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Julia O Test Creative 20.05.2021

This Sunday @ 4pm PST. Register at: trustyourgutacademy.com/masterclass

Julia O Test Creative 16.05.2021

Teaching a free diet and wellness virtual masterclass this Tuesday at 6:30pm PST! Register at bit.ly/trustyourgutmasterclass See you there!

Julia O Test Creative 13.05.2021

If you’ve ever wondered about Human Design, tune in to a live reading of my chart at instagram.com/rachelgraham.co live (go to her profile and click the stories circle) at 11am PST today!! If you’ve never heard of Human Design: https://www.instagram.com/p/CHTQW1phQS4/ It’s the most connected I’ve ever personally felt to a self-discovery tool (similar in concept to Myers-Briggs). ... See you there!! Make sure to say hi

Julia O Test Creative 05.05.2021

If this post already makes you uncomfortable, then You. Are. Addicted. Let’s talk about the reasons why coffee is bad for you: It’s extremely acidic, which erodes the lining of your gut and your tooth enamel and gums. The acidity can lead to initial symptoms of bloat, inflammation, acid reflux, stomach pain, and lead to more serious issues over time. ... The caffeine energy spike causes disregulation in your body’s natural rhythm, which leads to a crash. It may start with needing a nap in the afternoon, but over time, this can lead to hormonal changes and cause/increase anxiety, jitters, insomnia, panic attacks, and high blood pressure. Coffee is extremely addicting and can cause severe withdrawal symptoms, aggression, erratic thoughts and behavior, and even personality changes. The solution? Drink tea! Tea still gives you energy but is not acidic or addictive, and has antioxidants which are good for the skin and your whole system. Miss the taste or routine of coffee? Try chicory or dandelion tea, buy a milk steamer and make tea lattes with oat milk. It might be difficult to get past the addiction, but it’s well worth it when you no longer have bloat, acid, and pain, and knowing it won’t cause more serious complications as you get older. You get this one body, so treat it well! Your future self will thank you. P.S. Decaf coffee isn’t better, and matcha is problematic too. P.P.S. Check out the full video on this subject in my IGTV. #coffeeaddict #drinktea #healthcoach

Julia O Test Creative 18.04.2021

I wish I could meet the guy who invented calories so I could punch him in the face I don’t condone violence, but wow, the amount of unnecessary suffering that counting calories has caused is immeasurable. So... STOP. Today. Right this second. Stop counting calories. ... I know it’s scary. I know it’s been hammered into your brain that if you don’t count calories you’ll gain weight. But think about it - does that even make sense? Who decided how many calories in a day you can have? Do they personally know you? Do they know how much you move your body? Or what foods your calories are coming from? Do you really think that 200 calories of donuts is the same as 200 calories of spinach? News flash: calorie counting doesn’t work. It’s literally nonsense. But it makes a lot of people a lot of money for you to believe this, so everyone is brainwashed into it in our culture. The internalized damage that this kind of eating habit creates is so deep. With calories, instead of focusing on healthy food and enjoying what you’re eating, you just focus on numbers. Is there any joy in that? Is there actually any health in that? Numbers related to weight and diet are honestly a total hoax. Two people can both weight 180 and one can be at their peak health and the other can be extremely unhealthy. And BMI is a joke - according to BMI I’m overweight (I’m 5’6 and weigh 155lbs). The thing you have to start understanding is that the health and nutrition system is unfortunately not here to make you healthy. It’s here to make itself money. So stop letting other people and COMPANIES tell you how you should be eating, and start listening to the one voice that matters - your gut. Counting calories creates mental illness and eating disorders, it does not create physical, mental, or emotional wellness. Go watch Why calories are a con | The Economist on YouTube and have your mind blown in 3 minutes. Everything you’ve been taught about diet is a lie, but once you know that, you can start re-educating yourself. Any questions? What did you think of the video?

Julia O Test Creative 16.04.2021

You are in this world to feel JOY. You are NOT meant for pain, discomfort, anxiety, bloat, exhaustion. Of course we all have off days, but if you’re consistently not feeling good in your own body, it means that it’s time for a big change. ... Your body wants to feel good. Naturally, your body has: - endless energy - strength - optimal functionality - no bloat or stomach pain - no excess weight Your body functions without you even thinking about it - your heart beats and your stomach digests and your blood flows. It’s truly magic. And your body wants to function at its best all the time. Have you ever seen a video of a lioness hunting and thought wow, look at that strength, that peak performance. Well guess what? That lioness is what you’re meant to be. So why do you feel bloat and lethargy and heaviness? Because you’re eating toxic foods that clog up your system and make it impossible for your body to function at its peak. And once you learn how to eat and move to optimize your health? You’ll be unstoppable. That’s where I come in with Trust Your Gut: Total Body and Mind Healing. I’m here to teach you step by step how to: optimize your body stop bloat and pain naturally lose excess weight and gain energy reap all the benefits of health, like clear skin, anti-aging, mental clarity, improved mood, strong immune system, and more stability in every way There will never be a better time to start feeling good in your own body, and there’s no reason you have to suffer through even one more day of not feeling your best. The path to health is simple, and I’m here to guide you. Are you ready? Comment READY or click the link in bio to get started

Julia O Test Creative 01.04.2021

Like completely hate it. I was always heavy. Big boned. A little too chubby. My weight fluctuated. I would starve myself and count calories, but binge on cookies. The body-positivity movement tells you to just love yourself, every part of you. It tells you that the hate for your body comes from media and external pressure, that it’s not yours. ... And yeah, that’s somewhat true. But it is yours too. I hated that I felt sluggish, that I felt heavy and difficult to move, that I had bloat every day. I hated the way my body FELT, not just the way it looked. And that’s the missing piece. Thats the secret. That’s why you can’t just willpower yourself into loving yourself. I hated my body because I was treating it badly. Because the extent of my self-care was bubble baths and massages. That’s nice and relaxing, but that’s NOT self-care. Because treating myself meant eating chocolate or drinking wine. That’s fun in the moment and gives you a high, but that is NOT treating yourself well. So how did I come to love my body, every bump and roll, every day I wake up and go to sleep and every hour in between? I started truly treating my body well, and I stopped treating it like the enemy. True self-care is: eating in a way that increases energy and happiness, not foods that cause bloat or pain or sickness moving your body because it feels good, not pushing cardio until you’re nauseous reconnecting with your physical form because your body IS YOU Once I started eating better and stopped over-exercising, my stomach started feeling better, I had more energy, I felt lighter and happier and more connected to my body. My body was no longer the enemy - I had no reason to hate it. Weight fluctuations stem from sickness in the body and mind, from scarcity mindset and a need for control and trying to ease mental pain with foods that cause a physical high in the short term, but cause sickness in the long term. Fat loss is a nice side effect of treating your body well, treating yourself well, and it’s not the focus. Your body just stabilizes out to its natural weight when you’re healthy and happy What’s been your experience?

Julia O Test Creative 12.03.2021

Want the secret to health? It’s that you’re one being. You are conditioned that you are your thoughts. You are NOT your thoughts. You are the creator of your thoughts. ... You are conditioned that your body is separate from you. It’s not. You ARE your body. You are conditioned that either your soul doesn’t exist (isn’t biological) or it’s judged and controlled by someone else. It’s not. You ARE your soul, you are pure love and you are purposeful. You have full control of your choices. And the way to health is by re-integrating all of those parts of yourself into one, while, grounded being. There is a downward spiral that inevitably happens ... you are taught to eat poorly, your body hurts because of it, and you begin to view your body as the enemy, so you hate on it and speak and think poorly to it, and it hurts more, and you hate it more. This is dissociation, and the way to make this an upward, positive loop is to reconnect and treat your body well. Begin to recognize that your body is YOU. When you treat YOU well, you’ll see positive results and you’ll inevitably feel love towards yourself, which will lead to more positive results. Stop saying my body hurts and start saying I hurt, and feel the empathy flood in. You are the hardest on yourself because the voice in your head is vicious. But that voice is NOT you. That voice is anyone who’s hurt you, that voice is news and media and politics and advertising that chooses money over your health and happiness, that voice has been taught to you, that voice is not you, and you have the option to stop listening to that voice. Imagine that your ego is a separate person. Name that person (mine is Monique). And every time your ego says you’re fat or you’re not good enough, tell that person thank you, but I’m not going to listen to you because you’re wrong. I give Monique a hug when she acts up, because I know that she’s just afraid, and love heals fear. You are whole. You are your mind and your body and your soul. And the secret to health is reconnecting all of your parts back together.

Julia O Test Creative 03.03.2021

You don’t have to be lactose-intolerant, I promise you that dairy is ruining your life. This video tells you how. Plus, the secret to getting rid of acne, bloat, headaches, gas, exhaustion, and stomach pain.

Julia O Test Creative 19.02.2021

Keto is NOT healthy, and it’s actually dangerous that it’s become so mainstream. The ketogenic diet (keto) is in its original form meant for severely sick individuals to use for 2-6 months under supervision of a doctor in order to detoxify their system as a last resort when other methods have failed. Under a doctor’s supervision, a patient on the keto diet consumes enough fats throughout the day and night to constantly be in a state of ketosis, as measured by a blood test t...hat the patient self-administers by pricking their finger with a small needle. If they don’t have enough fats in their system to be in ketosis via food alone, they supplement by literally drinking MCT oil (coconut oil). Ketosis is a state where your body is using fat for energy/fuel, instead of carbohydrates (which is usually what it uses). The theory is that because in the state of ketosis your body uses fats as fuel, it will burn stored fat and you’ll lose weight quickly. While this may initially work, what the keto diet has become in the mainstream is basically people eating meat and cheese for every meal. Vegetables and fruits are carbs, so you’re not allowed to have much fresh produce. Just stop and think about this for a minute. Does eating meat and cheese, and no fresh produce sound like a healthy lifestyle? This diet will severely impact your gut and your body in a negative way, especially if you stay on it for months. It clogs arteries and can quickly cause heart, liver, kidney, and bone disease. It leads to indigestion and constipation because you’re cutting out almost all fiber intake. You will absolutely have nutrient deficiencies. When I got severely sick a few years ago, I almost did keto as a last resort. When speaking about it, my doctor emphasized that keto should not be done longer than 2 months unless the sickness is so severe that there aren’t other options. I cringe seeing people on social media doing keto. Don’t let media confuse you - someone is making a lot of money off of your health, and it’s not benefiting you. Become a conscious consumer. Eat clean. Listen to your body - if something hurts you, don’t eat it. You got this

Julia O Test Creative 09.02.2021

This has been on my mind a lot recently. My whole life, I’ve always done things on my own. I taught myself how to code, how to excel in social media, event management, influencer marketing, photography... everything I knew up until this year was 100% self taught. I hoped for mentors growing up, I wanted help, but I had a chip on my shoulder and surrounded myself with people who didn’t get it, so I worked hard to prove them all wrong. I became the mentor for others, but neve...r had help myself. I did ok. But I always felt like I should be further along. Then this year came. Covid came. I could no longer run and hide from my shortcomings. I had to admit to myself that I was lost, that I needed help. And for the first time in my life, I found help. I hired 3 different women to help me in the areas where I felt most stuck. Was it scary? Yes! Was it expensive? YES! Was it worth it? OMG YES. I’ve made more progress in my personal and professional life the last 4 months than in the past 34 years. Not exaggerating. We’re taught in our culture that we should be able to do it alone. That if we need help, we’re weak. But that’s a lie. The best thing you can do for yourself is find someone who’s already reached your goals, and have them coach you. Then, instead of spending years of trial and error and suffering on your own, you’ll be taught the correct method to get to where you want to go, and you can get there so much faster. So if you’re looking for a sign to jump in, here it is

Julia O Test Creative 21.01.2021

Like really count calories. And macros. I bought a food scale and I weighed my food. I did this because my personal trainer told me to do it. And I believed her that this was the way to health, because she was tiny and muscular and had achieved what I considered the perfect body. So why wouldn’t I believe her?... I ate SO many egg whites in a day, focused on protein. Literally counted the number of chips I’d have as a snack (13 chips, count them out 1....2....3.......). I ate so many egg whites and mushrooms that they started making me gag. To this day I cannot eat egg whites or crimini mushrooms. And yet my body remained fat and bloated. I was working out daily, sweating and pushing until I almost puked, sometimes did 2 classes in one day. And yet I couldn’t lose the extra pounds. I was exhausted, I hated what I was eating, I was constantly craving bad foods. Does this sound familiar? This disordered eating NEVER got me to health. Why? Because it’s a sick way to live. Counting calories, macros, carbs... counting ANY part of your food, depriving yourself, is not a way to live. I didn’t get to health and being fit until I stopped ALL of that. It’s impossible to be healthy in your body, mind, and spirit living that lifestyle of deprivation and self control. There is no joy in hating what you eat. And it’s not sustainable - it’s only a matter of time until you break down and then you hate yourself because you feel like you’re weak or not good enough to be fit. I want you to STOP. Stop all of it. Stop counting your food in any way. Stop being afraid of certain foods. Start loving what you eat. Start nourishing your body with rich, delicious, nutritious food. All you have to do to find health and fitness is 1) stop being afraid of food, and 2) stop eating foods that are inflammatory to your system. And your body will love you. And your body will change. And it’ll change fast. Mine did. My program Trust Your Gut teaches the exact steps I took to get out of disordered eating and into loving food, exercising less, and being the fittest at 35 years old than I’ve ever been in my life. (link in bio for more info)

Julia O Test Creative 09.01.2021

I always hear people talking about how hard it is to eat healthy and how they keep messing up. The biggest fear I hear from clients is that they don’t want to struggle with hating what they eat and depriving themselves for the rest of their lives. Well let me tell you that eating healthy is NOT about deprivation or eating bland, boring food. ... The only part that’s difficult is the change. You’ve grown up eating a certain way, society has taught you what’s good and bad, and changing all of those habits, food addictions, and beliefs IS difficult. But once you start making those changes, you’ll notice that: - your taste buds change so you can actually start tasting fresh foods with their full flavor - your cravings change to want healthy foods - once you reconnect with your body and start listening to it, you won’t want to eat the foods that hurt you - you will actually be grossed out by bad foods I used to be just like you - eating dessert with every meal, addicted to sweets, drinking alcohol to relax, and constantly feeling guilty about what I was eating, and lots and lots of bloat/gas/stomach pain. The first thing I cut out of my diet, 7 years ago, was sugar. It was an agonizing 6 weeks while I got over the addiction (food addiction is as real as drug addiction). But since then? I don’t crave sweets, I can be around sweets and I don’t want them - in fact seeing others eat desserts makes me gag because I know what it’s doing to their insides and how awful they’re going to feel for hours after. The few times I’ve accidentally ingested sugar, I’ve felt it surge through my body in my blood and give me major headaches, anxiety, and body discomfort. So it’s easy. It gets easy. Once you learn what different foods do to your body, get over your food addictions, and realize that being healthy makes you FEEL good (physically mentally and emotionally), it’s really freakin hard to go back. It’s like once you know, you can’t un-know. I’ve seen this happen for people time and time again. If you want help unlearning, click the link in my bio to schedule a call. I’m here to teach you step-by-step