and a great surprise. This afternoon I received some advice from a nurse at work that it would be best if my daughter doesn’t come back to my house until the 10 day mark from my positive test. Originally she was coming to my house tomorrow. I spoke to her dad about this and we agreed we needed a plan B. While I already miss her so much I know our plan B keeps her safe from catching this and safe from catching it and passing it along to classmates or fellow cast members in her show. She won’t be home with me until Monday that will have been 13 days. It’s going to be hard but it’s necessary. My mom is also part of plan B as she will stay with her for a night and a day. Thankful to her dad and to my mom for stepping in while I can’t and making sure everyone is protected. Sometimes we think we have a plan set up and sometimes the whole thing changes and needed to. In this case plan B is best and I’m grateful we could put it in place. See more

Lisa M. Kelsey, MFT 02.05.2021

Reflections Day 698: Time with family is precious. Every moment that we are able to be together I take and value. Today my daughter and I got to spend time with my mom, niece, and brother. We had egg hunts, decorated cookies and enjoyed every moment. There were prizes, candy, bunnies and the ultimate gold eggs!! The parents even had a hunt. Lots of fun, keeping traditions and making new memories.

Lisa M. Kelsey, MFT 28.04.2021

Reflections Day 697: Today I got to spend the day with two friends. One I hadn’t seen in almost a year, and one I’m grateful to see often. It was great to visit, catch up, and share a meal, even play a few games. Connecting with the people in our lives via text, email, phone call, FaceTime/zoom or in person means so much. That one reach out can really make the difference for not only that person but for you too. Reach out and connect.

Lisa M. Kelsey, MFT 26.04.2021

Reflections Day 696: Today I shared time with friends. My day started early with a good walk with a great friend. She and I caught up, shared our highlights, and challenges and enjoyed our magical path. Then I spent the afternoon with 3 friends having a yummy lunch and wine tasting at Merryvale Vineyards. It was great to see each of them and catch up. The weather was beautiful and the company was great. Keeping in touch with our friends and being there for each other is what it’s all about. Blessed to have these friendships.

Lisa M. Kelsey, MFT 20.04.2021

Reflections Day 695: Today was April Fools day but there were no pranks. Two of the most memorable April Fools were one year Genentech announced on their gWiz site that there would be a dress code. I totally believed it and was so upset. I already had to dress up for my internship 2 days a week and couldn’t believe I would have to all week. Finally in the middle of the day someone said can you believe the company’s April Fools, I was so relieved. The second one was pranking my parents by laying face down on the pathway to their front door and my brother running in to tell them I fell. My mom came running down the stairs inside and almost hurt herself and was so worried. I lifted my head and said April Fools and she was so upset at the prank and grateful I was ok. Happy April to everyone!!

Lisa M. Kelsey, MFT 14.01.2021

Reflections Day 623: Setting your intention at the beginning of a visit or a conversation let’s the person know what you would like to focus on or what you hope to get out of it. Setting the intention allows you to structure what you’d like and be able to put it out to the person and universe. In a recent example for me it allowed me to focus on the positive and constructive versus negative and judgement. During and after I felt good about how I showed up and how my intention led me.

Lisa M. Kelsey, MFT 26.12.2020

Reflections Day 622: One thing I’ve missed in the past year is going out to a concert or club and dancing. Today we celebrated together and listened to the old school classics of music they just don’t make anymore like Earth Wind and Fire and Kool and the Gang. We also listened to my old school hip hop and I got to get my dance on. We may not have been out at a club but it was nice to let my hair down, sing along to the songs and of course dance. We also played kids charades and had a blast, kids against adults, the adults won by 1 point. We are in a time of restrictions, however we can still make our own fun and have a good time. I’m glad I let myself do that tonight.

Lisa M. Kelsey, MFT 09.12.2020

Reflections Day 621: When something is said to you and it doesn’t make sense or brings about a reaction in you, it’s important to ask yourself why and even more important to get clarification. Asking for clarification helps you understand their reasoning. Pointing it out to them and sharing the impact let’s them know they need to reflect on what they are saying and why. Speaking up in life sends a message, sets a boundary and shows what you are willing to accept or not.

Lisa M. Kelsey, MFT 05.12.2020

Reflections Day 620: Today my daughter had her second vocal lesson. I had the chance to listen from another room and felt so proud. She has a beautiful voice and hearing her sing brought such joy. She is learning so much and doing something she loves. I am glad she is getting the chance to nurture and grow her talent.

Lisa M. Kelsey, MFT 02.12.2020

Reflections Day 619: Happy birthday Dad! Last year my mom asked my brother and I to help her go through the items in the attic. Today was the perfect way to do that and to be together on my dad's birthday. He would have been 75 today, wow. We found so many keepsakes, including toys, books, handmade blankets that our Nannie made, cabbage patch kids, records, 45's, VHS tapes, Mandy and Holly Hobby dolls, Halloween costumes, old video game systems, encyclopedias (definitely a ...bit outdated), old pictures, cards, school work, report cards, stuffed animals, and even Tinker Toys, my absolute favorite my old Michael Jackson posters, my softy, my girls scouts sash and uniform, you name it we found it. We went through it all, keep- definitely lots of it, donate-lots too, and some to the garbage too. Being able to do this together, the three of us, to reminisce, to share in the day and be together it meant so much. See more