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Human Design Book 18.12.2020

Hot off the Press in Istanbul, Turkey! The Book of Destinies.....

Human Design Book 04.12.2020

Human Design Newsletter for November 2020 With Election Day in the United States now in our rear-view mirror (even if the upsets, disappointments, excitement an...d enthusiasm continue to rage on), let’s see what the rest of the month of November promises us. A TIME TO TAKE A BREATH AND CONSIDER NEW PATHWAYS Mercury, the planet of communications had been in retrograde (apparent backwards) motion for three weeks up until the election, and turned direct on the day itself in Gateway number 32, of Endurance, and in the sixth Line, called : Witnessing, Impassively observing your world even as you move in it. Indicating the possibility of a great potential to relax in the aftermath of a crazy election season, and release some of the tension felt around the world. The Life Theme for the day of the election was called Incarnation, indicating the possibility of a complete rebirth for the United States and a whole new internal realignment. The planet Saturn is in its home sign of Capricorn, joined closely by Jupiter and Pluto, giving us the opportunity to ask ourselves the question, Have I positively contributed to our world, or do I just sit around and chat with other people just like me who have the same understanding and inclination to stay in a safe comfort zone. Or, do I venture out of my comfort zone, like a few leaders that we’ve seen, for example AOC, from New York and her more outspoken friends who stretch outside any comfort zone and challenge the status quo.? We’re not saying to challenge the status quo, but we are asking, What can I do to make a contribution to the ongoing evolutionary awakening that’s happening on planet Earth right now? Which is a good question for us all to be asking ourselves right now. The Mars turn on November 13th or 14th brings about a time of realization, a time in which we can now see our way forward. And this turn also coincides with a new moon, at 23 degrees of Scorpio. The Sun and Moon together commence a 30-day cycle and being in the sign of Scorpio, which signals a new cycle of transformation. NEW MOON FINDING ORDER IN THE CHAOS From the Human Design perspective, this new moon happens in Gate 43, Breakthrough, and in line 5, Being Forthright, implementing any new insights requires great thoroughness. This means that this is a time to commit, with clarity, to move towards our new goals, to speak our truth, to readjust what we are doing in our livesparticularly with our businesses and our workeven if the world around us is unsettled. We’ve got ‘revolution’ written all over this new moon. Especially with Mercury, our planet of communication now moving forward again and into opposition to the planet of revolution, Uranus. This can be interpreted as ‘revolutionary communication, like getting out of the box, and doing things differently! Let’s reignite the whole thing. Let’s rewrite the rules and start over. Perhaps this most amazing Constitution of the United States needs dusting off and reassembling a little to bring its validity more into the 21st Century? So even though things might look chaotic, a new order will come that ideally has the underpinnings of awareness, and that is a global awareness, because we are, after all, one family on this very small and beautiful and precious planet. So, with this new moon accentuating the Mars turn, it has the potential to bring with it some profound insights into the quality of our lives and activities, and particularly our vision for creative work in the coming years. OPPORTUNITIES TO SUPPORT AND BE SUPPORTED In the middle of November, we are going to come to a point of appreciating our values, and where we hold our priorities. The Nodes of the moon, which point to our destiny path, lie between the South Node in Gate 26, called Accumulationparticularly with regard to things that have particular material value to usand the North Node, humanity’s current trajectory, in Gate 45, Gathering Together, and our inclination to responsibly support our world and receive benefit from that support. In the days from November 17th through 21st, Mercury, now moving forward again, moves into Gate 44, giving us all the Channel 44-26 by transit. This Channel connects between our Heart Center, and the Center of Willpower, and the Spleen Center, our guardian of Health and Wellbeing. This Channel, called Enterprise, Conveying Creative Concepts, has the means to diffuse any heartache we might be carrying with us. It allows us to come to terms with disappointments and also give us the heads up and encouragement to apply our willingness to new endeavors. It is one of the Channels of Entrepreneurship in Human Design, and it can instantly expose things of value to us if we are paying attention. TRAVERSING PEAKS AND VALLEYS As we arrive at the end of November, there is a Full Moon Lunar Eclipse on November 30th, with the Moon at 8 degrees of Gemini, shedding light on what we need to change. It is essentially saying that if you have an awareness of your spirituality and you are not expressing it, then that needs to change. How do you truly express what you really know to be your truth from your own heart and soul? In a sense it is asking us to take that risk to venture out there and express our truth. As you know, the risk will bring its rewards, with Venus coming through and opposing Uranus. As we’ve said, the apple cart can be upset, as it has been numerous times, and then everything is put to rights again. And then the cart gets upset again. So rather than reacting, as is perhaps our habit, it would perhaps be wiser to see that this present upset is a natural feature indicating a more radical change that is designed to wake us up to another level. And we may get to see that by the middle of December and latter part of December, all the changes and challenges we’ve been through start to settle and begin to make a lot more sense to us. And here we will see the eclipse, with Mercury forming a highly significant linking aspect with Pluto, Jupiter and Saturn, giving us their awareness of the pathways that will take us toward significant change. Also, at this time a beautiful triangle forms between Venus and the planet Neptune, bringing a flow of money and artistic and spiritual inspirations. THE AGE OF PISCES WINDING DOWN For all of us, through February 2021, the North Node is directing our attention toward finding responsible ways to be inclusive of the whole world. We’ll find in the second part of December that Saturnwhich could be said to encourage us to be thorough in our livesand Jupiterthe planet of great expansionenter the sign of Aquarius a day apart. Much talk has been made about the Aquarian Age and it must be understood that the Piscean Age that we are exiting, with all its familiar systems and practices, has to diminish in order for us to traverse into Aquariusan age that is fabled to bring this world 1000 years of peace and prosperity. The Aquarian Age requires us to take personal responsibility for our lives, meaning that we have to give less of our attention and energy towards leaders and their directives, and more toward living in tune with our own life. Less of our attention will be focused on being followers, and more toward leading ourselves..... To receive your Free Human Design Report : HumanDesignForUsAll.com

Human Design Book 17.11.2020

Nancy Pelosi, Human Design, and the Blueprint of a Natural Leader She’s the highest-ranking female elected official in United States history, and the only woman... to ever serve as Speaker of the House. But what drives the seemingly indefatigable Nancy Pelosi? Human Design has the answers. Born into the Personal Life Theme of Service, a Triple-Split Manifesting Generator Design with a 3/5 Profile, Nancy Pelosi has spent her whole lifetime seeking to improve the lives of many. Those born into this Life Theme of Service can often be confused with the notion that in offering service to others, they need to be equally recompensed on a personal level. This is not the case. With this Life Theme, service is something that is given open-handedly, with the implicit understanding that the person who receives or partakes of the service does so in an honorable way. For Nancy, dealing with people who are not honorable is a great trial, leading her to find ways that avoid or circumvent that person’s authority. This dynamic is clearly evident in the impeachment proceedings against Trump, as well as her creation of a commission to use the 25th Amendment to remove Trump from office In Nancy Pelosi, Human Design shows us a person who is a natural networker who has a powerful ability to draw others into her orbit. This is because she carries an enduring sacral energy that allows her to interact naturally and directly with anyone through presenting herself as a strong potential ally (Channel 59-6, Intimacy). With this Channel, she penetrates into the emotional body of anyone with whom she interacts. For those people who are not stable emotionally, this can have a huge effect on them. And with her fully defined and energized Chart, and undefined Mind and open Crown Centers, it does not take Nancy very long to work out other people’s thought processes, even to the point of being able to read their minds. We can see this throughout her career, as she deftly builds coalitions only to bend them to her will, both steamrolling her opponents and overshadowing her allies along the way. The Center that contains her Sun’s activation, and thus 70% of the energy in her chart is her undefined Mind Center. Gate 17, called Following, provides a stream of logic in which one consideration follows another in natural order, she can direct any discussion through her thoughts and clarify the needs for an assured future outcome. This Gate has an inbuilt faculty of far-sightedness, and with Line 3, Selecting, Appreciating the best influences for inner growth, she is quick to appreciate those who see where she is aiming. This can (and has) lead many of her critics (especially those on the left) to grow impatient with what they see as plodding, incremental progress. Nancy also has the Channel called Judgement, (18-58) through which she constantly scans her work and the world to see what is performing and what is not. This Channel can lead to confusion between personal and systemic failure. In other words, when a system or approach to a problem is faulty, those with this channel can blame themselves personally for the failure, rather than recognizing that the entire system might need updating. Nancy seems to be able to recognize this issue, or she has at least found ways to work through it on her way to becoming one of the most effective leaders of the US Congress of all time. As a politician’s daughter whose career spans four decades, it’s clear that Pelosi was born to be a leader. And in her Design, we see why. To this day, her unique ability to unite disparate political groups, while frustrating and overpowering all who stand in her way remains as sharp as ever. If you would like to learn more about your own Human Design, get your free Human Design Report today : HumanDesignForUsAll.com

Human Design Book 03.11.2020

Human Design and Astrology : Energies and Opportunities October 2020

Human Design Book 01.11.2020

The Human Design 1/4 Profile and the Balance of Muhammad Ali Service to others is the rent you pay for your room here on earth. Muhammad Ali Muhammad Ali is... one of the most celebrated icons of all time. As a boxer, he dominated his competition for over 15 years, he broke every record in the book, and was named the greatest athlete of the 20th century by Sports Illustrated. But it’s a combination of his brutal skill inside the ring and his deep compassion for humankind outside the ring that made him a truly transcendent figure. And the roots of this unique dynamic can be traced back to his Human Design. Specifically, his Human Design 1/4 Profile. Born Cassius Clay on January 17th, 1942, the man who would become The Greatest came into the world with a Triple-Split Manifesting Generator Design, and a rare 1/4 Profile. AN EARLY EDUCATION IN INJUSTICE Anyone born with a Human Design 1/4 Profile is constantly balancing personal security with the love and appreciation they give and receive with the people around them. This means that Muhammed Ali had an instinctual ability to draw an appreciative audience toward him, while at the same time learning how to look after himself. In other words, his Human Design empowered him to learn and use the lessons that life was about to teach him. As a dyslexic kid growing up in the racially segregated South, Ali was forced to reckon with frustration and injustice from the get-go. His mother recalled one occasion when he was denied service at a drugstore, They wouldn’t give him a drink because of his color. That really affected him. And after the murder of Emmett Till in 1955, Ali had his first outburst against injustice when he and a friend took out their frustration by vandalizing a local rail yard. According to his daughter, Hana, Ali once said, Nothing would ever shake me up (more) than the story of Emmett Till. This sort of anger at injustice and pent-up frustration has sent many young men down destructive paths. But luckily for Ali (and all those who got to watch him), he found an outlet in boxing. He was first steered toward the ring by Louisville police officer and boxing coach, Joe Martin, who encountered a 12-year-old Ali after his bicycle had been stolen. Ali told officer Martin he was going to whup the bike thief, so officer Martin told Ali he’d better learn to box first and the rest is history. A CHAMPION IN AND OUT OF THE RING His Triple-split Design brought many people into his life, from trainers to admirers, both black and white, all of whom found a person with whom they could relate. Part of this is explained by his single Undefined Self Center, which mirrored everyone back to themselves. He quickly came to realize that everyone saw whatever they wanted to see in him. For himself, he was clear that people all over the world needed to see The Champion! A CHAMPION OF A DIFFERENT SORT The champion is exactly what he showed them. But not just the boxing champion. His Sacral Center is connected through Channels that indicate a deeply caring person (27-50), as well as an extraordinarily sensitive one (19-49), whose life was guaranteed to be transformational (3-60). And we see this in his role as a champion of a different sort. Still deeply affected by the ongoing injustices he had witnessed throughout his life, Ali rose up to become a champion for those who didn’t have a voice. His Defined Mind (47-64) gave him access to a philosophical attribute in which he clearly outlined his thoughts concerning the Vietnam War, and his absolute reluctance to contribute to it in any way, even if it meant going to jail as a conscientious objector. Ali famously railed against the hypocrisy and injustice of his conscription and the war itself: Why should they ask me to put on a uniform and go 10,000 miles from home and drop bombs and bullets on Brown people in Vietnam while so-called Negro people in Louisville are treated like dogs and denied simple human rights? This sentiment illustrates a delicate balance between his deeply felt empathy for humanity and a fully realized (and justified) anger at his own mistreatment. It’s the very balance at the heart of those born with the Human Design 1/4 Profile. And the very balance that allowed him to float like a butterfly and sting like a beeboth inside and outside of the ring. Every now and again, the world is blessed with a truly graceful man, and we are sorely missing Muhammed Ali, the World Champion, in these sadly divisive times. If you would like to learn more about your own Human Design, get your free Human Design Report today @ HumanDesignForUsAll.com

Human Design Book 16.10.2020

The first official version of The Book of Destinies in Chinese is out!

Human Design Book 27.09.2020

If you missed my live show with Chetan, you can enjoy it here! Chetan Parkyn is a 21st-century mystic, and human design world teacher, and author of Human Desig...n - Discover the Person You Were Born to Be, first published in 2009 and now available in 12 language versions. Plus, Human Design: The Book of Lines, and the Book of Destinies. Having spent years traveling the world having the most amazing adventures, and more than a decade living, working, studying, creating jokes for, and laughing with Osho, Chetan has many great stories to tell and much wisdom to share. See more

Human Design Book 18.09.2020

In 1979 Chetan Parkyn was warned by two savants that he would be one day come across an esoteric system he would introduce to the world. Fourteen years later, h...e stumbled upon Human Design and has since worked tirelessly to spread knowledge about the Human Design system worldwide. Join us LIVE on Wednesday at 10 AM Pacific time and find out how books like Richard Rudd's "Gene Keys" and the works of J.R.R. Tolkein inspired Chetan on his very colorful and often very amusing life journey. To sign up to attend LIVE, use the SAVE MY SPACE form on the video interviews page of the No BS Spiritual Book club and we'll send you the details: https://www.sedgbeer.com/face-to-face-with-video-series/ #chetanparkyn #humandesign #10bestspiritualbooklist #thenobsspiritualbookclub

Human Design Book 29.08.2020

I am very grateful to a court in Florence, Italy, for the ruling on my book : Human Design, Discover the Person You Were Born To Be, and the summation that Huma...n Design as a system, and Jovian Archive as a corporation do not have an exclusive copyright. Free Human Design Tale of a Court case, by Marga Eleonora Scroppo On 3rd June 2020, the Court of Florence pronounced an Order establishing that there cannot be a copyright on the Human Design system. The Order followed a lawsuit initiated by Human Design Italia, an association claiming they had the sole ownership of Human Design copyright in Italy and the Italian language as licensee of Robert Alan Krakower (Ra Uru Hu)’s company, Jovian Archive. HD Italia had gone against an Italian publisher, Terra Nuova, after the release, in June 2019, of Chetan Parkyn’s book Human Design Scopri la Tua Vera Natura; claiming that nobody else except Human Design Italia had the right to publish any book on Human Design. After a speedy trial, the Judge thought otherwise. His decision stated: No evidence has been provided by the claimants to prove that they had exclusive rights on the ‘Human Design System’ or its teachings: those teachings cover ideas, procedures, methodologies of representation that can be freely talked about, mentioned and illustrated even by those who are not the creators, without this infringing intellectual property rights; nor, to do so, does one need to be authorized by a school or by its founders, since in our legal system the representation of ideas is free and is not subjected to cult-like behaviors. The principle, stated by US Law and accepted by the Berne Convention as valid for all the countries who are part of it (and Italy is) is that copyright cannot be recognized for an idea, procedure, process, system, method of operation, concept, principle or discovery, regardless of the form in which it is described, and therefore If Krakower cannot be the holder of a general intellectual property right on his ideas (rather than on his works), he cannot have sold it to third parties. So The object of the transfer [from Jovian Archive to Human Design Italia, ed.] cannot be the right to exploit copyright that does not exist. And more: Neither it [Jovian Archive, ed.] nor its assignees could prevent others from publishing other works on the ‘Human Design System’. I am particularly pleased to release this news, because I really believe that HD, like Astrology, Kabbalah, I-Ching, the Chakra System, Neutrinos and the DNA theories on which Human Design is based, belongs to humanity as such and not to just one group of individuals. Of course, everyone is grateful to Ra who went through the experience of receiving the knowledge about the system from some mysterious source, and the moral rights of the discovery will always be his, but the law says that moral right is not transmissible, and ultimately, that the fruit of his experience belongs to all of us. As the Delhi High Court states, in a 2016 lawsuit, copyright is not an inevitable, divine, or natural right that confers on authors the absolute ownership of their creations. It is designed rather to stimulate activity and progress in the arts for the intellectual enrichment of the public. Copyright is intended to increase and not to impede the harvest of knowledge. It is intended to motivate the creative activity of authors and inventors in order to benefit the public. Moreover, this Court Order is an important precedent for any other lawsuit that might be initiated by Human Design Italia, Jovian Archive or any other organization or individual claiming intellectual property on the HD system. And it is important also for all the independent HD readers, teachers and writers many! that have been bullied through the years! Instead, Human Design has benefited a lot from the work of such independent HD practitioners and has evolved immensely from its original formulation, thanks to their commitment, research and experiences. Let this Court Order be the first step towards the free expansion and evolution of this beautiful science. Much thanks to all the people who helped in the process of gathering information to build the case defense, namely attorney-at-law Caterina Inglese, Eleanor Haspel-Portner, Ph.D (noblesciences.com), Chaitanyo (humandesignsystem.com), Karen Curry Parker (understandinghumandesign.com), Erik Memmert (newsunware.com), and of course Chetan Parkyn (humandesignforusall.com ). For a copy of the Court order, which is a public document, in Italian and/or English, contact Marga at [email protected] Related articles Human Design: Discover the Person You Were Born to Be Melika’s review of Chetan Parkyn’s book https://www.oshonews.com//19/human-design-italian-court-c/

Human Design Book 30.07.2020

Our interview with Martin Lopez!

Human Design Book 23.07.2020

If your life looks good from the outside, but you’re feeling inner turmoil, it’s likely you’re living out someone else’s idea of what life is supposed to look like. So, how can you tune back into your natural frequency and start living your purpose? How can you tap into your perfect, unique Human Design?

Human Design Book 14.07.2020

Zeno Dickson ....Ma Vedant Zeno, who introduced Human Design as a working entity to America and the World is gone....from this world. We are so grateful for her relentless pioneering work.

Human Design Book 24.06.2020

This very precious moment in time.... January 10th, 2020

Human Design Book 10.06.2020

Wow! If you haven't heard about Human Design, you're going to be intrigued, AND you'll get valuable insights, too, from today's episode. My guest, Chetan Parkyn..., is a world expert from the founding days of this amazing system of understanding ourselves at deeper levels. Enjoy his free report, too. https://www.forrelationshiphelp.com/emotional-savvy-the-re/ See more