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Karie Klim, CBS, Biofeedback Stress-Relief Services 09.11.2020

Temperature Gun Etiquette: Have the gun pointed at your wrist or the fold of your elbow and not at your forehead. The wrist or elbow fold will give a more accurate reading without disturbing the pineal gland (4 min 44 seconds) https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=j7feU3-JfxI&feature=youtu.be

Karie Klim, CBS, Biofeedback Stress-Relief Services 06.11.2020


Karie Klim, CBS, Biofeedback Stress-Relief Services 25.10.2020

Hello, HEALTHY AMERICANS! NO MASK? NO PROBLEM! In California (and likely your state as well) no business establishment can discriminate against your mask-free entry because of your religious beliefs, medical discrimination (among other things).... Why not take notes and send a letter to your favorite stores? (And stay tuned as I'm going to expose what's going on in FL, OR, WA, NV, AZ, TX and others...) You see... we are in a sparring match with the tyrants. We jab and they flinch... Then they do a fake left... and a fake right... Because they know that WE ARE ON TO THEM. Here at THE HEALTHY AMERICAN, we are exposing these evil-doers. And that is why they are doubling-down on their efforts to deceive. Our mission? To expose the lies and deception -- and to EDUCATE others, including our family, friends, neighbors, strangers and businesses! Now, for the good news! "NO MASK? NO PROBLEM! YOU CANNOT BE DENIED ENTRY." I share the exact laws in California, but the same principles likely apply to YOUR state as well. IMPORTANT INFO: 1. NO Governor has the authority to make law (puh-leeeezzzz, do not ever refer to it as a "mask mandate". That just reinforces the evil-doers desire to entrap you.) 2. These are unenforceable GUIDELINES in CA (likely in your state, too) 3. All of the mask "orders" have exemptions, and YOU can be exempt as well 4. No "medical card" is needed -- just an information card 5. Inform the businesses/airlines/medical offices BEFORE you arrive that you won't be wearing a mask NEXT STEPS to SHOPPING MASK-FREE - Watch the video and take notes here: "NO MASK? NO PROBLEM! YOU CANNOT BE DENIED ENTRY." https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=boQRmWvrvew&feature=youtu.be - Print out the info cards here: https://www.thehealthyamerican.org/print-outs - Email the places where you do business and inform them of this important info (send the video, as well) - Share this video far and wide Will you do it? Will you take action? SAMPLE LETTERS Many of you HEALTHY AMERICANS have written excellent letters to corporate headquarters, mom & pops, health clubs, medical offices, etc. I am working hard to add these letters (and fix broken links) -- so hopefully that will be available in a day or two. With deep appreciation for your valued support and dedication to fighting back against this acceleration of tyranny, Peggy Hall www.TheHealthyAmerican.org P.S. "UNITED WE STAND!" Many of you have offered to be the "lead" in your area to let folks know of current happenings and events. In a day or two we'll have the contact info ready for you in your state/region. ALL ABOARD the HEALTHY AMERICAN!

Karie Klim, CBS, Biofeedback Stress-Relief Services 17.10.2020


Karie Klim, CBS, Biofeedback Stress-Relief Services 28.09.2020

On June 9, 2020, CA residents measured their oxygen rate with masks on. The results were nothing short of horrifying. Two of the residents dropped into the 70...% oxygenation range within a few minutes of donning the mask which is the severely hypoxic zone where cardiac arrest, systemic organ failure and death can occur. https://drive.google.com//1YBu-T0P10mYZLR759ljHAWfl3D/view. And multiple people have now begun to report their own episodes of passing out, convulsions, and worse. Recently, two boys in China died while mask-wearing. You can learn more about the risks by going to the OSHA website and you can report workplace oxygen deprivation violations to OSHA by calling (800) 321-6742. In the meantime, here’s a quick excerpt from the Feds about necessary oxygen levels at work: OSHA discussed extensively its rationale for requiring that employees breathe air with a certain level of oxygen in it: Human beings must breathe oxygen . . . to survive, and begin to suffer adverse health effects when the oxygen level drops below [certain thresholds]. Workers engaged in any form of exertion can rapidly become symptomatic as their tissues fail to obtain the oxygen necessary to function properly." Increased "breathing rates" and heartbeat, "impaired thinking and coordination... nausea, vomiting, lethargic movements, and ... unconsciousness" can occur. In severe oxygen deprivation cases, "convulsions, then apnea (cessation of breathing), followed by CARDIAC STANDSTILL... occur immediately. "Even if a worker survives the hypoxic insult, ORGANS MAY SHOW EVIDENCE OF HYPOXIC DAMAGE, WHICH MAY BE IRREVERSIBLE. Learn more at the Resources tab of www.Citizens-Rights.org, which has links to studies on mask-wearing, social distancing, and letters to agencies regarding these topics. #MaskWearingcanCutOxygenToHypoxicLevels# #TheGovernmentSaidAgentOrangeWasSafeToo# #DoNotUseChainLinkFencesToStopMosquitoes# #IfYouDoNotEatFecesWhyWouldYouReBreatheCO2#

Karie Klim, CBS, Biofeedback Stress-Relief Services 22.09.2020

TAKE ACTION: All forms for ACTION are at this link...we want over 35 million citizens to stand up...https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aN2Gzr60sqw&t=36s Form 95 sample: https://www.davidmartin.world//SF95-07a-DOJ-Standard-Form- Addendum sample: https://www.davidmartin.world//up/2020/05/SF95Addendum.pdf

Karie Klim, CBS, Biofeedback Stress-Relief Services 12.09.2020

https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=RhxjqAt779A&feature=youtu.be Free Legal Forms Downloads: www.freedomtaker.com 1) Vaccine Conditional Acceptance. This document "accepts" vaccination on the condition that ALL administrators of that vaccine accept that there are risks and accept personal liability for all harm they cause with their vaccine. They will not sign it because they know vaccines are hazardous. When they refuse to sign, that is their admission of risk, and, with that admi...ssion, you may rightfully refuse the vaccine. 2) Refusal of Vaccine. We may soon be facing "mandated" vaccines. Those who have studied vaccines know that vaccines come with severe hazards and we must resist and oppose unlawful forced medical treatments. This document is "Refusal For Cause" to be given to anyone who threatens to force medical treatment on us.

Karie Klim, CBS, Biofeedback Stress-Relief Services 31.08.2020

Liposomal vitamin C is easy to make. It is shown to be more a more bioavailable form than non-liposomal. It is quite expensive to buy ready-made. This excerpt is taken from The Rife Handbook of Frequency Therapy and Holistic Health, 5th Edition, p. 387. This was posted by Nenah Sylver today on the Rife Forum: ---Quote (Originally by Jim Stone)---... *POSSIBLE SABOTAGE IN VITAMIN C ADVICE* I have noticed that no matter what, the advice is to give it in EXTREMELY high amounts. Why is this bad? *Because no one has enough vitamin C on hand to administer it in the amounts people are claiming works, even I, with about 1.5 kilos would not be able to sustain such high doses for more than a few days. IT IS BULLSHIT. Fortunately there is, with vitamin C, a perfect easy way to know if you have enough, and it is called BOWEL TOLERANCE. If it makes you poop, you have enough. Taking more will be fruitless. The max my body has ever taken in a day with the flu is 8 grams (Actual 8 grams vitamin C, not pill weight). That's still a lot, it just destroys the flu. * ---End Quote--- Linus Pauling, PhD, a several-times Nobel Laureate, generally took around 12 grams of Vitamin C a day and lived to a ripe old healthy age. Everyone's bowel tolerance is different. However, the more Vitamin C you can get into your system, the better. A good kind of Vitamin C that can be taken in high amounts is Liposomal Vitamin C. Liposomal C is ascorbic acid that's surrounded by fat molecules, generally provided by lecithin. Liposomal Vitamin C mostly bypasses the digestive tract--thereby eliminating the problem of bowel tolerance--and gets directly into the cells where it's needed. The fat molecules, which have an affinity for the cellular membranes, act as a mechanism to escort the Vitamin C through the cell membranes. Commercially prepared Liposomal Vitamin C can be a bit pricey. However, if you have a good ultrasonic cleaner (a machine made to clean jewelry) you can make Liposomal Vitamin C yourself. My Rife Handbook 5th Edition gives instructions how you can make it yourself. You can also find instructions if you do a search on the web. Please everybody, don't discount the importance of Vitamin C. It strengthens the cellular membranes and makes them more impervious to being invaded by viruses and other substances that don't belong in your body. Also, and this is very important, Vitamin C and sugar compete for the same receptor sites on the cells. So if you eat sugar, you are preventing Vitamin C from entering your tissues. Nenah Sylver, author Rife Handbook www.nenahsylver.com

Karie Klim, CBS, Biofeedback Stress-Relief Services 28.08.2020

I'm very thankful for the training I had in hydrotherapy when I was in college and a lifestyle counseling program early in life. During this time of crisis, I have been grateful for the simple remedy of the contrast shower and how available this is to everyone in time of isolation. It is extremely helpful for helping the body mount an immune defense and has many other benefits, including taking care of viruses. If you don't know how to do this, here is how I do it according t...Continue reading

Karie Klim, CBS, Biofeedback Stress-Relief Services 21.08.2020

Here are the facts: Coronavirus usually begins with a sniffle, like you are getting a cold. Within days, you feel like you’ve got the flu, with a high fever, ac...hes and pains. Sometimes you can feel like you are recovering - until the pneumonia starts. Your lungs can’t get enough oxygen and you develop crepitance, when your lungs crackle because there’s not enough surfactant (soapy oils). Think of a balloon that’s wet on the inside. Because the virus also attacks the heart, pericarditis can also occur in the late stages, leading to cardiogenic shock and death due to cardiac arrest. As of March 16th, more than 6,400 people globally have died. There are more than 164,000 confirmed cases in at least 146 countries/territories, according to the World Health Organization. Fatality rates vacillate between 0.7% and 6% depending on the number of tests that are taken and the number of critical care units still available in the region. The R0, the number of people a carrier infects, is between 2 to 4. That means that for every 1 person that contracts the virus, at least 2 to 4 will become infected. In the US, we expect a doubling of cases every six days. That means we are looking at about 1 million cases by the end of April. Then 2 million by May 7 Then 4 million by May 13 We are no longer able to wipe this virus off the face of the planet by containment, so currently, the strategy is two-fold flatten and delay: 1. We need to flatten the curve rate of infection to help ease the pressure on our healthcare system. We need young people especially to help us fight this by staying inside and self quarantining. 2. Somewhere between 33% and 75% of us will catch this disease at some point, unless we can delay it until a vaccine trial is successful, which is another 18 months away, assuming it does work. I am hopeful but, until then, we have to live with corona. Ultimately, we will get to what’s called a herd immunity. That means that enough of us have developed a resistance to COVID-19 that the R0 is less than one. When that happens, the virus should eventually peter out. Droplets, skin contact, surfaces, and food seem to be how it’s transmitted. Fomites (surfaces that spread disease) can infect you 24-96 hours after someone has contaminated it, depending on whether it is steel or plastic. What seems to work is chloroquine (a malarial drug doctors in China showed in small trials did help, though this is now apparently questioned by recent experience in the Western world), and there’s a 50% chance remdevisir, an investigational broad-spectrum antiviral treatment that seems to help with MERS in animal tests, will also help. Doctors are prescribing remdevisir off-label. Treatments that doctors say don’t work are colloidal silver, ganciclovir and related antivirals, antiinflammatory steroids such as prednisolone, and there’s new caution out of France being placed on ibuprofen (needs verification). Acetaminophen seems fine to use at home but not in large amounts and never should be taken with alcohol. Tamiflu seems to suppress the virus' reproduction in at least some cases which is somewhat surprising as Tamiflu was designed to target an enzyme on the influenza virus, not on coronaviruses. Stay safe out there. Even better, don’t be out there if you can avoid it. David

Karie Klim, CBS, Biofeedback Stress-Relief Services 13.08.2020

Working From Home Tips: -Wait to check your email until your morning routine is complete and you’re actually starting to work -Create a physical delineation to define your work space as separate from your personal space (e.g. don’t bring your work laptop into your bedroom or work from your sofa)... -Schedule in breaks of at least 15 minutes and fully step away from your workspace; go outside if you can, allow your eyes to relax and focus on something in the distance. -Turn off notifications during your breaks, or turn your phone on Do Not Disturb. -Be kind and flexible with yourself, things are changing rapidly and won’t be perfect. Practice self compassion. Boundaries With Others: -Inform others of your boundaries for how they should behave when you are at work (e.g. not interrupting you if you’re working at your desk) -Noise cancelling headphones can help if you have people sharing your space who have a hard time holding in their thoughts -Accountability partners can gently point out if you’re working past one of your own boundaries (i.e. ‘hey, you said you didn’t want to work past 6 and it’s 7:15) -Discuss what will and won’t change, such as who is in charge of ongoing household chores or responsible for child care. -Set clear expectations The Work Mindset: -Get ready for work get dressed, do your makeup, brush your hair, put on shoes, even if the work you are doing isn’t visible to anyone else. -Dedicated work space cues Have a place in your house where you do work, even if it’s just a desk or a specific chair, or a corner you sit in. If you are really tight on space, put down a blanket where you are working from, and remove it when you aren’t working. Schedule your time lay down your work in chunks and schedule in your breaks; your breaks are the time when you can relax or do other household chores -Keep your workspace clean and free of clutter; prepare your desk for tomorrow at the end of your work day. Self-Care: -Schedule in exercise to reduce stress and take care of your physical health -Take time for meals: eat away from your desk and don’t go for the easiest thing to grab. Making extra means you can reheat it during busy days. -Hydrate throughout the day -Keep to a regular sleep schedule

Karie Klim, CBS, Biofeedback Stress-Relief Services 29.07.2020

Please read and share: WHY WE NEED TO DO SERIOUS SOCIAL DISTANCING, STARTING RIGHT THIS MINUTE. by @Jason Warner: ... WHY YOU SHOULD TAKE 5 MINUTES TO READ AND CONSIDER THE INFORMATION I AM SHARING: For those of you who don’t know me well, I am analytical and metered. I don’t freak out nor do I respond emotionally. I also don’t post a bunch of bullshit or political or controversial stuff on Facebook. I founded and am CEO of a successful software company that provides SaaS based data, analytics, and dashboards to recruiting departments at companies we all know. As you would expect, I am data driven and fact based. Before founding my company I held executive roles leading very large recruiting teams at some of the world's fastest growing companies such as Starbucks and Google. At Google I was fortunate enough to report to Sheryl Sandberg before she took the Facebook COO role. I was a Chemical Engineering major in college and have a business degree from a top undergraduate business school. I am not one for hyperbole or histrionics. My bullshit factor is close to zero. I share all this personal information only to help solidify that this post may be worth reading and sharing with others. I would encourage you to forward or share this post at your discretion. Many people do not understand what is happening with the pandemic to the degree required which is why I took the time to write this and share this on Facebook. Now that I've gotten the introduction out of the way, here are two issues I want to bring to everyone’s attention. ISSUE ONE: SOCIAL NORMS ARE POWERFUL MOTIVATORS AND GETTING IN THE WAY OF PEOPLE TAKING THE RIGHT STEPS IN RESPONSE TO THE PANDEMIC: One of the current problems with addressing the pandemic is the social pressures of taking action today. It's awkward, and feels like an over-reaction. The reason it feels like an overreaction is that most people OVERWEIGHT the currently reported cases and inherently UNDERWEIGHT the mathematics of how the virus is spreading and what will happen in about 30 days time. This is because our brains tend to think linearly as opposed to logarithmically. It’s the same reason many people don’t save for retirement or understand compound interest. To create a new social norm, human beings like to see behavior modeled. This serves as a signal that says, oh, someone else is doing it so I should do it also. SO HERE IS A SOCIAL BENCHMARK FOR REFERENCE - THIS IS WHAT I’VE DONE FOR MY FAMILY TO DATE: I have already isolated my family. We have canceled EVERYTHING. We have canceled previously scheduled doctor visits. Social get togethers. Normal routine meetings. Everything has been canceled. It's difficult and socially awkward. Some of you think I’m crazy, but I’m doing it not because I am afraid, but because I am good at math (more on that in part 2). I had to have my 16 year old daughter quit her job coaching junior gymnasts at the local gym, with one day’s notice and also tell my kids they can't attend youth group at church. Both of those were tough discussions. I told a very close friend he shouldn’t stay at my house this weekend even though he was planning to and had booked his flight from the Bay Area. I canceled another dear friend’s visit for later this month to go snowboarding on Mt Bachelor. We are not eating out. Our kids are already doing online school so we don’t have to make changes there. I would not send my kids to school even if they were in public or private school. We have eliminated all non-essential contact with other people. We will only venture out to grocery shop when required. We will still go outside to parks, go mountain biking, hiking, and recreate to keep ourselves sane and do other things as a family, just not with other people. We have stocked up on food and have a supply for ~2 months. We have stocked up on other goods that if depleted would create hardship, like medicines and feminine hygiene products. We have planned for shortages of essential items. THE REASON I HAVE CHOSEN THIS ROUTE FOR MY FAMILY IS MULTI FACETED: 1. Although my family is considered low risk (I’m 49 in good health, Angi is 46 and in good health, and our kids are 14 and 16), we must assume that the healthcare system cannot help us, because the hospitals will become overwhelmed very quickly. Most American hospitals will become overwhelmed in approximately 30 days unless something changes. More on this in part 2 below. So although we are in great health and unlikely to become gravely ill, the risk is greater if you do not have access to the medical care that you need. This is something for everyone to consider. As a society we are accustomed to having access to the best medical care available. Our medical system will be overwhelmed unless we practice social distancing at scale. That said, the medical teams in Italy are seeing an alarming number of cases from people in their 40s and 50s. 2. It’s not a matter of if social distancing will take place, it’s a matter of when. This is because social distancing is the only way to stop the virus today. As I will explain in part 2 below, starting now is FAR more effective than starting even 2 days from now or tomorrow. This has been proven by Italy and China (and soon to be France and other European countries who have been slow to respond.). Wuhan went on lockdown after roughly 400 cases were identified (and they had access to testing that America has systematically failed to do well to date). The US already has more than 4 times this number of known infected cases as Wuhan did when it was shut down, and our citizens are far more mobile and therefore spreading the virus more broadly when compared to Wuhan. Yet our response is tepid at best. If hand washing and being smart were sufficient Italy would not be in crisis. So I pray the draconian measures are coming from our government, because they are required to stop the spread of the virus. It’s better to start sooner than later as the cost is actually far greater if we wait. I pray they close all schools and non-essential services the way that Italy and China have done. 3. Spreading the virus puts those in the high-risk category at much greater risk. This is the moral argument. It’s a strong argument because there are only two ways, as of today, that the virus can be stopped: let it run its course and infect 100s of millions of people, or social distancing. There is no other way today. If you don’t practice social distancing, people downstream from you that you transmit the virus to will die, and many will suffer. 4. The risk of infection is increasing exponentially, because the quantity of infected people, most who will not show symptoms, is doubling every three days. So the longer you wait to self-isolate, the greater the chance of you or someone you love becoming infected and then you infecting others because more of the population is becoming infected. There are twice as many infected people today as there was on Tuesday. 5. The virus is already in your town. It’s everywhere. Cases are typically only discovered when someone gets sick enough to seek medical attention. This is important as it typically takes ~5 days to START showing ANY symptoms. Here’s the math: For every known case there are approximately 50 unknown cases. This is because if I become sick, I infect several people today, and they infect a few people each tomorrow (as do I), and the total count of infected people doubles every 3 days until I get so sick I get hospitalized or get tested and become a known case. But in the time it takes me to figure out I am sick 50 others downline from me now have the virus. So every third day the infection rate doubles until I get so sick that I realize I have the virus an am hospitalized or otherwise tested. Harvard and Massachusetts General Hospital estimate that there are 50x more infections than known infections as reported (citation below). The implication of this is that the virus is already everywhere and spreading regardless if your city has zero, few or many reported cases. So instead of the 1573 reported known cases today there are likely 78,650 cases, at least, in the United States. Which will double to 157,300 by this Sunday. And this will double to 314,600 cases by this coming Wednesday. So in less than 1 week the number of total infected in the United States will quadruple. This is the nature of exponential math. It’s actually unfortunate that we are publishing the figures for known cases as it diverts attention away from more important numbers (like the range of estimated actual cases). 6. Some people cannot, or will not, practice social distancing for a variety of reasons and will continue to spread the virus to many people. So everyone else must start today. The reasons above are why I have begun to practice social distancing. It’s not easy. But you should do it too. The hospitals will be at capacity and there are not enough ventilators. You will hear a lot about this issue in the coming few weeks... the shortage of ventilators. ISSUE TWO: MANY PEOPLE ARE FOCUSED ON THE WRONG NUMBERS: Yes, the virus only kills a small percentage of those afflicted. Yes, the flu kills 10s of thousands of people annually. Yes, 80% of people will experience lightweight symptoms with COVID19. Yes the mortality rate of COVID19 is relatively low (1-2%). All of this true, but is immaterial. They are the wrong numbers to focus on... The nature of exponential math is that the infection rates start slowly, and then goes off like a bomb and overwhelms the hospitals. You will understand this math clearly in the next section if you do the short math exercise. Evergreen hospital in Seattle is already in triage. I have heard credible reports from people on the ground that they are already becoming overwhelmed. And the bomb won't really go off for a few more days. Probably by Wednesday, March 18th (next week). In just a few days from now we will hear grave reports from Seattle hospitals. You should assume the virus is everywhere at this point, even if you have no confirmed cases in your area. YOU SHOULD DO THIS SIMPLE 2 MINUTE MATH EXERCISE (NO REALLY TAKE TWO MINUTES AND DO IT): To further understand exponential growth, take the number of confirmed cases in your area and multiply by 10 (or 50 if you believe Harvard and Massachusetts General estimations) to account for the cases that are not yet confirmed. If you have no confirmed cases choose a small number. I’d suggest 10 cases in your city, if no cases are yet reported. But you can use whatever number you like. This number of infected people doubles every ~3 days as the infection spreads. So literally take your number, and multiply by 2. Then do it again. Then do it again. Then do it again. Do this multiplication exercise 10 times in total. 2 x 2 x 2 x 2 x 2 x 2 x 2 x 2 x 2 x 2 x (the number of estimated infections in your city today (not just the reported cases)). This result is the estimate for the actual cases in your area 30 days from now. The math will take 30 seconds to complete with a calculator and it’s worth doing the math to see how it grows. This end number is the number of cases in your city 30 days from today if a large percentage of the population do not practice social distancing. 2 to the 10th power is 1024. When something doubles 10 times, it's the same as multiplying by 1024. The infection rate of the virus doubles every 3 days. In thirty days there will be 1,024 times the number of infected people in your area as there is today if your community does not immediately put social distancing into practice. One thousand and twenty four times as many infected people as there is today, in just 30 days. Next, divide the final number (the scary big one) you just calculated by the current population of your city and you will be able to get the percentage of people THAT YOU KNOW PERSONALLY who will be infected 30 days from now. Next take 15% (multiply by 0.15) of that final 30 day number of total infected people. This will provide an estimate of the serious cases which will require acute medical care, and compare it to the number of beds and ventilators available at your local hospital. Google the "number of beds" and the name of your local hospital now. It takes 2 seconds and the number of beds is easy to find. 65% of beds are already occupied by patients unrelated to the coronavirus. St Charles in Bend, Oregon where I live, has 226 beds and the town is roughly 100,000 people. Most hospitals have on average, 40 or fewer ventilators. These numbers you just calculated are the problem: Too many patients, not enough beds, and a serious shortage of ventilators (the biggest problem) if we don't immediately begint social distancing. More on this biggest problem related to the insufficient quantity of ventilators is below. COUNTRIES THAT GET OVERWHELMED WILL HAVE A MUCH GREATER MORTALITY RATE BECAUSE THEY WON’T BE ABLE TO ADEQUATELY CARE FOR THE SICK. And by sick I mean not just coronavirus patients. Your son or daughter that needs acute care surgery this May for his badly broken leg will be attended to by an orthopedic doctor that has been working at maximum capacity and working 18 hour shifts for 7 days every week for 6 weeks because it was required to care for all the coronavirus patients at her hospital. Or the orthopedic surgeon will be sick with the virus and your son or daughter will be operated on by a non-expert or a member of the National Guard. Your elderly Mom that has diabetes and goes into acute distress next month may not receive ANY care because the doctors are consumed and have to prioritize patients based on triage handbooks filled with success rate probabilities. Your sibling’s family that are all injured in a terrible car crash in June will have diminished care. If one of them needs a ventilator there will be none available because all of them will be in use by critical coronavirus patients. Your young friend with cancer and a compromised immune system from treatment will succumb even though the cancer was curable and the treatment was working, because their body was too fragile to combat the coronavirus due to the chemotherapy and they couldn't receive the customized, acute care required due to the hospital being overwhelmed. All of the above is currently happening in Italy, who had the same number of infections we have today just 2 weeks ago. You must start today. The count of actual virus infections doubles every ~3 days. The news and government agencies are lagging in their response. So we hear that the US only has 1573 cases today (3/12/20), ( see https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/) and it doesn't seem like a lot. It would be better to report the estimated actual cases, since reported cases don’t tell us much. However, we know from China that the actual number of cases are at least an order of magnitude greater than the reported cases, because people get infected and do not display symptoms. In math, an "order of magnitude" means ten times difference, or put another way, a factor of 10. 100 is 10 times greater than 10, so it's an order of magnitude greater. Harvard Medical School / Massachusetts General Hospital just released their estimate (recording is here: https://externalmediasite.partners.org//53a4003de5ab4b4da5) that the actual cases are 50x greater than the reported cases. So we likely have 75,000 cases in the United States already. The number of reported cases is not that important. But let’s assume the current number of cases is only 10,000 ACTUAL cases in the United States just to be conservative and model out what will happen: If we don’t stop the virus from spreading, in 30 days we will have 2 to the 10th power more cases of infected people because the infection count doubles every 3 days (the virus doubles every 3 days and there are 10, 3 day periods in 30 days). The math: 2 to the 10th power means 1,024 times as many cases as we have today (2 times 2 repeated 10 times). This number is a catastrophically big problem for all of us: We will have 10 million+ actual cases (10,000 actual cases today x 1,024) in the United States in just 30 days’ time if we continue without extreme social distancing. 10 million people with the virus. And it will keep doubling every 3 days unless we practice social distancing. 15% of cases require significant medical attention, which means that 1.5 million people will require significant medical attention if 10 million people get infected (15% of 10 Million total infections = 1.5 million people requiring hospitalization). 1.5 million hospitalizations is about 50% more than we have beds for at hospitals in the United States. And 65% of all beds are already occupied in our hospitals. But patients with the virus need ICU beds, not just any old hospital bed. Only about 10% of hospital beds are considered intensive care. So we will have a huge bed shortage, but that is not the biggest problem, as we can erect temporary ICU shelters and bring in more temporary beds, as Italy has already done, and California and Washington hospitals have already done. Evergreen Hospital in Seattle has already erected temporary triage tents in the parking lot as of 3/13/20. All regular beds are full at Evergreen Hospital as of yesterday. Once the government of China, Norway, and Italy came to understand this math, they reacted accordingly and shut EVERYTHING down. Extreme social distancing is the only response available to stop the virus today. The United States is not responding well nor are other countries like France or the UK. Countries that do not respond well will pay a much larger, catastrophic price. But hospital beds are not the big problem. The lack of ventilators is the big problem. Most estimates peg the ventilators in the United States at roughly 100,000 to 150,000 units. See https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/21149215 (admittedly dated) and https://theweek.com//doesnt-have-enough-icu-beds-ventilato The primary and most serious comorbid (comorbid is a medical term that means co-existing or happening at the same time) condition brought on by the Coronavirus is something called bilateral interstitial pneumonia which requires ventilators for treatment of seriously ill patients. So if 1.5M people of the 10 million infected 30 days from now require acute care (15% of the 10M estimated total infections), 1.3M may not get the care that they need because we don’t have enough ventilators in the United States. And remember, this is only if ALL OF US EFFECTIVELY start social distancing by April 11th (30 days from today). BUT IF WE START EXTREME SOCIAL DISTANCING BY MARCH 23 (12 days from this writing), WE AVOID OVER 1.4 MILLION PEOPLE GETTING CRITICALLY ILL AND OVERWHELMING THE HOSPITALS: If everyone takes extreme measures to social distance, and the United States can dramatically reduce the spread of the virus 12 days from now, the math is very different, as the exponential growth will only be 2 to the 4th power (12 days divided by the doubling rate of every 3 days equals the exponent of 4): 2 x 2 x 2 x 2 = 16 So instead of 10 Million cases in the United States if we wait 30 days, if we act 18 days sooner, we will have only 160,000 cases (16 times the estimated 10,000 actual cases as of today), of which 15% are likely to require critical care. This is 24,000 critical patients (a huge difference compared to 1.5 million acute patients). The difference between taking extreme measures now, versus waiting even a few days, is very large due to how exponents work in math. THE OUTCOME IS EVEN BETTER IF WE TAKE ACTION IN THE NEXT 6 DAYS: If the vast majority of the population self isolates and implements social distancing in only 6 days from now the exponential math is 2 to the 2nd power (6 days divided by the 3 days it takes the virus to double means the exponent is only 2). In math this is "two squared". 2 x 2 = 4 Multiplied by the estimated 10,000 ACTUAL cases as of today (3/12/20) that means only 40,000 total cases will develop, 15% of which may be critical which is 6,000 critical patients. This is why you should share this post broadly. If people begin social distancing in the next 6 days it will greatly reduce the impact on all of us. It's why they say a "post goes viral". SOCIAL DISTANCING WILL REDUCE THE FINANCIAL IMPACT TO YOU AND YOUR FAMILY: Finally, the longer everyone waits to practice significant social distancing the greater the economic hardship will be on all of us. Lost jobs. Mortgage defaults. Closed businesses. Bankruptcies. All will be minimized if you start social distancing today. Some of the reasons the economic impacts will be reduced are worth mentioning: If we stop the virus now the overall duration of the outbreak will be far shorter. The stock market will normalize more quickly and recover more quickly. Businesses and people will be able to survive a shorter duration outbreak vs a longer duration outbreak. More companies will avoid bankruptcy if we begin to practice social distancing now. This is a big financial reason to begin social distancing if you are employed by any company: if companies see that the virus is being slowed, they will be less likely to conduct layoffs. You will be more likely to be laid off or experience a job-related event if we don’t practice social distancing immediately. As an HR executive, I’ve been involved in many, many layoffs. It’s the last thing companies want to do. But if they see that the pandemic will be shorter lived vs long and drawn out, they are less likely to make the permanent decision of laying off staff. The overall economic impact that hits your bank account will be greater if you wait or you don’t practice social distancing. This is why Norway acted now, because it’s less economic impact to take drastic measures early than to do them later, and it saves a lot of lives and suffering by doing so. And Norway has only one confirmed death as of this writing. START TODAY. I CAN’T STRESS THIS ENOUGH. YOU MUST START TODAY. Finally, the article that I posted yesterday written by Tomas Pueyo has been read 7M times in the last 24 hours and has been updated with new information. It’s worth reading again. Here’s that link. https://medium.com//coronavirus-act-today-or-people-will-d Other up to date data I frequently consult regarding the pandemic is here: https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/ I hope this is helpful and useful. My brain focuses on the math and I try and be fact based in my analysis and interpretation of how I should respond. There is more information in the comments below. MY FINAL PARTING THOUGHT: Please share or forward this post at your discretion. If everyone shares this post and two of your friends share this post and so on, we use the power of exponential math to work in our favor, which seems appropriate given the virus is using that same exponential math against us. For people not on Facebook you can email or text the link. If you know people in government this fact-based post may help inform them to make the best decisions. It's time for us humans to go on the offensive against the virus. We must fight back. There is only one way to do so: Social Distancing. Do it today.Wh W