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Every Body Bliss 05.11.2020

I am so damn proud to be a breast cancer survivor Today kicks off breast cancer awareness month and this weekend also marks one year since my double mastectomy and of being 'cancer free'. It feels like a new kind of birthday ... My physical scars have begun to fade, I have gained my range of motion back and have started to feel more 'at home' in my body ...but I know I am still healing. I am not rushing or putting pressure on this process, because I know that the healing never really ends. It just evolves and grows as I do. As I sat in my first ever @the_breasties support group last night, it struck me how we ALL carry scars, whether or not they're visible. We never really know what someone is going through - some people talk about their heartache and others don't. Because things like cancer, trauma, loss and illness effect each one of us so differently. What if we were more open about the hard thing we are navigating? Would it normalize the struggle or feel comforting? What if we allowed ourselves to be seen, witnessed and heard in the messiness of our health journey? What we unapologetically take up space and realize that this too is a part of healing? Because even though healing is so individual, we also need community and connection to heal. As I look back on this year, I am overflowing with GRATITUDE - I want to send a massive thank you for my personal community who has supported me throughout this past year (you know who you are ). It is not easy to go through this, but being wrapped in love and support definitely helps. Thank you thank you thank you I also have some super exciting news coming your way soon - stay tuned!!! PS - Reminder that it's the first of the month, which is a perfect time to do your monthly breast check! It takes five minutes and can save your life (it did mine!). See more

Every Body Bliss 02.11.2020

Thank you for trusting me to guide you in your healing journey

Every Body Bliss 22.10.2020

This has been the harshest and earliest fire season that we have seen in a century. Unfortunately it's early in the year and we are just getting started. While we can't stop these fires, we CAN limit our risks and reduce our exposure. Optimizing environmental health is equally important for wellness as is eating well and exercising.... If you're in a high fire zone, follow these tips shared by @sweetbeetacu to care for your lungs during fire season. She also recommended an app called Air Visual, which forecasts air quality index in your area. Note that it's important to work with a practitioner before starting any herbs in case they are contraindicated (ex: you shouldn't take licorice if you have high blood pressure). Stay safe my friends! See more

Every Body Bliss 14.10.2020

9/11 changed my life forever. Commemorating 19 years feels surreal. It was not only the day the world changed, but it was the day my dad was killed and my personal world collapsed. My dad was chief broadcast engineer for WPIX and worked on the 110th floor of One World Trade. He started working in the buildings right after they were built and they were his pride and joy. We could see those towers from my bedroom window. He spent 20+ years tending to that antenna (pic ^...). In the '93 bombing he stayed at his post well after midnight until the signal went back up. Pretty badass move, dad. I was recently in a racial & ancestral healing class with @chaneldurley She reminded us that we can hold dualities about ourselves and our lived experiences. Remembering this has allowed me to accept my full experience in grief. I can be angry and sad about losing my dad & my childhood, and I can also hold an immense amount of awe and gratitude for its positive impact: how it has helped me discover my strength, my self love and set me on my current path where I now help others heal. Isn’t that the funny thing about grief and trauma? Our deepest wounds can also be our greatest teachers. This post is the most public I have been about my experience. I hid this part of myself for years bc I never wanted it to define me. I now see how it has undeniably shaped who I am. Acknowledging my pain has also carved a new path for my healing. We are holding so much shared grief in 2020 - just like we did in 2001. There have been too many lives lost. It boggles me that we are still having the same conversations about the value of a life. Xenophobia & hate just breeds more hate. We need more love in the world. What if we acted with more empathy towards our brothers and sisters who are suffering? For the injustices for BIPOC and LGBTQIA who are dying in the streets? For our planet that is burning (and flooding and doing all sorts of weird shit)? In remembrance of my dad and all others lost that day. Also honoring everyone who has been touched by grief, loss, destruction and violence this past year. I am sending you all BIG LOVE. #neverforget See more

Every Body Bliss 30.09.2020

Nutrition can be confusing #Repost @cleowade

Every Body Bliss 23.09.2020

Lessons I wish I could share with my younger self: ON HEALING *No one is going to heal you or come to your rescue. Life is hard but you are strong and you can do hard things.... * Healing has it's own timeline. It is not linear. Some days you'll feel like you're moving backward but its all part of the journey *Healing is uncomfortable. Be compassionate with yourself as you move through the process. Growth is about hitting your edge. When you discover a place of discomfort - lean in and stay awhile *Healing comes in many forms. It's not just for your body or mind. Your heart and spirit need healing too. *Just because you've experienced a certain trauma doesn't mean you understand what others are going through. Each of us experience and process differently. Never assume you understand. We are all unicorns. *Strength sometimes looks like softness. Going 'harder' and putting pressure on healing doesn't make it go any faster. It will take as long as it needs to take. *Healing isn't about fixing yourself. You are not broken. You never were broken. *Find your people. Your community is medicine. *You will find medicine in the most unsuspecting places. There's medicine in food, friendships, good conversation, belly aching laughs, nature, among so many others. *Your healing doesn't need to look a certain way or fit into a neat little box. It will take on its own wild and messy form and that's OK. SO MANY MORE thoughts on this but I'll leave that here for now. What's one thing you wish you could go back and tell your younger self? See more

Every Body Bliss 16.09.2020

I’ve been meaning to write an instagram post for a week or two now ---> But it keeps slipping to the bottom of my list. I have been trying to show up here when it feels good and not because I think I ‘should’ be posting often. My fear creates stories about why I should be posting more often and what that means for me as a business owner, etc etc. ... And in the past I would have listened to my fear. The old me would have gritted through - tried to get it all done anyway. Worked harder. Pushed harder. This is how I used to always function and my body paid the toll. Stress lives in our tissues. When I was younger it gave me migraines, insomnia and digestive issues. But when I was diagnosed with cancer last year, I decided that I could no longer override my body’s need for rest for the sake of ‘productivity’. My intuition has told me to slow the f*** down. And even though I still slip into old habits of overthinking and overworking, I’ve gotten much better at slowing down and listening. At giving myself white space to process and heal. Because REST IS A NOURISHING ACTION and essential for healing. And even if it doesn’t always come easy - it is so very necessary. See more

Every Body Bliss 07.09.2020

Nutrition is such a powerful way to feel more ALIVE and at home in your body So much of the wellness industry feeds off of people's insecurities and makes them feel 'not enough' - not skinny enough, not fit enough, etc. Instead, I like to help people:... Customize their nutrition for their individual bodies and health goals Release limiting beliefs that are keeping themselves from a positive relationship with themselves, their bodies and food! My schedule is ALMOST FULL the rest of the month but I have a few spots if you're interested in getting started. More info on different coaching packages are in my bio See more

Every Body Bliss 04.09.2020

It’s ESSENTIAL to mix up your diet -> ... If you’re trying to optimize your gut health Plant based foods help to feed your microbiome,, which regulates digestion, immunity, mental health and hormone health. ... Different foods feed different bacteria which is why it’s important to DIVERSIFY Here’s some areas to start! Include WHOLE* plant based foods like legumes, whole grains, fruits and veggies. They contain fiber called prebiotics that are bacteria food and are the foundation for building a healthy gut! *Whole Foods = more chickpeas and less chickpea pasta The more color the better - different colors in food are called phytonutrients that create a healthy environment for the lil bacteria to thrive if you feel stuck (like you already do all this already!?), then try super simple food swaps. Like white quinoa> red quinoa // brown rice > wild or red rice // green apples > red apples. The different colors and phytonutrients really do make a difference in feeding your microbiome If you find yourself slipping into a routine (hello quarantine food fatigue - I’m right there w you!) Try making those super simple swaps Graphic from @parsleyhealth See more

Every Body Bliss 17.08.2020

WANNA WORK TOGETHER!? I now have THREE different nutrition packages available so that I can support you wherever you are in your health journey FOOD SENSITIVITY TESTING PACKAGE - for people looking to identify their unique food sensitivities + receive individualized guidance... 3 MONTH FUNCTIONAL NUTRITION PROGRAM - for individuals looking to heal with whole foods, whether you have a formal diagnosis (like diabetes or IBS) or are experiencing mystery symptoms that are causing you pain and discomfort (like abdominal pain, bloating, diarrhea, fatigue, to name a few!). 6 MONTH FUNCTIONAL NUTRITION + FOOD COACHING PROGRAM - we will explore ways to nourish yourself on ALL levels to help you heal from the inside out. Using a combination of nutritional therapy, wellness coaching, and breathwork, we will peel back layers of your healing process and move you closer to your health goals. E-mail me to set up an intro call so we can discuss your goals and find you the best fit . . . See more

Every Body Bliss 14.08.2020

Life has been so hard lately but this past weekend was so good Despite my pure joy in this photo, I’ve sitting with a lot of difficult emotions lately. I feel like it’s important to emphasize that because literally everyone I’ve spoken to lately is struggling in some way or another. It’s just hard to be a human in the world right now. But at the same time I’m also trying to find joy anywhere I can. ... This weekend it came in the form of breathwork, social distance visit w a great friend and some time swimming (my favorite!). Life feels like a roller coaster. Trying to ride it all and take it one day at a time. How are you all holding up these days? See more

Every Body Bliss 10.08.2020

Client feedback "Miriam’s toolbox is one of the greatest resources I have had the honor of tapping into on my health journey. Her approach wasn’t intimidating. We took it slow, and my mind, body and skin saw the small changes having a big impact. ... In addition to the food I was eating, we also zeroed-in on my eating history. She helped me access and release long-held stories that were no longer serving me. Thus, I was able to make smarter decisions on my own and feel empowered." See more

Every Body Bliss 25.07.2020

Do you have a hidden food sensitivity? Food sensitivities can cause inflammation, which can deplete and exhaust us and make us sick. But it also goes the other way - when we take away those inflammatory culprits and feed ourselves whole foods, we have a tremendous power to heal ourselves from the inside out.... Check out the full blog post to learn: What is a food sensitivity? What are the main symptoms associated with food sensitivities? What's the difference between food sensitivities, allergies and intolerances? How do you test for food sensitivities? (spoiler alert: not all tests are legit). Link in bio for full blog post! See more