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Locality: Northridge

Phone: +1 818-832-0633

Address: 10250 Etiwanda Ave 91325 Northridge, CA, US

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LAPD Devonshire Community Police Station 21.05.2021

**Pedestrian Safety Tips** Know the BasicsPedestrian Safety 10 Walking Safety Tips... 1. Be predictable. Follow the rules of the road and obey signs and signals. 2. Walk on sidewalks whenever they are available. 3. If there is no sidewalk, walk facing traffic and as far from traffic as possible. 4. Keep alert at all times; don’t be distracted by electronic devices that take your eyes (and ears) off the road. 5. Whenever possible, cross streets at crosswalks or intersections, where drivers expect pedestrians. Look for cars in all directions, including those turning left or right. 6. If a crosswalk or intersection is not available, locate a well-lit area where you have the best view of traffic. Wait for a gap in traffic that allows enough time to cross safely; continue watching for traffic as you cross. 7. Never assume a driver sees you. Make eye contact with drivers as they approach to make sure you are seen. 8. Be visible at all times. Wear bright clothing during the day, and wear reflective materials or use a flashlight at night. 9. Watch for cars entering or exiting driveways, or backing up in parking lots. 10. Avoid alcohol and drugs when walking; they impair your abilities and your judgment. https://www.nhtsa.gov/road-safety/pedestrian-safety Stay well, stay safe.

LAPD Devonshire Community Police Station 15.05.2021

**File a Police Report Online** Types of reports you can file Online Now: *Theft... *Identity Theft *Theft from Vehicle *Harassing/Annoying Phone Calls *Hit and Run *Lost Property (lost cellphones, wallets, passports etc.) *Vandalism *Vehicle Collision/Traffic Accidents Please visit: https://www.lapdonline.org/home/content_basic_view/60409 Stay well, stay safe.

LAPD Devonshire Community Police Station 14.05.2021

**Don't Leave Kids or Pets inside a car** This is a reminder to stay healthy in the heat and don't leave children or pets inside vehicle, not even for just a few minutes. Stay well, stay safe.

LAPD Devonshire Community Police Station 10.05.2021

**Catalytic Converter Theft Prevention Tips** There were (5) Catalytic Converter thefts in Devonshire last week. The target cars are Honda Accord, Toyota Prius and Ford trucks.... Please take a few moments to read these prevention tips. Stay well, stay safe.

LAPD Devonshire Community Police Station 29.04.2021

**Bulldog Liquidator Golf Tournament benefiting LAPD Devonshire PALS - May 10, 2021 - 9 AM** **BullDog Liquidators Golf Tournament - benefiting LAPD Devonshire PALS** When: May 10, 2021 - 9 AM... Where: Porter Valley Country Club (19216 Singing Hills Dr.) More information: Register at Devonshire-Pals.org or call 818 - 885 - 6433

LAPD Devonshire Community Police Station 21.04.2021

**Hot Weather Expected for Thursday and Friday** National Weather Service forecasts High Heat for Los Angeles area for the next 2 days. This is a reminder to stay healthy in the Heat. ... Stay healthy, stay safe.

LAPD Devonshire Community Police Station 15.04.2021

**Lock It, Hide It, Keep It** Don't be a Victim of an auto-related property crimes. The Devonshire Community can easily reduce or even eliminate Burglary Theft From Motor Vehicle crimes! ... Most often, thieves are looking for items to steal prior to breaking into a vehicle. If they don’t see anything they want in plain view, they will simply move on to the next vehicle. So, when parking and leaving your vehicle remember the following tips from LAPD: Always lock your doors and windows, no matter where you park! Park in well-lit, open areas. At home, whenever possible, park your vehicle in a garage or in a secured driveway. If you must park in an unsecured driveway, motion detector lights or continuous lights illuminating the area may be a deterrent. If at all possible, do not leave any items in your car. Do not allow yourself to become the next victim! Remember, LOCK IT! HIDE IT! KEEP IT!

LAPD Devonshire Community Police Station 13.04.2021

**APRIL is...Distracted Driving Awareness Month** During the month of April, several organizations unite under the same mission encourage everyone to drive with focus and to reach their destination safely. Distracted Driving Awareness Month puts safety first and text messages, arriving on time, and friends under the influence in the back seat.... According to 2016 statistics, the National Safety Council estimates as many as 40,000 people died on U.S. roadways. That’s a 6% increase over 2015 statistics and 14% over 2014. The NDC says that’s the most dramatic two-year increase in 53 years. What can you do ? - Turn off your phone - Designate a sober driver - Reduce your speed - Crying children can wait until you can pull over safely - Wear your seat belt. Throughout the month of April, visit www.nsc.org or www.nhtsa.gov to learn more about what’s causing crashes, how to prevent them and what else you can do. Stay well, stay safe.

LAPD Devonshire Community Police Station 05.04.2021

**Don't leave your Purse Unattended** Devonshire Community Police Station would like to remind you, "Do not leave your purse unattended even for a quick moment, especially inside the stores" ... Stay well, stay alert.

LAPD Devonshire Community Police Station 18.03.2021

Seat Belts Save Lives. In 2016, seat belts saved nearly 15,000 lives. But nearly 2,500 more lives would have been saved if everyone had buckled up.... Please Buckle Up. Stay well, stay safe.

LAPD Devonshire Community Police Station 01.03.2021

**LAPD Hit & Run Reward Program** Up to $ 50,000 Stay Anonymous. Contact:... LACrimeStoppers.org Stay well, stay safe.

LAPD Devonshire Community Police Station 18.02.2021

**Window Safety Tips** Set and enforce rules about keeping children's play away from windows or patio doors. Falling through an insect screen, open window or glass can be fatal or cause serious injury. Keep furniture - or anything children can climb - away from windows. Children may use such objects as an aid to climb to an open window and potentially fall. Keep your windows closed and locked when young children are present. When opening windows for ventilation, open wi...ndows that a child cannot reach. The degree of injury sustained from a window fall can be affected by the surface on which the victim falls. Plant shrubs and soft edging like grass (or place wood chips) beneath windows to potentially lessen the impact if a fall does occur. When performing spring repairs, make sure that your windows are not painted or nailed shut. You must be able to open them to escape in an emergency. Do not install window air conditioners in windows that may be needed for escape or rescue in an emergency. The air conditioning unit could block or impede escape through the window. Always be sure that you have at least one window in each sleeping and living area that meets local code requirements for escape and rescue. Unlocked windows are also a common way of entry during burglaries. As spring arrives, the Window Safety Task Force in partnership with the National Safety Council encourages parents and caregivers to recognize the importance of practicing window safety year-round. Window Safety Week is observed during the first full week of April each year. However, open windows can be dangerous any time of year for young children who are not properly supervised. Falls from a window can result in serious injury or death and pose an especially dangerous threat for children. Every year, about eight children under age five die from falling out a window, and more than 3,300 are injured seriously enough to go to the hospital. For more information please visit: www.nsc.org/windowsafetytaskforce

LAPD Devonshire Community Police Station 07.02.2021

**CARJACKING Prevention Tips**. Devonshire Area has seen an increase in Carjacking incidents this year. There are many preparatory actions one can take to prevent carjacking. Behavior Modification and mental preparedness are key to its prevention. ... This information is meant to contribute to your personal security, in and around your vehicle. You can never be too careful, prepared, or aware. Share this information with family and friends, ensure everyone is aware and prepared in event of a carjacking. Stay well, stay safe.

LAPD Devonshire Community Police Station 05.02.2021

**Catalytic Converters Theft Prevention Tips** Catalytic Converter Theft Prevention Tips. Last month, Devonshire Area had (17) incidents involving catalytic converter thefts. ... Please take a few moments to read the attached prevention tips. Stay well, stay safe.

LAPD Devonshire Community Police Station 21.01.2021

**LAPD PALS First Responders Challenge - Friday, Feb 26th 7-9 PM**. LAPD Devonshire PALS has provided over 300,000 meals to community members, during the pandemic. They're putting together an LAPD/LASD/LAFD event, First Responders Challenge. A battle for the City's best Chili. All proceeds raised go directly to help fund the youth groups of the First Responders. ... $20 Registration. Register @ https://pals-efun.eventbrite.com Stay well, stay safe.

LAPD Devonshire Community Police Station 18.01.2021

**Devonshire Community Police Station re-opening day is POSTPONED**. Unfortunately, The Devonshire Community Police Station will not be opening on Monday, April 12, 2021. The re-opening is POSTPONED until further. ... We apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused. Stay well, stay safe.

LAPD Devonshire Community Police Station 16.01.2021

**Use your Head - Stop on Red** You’re driving down the road, approaching an intersection with a traffic light. The signal facing you turns red. What do you do? This is not a trick question; you stop before you enter the intersection. Yet too many people fail to do just that.... About half of the deaths in red-light running crashes are pedestrians, bicyclists and occupants in other vehicles that are hit by the red-light runners. The T-bone intersection crashes caused by red-light runners result in the most severe injuries. In 2019, FRIDAY was the deadliest day for Red-light running. Use your Head - Stop On Red. Stay well, stay safe.

LAPD Devonshire Community Police Station 12.01.2021

Devonshire Volunteer 20 YR Anniversary - Carlos Sandoval. Devonshire Community Police Station would like to thank Carlos Sandoval for his dedicated service to our community and his relentless volunteering for the past 20 yrs. Carlos Sandoval has been a pillar and a key player in the daily operations of the Devonshire Community Police Station. ... We salute his dedication and commitment.

LAPD Devonshire Community Police Station 08.01.2021

Granada Hills Rotary Club provided Lunch for Devonshire Area. Devonshire Area personnel would like to extend their gratitude for the delicious lunch provided by the Granada Hills Rotary Club on Wednesday, Feb 17. Your kindness and support for our officers is greatly appreciated.... Stay well, stay safe.

LAPD Devonshire Community Police Station 04.01.2021

**File a police report Online** Please keep in mind that the Devonshire Community Police Station will re-open on Monday, April 12 @ 7 AM. However, you are encouraged to file the following reports ONLINE:... *Theft *Identity Theft *Theft from Vehicle *Harassing/Annoying Phone Calls *Hit and Run *Lost Property (lost cellphones, wallets, passports etc.) *Vandalism *Vehicle Collision/Traffic Accidents Please visit: https://www.lapdonline.org/home/content_basic_view/60409 Stay well, stay safe.

LAPD Devonshire Community Police Station 01.01.2021

Burglary Theft from Motor Vehicle Prevention Tips: Most often, thieves are looking for items to steal prior to breaking into a vehicle. If they don’t see anything they want in plain view, they will simply move on to the next vehicle. So, when parking and leaving your vehicle remember the following tips from LAPD Devonshire: Always lock your doors and windows, no matter where you park!... Park in well-lit, open areas. At home, whenever possible, park your vehicle in a garage or in a secured driveway. If you must park in an unsecured driveway, motion detector lights or continuous lights illuminating the area may be a deterrent. If at all possible, do not leave any items in your car. Do not allow yourself to become the next victim! Remember, LOCK IT! HIDE IT! KEEP IT! Stay well, stay safe

LAPD Devonshire Community Police Station 30.12.2020

LAPD Devonshire would like to wish you all a Happy New Year!

LAPD Devonshire Community Police Station 27.12.2020

Road Rage: Dangers, Causes and Prevention In recent years, aggressive driving has increased. When provoked, aggressive, angry drivers have been known to commit acts of violence, commonly known as road rage. What can you do about this? Here are some traffic safety tips to help maintain safe driving conditions. Avoid offending other drivers. Actions which commonly provoke drivers to commit acts of violence include:... Being cut off by other vehicles, Being tailgated, Drivers who do not signal their turns or lane changes, Driving behind a slow-moving vehicle in the fast lane of traffic, Drivers who do not pay attention because of cellular phone use, looking for an address, applying makeup or being overcautious, Drivers stopping in a traffic lane too pick-up or drop-off passengers, Motorcyclists splitting traffic, Improper use of hi-beam headlights, Being the object of obscene gestures. Do not engage other drivers. Put as much distance between you and the other driver as possible and avoid making eye contact. Never pull off the roadway to confront another driver. Change your attitude and approaches to driving. Avoid creating a competitive situation with another driver, even if they are at fault. In the end, it is a lose/lose situation that can cost you your life. Keeping your anger in check. The following tips should help you avoid having a stressful time behind the wheel: Learn to manage the stress in your life, Try to avoid driving when you are angry, Allow plenty of time to get where you are going, Listen to traffic and weather reports to learn of traffic delays, and Listen to soothing music while driving. If you suspect another driver is targeting you for an act of road rage or you are being followed, go to a safe place such as a police, fire or gas station where there are people. If you have a cellular phone, call the police immediately. DO NOT drive home! Stay well, stay safe

LAPD Devonshire Community Police Station 25.12.2020

Catalytic Converter Theft Prevention Tips. Last week, Devonshire Area had (5) incidents involving catalytic converter thefts. Please take a few moments to read the attached prevention tips.... Stay well, stay safe.

LAPD Devonshire Community Police Station 25.12.2020

The Devonshire PALS Holiday Toy Drive on 12/19/20 was a great success. Thank you to everyone who made this event possible. Happy Holidays! Stay well, stay safe.

LAPD Devonshire Community Police Station 22.12.2020

**Don't Text and Drive** Devonshire Community Police Station would like to remind you, **Don't Text and Drive** ... Please stay focused when driving with no distractions such as cellphone, radio, food etc. Stay well, stay safe.

LAPD Devonshire Community Police Station 18.12.2020

File a Police Report Online via CORS (Community Online Reporting Service). Types of Crime Reports That Can Be Filed Online: - Harassing Phone Calls: Any person who repeatedly, with the intent to annoy, telephones or makes contact by means of an electronic communication. For example, immediate hang-ups, obscene language, emails, text messages with no known suspects.... - Lost Property: Personal property that was unintentionally left by its true owner. For example, property left behind at an unknown location or left behind with no attempt to retrieve it. - Vandalism: Any person who maliciously damages, destroys or defaces the property of another person. For example, knocking over a mailbox, spray painting a wall, or throwing a rock through a window. - Theft: Personal property taken from a publicly accessible location. For example, a package is taken from your porch; or, you left your wallet behind in a restaurant, but when you attempted to go back to retrieve it, the wallet was no longer there. - Theft from Vehicle: Theft from an unlocked or locked vehicle. - Hit and Run: Damage caused by another vehicle in which the driver should have left information or fled the scene without stopping to provide information. To File an Illegal Dumping Report Online: - Illegal Dumping: Willfully or intentionally depositing, dropping, dumping, placing, or throwing onto public or private property. Illegal dumping is reported and handled by the City of Los Angeles Department of Sanitation. Please click here to file a report. https://www.lapdonline.org/home/content_basic_view/60409 Stay well, stay safe.

LAPD Devonshire Community Police Station 06.12.2020

**Bulldog Liquidator Golf Tournament benefiting LAPD Devonshire PALS - May 10, 2021 - 9 AM** May 10, 2021 - 9 AM More information: ... Register at Devonshire-Pals.org or call 818 - 885 - 6433

LAPD Devonshire Community Police Station 06.12.2020

File a Police Report Online This is a reminder the Devonshire Community Police Station Front Desk remains Closed. Please use the link provided to file a police report online: http://www.lapdonline.org/home/content_basic_view/60409 If your incident did not meet the criteria listed below for online reporting, please dial 1-877-ASK-LAPD (Toll Free) (1-877-275-5273) (Voice and TDD/TTY) for Non-Emergency Police Response. ... IF THIS IS AN EMERGENCY OR CRIME IN PROGRESS, PLEASE CALL 911. Your Incident Must Meet the Following Criteria for Online Reporting: The incident is not an emergency. The incident occurred within the City of Los Angeles. You must be at least 18 years old. No one was injured as a result of this incident. There are no known suspects. The incident did not occur on the state highway. No firearms were involved in the incident. You must have internet access and an email address. Types of Crime Reports That Can Be Filed Online: Harassing Phone Calls: Any person who repeatedly, with the intent to annoy, telephones or makes contact by means of an electronic communication. For example, immediate hang-ups, obscene language, emails, text messages with no known suspects. Lost Property: Personal property that was unintentionally left by its true owner. For example, property left behind at an unknown location or left behind with no attempt to retrieve it. Vandalism: Any person who maliciously damages, destroys or defaces the property of another person. For example, knocking over a mailbox, spray painting a wall, or throwing a rock through a window. Theft: Personal property taken from a publicly accessible location. For example, a package is taken from your porch; or, you left your wallet behind in a restaurant, but when you attempted to go back to retrieve it, the wallet was no longer there. Theft from Vehicle: Theft from an unlocked or locked vehicle. Hit and Run: Damage caused by another vehicle in which the driver should have left information or fled the scene without stopping to provide information. Please Note: Filing a False police report is a crime. Anyone filing a false police report may be prosecuted under California Penal Code section 148.5 PC. Filing a false police report is punishable by imprisonment in county jail not exceeding 6 months, or by fine not exceeding $1,000, or by both. The Community Online Reporting Service (CORS) is ADA compliant and follows the U. S. Federal standards set forth in the "Electronic and Information Technology Accessibility Standards" (Section 508). Stay well, stay safe

LAPD Devonshire Community Police Station 16.11.2020

Tips for Managing Holiday Stress. There are many simple ways to deal with holiday stress, but first you need to understand your stress triggers. Do certain situations cause you to feel stressed? When you feel stressed, pause and think about what’s causing it. The activity you’re doing at the time may not be the cause of your stress. Once you understand what triggers your stress, use these six simple tips to de-stress. 1. Plan Ahead...Continue reading

LAPD Devonshire Community Police Station 13.11.2020

Traffic Enforcement and Safety Reminders. "Oh c’mon Officer Isn’t there anything better you can do than run around writing tickets all day? I mean, after all, with all the guns and drugs and gangs in LA, why are you wasting your time with me?" Traffic Enforcement officers hear this all the time. A residential street, 35-mph zone, parked cars, driveways, children playing or walking on the sidewalks, and someone drives by at 50 mph and asks why we’re "wasting our time." Valley... Traffic Divisions jurisdiction of the San Fernando Valley covers 221 square miles with 2,823 street miles. The fact is the average community member is more likely to die in a traffic collision than by criminal or gang activity. During 2019, 94 people were killed in 86 traffic collisions in the San Fernando Valley. This doesn't include the freeways and incorporated cities within the Valley. In an effort to reduce the number of fatalities, VTD officers actively enforce traffic laws. Buckle up, slow down and put the cellphone down. Stay well, stay safe. https://www.lapdonline.org/valley_t/content_basic_view/8955 http://www.nhtsa.dot.gov/

LAPD Devonshire Community Police Station 02.11.2020

**Burglary/Theft from motor vehicles prevention**. So far this week Devonshire Area has experienced (8) Burglary/Theft from motor vehicles. 50% of the vehicles in those incidents were unlocked. This is a reminder to please lock your vehicles, take your keys and valuables. Don't make it easier for criminals. Stay well, stay safe.

LAPD Devonshire Community Police Station 20.10.2020

Cybercare Security. This is a reminder to Be Careful what you post online...Don't be an easy Target. Pick strong passwords that hackers cannot guess. Think twice when clicking on links and attachments. Stay well, stay safe.

LAPD Devonshire Community Police Station 17.10.2020

Gang Reduction and Youth Development (GRYD) Program. On August 1st, 2019, the Mayor's GRYD (Gang Reduction and Youth Development) Office launched an online referral system to connect community members to contracted agencies for GRYD intervention and prevention services. This GRYD program is intended for youth who is experiencing weak parental supervision, family gang influence, impulsive risk-taking, engaged in alcohol/drugs or delinquency, and/or has difficulty accepting r...esponsibility for his/her actions (more information @ www.lagryd.org) Referrals may be made by police officers, probation officers, family members, case managers, school staff, community-based organizations, social service agencies, and community members. Upon successful submission, the referral is sent to a corresponding GRYD agency representative for further contact. The respective agency representative is responsible for conducting proper and timely follow-up. How to start a referral: Go to www.lagryd.org and select "Make a Referral" Stay well, stay safe.

LAPD Devonshire Community Police Station 09.10.2020

Random community citizens providing Breakfast to Devonshire Community Police Station. This morning, a group of Devonshire Area Citizens kindly brought breakfast burritos, pastry and muffins to Devonshire Community Police Station. The breakfast was very extensive and delicious. Devonshire Area personnel would like to express their utmost gratitude for such generosity. We are incredibly thankful and blessed to have such gracious community citizens and supporters. ... Stay well. Stay safe.

LAPD Devonshire Community Police Station 19.09.2020

October is Car Care Month, an ideal time to remind motorists as the weather cools, motorists should complete a seasonal vehicle checkup to maintain safety and maximize efficiency. AAA recommends motorists use this simple checklist to determine their vehicle's fall and winter maintenance needs. Stay well, stay safe. More information: https://exchange.aaa.com//repair-maintena/car-care-month/

LAPD Devonshire Community Police Station 02.09.2020

Don't Leave Kids or Pets unattended in a car. This is a reminder to not leave anyone (children/elderly or pets) unattended in a car. The temperature inside a car can increase 20 degrees in just 10 minutes and 40 degrees in an hour. It doesn’t have to feel hot outside to be dangerous inside a car. Deaths have happened when it’s just above 70 degrees F (Fahrenheit) outside. Leaving the windows open slightly does not prevent the temperature from rising to a dangerous level.... Stay well, Stay Safe.

LAPD Devonshire Community Police Station 28.08.2020

Please join our National Night Out 2020 (virtual zoom event) on October 6, 2020 at 2 PM. Stay well, stay safe.

LAPD Devonshire Community Police Station 16.08.2020

Normal Speed, Meets Every Need...Speeding Kills. Los Angeles County saw a 35% spike in tickets written for speeding in excess of 100 mph, compared to March 2019, jumping from 155 to 210, according to CHP speeding ticket data. Statewide, the number jumped 41%, going from 1,233 in March 2019 to 1,743.... This is a reminder to please slow down and pay attention while driving. Stay Alive - Think and Drive. Stay well, stay safe.

LAPD Devonshire Community Police Station 02.08.2020

The LAPD strongly encourages bicycle owners to register their bicycles on Bike Index, whether already stolen or not. To register your bicycle, visit www.bikeindex.org. Bike Index is a free resource and takes only minutes to register. Stay well, stay safe.

LAPD Devonshire Community Police Station 25.07.2020

This is a reminder that a red-flag warning signifying a high risk of wildfire is in effect Monday for several parts of Los Angeles and Ventura counties because of strong winds, high heat and low humidity at the start of another heat wave. Stay well. Stay safe. Cooling Centers Locations:... https://ready.lacounty.gov/heat/ See more

LAPD Devonshire Community Police Station 14.07.2020

This is a reminder to please lock your vehicle, take your keys and hide your belongings. Stay well. Stay safe.

LAPD Devonshire Community Police Station 03.07.2020

LAPD Devonshire would like to remind you that people on bicycles have the same rights and responsibilities as people behind the wheel of a vehicle. Yield to bicyclists as you would motorists and do not underestimate their speed. This will help avoid turning in front of a bicyclist traveling on the road or sidewalk, often at an intersection or driveway. In parking lots, at stop signs, when packing up, or when parking, search your surroundings for other vehicles, including ...bicycles. Drivers turning right on red should look to the right and behind to avoid hitting a bicyclist approaching from the right rear. Stop completely and look left-right-left and behind before turning right on red. Obey the speed limit, reduce speed for road conditions and drive defensively to avoid a crash with a cyclist. Give cyclists room. Do not pass too closely. Pass bicyclists as you would any other vehiclewhen it’s safe to move over into an adjacent lane. Please work with us to keep Devonshire Area a safe place to live and work. See more

LAPD Devonshire Community Police Station 20.06.2020

LAPD Devonshire would like to thank all who came out yesterday for the the very successful Volunteer Surveillance Team Fundraiser at All American BBQ, 18697 Devonshire St., Northridge. The Fundraiser still continues through tonight so if you haven't had a chance to participate yet, please join us for take-out or patio seating! Just mention the fundraiser and 15% your total check will be donated to the Devonshire Volunteer Surveillance Team! Hope to see you there!