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Katelyn Parsons 28.05.2021

NEW: How to Make Peace with Your Binge Food- on The Modern Girl Podcast. You’re gonna L O V E my guest Erica Drewry from @alignednutrition If you want to feel seen, supported AND walk away with strategy for your own food freedom + body image journey, pop your earbuds in & press play... Here’s an overview of what we get into: Erica’s personal body image story- growing up as a dancer + discovering joyful movement rather than the constant should’s of working out How discovering Intuitive Eating in the midst of dietetics school impacted her career decision What to do if you work in an industry that emphasizes a height and weight standard(acting, dancing, military etc.) Distinguishing eating disorders from disordered eating Practical steps for overcoming food preoccupation + binge eating & creating a peaceful relationship with all food. And so much more!!! Erica dropped some truth bombs that are so deeply important for healing your relationship with food. Cannot wait for you to tune in + meet her Click the link in my bio to listen or search The Modern Girl Podcast on all platforms.

Katelyn Parsons 18.05.2021

THIS USED TO TRIGGER THE CRAP OUT OF ME The core principle of Intuitive Eating: unconditional permission to eat. WTF???... Even as a Health Coach, I was used to eating clean by day & stuffing myself until I was uncomfortably full at night, promising to get back on track the next morning. At the time, I thought that my binge eating WAS giving myself full permission to eatAnd I felt awful My belly was constantly bloated. My sleep was a wreck. I was always thinking about food or feeling ashamed. Full permission to eat? No thanks, not for me But when I started to truly understand Intuitive Eating + do the work to heal my own relationship with food, I realized that I’d significantly misinterpreted the permission to eat principle. Whoops Here’s what happened when I finally committed to doing this work & cleared my diet mentality: My mind became clear. I found myself not thinking about food all of the time. The excitement around what I was eating wore off & food became just another part of my life instead of the focus. Eating felt easier. My choices around food felt less dramatic. My binging stopped & I FINALLY felt comfortable in my body consistently. I started trusting my body. The thought of eating unconditionally wasn’t as scary, because I could finally listen & respond to my internal cues & choose foods that truly satisfied + nourished me. Here’s the deal: unconditional permission to eat doesn’t just happen overnight. It feels scary because we live in a quick fix culture that creates an all or nothing expectation. True authentic healing takes time. Making peace with food & giving yourself full permission to eat without overtaxing your nervous system requires a safe space and a gradual process of unlearning & relearning so that you can rebuild body trust. Making peace with food is fully possible for you, but you have to be willing to take the first step. If you resonate with this story & are READY to get off the restrict/binge cycle & make peace with food, click the link in my bio to book a Body Trust Breakthrough Call so that we can get clear on the best next steps for you to heal & embody FOOD FREEDOM

Katelyn Parsons 15.05.2021

@iamchrissyking THIS POST Save this. FOLLOW HER. Apply on your own journey... Today: can I try treat myself with compassion & kindness?... at my essence I am more than my body. DAMN THAT’S SO GOOD

Katelyn Parsons 09.05.2021

NEW: Health at Every Size, Modern Feminism & Dismantling Diet Culture- 2 FABULOUS conversations in the last couple of weeks. If you need some inspiration in your ears this weekend to feel more empowered in your body, episode 56 with @doctorbarby & episode 57 with @kimdanielspsyd are for you Some highlights from these conversations:... Personal body image stories The effects of internalizing body image struggles because of shame Women not feeling safe in their bodies + why we need more dialogue on this topic The underlying political connection to body image healing Practical tools for practicing body neutrality How to begin advocating for yourself in the doctor's office + every day life TOP stress management techniques that you can begin implementing today for better health Here’s to beautiful, authentic HEALTH AT EVERY SIZEExcited for you to learn from each of these incredible women. Click the link in my bio to listen or search The Modern Girl Podcast on all platforms.

Katelyn Parsons 07.05.2021

SNEAKY CELEBRITY FOOD SECRETS I remember watching an episode of Oprah that changed my relationship with food forever The Goop queen herself was promoting a new cookbook, teaching everyone how to make her world famous healthy chocolate chip cookies.... I vividly remember GP explaining that cookies are great! If you want a cookie EAT THEM!just make them yourself so that you can cut out all of the toxic processed ingredients. My mind: Got it. Homemade cookies = safe. Store bought = bad. Here’s the thing though- I HATE baking. And after hearing this comment, anytime I wanted a cookie, I’d feel guilty for not making them. I was so scared about what would happen if I ate store bought cookies & so pissed at myself for not baking them on my own that I’d usually say screw it & binge on an entire box of Newman O’s. Truth: These sneaky little food rules are EVERYWHERE. We hear casual messages like the cookie one from our favorite celebrities, tuck them away in our mind & wonder WHY we’re so stressed out about what we’re eating all of the time. So here’s why celebrity food secrets are problematic: They erode our natural ability to effortlessly listen & trust our body & strip away our natural ability to respond to our hunger & fullness cues. They create ALL kinds of mental & emotional discomfort. Food guilt, shame & preoccupation is not uncommon. They make the idea of satisfaction feel like something that we have to earn rather than enjoy with ease. I know that making peace with food feels like an impossible task. But I want you to know that eating with ease is not only possible, it’s your right. I’ve created that freedom in my own life. Today I can finally eat cookies of any kind without binging, guilt or stress. Something that I NEVER thought I’d be able to say. A type of body trust that I can’t remember ever having. If you’re reading this & ready to break free from all of the food rules click the link in my bio to download my FREE Intuitive Eating Workshop

Katelyn Parsons 05.05.2021

ON THE POD: How to build SELF-TRUST with @shohrehdavoodi Recording this episode was an absolute BLAST & I think you’ll understand why when ya listen ;) ShohrehDavoodi (she/her) is a self-trust coach, content creator, and the host of the Conjuring Up Courage podcast. Through her work,Shohrehguides people in the development of their consciousness, care & courage practices so they can come home to themselves & be more of who they are (& less of who they think they're supp...osed to be). Here’s a peek into our conversation: Shohreh’s personal body image story The effects of growing up in a pop culture environment aka constantly sucking in your stomach at a young age The female bond that exists over dieting and fitting into societal standards Practical tools for self trust and care practices Shohreh’s experience of building a thriving business & walking her talk Excited for you to tune in- I listened back last week & felt totally lit up the rest of the week. SHOHREH IS AWESOME Click the link in my bio to listen or search The Modern Girl Podcast on all platforms.

Katelyn Parsons 03.05.2021

CONSIDERING A CLEANSE, DETOX OR RESET? Read THIS First things first, if you’re considering doing any of these things it’s likely because: A.You think you should- based on feelings of guilt, shame, negative self-talk, comparison, body image etc. (perpetuated by the diet culture we live in)... B.You feel a biological response- as in your body is saying I’m tired of eating cake Before diving into any of these healthy eating reboots" you need to know what you’re getting yourself into &WHY It’s a natural biological response to not want a certain food after eating too much of it. I’d be willing to bet you’d have the same feeling if you ate broccoli every day for 2 weeks straight. Here’s why doing things like resets & cleanses are actually harmful & not healthy: >Working against bodies natural biology.Our bodies are detoxing on a cellular level every moment of the day regardless of what we feed them- they’re designed to reset on their own. >Nervous system is triggered.When we go against our biological needs & restrict food, we trigger our internal systems into a tremendous amount of physical, mental & emotional distress. In reality, your body is protecting you- it doesn't know the difference between intentional calorie restriction vs. an actual famine. >You become preoccupied with food + body thoughts.Patterns of food restriction (even in the name of health) create subconscious beliefs about our bodies + food choices, which often preoccupy our mind & lead to guilt, shame & comparison. >Binging is more likely.Often times, binge eating is a result of restriction that we're placing on our bodies. This restriction can bephysical(not eating enough food),mental(telling yourself that you can't have certain foods or eat at certain times), oremotional(moralizing foods into categories of good & bad). And each of these restrictions often show up in healthy eating resets. If you’ve ever experienced a period of eating super clean & feeling out of control around food later whether it’s a cheat day or off track situation this isn’t a lack of willpower. Overeating is a biological response to the restriction. See comments for tips...

Katelyn Parsons 23.04.2021

ON THE MODERN GIRL PODCAST: Normalizing Trauma with Therapist Jamie Edwards I’ve been wanting to have a conversation like this one for a lonnnnnnng time. Trauma is one of those prickly words that we often pass off on other people or feel shame if we think about it for ourselves.... But here’s the truth: TRAUMA IMPACTS ALL OF US. Yep, I know- when I first learned this it kind of blew my mind That’s why I wanted to bring in an expert on the topic to help us better understand so that we can ditch the stigma & support ourselves + each other in the best way. Here’s a a peek into our conversation: Jamie’s personal body image story- shame around bras and recognizing the misogynistic messaging embedded in our society at a young age What compassion fatigue is and how to navigate it in today’s society Practical tools for trauma work and how to begin the destigmatization Jamie’s definition of a highly sensitive person and how to navigate life as one The effects COVID is having on human connection and the traumatic responses to behaviors that we have normalized P.S. Jamie’s not on IG- we almost went on a tangent at the ned of the conversation about the impacts of social media & mental healthbut we decided she’ll just have to come back on again. I know you’re gonna love her Click the link in my bio to listen or search The Modern Girl Podcast on all platforms.

Katelyn Parsons 15.04.2021

Ladies:We have a serious problem with our acceptance of weight loss culture (EVEN AS PROGRESSIVE WOMEN). I know you're smart. You probably know intellectually that your health is not defined by a number on the scale. And your self-worth sure as hell isn’t either. YET, we're constantly engaged in a conversation centered around weight.... Here's the hard truthContributing to the consensus that societies fixation around weight loss is normal, healthy or even acceptable is toxic. And it shows up inso many areasof life without even realizing it, because it’s become normalized. >You see examples of it in everything from fiction books to your favorite podcasts >The casual compliments: OMG you look so great! Have you lost weight? >The constant thinking that on Monday, or the 1st of the month or the beginning of the year you need to start a cleanse >The shame, praise or comments around some celebrity or social influencers body And by casually engaging in this behavior, you’re actively perpetuating the belief that you’re not enough if you’re not a certain size. I know that you’re empowered- there's a good chance that you support body positivity & love that stores like Nordstrom & Madewell are featuring diverse models- it feels good (BTWthis isawesome). But are you grantingyourselfthe same respect & appreciation? I want to invite you to pause for a moment & notice if your own self-worth has become wrapped up in the size of your jeans in the name of health. This reflection takes courage & is so incredibly important. This is also whyHealth at Every Size is a core element of Intuitive Eating. This is an evidence-based concept that health is measured in a myriad of other ways besides our weight. When you begin to notice how often messages around weight are subtly impacting & influencing your relationship with your body, your mind & food When you're able to make these shifts for yourself & change the way you think & feel about your body,it has a ripple effect to every woman around you If you’re ready to identify the cultural narrative that’s keeping you stuck feeling unworthy & heal your relationship with your body send me a DM

Katelyn Parsons 29.03.2021

1 year ago I started The Modern Girl Podcast I’d geeked out on podcast episodes for SO LONG- even before iTunes even had an app for them truth- everyone in my life was always like WTF’s a podcast & why do you keep talking about it???. Needless to say I had a dream to start my own for years. ... I love the art of storytellingI’m also insatiably curious & deeply passionate about destigmatizing body image conversations...hence the theme for our show was born Since launching this podcast I’ve laughed & cried & learned. I’ve made new friends, formed insurmountable respect, created unexpected collaboration. I’ve re-listened on walks, bonded with community members, & compassionately cringed at my own learning opportunities. Besides working with my clients, this podcast is my favorite part of my business I’m deeply humbled & in a continuous state of awe by all of the incredible guests who have courageously shared their own body image stories. If you’ve ever listened to an episode, thank you for supporting our mission And if you’re meeting us for the first time, welcome :) You’ll find a new episode with an incredible guest sharing her own body image story + expertise every Tuesday morning, just search or subscribe to The Modern Girl Podcast Happy International Women’s Day to all of you (and p.s. if you have a dream that you’ve been WAITING to say yes to like starting a podcast or learning a new language or driving across the country or falling in love GO FOR IT. I know it’s crazy uncertain times with the pandemic, but life is still moving forward & time is our most valuable resource. Go after dreams).

Katelyn Parsons 12.03.2021

NEW: Diet Culture, Mental Health & Amplifying Black Voices I’m talking to the fabulous Lisah Sutton-Williams from @intentional_connections this week on the podcast & damnnnnn am I grateful for her time, truth & expertise. Here’s a a peek into our conversation:... Lisah’s personal body image story & how that shaped her relationship with food + identity. Diet culture: what this is, where it comes from & how this influenced Lisah personally, without even realizing it. Lisah’s introduction to Intuitive Eating + some of the exact steps she took to begin healing her relationship with food. Food anxiety & how our core beliefs & relationship with food impact one another. Practical action steps for continuing to amplify black voices, as a white woman in this culture (me & maybe you). Social media- is it helping or harming us? Lisah shares her personal opinion as a mental health profession. Setting boundaries around food + body talk & the importance of practicing self-compassion. I listened back to this chat earlier in the week & my heart was so full by the endCan’t wait for you to meet Lisa & grab all of her wisdom too. Click the link in my bio to listen or search The Modern Girl Podcast on all platforms.

Katelyn Parsons 28.02.2021

Do you think there’s a dark side to clean eating? When I dipped my toes into the plant-based pool, I quickly dove all in I’d FINALLY discovered this community that had all of the answers to health...... Or in my case, a way to eat a ton of food without feeling guilty I flooded my social feed with hacks from wellness gurus. Every podcast I popped into my ears related back to some trendy alternative health practice from bloggers to MD’s. My grocery cart was filled with foods + supplements I could barely pronounce. But here’s the truth behind my wellness obsession: I COULD EAT AS MUCH AS I WANTED AS LONG AS IT WAS CLEAN. All of a sudden I was binging on entire trays of roasted & blenders of nice cream My belly looked like it was 3 month pregnant before bed sometimes. I was eating all of the right things, but I still didn’t know how to stop eating. Bottom line: I was using healthy eating in an unhealthy way. When I started to heal my RELATIONSHIP with food + body, I realized that true health was way more than probiotics and green smoothies. I had to pull back some layers that I’d been covering up with kale for years to finally stop the binging + feel good in my skin from the inside out. If you’re also the healthy one, silently struggling & ready to change your relationship with food so that you can get your life back- feel authentic, free, fun AND healthy without obsession... I can help you. Click the link in my bio to apply for a Body Trust Breakthrough Call.

Katelyn Parsons 16.02.2021

Feeling EXTRA preoccupied with food + your body right now? You’re not alone. Just around 1 year into the pandemic, it’s been so interesting reflecting on all of the freedom + normalcy that’s felt stripped away from us for an extended period of time. Living in a constant state of collective uncertainty is not normal. ... Even though we can never TRULY predict our days (pandemic or not), the severe limitations & fear have not only left us feeling disempowered, but just plain stuck. I’ve heard so many people share that they feel 2020 was a waste- I even heard @simonsinek refer to it as the lost year. The truth is, when the normalcy of life feels out of our control, food & our body can seem like the easiest way to meet that need for something safe, certain, constant. This is just one of the reasons eating disorder relapse & new cases + disordered eating in general have been on the rise with the pandemic. Unfortunately using food & our bodies to meet these needs are not the best tools & often lead to even more physical, mental & emotional distress. Yet, we keep coming back to them (like an awful ex-partner we just can’t shake). The process of unlearning these disordered habits, beliefs & rituals around using food + our body to cope takes time & totally possible if you’re ready & willing (this is just one of the ways I support clients). But that doesn’t mean you can’t begin to take action today. Look at this list- save it somewhere you can refer back to for moments where you feel anxiety, uncertainty, fear & are seeking healthy control- these are some wonderful options. Thank you @alifenourished for sharing this list originally Curious- what’s one of your go-to tools to feel grounded right now?

Katelyn Parsons 05.02.2021

Did you catch my conversation with @alissarumseyrd on The Modern Girl Podcast this week??? Oh you’re in for SUCH a treat with this one...discussing some important, sometimes uncomfortable body image topics that I’ve been wanting to address for a while A peek into what we talk about:... Alissa’s personal body image story + her relationship with food growing up. Overcoming the healthy eater identity & food obsession through her personal environment. The definition of thin privilege and how it relates to systemic oppression, social justice and Health at Every Size. Why long-term weight loss doesn’t work and how she pivoted into a weight-inclusive practice in helping clients heal their relationship with food. Alissa’s favorite self-care practices. How food can be a powerful entry point into exploring more about ourselves, our beliefs, our values, and what we truly want out of life. Alissa’s process for writing her FABULOUS book Unapologetic Eating. Such a fun blend of girl talk, empowerment & practical tools in this episode Click the link in my bio to listen or search The Modern Girl Podcast on all platforms

Katelyn Parsons 29.01.2021

NEW on The Modern Girl Podcast: Cultural Diversity & Body Image I’m speaking with the fabulously courageous Unyime Oguta from @oliveandblisswellness and you’re gonna freakin’ lovvvvve her. Here’s a peek into what we get into:... Unyime’s personal body image story- growing up in Nigeria, immigrating to Canada & the cultural differences + similarities around body image expectations. Why values work is essential for cultivating deeper authenticity, self-compassion + healing. Practical tools for healing our relationship with our body through everyday exposure therapy. Identifying and healing perfectionism + people pleasing. Why weight is not an accurate measure of someone's health & what to prioritize instead to feel well in sustainable ways. One of my personal fave moments in this chat: when Unyime & realized that we BOTH cried our eyes out when we realized what perfectionism actually meant. We shared a self-compassionate laugh :) But truthfully, perfectionism is something that each of us is committed speaking openly about & a major thread within her story. I’m beyond grateful that Unyime was open to sharing so vulnerably. Chills as I’m writing this- can’t wait for you to listen. Just click the link in my bio or search The Modern Girl Podcast

Katelyn Parsons 20.01.2021

HOW TO STOP SCALE TRAUMA AT THE DOCTORS OFFICE It’s no secret that the healthcare system creates a lot of triggers and trauma for people-specifically shame around weight. Think about stepping on a scale at the Doctors office... If reading that made you instantly tense up or send your stomach spiraling, you’re not alone I’ve experienced this shame cycle on my own & see it replayed over and over again with clients & in my community. And we avoid taking care of ourselves as a result. But heres the truth: YOU DESERVE ACCESS TO UNBIASED HEALTH CARE NO MATTER WHAT SIZE YOU ARE. This is your human right. And this is what the core mission of Intuitive Eating is about. It’s about REAL, sustainable health that meets all people where they’re at + honors who they are. It’s about you feeling safe & able to move forward on your healthcare journey in a compassionate, self-respecting way. Now, if you come across these triggering weight-centered experiences, there are a few things that you can do to reclaim your power. Here’s what I recommend: You can refuse to be weighed. Just let the person taking your vitals know that you’re choosing to opt-out. This is your right! Also, most insurance companies only require 2 vitals to be taken at an appointment. Stepping on the scale just happens to be one of the easiest, so most practitioners do this out of habit. Let them know that you would like them to keep the number to themselves- to please not say it out loud. Step on the scale & keep your eyes forward. If you’re concerned that your eyes will wander down to the number, you can also let them know to keep the number discreet & step on the scale backwards. This isn’t crazy, my love. This is you taking care of your health- physically, mentally, emotionally no matter what size you are. Don’t let the weight-biased medical system prevent you from getting the care that you need or cause any unnecessary tears, extreme eating situations, negative self-talk, depression or delaying medical appointments. Remember, you know your body better than anybody If you’re serious about direct support to heal your relationship with food & body image send me a DM

Katelyn Parsons 07.01.2021

IF YOU’RE FEELING EXTRA UNCOMFORTABLE IN YOUR BODY RIGHT NOW YOU’RE NOT ALONE. A gentle reminder that we’re in a pandemic, massive social justice movement, political shift, new year & weird mix of hope & VERY little certainty. Culturally, we’ve been trained to take this type of anxious discomfort out on our poor bodies. (remember they’re called feelings because we can physically feel our emotions in our body...).... If you’re noticing that you’re body checking more right now or scrolling for a new food rule or eating plan, I encourage you to pause Often what we’re REALLY craving in these circumstances is certainty & control. Which makes sense right now when the world feels so uncertain. Now more than ever we need to nourish ourselves (physically, mentally, emotionally). Feel you’re feelings. Talk it out with friends, family, support. Get outside (safely) if possible. Eat a variety of delicious food. Move your body in joyful ways. Temper negative self-talk. REST. This is not the time to shame our bodies. This is a time to cultivate deep compassion for all that they can do for us. Would love to hear from you- what’s your favorite way you’re taking care of yourself right now?

Katelyn Parsons 19.12.2020

From the time I was 11 years old, FAR into my 20’s I felt like a fraud I was confident from the outside, but the truth is I was constantly hiding & felt like there was no way out. This imposter-y/double-life feeling ran deep, but was played out by my relationship with food.... It showed up in testing and in school. It showed up in my social groups. It transferred into college and my career. I binged my way through work projects, after presentations, photoshoots, important meetings- you name it. Basically anything that risked me not being "good enough". IT SUCKED. And it took me SO LONG to be able to step away from this exhausting on/off cycle. Until I had the courage to do something about it. When I finally decide to heal my disordered eating patterns, my passions+ purpose came to life. And I need for you to know that you get to experience this relief too. You 100000% get to experience your own calm, confident relationship with food and your body. Believe me I KNOW what it’s like to feel like there’s no way out. I know the deep frustration that comes up from trying to control food & my body in ways that aren’t sustainable and how mentally + emotionally EXHAUSTING this cycle is. And I also know that there IS a way out. A type of relationship with food and your body where you get to feel safe and free and connectedand you get to STOP the cycle once and for all. You are not broken love. And you are certainly not alone- if anybody understand the skepticism or frustration it’s me. If you’re serious about taking this next step and want to explore what it would look like to truly heal your relationship with food & body image, send me a DM to book a call. Let’s get you on the path to living with more authenticity, freedom & ease

Katelyn Parsons 14.12.2020

BRAND NEW episode of The Modern Girl Podcast is up I’m talking with the BRILLIANT Therapist Dr. Jin Ong from @theartoflisteningtoyourbody allllll about how to say NO, setting healthy boundaries, normalizing negative emotions & more. Here’s a sneak peek into our conversation:... Jin’s personal body image story- specifically skin insecurities Importance of mind-body connection, listening to your body & where your emotions are showing up Non-restrictive gut + liver health, Ayurvedic healing & doshas Anger & anxiety recognizing- it’s effects on your body, and working with these emotions Realistic strategies for setting boundaries as a people pleaser This one is PACKED with tangible takeaways so that you can start making shifts in your own life to empower your mental, emotional & physical well-being Click the link in my bio to listen or search The Modern Girl Podcast on all platforms

Katelyn Parsons 03.12.2020

HEY! I’m hosting a free workshop this Thursday 1/21- read on the for the details My brilliant colleague, Therapist & Coach Tiffany Morrow + myself created this experience for women who are READY to feel more authentic than ever before The best way to begin creating this for yourself... DEFINING YOUR CORE VALUES And I’m not talking about the first things that might come to mindtruth, family...cats ;) CORE values run deep And they play major role in having S%#* days or AWESOME ones Here's a snapshot of what we’ll be teaching: How to identify your own unique values, so that you can begin to create intention in your daily life. The easiest way to begin living in alignment with your values, so that you can boost your mental, emotional & physical wellbeing. How to easily recognize when your values are out of alignment so that you can say goodbye to "all or nothing" thinking or self-sabotage. If you’re tired getting stuck in ruts, feeling unsatisfied or disconnected & want a sustainable way to live from a place of confidence, intuition & ease then this workshop is for you We’re diving this Thursday 1/21 at 4 PM PST. Click the link in my bio to save your spot!