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Emotional Self Sufficiency Training 29.04.2021

Hello Awesome Ones, I hope you are well and life is good. We’ve been focused on healing Larry’s back and I’ve been painting more. I wanted to share a post from years ago that I believe will support you on to your inner journey to living with Emotional Self Sufficiency. ... I wrote this last year I believe it will be a BB Pasta thought that may stick for some of you. I wrote this to client during one of my text coaching times, yes I do coach some clients through text, I sent a text that I believe is worth sharing. The individual I was coaching was stuck in how she felt things should be in her life. How others should be and so on. She was consumed with judgment in regards to how this person and life should be showing up. I encouraged her to let go of her stake of should'ves instead replace it with being in the wonderment of the unknown. I asked her to listen to her inner wisdom, which is not shrouded in judgment of others but instead glowing from her inner knowing. Wisdom is what we gain from our experiences if we were not consumed with what should've been instead. This is why you see people not learning from their past experiences, instead they seem to repeat over and over again what has not worked in their past. They never attain, retain the wisdom meant in that moment as they have become identified with their story of how it should've been. So they can hold on to their anger, resentment, hurt, disappointment, instead of gaining inner wisdom meant in the moment. To then become knowledge as they use it the next time a similar situation arises. So now they will not continue to repeat drama, trauma and more in their relationships, work i.e. life! Instead they can access the wisdom, apply it as knowledge, to create a different outcome. Let go of your should'ves, embrace your inner wisdom, apply the gained knowledge, so you can create a life absent of trauma, drama, anger, resentment, disappointment etc. Instead create an inner peace and wisdom that will guide you in all situations. Oh the juiciness of life when we live free of should've, would've and could'ves! Hugs

Emotional Self Sufficiency Training 18.04.2021

BB Pasta Thoughts Against the Wall of Life: Enjoying your life is more about where you put your focus and how you perceive what is unfolding, than what is actually happening. I encourage you to become an observer of what is unfolding, instead of judging it as good or bad, right or wrong, remain curious, asking in this moment what is the most meaningful, authentic way can I respond to what IS? ... If you feel pulled back to a past experience of hurt or you are propelled into the future feeling fear or anxiety, then you have some work to do on your inner emotional landscape. I can assist you in acquiring the tools to no longer be filtering what IS by what was or the fears of the future. Let’s chat. Hugs and Loves (as we all can use more hugs and loves everyday.) Hugs and Love are the oil to the inner gears of our hearts!

Emotional Self Sufficiency Training 16.04.2021

Dear Awesome Ones I hope you are safe and well I wanted to share a post from 5 years ago about speaking your truth. Let me know your thoughts. I hope you Like and share. Big hugs of Love, Peace and Clarity ... BB's Pasta Thoughts against your wall of life: If you are not speaking and living what is true for you in your life, you are robbing others, those closest to you from what is true for them. How they respond to your truth is theirs to sort out. I've learned when I share what I know as true for me with those closest to me, of course done without blame or judgment or anger, They are in a position to accept it, reject it, share theirs with me and we can move forward with integrity. If I do not share my truth it leaves room for resentment and falsehoods to increase. The potential for a positive relationship to grow is doomed, impossible, because what is held in the dark eventually comes to the light. Also I have found the speaking, living your truth sets you free indeed! I understand at times it seems counter intuitive to speak and live your truth, as people may become angry, judge you or walk away. There is a component of fear of what will happen if you speak, live your truth. Yet I have discovered that each time I have chose to speak my truth in my life in relationships, they are enriched or I discover that person is not a fit in my life. Not that they are wrong in anyway, they are perfectly being the best them in this moment, they are just not a fit in my life. The wondrous thing that happens, is now there is more room in my life for those who are on the same page of life with me, in regards to what they desire to create in their own life. If speaking, living your truth means there maybe loss of a person, place or thing, I can guarantee what you will benefit from speaking, living your truth so much more than you can imagine with who and what you do want in your life. Over and over again this has played out in my life. Just for today try speaking and living your truth in your life. Only ground rules I have in regards to this is I must speak, live my truth absent of judgment, blame or anger. I do not make the other person wrong so I can be right it is not about that. It is from a place of this is true for me, it may not be for you and that is ok too. Have a most amazing day!

Emotional Self Sufficiency Training 04.04.2021

Hello Awesome Ones If you like this post please like our page. Please leave a comment too. Hugs of Love, peace and clarity ... A post from 2/24/13 I am standing on a precipice in my life right now. Looking over the amazing opportunities as green valleys with rivers of love flowing through them. I know the only way I can ever experiencing them is to just jump, put my arms out, allowing my wings of confidence to expand, carrying me on the winds of opportunities and experiences to the places I am to land effortlessly. In this moment I feel so energized and excited, no fear just pure childlike joy running through my veins, encouraging me to jump, soar and relax in the peace of being me. I will fly with others on the same mission to encourage others to take flight on the currents of their passion and purpose with an inner knowing to their very core that they will land effortlessly. Their talents, gifts and love will grow and flourish to encourage others to do the same, live into their authentic self!

Emotional Self Sufficiency Training 24.03.2021

Awesome Ones, It’s Valentines Day here in the US Remember the most important person to love is yourself. ... 2/14/14 Love is not about a day, it is a state of being! May you all experience the ultimate love of all, unconditional love! To be loved for more than your looks, your money, your body, your clothes, for what you've succeeded at in this life, instead loved for who you are absent of all the outer wrappings! Loved for your inner authentic being. This love is the juiciest, richest, of all others, nothing distracts this love from being given or shared. I pray you all experience this amazing love to your very core! It starts with you loving you so deeply, so intensely, that your self love will overflow, splashing onto others! Absent of needing, just giving it away without expectations of any returning. The amazing thing about this unconditional love of self and others it is not possible to ever run out, as it is never ending, as you give it away, it comes back to you and so on and so on.

Emotional Self Sufficiency Training 20.03.2021

Dear Awesome Ones, I love this video. I’ve posted it for 11 years and I still cry when I watch it. Especially this year as I miss hugging my family, friends and all of you. I’m a hugger and hug strangers when we connect. I send all of you love a lots of hugs. ... https://youtu.be/vr3x_RRJdd4

Emotional Self Sufficiency Training 04.02.2021

Awesome Ones 5 years ago I recorded this video. I will be making new ones soon. Huge hugs of Love, Peace and Clarity.

Emotional Self Sufficiency Training 16.01.2021

Good Day Most Awesome Ones! We’ve had a few situations come up that put the brakes on our online course launch. Our intention is to post here videos and more. ... We’ve had thousands of likes and comments on our boosted posts, not so much on ones we do not boost. Curious Coach questions: What is it that caused you to like a post, comment and/or like/follow our page? What is it you desire to be different in your life? Better relationships? More inner peace? Clarity in your life? We would so appreciate your insights and input. Huge hugs of Love, Peace and Clarity, BB and Larry.

Emotional Self Sufficiency Training 28.12.2020

Hello Most Awesome Ones, How are you? I have been a tad quiet here on our page. Mostly due to the situation here in the US, as I am sure many of you know about what happen at our Capital last week. It was horrifying to witness such hate and the 'need to be right' when facts proved other wise, running rampant in such a violent manner. We are excited to see how this New Year pans out with our new President. Hopefully, the vaccine will be a game changer in regard to the Covid p...andemic. It will be wonderful to hug people again. Larry and I are ready to travel giving workshops and more across the US and in other countries. We look forward to meet you and share how to live with love, peace and clarity in abundance, even when things around you are not so. Though I have felt the sadness of the world like a heavy cloak for months now, I also felt love, peace and clarity too. Though my heart hurt for others, I did not become angry lashing out at others. I knew the feelings of sadness and even dread were to be felt fully, as they were feelings in this moment. They were not old feelings of hurts or injustices of the past. They were feelings about right here right now as horrific events were unfolding right before me. The tools and exercises of Emotional Self Sufficiency has given me freedom from being held emotionally hostage from past experiences or future worries. Please read through our previous posts as there are so many nuggets of how to resolve old hurts, how to create the life you desire and more. We look forward to a most amazing year of sharing more and more of how to live absent of daily stress, anxiety and emotional overwhelm with you. Huge hugs of Love, Peace and Clarity, BB and Larry #emotionalselfsufficiency #createchange #positivechange #hope #hopeforthefuture #lovepeace #clarity

Emotional Self Sufficiency Training 25.12.2020

1/11/2021 Hello Most Awesome Ones, Thank you so much for all the likes, follows, shares, and comments. We so appreciate your insights and more. ...Continue reading

Emotional Self Sufficiency Training 20.12.2020

Thank You all so much for being part of our sharing Emotional Self Sufficiency Training, ESS with the world. We hit 5000 Followers today! We are excited to launch our on line course very soon. We will be posting how to join very soon. We’ve had a few bumps in the road along the way, which is just part of life. Big hugs of gratitude, love, peace and clarity to you all.

Emotional Self Sufficiency Training 17.12.2020

Hello Most Awesome Ones, 2021 is almost here! I believe most people will be incredibly happy when 2020 is over! This past year has been very trying for many. I do not think I have ever felt grief so palatable as I have this year. When here in the U.S. we experienced a mass shooting the grief was everywhere as we grappled with the senseless deaths. ...Continue reading