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Website: www.michellescoggins.com

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Dr. Michelle Scoggins Coaching and Consulting 30.01.2021

FEAR HAS NEVER FELT LIKE THIS! I am watching and I see that you are a powerhouse in your industry You have broken down so many barriers and quite honestly, I’m sitting in AW because you are making it look so easy This is where the problem started You are rocking it and then all the sudden you are overcome with fear because you have a huge decision on your plate. One that is greater than all past decisions combined! This will make your legacy come alive. ... But something is in the way Something you can’t pinpoint. And to make things worse you have silently spoke to others about a strategy and you just can’t get in alignment with anything. In the meantime, you just keep rocking it while your ride or die audience watches on unknowingly that you are silently scared shitless that you will not be able to pull off this huge transition. You fear: I will lose clients My audience will abandon me My sales will plummet I will come across as confused or ill equipped My vision is silly If I really need to pivot for growth Let’s chat about this fear! It is deeply rooted in parts of you that stays hidden until triggered by new experiences that mimic an original experience of fear What I’m saying is this is a new response to an old emotional wound And unfortunately, we all have fears and what’s even more unfortunate is they show up at the worst times imaginable like right now! I know you’ve felt fear before but never like this! When you are feeling confused, numb, angry or scared about a decision it is likely rooted in a fear response. Your fear response will not go away unless you address the original source of the fear. Even if you get past this one thing it will come back again That is where I come in I help people go back and identify those original fear responses and what behavior they developed to avoid the fear. Then we work to create new behaviors that serve them today and help you reach that legacy goal! If you are wanting to move this mountain of fear out of your way once and for all schedule a 30-minute free discovery call so I can walk you through how this will work for you and your business. If you don’t feel quite ready don’t hesitate to send me a DM!

Dr. Michelle Scoggins Coaching and Consulting 20.01.2021

WHEN WORKING HARDER DOES NOT WORK! When you have tried all the strategies and pulled out all the stops to creating this big legacy for yourself and instead it starts sucking the life out of you You were not prepared for everything that was shoved on your plate but you sorted through it like you have done in the past. There has been no task to large UNTIL NOW!... And truly you cannot even put your finger on it It just feels different which worries you This is known at hitting your emotional ceiling We all have one even when you try to ignore it. But it feels like this: You cannot get out a clear thought Have no idea the direction of your business Feel numb in many situations Recognize impending doom but have no idea what to tweak or fix Look at others who make it look so fucking easy and wonder how! You feel like you are walking up hill in quicksand! OK LET’S EVALUATE THIS Being at your ceiling is like standing at the top of a mountain the oxygen is thin!! You’ve got to get back to a place where you can breathe, but how? Imagine this Being able to identify and understand your ceiling and what you need to do to raise the ceiling. Let’s be real the ceiling is imaginary, and you choose how low or high you set it If you want your ceiling the move the fuck out of your way you have to change the way you look at the situation. I’m not a contractor but I can surely help you move that pain in the ass ceiling once and for all by identifying how it got there in the first place.. If you are ready to change your business outcome, work with me for 30 days where I will pinpoint your core beliefs, how it is derailing your business and steps you can take to overcome those fears and set your business in a new direction yelling HELL YA all the way to the bank! Your investment for this 30-day intense awakening is $3000. Don’t waste time slots are limited and I’m currently booking for February. DM me for more information.

Dr. Michelle Scoggins Coaching and Consulting 17.01.2021

TIRED OF FANNING THE FLAMES? For some time now your business has been a touch and go project. At times you are all in and then there are those times where you are pulling out your hair and have no idea where to go. Consulting with another coach seems terrifying because you do not want others to see your struggle... So what happens is you keep pushing forward down a path that is not even yours any longer! Let me be real with you sister I know first-hand how hard it is to ask for help. But what’s the most you will risk? I know, time and money. Aren’t you already losing both of those trying to figure it out on your own without a plan? What if I told you that fear of asking for help is not universal but rather a taught trait Yep you got it you learned that asking for help meant: You weren’t smart enough You weren’t’ strong enough I might be in danger Someone will tease me Most of all I am going to feel bad! Imagine this What if getting help was not a negative but rather a positive move in your business. Building a legacy for yourself usually requires a team and I know you are building a legacy! With a team you will be able to recover the countless hours you spend in your business and away from those things that you love. You will now have the time to relax, start a new hobby, binge watch some Netflix or hell build another business with the time that you recover! Let me help you get cozy with the idea of building your team in the way that fits your style! It’s time to stop wasting time and money on things that do not serve your legacy. Now is the time to spend money to recover the time you so cherish. If you are ready to change your business outcome, work with me for 30 days where I will pinpoint your core beliefs, how it is derailing your business and steps you can take to overcome those fears and set your business in a new direction with a great team. Your investment for this 30-day intense awakening is $3000. Don’t waste time slots are limited and I’m currently booking for February. DM me for more information.

Dr. Michelle Scoggins Coaching and Consulting 09.01.2021

CHECK YOUR EMOTIONAL TEMPERATURE Being able to be in tune with your emotions is a learned behavior. For those who have experienced abuse this task can be very challenging. One key component of making it through abusive situations is the ability to turn off emotions so that you can continue to push through. But what tends to happen is the person becomes accustomed to living without the day-to-day emotions and learn to manage those emotional eruptions that happen due to overwh...elm and emotional suppression. This is equivalent of having a broken gas gauge in your car. Imagine that for a moment. If your gas gauge in your car did not work you are likely to not know you need gas until you run out and then you have lost control of the car. Well, when our emotional regulator is broken due to learning how to cope with extended abuse, we tend to not recognize the signs of overwhelm and do not engage in self-care behavior. It just was not taught. Emotional intuition is vital to having a successful business. You must be in tune with your emotional regulator so that you can have a steady flow while working. To improve your awareness of emotional suppression, pay particular attention to when you feel confused or numb. Maybe your brain goes blank frequently. This is a sign that you are in emotional suppression mode and something is brewing. To prevent the inevitable overwhelm do these things: Journal daily Read self-development Identify the things that are new, changed or feel different Let off steam with exercise and sex Place yourself in situations that does not require suppression Let it go Control that is! Talk to someone If you remain confused or unable to pinpoint the source of the emotional suppression book a free 30 minute discovery call so I can walk you through how this is showing up in your business. Working with me for just 30 days will help you improve your emotional intuition and increase your productivity https://calendly.com/michellescoggins/30min

Dr. Michelle Scoggins Coaching and Consulting 31.12.2020

3 ways taking a walk will help with depression https://vm.tiktok.com/ZMe1D1tTE/

Dr. Michelle Scoggins Coaching and Consulting 19.12.2020

ARE YOU LOOKING EVERYWHERE FOR A SOLUTION? It seemed like your business was going so well and it was. But then something happened You jumped in like you always do and tried to fix it. But what worked in the past just is not working now. You know that you need a solution and fast, but your thoughts are telling you:... You don’t need help you just need to try harder The solution has to be on the web, everything is on the web If I tell anyone they will see that my business is failing I’ve made it out of tough situations I am sure this is no different GIRL I AM WITH YOU!! Being a one-woman show is a state of mind and in your case it is unrealistic. I know you are a badass and the world sees you but is it worth sacrificing your growth and badassery to prove that you can do it all yourself? Those are thoughts I have had so many times when I feel in over my head, even when I want to deny that I have a limit. That is because I learned that asking for help was never well received and I often was made to feel guilty for doing so. As a result, I would push forward so that I didn’t feel victim to my circumstance. Ooh but let me tell you When this stubborn part of my mind comes out destruction is in my near future. Being hell bent on proving to others that you are capable of coming through for yourself is a learned reaction that helped you avoid painful emotions of failure, looking inadequate and becoming the victim. But imagine for a moment that you got guidance for this issue and the results were: My business is back on track and I feel renewed success Getting help felt good I don’t have to do it all myself because that is not what I was meant to do I learned the importance of a team and I am excited to work with others If you are ready to change your business outcome, work with me for 30 days where I will pinpoint your core beliefs, how it is derailing your business and steps you can take to overcome those fears and set your business in a new direction. Your investment for this 30-day intense awakening is $3000. Don’t waste time slots are limited and I’m currently booking for February. DM me for more information.