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Locality: Roseville, California

Phone: +1 530-415-7584

Address: 901 Sunrise ave A-15 95661 Roseville, CA, US

Website: jameepaufit.com

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Pau.er Fitness by: Jamee Pau 05.01.2021

Be proud of who you are, and not ashamed of how someone else sees you. Make your day better and kill your workouts so you motivate them

Pau.er Fitness by: Jamee Pau 31.12.2020

Thank you style magazine

Pau.er Fitness by: Jamee Pau 22.12.2020

It’s not possible to be cautious, or protective and be fully open hearted at the same time. But it is possible to love through our patterns of closure. This is the process to mastering the devotion to love, where we prioritize love despite our fear based behaviors and responses. It’s not only entirely possible to do this and be energetically clear with ourselves and to others where are boundaries lie without sacrificing love to protect our heart but those but those that we ...experience are the most consistently authentic open, transparent and available between us all at the same time. It just takes alote of conscious, and intentional practice. Notice your Patterns of closure and how they close others. Witnessed them like watching a movie. Welcome reflections that show do you have room to grow. Everything is seen in consistency like working out don’t stop, and you will keep getting results. if you have its ok today the day to start back in it! See more

Pau.er Fitness by: Jamee Pau 21.12.2020

Dad you will always be with with me, like a handprint on my because the people who have known me since I was little know that he was my heart and soul. I’m usually always post positive things, but today I spent over 15+ hrs making albums of my dad and his life. Rain falls because clouds can no longer hold the weight. Tears fall because they can no longer hold the pain. There is joy in every moment we have. Knowing that every moment we have is a gift. We begin to see life with a deep sense of gratitude. This was sent to me today by a large group text. Made me smile, You have your own legacy now Jamee. You get to leave a mark on this world. So true and some many more lives I get to impact in a positive way

Pau.er Fitness by: Jamee Pau 19.12.2020

Tip of the Day ( Why not to drink coke)

Pau.er Fitness by: Jamee Pau 16.12.2020

It always seems impossible until it's done! ( Curling 65 lbs 5x10 ) ! Kill your workouts today!

Pau.er Fitness by: Jamee Pau 13.12.2020

Without saying words. Clothes tell a story of who you are. ( SAY SOMETHING interesting) Expression yourself how you choose, even if someone doesn’t like it! I got several complements today that made my day! Sometimes it takes a heartbreak to shake us awake & helps us realize we are worth so much more than we’re settling for! Kill your workouts today!

Pau.er Fitness by: Jamee Pau 09.12.2020

The same boiling water that softens potatoes hardens eggs. It’s all about what you are made of not your circumstances! It is not the strongest of the species that survive. Nor the most intelligent, but the one most responsive to change! Make a positive impact on someone today!

Pau.er Fitness by: Jamee Pau 04.12.2020

Creativity is intelligence of having fun. The desire to create is one of the deepest earnings of a human soul. Do something fun today

Pau.er Fitness by: Jamee Pau 29.11.2020

Work is gor fronecuudein

Pau.er Fitness by: Jamee Pau 22.11.2020

Who dares nothing, need hope for nothing! Remember fear is what stops you courage is what keeps you going! To me it doesn’t matter about life or death it’s more important than that! Don’t practice to get it right. Practice until you can’t get it wrong! Life is full of choices some of them aren’t your choice! I choose to live for today! Might be missing something but I still try! Workout outside today! Happy New Year’s!

Pau.er Fitness by: Jamee Pau 20.11.2020

If you want to be happy, do not dwell in the past, do not worry about the future, focus on living fully in the present. Smash out your workout today and put a smile on

Pau.er Fitness by: Jamee Pau 19.11.2020

There is no chance, no destiny, no gate, that can hinder or control the firm resolve of a determined soul! If you keep making excuses You won’t achieve your new Year’s goals! Level up with me and let’s do this #djshale

Pau.er Fitness by: Jamee Pau 16.11.2020

Training gives us an outlet for suppressed energies created by stress and thus tones the spirit just as exercise conditions the body!

Pau.er Fitness by: Jamee Pau 10.11.2020

Tomorrow Workout (Monday fun day) 20 rounds 5 pushups 10 burpees ... 15 V-ups X20 Rock blue for a extra sticker See more

Pau.er Fitness by: Jamee Pau 07.11.2020

Quiet the mind and the soul will speak! Silence isn’t empty it’s full of answers. When Meditation is mastered, the mind is unwavering like the flame of a candle in a windless place! Search for the truth and settle if effectually upon the heart! #selflove

Pau.er Fitness by: Jamee Pau 07.11.2020

What do you do with leftovers after Christmas dinner? 1) Turkey, celery, carrots, onion, garlic, red bell pepper, and green beans. 2) Chicken broth, no sodium, no salt salt substitute, black pepper,Italian seasoning and a couple of bay leaves. 3) Throw it all in a pot and simmer for 45 min or so.... 4) Toss in some whole wheat noodles or Orzo and simmer another 10 min. See more

Pau.er Fitness by: Jamee Pau 28.10.2020

I will only be taking 3 people under my wing, not only make the meals but also showing how to cook under 15 mins. If you want to transform your body mind and soul this will be the ultimate best thing I could ever provide you, along with my workouts Time to level up, it doesn’t get better than your trainer making your meals with counted macros customized for you!

Pau.er Fitness by: Jamee Pau 21.10.2020

Challenge starts today Top 3 winners on the sticker board get in the raffle to win prizes, like the 3rd generation Apple air-pods. Rules #1) Every day I will post a workout that needs to be completed, on that workout you must post a picture of you doing it or video and tag Pau.er fitness! ... #2) All members that train with me, will at the end of this challenge be apart of a photo shoot must be at the photo shoot to win. This should push you to want to look your best! #3) All member $25, and non members $200 must be payed by this Friday! #4) Extra bonus stickers will be available for you to get so pay attention to my daily requirements to receive them Today is the first day of the challenge I want you to complete a 1 mile run and 100 full sit ups! Don’t forget to show me those pictures

Pau.er Fitness by: Jamee Pau 05.10.2020

There is no exercise better for the heart, than reaching down and lifting people up! Kill your workouts today, and make someone’s day better!

Pau.er Fitness by: Jamee Pau 15.09.2020

Good things come to those who believe, better things come to those who are patient and the best things come to those who don’t give up! Kill your workouts today

Pau.er Fitness by: Jamee Pau 13.09.2020

Saturday morning class! Taking this fun outside! 7am

Pau.er Fitness by: Jamee Pau 09.09.2020

Reaching new heights, realizing getting out of your comfort zone is where the results are!

Pau.er Fitness by: Jamee Pau 05.09.2020

Because I wear my heart on my sleeve When the relationship is about purpose, rather than comfort. When someone chooses to leave you, make the choice to move on. When the tendency to speak with harshness becomes a nudge into softness.... And walls that once served as protection now remain unguarded as you move towards love for someone new. Learn from your mistakes to be the best version of yourself. Kill your workouts today!

Pau.er Fitness by: Jamee Pau 02.09.2020

Consistency I love that Sh&% I got what you need. You don't compete where you can't compare! Dedication-is what your capable of doing, Motivation- determines what you do. Results- determines how well you do it!

Pau.er Fitness by: Jamee Pau 28.08.2020

Quality over Quantity Don’t tell me show me! Eat clean train hard!

Pau.er Fitness by: Jamee Pau 25.08.2020

My goal in life right now is to be happy. Genuinely, intensely and consistently happy, regardless of what that looks like to others. Of course EXERCISE is a must to accomplish this. In a world where everyone wears a mask, it’s a privilege to see a soul with unconditional love like I have to help others in life. What a beautiful thing it is to telling my story and be able to stand tall and say, I fell apart,and I survived. I’ve gone threw so much more that most people Ever ...do, or will. I’m the speaker tonight who does not require validation from anyone, I’m me not perfect but everyday I try to be better than yesterday. The difference is the dream is free, the hustle is sold separately. I’m learning to not need my other half because I’m not a half. Hi my name is Jamee I’m proud of who I am today, I’m proud to say I’m a lesbian not scared of what people think. I’m blessed to have a whole army keeping my ass in check, I’m blessed to have felt love been married, divorced and still I’m alive. Thank you to my amazing people when I showed a mistake......that I was human and made a mistake you didn’t just leave me. I’m human you learn from your mistakes. Those people who stuck around I will do anything for you because that’s true friends. Thank you for showing me unconditional love even when I was at my darkest times. For the people left when I did so much for you I have a letter I wrote to you. Old Clients Hello old Pau.er members I hope that the New Year 2021-finds you Healthy, Blessed & Prosperous! I would like the opportunity to let you know how grateful I am to have helped you in your fitness journey and I’m happy that we achieved so many of your goals together! I know it has been a little bit over a year since we have last talked. I look into 2020 with the intentions of trying making things right with the past. Not every year is perfect and 2018 was one of them. The gym was going good and I had you as one of my hardworking client’s. Unfortunately that changed when I made some mistakes and the gym was closed. That was a very difficult time for me, my family and for you. I apologize for any trouble that situation may have caused you and I would love the chance to apologize in person and share with you what really happened and how things have changed for me now. I want you to know I am on solid path of health, fitness and spirituality and I’m looking forward to continued growth and healing in the New Year. My goal for 2021is to reestablish old friendships and continue to serve others in the community. I would love the chance to meet to catch up and answer any questions you may have about the gym and everything that happened. It would be amazing to see you and share life again. I miss you & hope to hear from you soon Thank you Jamee Pau Pau.er fitness 530-415-7584

Pau.er Fitness by: Jamee Pau 23.08.2020

New challenge starts on Oct 31st-Nov 21. Every member Who buys into the challenge will have private access by invite to a free nutrition plan provided and private workouts to do at home on the days you cannot make training. In order to win the prizes like the 3rd Generation Apple air buds, you will have to post a picture on that days post, and tags Pau.er fitness each day completing the homework assignment either a video or a picture in order to get a sticker for that day! I will do surprise days for extra stickers Who’s competitive make sure you tag them in this post!

Pau.er Fitness by: Jamee Pau 25.07.2020

Remember that the happiest people are not those getting more, but those giving more. As you grow older, you will discover that you have two hands one for helping yourself, the other for helping others. So today I ask you? What are you doing for others?

Pau.er Fitness by: Jamee Pau 07.07.2020

There are no shortcuts to living your greatest life and becoming your best self. 7am class tomorrow Open to the public!

Pau.er Fitness by: Jamee Pau 29.06.2020

7am Tomorrow, come out for the fun!

Pau.er Fitness by: Jamee Pau 09.06.2020

The reason I say to eat before your your workout is because it replenish’s glycogen, the short term storage form of carbohydrates. This immediately provides energy needed and is crucial for morning workouts, as the liver is glycogen depleted from fueling the nervous system durning sleep. So get your pre workout meals in!

Pau.er Fitness by: Jamee Pau 22.05.2020

Never measure the height of a mountain, until you reach the top. Then you will see how small it was. This is like exercise, keep going never give up and you will gain amazing strength and a killer physique. It’s all mental don’t even think the word ( Can’t ) because you can and you will!