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Feel On Point 18.04.2021

Roasted brussel sprouts or roasted artichokes?

Feel On Point 09.04.2021

Increase your happiness hormones! Are you doing enough to stimulate them.. Everyday things we take for granted such as holding hands or giving a compliment activate happy parts of your brain, making you feel better!... Share this with someone who needs a boost of oxytocin

Feel On Point 20.03.2021

Relaxed Wanderer Formula Herbs are the oldest medicine on Earth. Most modern medications are derived from herbs. Ex: aspirin from willow bark... Combining herbs into a formula is the superior form of use. That's because each herb helps to balance or offset harsh properties of one another. The most popular herbal formula in Asian is Jia Wei Xiao Yao San, Relaxed Wanderer It is a treasure for women! These herbs help: Bupleurum- Cleanse the liver, help optimize its function, Peony- Helps relax tense muscle, increase circulation, Licorice- Boost adrenal glands and decrease cortisol hormone Angelica- Cleanses gut, enhances digestive enzymes, eliminates phlegm My Elevate Elixir fits perfectly in your purse for convenient use throughout the month!

Feel On Point 06.03.2021

Traditional Chinese Medicine is pretty miraculous. It has been around for thousands of years as a wellness model built into preserving and enhancing you as a multi-faceted person.... What does that mean? It simply helps create a lifestyle for you to prioritize every facet of your health, rather than address your body and symptoms when you get sick or feel off...... This includes the foods you eat, how you eat them, who you eat them with, are you rushed, stressed, overwhelmed??? It includes your thoughts, are you constantly stressed, negative talk dominates your day and night, are you good enough? It includes your sleep, your early memories and habits that might keep you from meeting your goals... It includes herbs to refill what is deficient and drain what there is too much of... It includes who you have in your corner to help take care of your body, nervous system, skin, hormones, we all need each other... For me, my top 3 on the wheel are: warm food sleep acupuncture I make sure to surrounded myself by people who want my success, want the best for my family, help me stand straight (my chiro), help me destress and my organs and skin are happy (my acupuncturist), help me wring out the stress and cellular memory from my muscles (my yoga teacher), friends with super powers that can tap into other levels I can't (on the sub-conscious or other side) and many others... These are all part of self care. It's not a spa day, a mani-pedi, or a colonic..It's an everyday awareness! What are your top 3 on the TCM self care wheel? If you or anyone you know this year you want to revamp your relationship to your health, let me know below

Feel On Point 21.12.2020

Are you resolution ready? What would you like to accomplish in the next 90 days?

Feel On Point 19.12.2020

I couldn't believe what I saw today at Costco. I was the only one without toilet paper in my cart because mine was filled with fruits and veggies. I asked if there was a sale, but the cashier told me everyone was just freaking out! I hope corona virus hasn't impacted your business so much, but stress, worry and fear decrease your immunity. ... Here's my PSA: Viruses are on and in us.. You deal with them daily. They cause most imbalances we deal with, especially women. If you're not already boosting your immune system, here are some easy things you can do: 1) Sleep... It doesn't matter what you take, if you're not sleeping this throws your bio-rythms off. You can't heal if you don't sleep. 2)Eat your vitamins and minerals. Vitamins and minerals are mostly found in plants. Vitamin C is high in bell peppers, strawberries, oranges, lemons and so much more... Food gives you natural vitamin c, rather than taking a vitamin c tablet made from ascorbic acid, which is NOT good for your system. 3) Diffuse essential oils: citrus', rosemary, peppermint, etc. keeps the air clean and soothes your stress response. 4) Wash your hands. Hand sanitizers are for killing bacteria, and a little weak at killing viruses. You can use what you want if you believe it stops the spread of it, but hand sanitizers decrease thyroid & immune function (the irony) Wash hands a lot! 5) Heal your gut (this takes time, but it's 80% of your immune system) Easily start with a veggie broth that contains uses these veggies with glutamine: cook celery, carrots, onions, garlic, thyme, parsley, oregano. If you have raw herbs like astragulus and resihi mushrooms i'd thrown those in too. 6) Turn the T.V. off and stay away from costco There's so much more I could write... Hope this was helpful

Feel On Point 12.12.2020

Motivation is key to achieving your health goals. Join me to gain insight into what will keep you motivated to reach your goals!

Feel On Point 01.12.2020

N-Acetylcysteine (NAC) is a powerful antioxidant that boosts glutathione production... From detoxification, to brain health, to heart health, to fertility, NAC is a jack of all trades, and it’s what everyone should be eating!!!! Women with known hormone imbalances benefit from NAC for healthy liver function... ... Here's the short list of benefits... May Improve Fertility in Both Men and Women Prevents Oxidative Damage and Inflammation May Improve Symptoms of PCOS May Help to Stabilize Blood Sugar Supports a Healthy Microbiome Reduces Respiratory Symptoms in Chronic Lung Disease (like COPD) May Enhance Immune Function by Increasing Glutathione and Modulating Inflammation May Reduce Inflammation and Symptoms Related to Influenza and Viral Illness May Help Autoimmunity by Reducing Inflammation NAC Supports Detoxification and Protects Your Kidneys and Liver May Reduce Psychiatric and Addictive Disorders May Improve Brain Health NAC May Help Prevent Heart Disease Where do you find it? Hmm start with cruciferous veggies like cauliflower, brussel sprouts & brocolli.. And definitely lentils!

Feel On Point 23.11.2020

This is the time of year people start thinking about reset. A reset of your mindset.. A reset of your health..... A reset of your priorities overall... When it comes to your health, have you accomplished what you wanted? Are you in a better place right now than you were last year? Did you prioritize your health and wellness, or did you put it off because you were waiting for the right time or more money? There is never going to be that perfect time to get healthy... The perfect time to feel better.. The perfect supplement that will heal you... You are the healing.. You are the placebo.. You are time.. It takes a decision. Once you make a decision to act on an opportunity that's right in front of you, then change has started to happen on levels you may not see initially, but it does. So what will you decide this coming year?

Feel On Point 16.11.2020

Painful Periods... Thought to be so normal in the West, but it's the most obvious sign of imbalance a woman can have... I know the GYN doesn't think much of it..... Just take BCPs and some Tylenol and deal with it... But, you've got to deal with it at some point or the problems just get prolonged, right? Can you see the many root causes this can stem from? Everything in your internal and external environment is a trigger... Everything!!! Most affect the Liver and then other systems. So if your liver is cranky, your system is cranky and your mood is cranky! And now can you understand why the Pill won't help, only prolong the problem and actually make more trouble along the way? You are a whole being! Take root, love!

Feel On Point 08.11.2020

With most gyms closed, what will health resolutions look like? Make easy changes, which can start in your kitchen... They don't have to be massive, just focused based on what you need, not what a fad diet promises..... For example, most women struggle with a poor thyroid, therefore poor immunity. One simple, simple food can give you tons of relief!!! Can you guess what that is? Let me know below

Feel On Point 07.11.2020

Move over UTI's... Ladies with fibroids, cysts, endo, mood swings, and other hormonal imbalances... Cranberries don't get the attention they deserve. ... Maybe because they're grown seasonally... but technically most fruit is that way.. Or, maybe because of its tart flavor... Who knows!! But you are lucky enough now to know that these are a miracle fruit and you should have them way more than at Thanksgiving! Cranberries are a superfood with high antioxidant content to cleans the blood and skin. Cranberries contain one of compounds that can open congested bronchial tubes and pathways making it essential for healing any respiratory condition. Cranberries are very high in proanthocyanidins, which gives them there powerful ability to protect and heal urinary tract, bladder, and kidney infections. These essentially coat the infection forming bacteria, such as E.coli and H.Pylori, with a slick cover and prevents them from sticking to the walls of the urinary tract and digestive tract. Blasting UTI's...Since the bacteria are unable to attach themselves to anything they are flushed out of the system and unable to cause any infection or harm. This anti-adhesion ability also help to prevent stomach ulcers, gum disease, and cavities. The high antioxidant Vitamin C component helps you maintain your immune system, as well as stress levels. Women need high levels of vitamin c, especially when dealing with a hormonal imbalance. Think of vitamin C food for your adrenals and therefore your hormone levels. There are tons of cranberries sitting on the grocery shelves now. Stock up, freeze them, keep a good stash year round. Add them to salads and healthy baked treats!

Feel On Point 01.11.2020

I couldn't believe what I saw today at Costco. I was the only one without toilet paper in my cart because mine was filled with fruits and veggies. I asked if there was a sale, but the cashier told me everyone was just freaking out! I hope corona virus hasn't impacted your business so much, but stress, worry and fear decrease your immunity. ... Here's my PSA: Viruses are on and in us.. You deal with them daily. They cause most imbalances we deal with, especially women. If you're not already boosting your immune system, here are some easy things you can do: 1) Sleep... It doesn't matter what you take, if you're not sleeping this throws your bio-rythms off. You can't heal if you don't sleep. 2)Eat your vitamins and minerals. Vitamins and minerals are mostly found in plants. Vitamin C is high in bell peppers, strawberries, oranges, lemons and so much more... Food gives you natural vitamin c, rather than taking a vitamin c tablet made from ascorbic acid, which is NOT good for your system. 3) Diffuse essential oils: citrus', rosemary, peppermint, etc. keeps the air clean and soothes your stress response. 4) Wash your hands. Hand sanitizers are for killing bacteria, and a little weak at killing viruses. You can use what you want if you believe it stops the spread of it, but hand sanitizers decrease thyroid & immune function (the irony) Wash hands a lot! 5) Heal your gut (this takes time, but it's 80% of your immune system) Easily start with a veggie broth that contains uses these veggies with glutamine: cook celery, carrots, onions, garlic, thyme, parsley, oregano. If you have raw herbs like astragulus and resihi mushrooms i'd thrown those in too. 6) Turn the T.V. off and stay away from costco There's so much more I could write... Hope this was helpful

Feel On Point 30.10.2020

This is from my friend Serena. Have a happy month!

Feel On Point 28.10.2020

Have you switched from red meat to a healthier lean meat such as chicken or turkey? Join me for Wellness Wednesday for some surprising news about your "healthy" alternative that could be wrecking your hormones and waistline!

Feel On Point 26.10.2020

Hypothyroidism is a super frustrating and debilitating condition to live with, even more so if you're trying to get pregnant! Whether you know you have a thyroid condition, or suspect one, there's so MUCH MORE you have to understand about its causes so that you know what to do about it, without meds... Join me for FERTILITY FRIDAY in our private group as I delve into this mysterious condition so that you can prepare for a healthy, happy, holistic pregnancy. ... Let me know below if you'd like to join!

Feel On Point 20.10.2020

Mugwart (artemisia) can be used to prevent diseases and maintain health as part of tonification treatments to help strengthen the organs and immune system. I use it at least once a week (on myself).. It warms and expels cold to promote circulation over areas of chronic pain or muscle tension. It is especially used for pain that is worse with exposure to cold or damp weather, as with some types of arthritis pain. ... Moxa (artemisa herb) was the first NSAID for women's cramps. In Asia, women warm the belly button and womb before periods or trying to boost fertility. It's also used to treat heavy menstrual bleeding and to increase blood circulation to the pelvic area to treat menstrual pain. Baaam!

Feel On Point 13.10.2020

Stress Baking... Have you dabbled in stress baking this year? I"ve been baking a lot of pumpkin pie and bread these last couple months...... I know that the kitchen can be a source of stress for people who are busy all day and the last thing they want to do is cook and clean all night.. But.... Baking! Baking puts you into a creative flow where the fight or flight stress response is toned down and a rush of happy hormones like dopamine (pleasure and happiness) are released. (If you're not stressed out about your creations turning out perfect!) The anticipation of something yummy also triggers another hit of dopamine, which just about everyone can use, right? It's completely possible to reach your health goals when you discover how food can trigger your body... And you don't have to give up carbs of chocolate! If you want me to try your creations, let me know below

Feel On Point 07.10.2020

Here's an easy one! Everyone has these in their yard! If you love your lawn and see these as a bother, this weed has SO many benefits to your health. For women, it's a must! Want to know why? Post your guess below!

Feel On Point 02.10.2020

Who knows what this herb is? Have you taken it? Let me know what herb you think this is so I can tell you why it's so good for women's health!

Feel On Point 30.09.2020

I've been letting this weed grow out until I could finally confirm what it was! Who can tell me what this is so that I can tell you the benefits and why most women need to have it as part of their herbal pharmacy...

Feel On Point 28.09.2020

Happy Fall... OMG there are pumpkins everywhere already! Pumpkins are a great source of beta-carotene that turns into antioxidant vitamin A and that ever important Vitamin C...... Vitamin A is amazing for eyesight and skin. Give it a plus with some added immune boosting Vitamin.. So don't just carve and toss your pumpkins. Find great ways to store and eat throughout this season! What is your favorite way to eat pumpkin?

Feel On Point 24.09.2020

As we transition into fall, Vitamin D becomes crucial. Vitamin D is essential for sturdy bones, radiant skin & hair, weight, and optimal immune & hormonal health. Yes, it's easy to reach for a supplement. ... But.. Did you know that if you're liver isn't optimized, you might be flushing money down the drain and not absorbing this crucial hormone! Also, large doses can be toxic because you're still not addressing the root cause. If you're already experiencing extensive hair loss, depression, weight gain, fatigue, etc... supplementing with Vitamin D may not be enough, since it's not addressing your entire system. Get to the root cause before supplementing. If you'd like to know the root cause(s) let me know below!

Feel On Point 19.09.2020

Everyone needs to boost their immune systems! But.. Are you doing it by just supplementing? What if those supplements aren't available?... And are they really even working? Watch this video to discover what habits you may be doing now that can be supressing your immune system and what you can do to change it!

Feel On Point 05.09.2020

How To Boost Immunity Boosting immunity is a daily activity, just like detox. In fact they go hand in hand... Now, immunity is hyper important. ... So instead of spending tons on synthetic supplements, can you eat more of the rainbow? Start with foods high in vitamin C. (obvious?) What's your favorite vitamin C food? Comment below and i'll tell you mine

Feel On Point 28.08.2020

While everyone keeps repeating, arguing and normalizing oxymorons, the bigger picture is being ignored. As I continue to piece together this psyops operation for myself and how I'm going to stay on purpose (you need to choose for yourself), there's something much greater than politics going on here. We are now in the initial phase of introducing the public to genetic modification and AI. ... When I think of AI I think of a cyborg robot or a crazy sci-fi novel. But, it's much simpler than that. AI can be as easy as an algorithm that scans the word I write and chooses to delete because it doesn't fit its criteria. If you're familiar with GMO foods, you have a basic understanding of genetic manipulation of your food.... But scientists are light years in the future compared to where the publics understanding is. For decades now, universities and bio-tech companies have been salivating the potential of human genetic modification. You can see for yourself at the Center for Genetics & Society and via the university of Cambridge: artificial intelligence for genomic medicine... Now, if you even put in the time to understand what you are reading, your first thought might be, "that doesn't sound right!" But, it's being normalized and now people with no medical degrees and institutions who have invested billions have found loopholes in the semantics of genetic engineering. The new "V" that's being rushed through the pipeline has no political affiliation, it's not even a V if you know the definition of conventional V's. This new and exciting V, which is not a V, is RNA manipulation & design (those of you rushing to get it for the greater good of all, thank you in advance for donating your body to science).. DNA and RNA manipulation is here. Think about the implications.. Who the hell is writing the code that will be injected into billions of people for the sake of the greater good. For some, this is exciting work. If you are a eugenicist this is the ultimate wet dream. If you are a computer coder, coding RNA and eventually DNA makes sense. But ultimately, this is coding humans! (if you think this is far fetched, you are not living in the present)... This is the beginning of a new age. An age where science can remove possible birth defects, which we can all agree are great advances, right? But where does it end? Where is the moral line? Right now, this is deemed illegal, but a V is the loophole needed to open the flood gates to mass experimentation. Right now, the awareness is crucial!

Feel On Point 23.08.2020

Are you keeping up with your summer vitamin regime? Mangos: Are rich in potassium and vitamins C & E. Women cannot get enough vitamin C. You know I always advocate natural Vitamin C from fruits & veggies, rather than supplemental. Your adrenals soak up vitamin c because our tendency for fight or flight. ... Mangos have potassium which helps calm the nervous system. Who doesn't need that?