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Locality: Santa Rosa, California

Phone: (206) 771-3399

Address: 1501 Mendocino Ave 95401 Santa Rosa, CA, US

Website: www.leawolfastrology.com

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Athena’s Oracle Tarot & Astrology 17.11.2020

Santa Rosa California is an Aries ruled town. For those of you that are NOT astrologers, let me try to explain what that means to you in plain English. SO HERE GOES. The day SR was incorporated in Astrology is the day a city has its birthday. In astrology astrologers study city charts. People are born and places are also born. So we as astrologers look at natural disasters and compare it to the city chart where said disaster occurs in. AS MANY of you know MARS is Retrograde i...Continue reading

Athena’s Oracle Tarot & Astrology 05.11.2020

Santa Rosa California is an Aries ruled town. For those of you that are not astrologers, let me try to explain what that means to you in plain English. SO HERE ...GOES. The day SR was incorporated in Astrology is the day a city has its birthday. In astrology astrologers study city charts. People are born and places are also born. So we as astrologers look at natural disasters and compare it to the city chart where said disaster occurs in. AS MANY of you know MARS is Retrograde in Aries. Aries is RULED by the planet MARS. Mars is a fire sign the sun is ruled by Leo a fire sign as well. Not only is the sun in Aries in SR's City chart but so is Neptune. The sun and NEPTUNE are in a loose conjunction of an 8 degree orb. Yes Neptune is separating from the sun but it is still a conjunction. Neptune can dissolve structures, the dark shadow side of this planet can be destructive in terms of crime, drugs self destruction secrecy secret organizations. It's not surprising with a Neptune sun conjunction that Santa Rosa California is a major crime hub and the crime has been AMPLIFIED with MARS retrograde hovering and applying and separating to that Sun/ Neptune conjunction. We have been seeing riots, people overdosing and dying on the boulevards of the gas station and in the parking lot of 711 on Steele lane. WE simply don't have enough teams passing out narcan here drug issues are major here (Neptune) I saw this myself. I also saw a riot occur, as well as a police chase now that I got on film.... we have seen a huge rise in homelessness. Transiting Neptune is applying to Santa Rosa’s city chart’s moon. SO for those of you that Dont know astrology let me explain, rulerships and affliiliations that apply to various planets and signs ruled by said planets. Each has a light and shadow side, (yin/yang dark/light etc) and signs are ruled by planets. Neptune rules pisces - light side - Creativity, compassion healing empathy, music arts, film etc Dark side: drugs, excess, self destruction, secrecy, dealing, lies, deception, cults etc. SR is known as a major drug town for hard drugs, why? It is just north of SF, it's close by proxy and a middle trafficking point and not just herbal medicine but hard stuff that kills people that all you folks read about in the news. You may wonder why is that? Well I am going to educate you: It is because it is the doorway between the emerald triangle and the rest of the state and SF where there are open air narcotics markets too and SF is a port town ding ding ding ding. Its a gateway for all the north opium farms too. Santa Rosa is a major trafficking town as it sits central between north south east and west. You can drive just about anywhere from there so its a convenient spot. SO OFCOURSE Neptune is Conjunct the Sun in Santa Rosa's city chart, makes sense. So CITY charts can absolutely give towns flairs and themes and in this case Santa Rosa has a big secret underbelly. And it's seedy. And alcohol is also very piscean and there are plenty of vineyards here too, let’s not forget that. On a happier note: Its also the home place of the revolutionary Emerald Cup, where in the past BEFORE cannabis was legalized cannabis farmers came together in a family of subculture, to network share medicine and have wonderful times, but lots of partying and excess happened too (that's the dark side of Neptune and Jupiter excess) . ( I remember because I was there in my twenties living it) NOW that cannabis is legalized the culture of the cup has changed to less of a subculture with less activism to a more main stream horse and pony show. Times change and the politics change. The golden Era had to end at some point or just get more tucked away... Apart from Neptune conj sun Santa Rosa has a stellium of pisces planets, but of course it does... The planets that MARS retrograde in Aries has been hovering on back and forth form squares. Sun squares Uranus. Uranus is FAST, think lightning bolts (lightning fires ) Lightning fire complex fires) Neptune also squares Uranus too. When mars hit those planets, GAS LINES got hit with fire and exploded and rumbled our town. AND considering other things neptunian cannabis gardens got destroyed and burned down too. The industry is being affected. THE DAY the GLASS FIRE STARTED AT 4am Transiting moon was in Pisces at 17 degrees and Neptune at at 19 degrees pisces (2 degree orb) conjunct Santa Rosa's Natal mars, with mercury coming in 3rd at an 8 degree orb! THERE YOU GO THERE IS NEPTUNE AGAIN! THERE ARE 30-31 days in a month it takes the moon two days to go through each sign the odds of the moon being in pisces on the day the fire started is very low in probability. COINCIDENCE ! I THINK NOT. WHY , because events and astrology coincide with cycles. This is deeper than synchronicity folks, its CYCLES! NOTICE all of Santa Rosa's city chart planets fall in the 8th house of the Glass Fire Incident's chart. 8th house is ruled by scorpio (sex, death rebirth transformation) well; lots of dying is happening and alot of rebirth will grow back when the earth recovers from this. A system has to change. JUPITER and Chiron squaring the south node too! Old karma being released from the land burned where incidents happened on it. AND LETS NOT FORGET the natal moon of the SR city chart is in Taurus at 6 degrees and its conjunct Uranus with a 3 degree orb that conjunction will be there for a while now folks. Uranus moves slowly. The moon rules home and family and community in a sense and Uranus is shaking it all up. Uranus is in an earth element of taurus, think trees, brush, earth , grass etc. (and that's on fire) earth signs relate to structure to as its earth as well. Pluto and Venus in taurus in SRS chart are also conjunct to Uranus. MY TAKE this ISNT going away anytime soon, buckle up this will be a bumpy ride, systems have to change, stores energy and imprints inside land where experiences have happened will be purged and released from fire. People will be sick for many years to come and suffer long term disabling illnesses from being poisoned. This won't just affect lungs but our food and water sources will be poisoned greatly (pisces dominant chart) I am exhausted I will fine tune this tomorrow. BUT yes the fire will spread it will get worse due to hitting other structures gas lines, and electrical lines and it will spread and I feel will drag on for a good month or longer. SO STAY TUNED. I know this is complicated and people that don't understand astrology won't understand some of the euphemisms and terms but I have done my best to simply it and explain in themes and metaphors and current events relating to transits so folks don't get too confused. In plain English this isn’t surprising, the mars retrograde, the Uranus squares, the squares to the south node, and transiting Neptune in pisces applying to the Pisces moon of the fire event chart isn’t helping. Mars goes direct November 13. Until then I fear this is going to go on through most of October. I also wonder if we will be seeing fires in November too

Athena’s Oracle Tarot & Astrology 25.10.2020

Mars is retrograde in Aries, so people’s tempers may be flaring there may be disputes amongst people and neighbors. People that are normally calm, may feel more wired, sleep cycles and energy levels will be affected, people may feel more restless and craving freedom. People may also feel more vindictive too or passionate. Mars, will be retrograde, till November 13. My advice, do not engage, directly diffuse the energy, and take care of it at home and protect yourself from it.... It’s an important time to be doing protective work, protecting yourself and your space and making an energetic boundary. Between the retro and the pandemic, and fires people are going to get nasty and petty from the chaos. The key is don’t feed it, defeat it and don’t show them your cards. In regards to matters of safety listen to your intuition. People can be more accident prone at this time, so slow down be careful and mindful of your body mechanics and movements and driving. Burn that agrimony and pull out the hot foot powder instead don’t confront bullies and troublemakers, protect the homefront and yourself. Use love and protection as a default instead of anger. ... Before, sending that angry or nasty text, or writing that letter or email or making that phone call, take one night to sleep on it. Do not give into impulse. The key here is damage control, SLOW DOWN don’t be impulsive.

Athena’s Oracle Tarot & Astrology 10.10.2020

Mars is retrograde, so people’s tempers may be flaring there may be disputes amongst people and neighbors. People that are normally calm, may feel more wired, sleep cycles and energy levels will be affected, people may feel more restless and craving freedom. People may also feel more vindictive too or passionate. Mars, will be retrograde, till November 13. My advice, do not engage, directly diffuse the energy, and take care of it at home and protect yourself from it. It’s an... important time to be doing protective work, protecting yourself and your space and making an energetic boundary. Between the retro and the pandemic, and fires people are going to get nasty and petty from the chaos. The key is don’t feed it, defeat it and don’t show them your cards. In regards to matters of safety listen to your intuition. People can be more accident prone at this time, so slow down be careful and mindful of your body mechanics and movements and driving. . Burn that agrimony and pull out the hot foot powder and salt , draw protective sigils instead don’t confront bullies and troublemakers, protect the homefront and yourself ... Before, sending that angry or nasty text, or writing that letter or email or making that phone call, take one night to sleep on it. Do not give into impulse. The key here is damage control, SLOW DOWN don’t be impulsive.

Athena’s Oracle Tarot & Astrology 25.09.2020

A ceremony of prayer and ritual for all the animals: pets, livestock and wildlife that have perished in the wildfires here. These souls are in transition and need healing and love and care. This video I am discussing the spiritual aspect of the fires and the purging and effect it is having on the collective consciousness.