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Dr. Bando 27.03.2021

Do you get hung up on productivity? Is your feeling of worth and usefulness directly correlated with how productive you are on any given day? If so, this is a recipe for long-term burnout, and I urge you to entertain a different perspective. The human experience is a rich tapestry of varied moods and emotions: intense excitement and motivation, laziness and rest-seeking, calm and peaceful, anxious and thought-provoking. If you only value the more active qualities, you are missing out! Not only do you deprive yourself of the joys of quieter energies, but you also neglect their rechargeable powers. Honoring your ebb and flow (i.e., your body’s ever-changing needs) super-charges your abilities to reach beyond your potential.

Dr. Bando 16.03.2021

LAUGH OFTEN! Laughter is good for the whole body, soul, mind, and emotional health - especially now. Rather than waiting for laughter to come your way, why don’t you go seek it out? Some ideas: watch a funny movie, search YouTube and watch a comedy show, call a friend for a light-hearted chat, put your intent on looking for the funny around you. Do you have other ideas? Post up in the comments section.

Dr. Bando 04.03.2021

What does the word thrive mean to you? Whether you aim to thrive in business or in life, you need a strong foundation in order to flourish and grow. What are you doing today to fully embrace life? ... You can do something as big as plan to move out of state or signing up for a class you've been dying to take, or as simple as being in the moment during conversation with a loved one over dinner. How are you taking a bite out of life today? Don't wait! Life is too short to just survive. Now is the time to THRIVE! See more

Dr. Bando 17.02.2021

If you're looking for a new book to read before bed with valuable insights and action items that will take you from surviving to THRIVING then you should download my free eBook. Learn my Top 5 Surviving to Thriving Strategies - These skills are road tested in my experience working with over 250+ executives in tech, sales, marketing, and top-performing attorneys over the past 15+ years. Become a peak performer and start thriving today!

Dr. Bando 09.02.2021

Welcome to 20 minutes of guided Mindfulness practice. Mindfulness is the foundational skill required for peak performance. Join me to practice strengthening this valuable resource.

Dr. Bando 03.02.2021

Cultivate an inner voice that you want to tune into. An inner voice that is gentle, clear, and compassionate increases your awareness of your needs and allows you to respond to them cleanly and efficiently. When your needs are met, your performance is greatly enhanced. Run on full, not on empty.

Dr. Bando 15.01.2021

Imagine gracefully navigating your way through a room full of furniture that you have never been in before in pitch-black darkness. This is how many are living their lives. Mindfulness gives us the capacity to turn on the light switch, see the obstacles ahead, and navigate them with grace and ease. Pivot here? Turn left there? Step around that hurdle on the right? With a strong MINDFULNESS practice, this is no problem. How are you practicing strengthening your Mindfulness muscle today?

Dr. Bando 03.01.2021

Are you ready to live to your full potential, blowing the ceiling off of what you thought was possible? If you are really, truly ready for this kind of transformational change, I urge you to cultivate these mindfulness qualities today. Where to start? I have many free guided practices posted up on my YouTube page and offer Mindful Mondays at 10 am Pacific on Facebook Live (20 minutes of guided mindfulness practice to cultivate these qualities). Life is too short to just survive, practice Mindfulness today, and help yourself THRIVE!

Dr. Bando 17.12.2020

There is a reason I've continued practicing mindfulness throughout my life and why I teach it now. Let me explain why meditation is the foundation for all change... Please share your thoughts in the comment section below!

Dr. Bando 04.12.2020

A lot of things come up in life that are uncomfortable and are beyond our control to change so, doesn't it make sense that we get really good at being uncomfortable? Please share your comments, experiences, and thoughts in the section below. Let's help each other THRIVE!

Dr. Bando 02.12.2020

Have you heard of a treatment called Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction(MBSR)? If you experience chronic pain, I urge you to find out more about this treatment now! MBSR, and other mindfulness-based treatments, are phenomenally effective in helping people drastically reduce and even eliminate psychotropic medication while improving quality of life and decreasing pain perception. All these improvements are made through MINDFULNESS practice. What if the answer to all you are seeking starts with observing your breath? What would you do to take advantage of this power at your fingertips today?

Dr. Bando 24.11.2020

Welcome to 20 minutes of guided Mindfulness Practice! Start your week off with purpose and intention.

Dr. Bando 22.11.2020

Unfortunately, we all know how to do number 4 and 5 quite well! You may also know how to solve a problem or even change how you think about a situation and reframe it to better tolerate it. However, most of us struggle with #3 ACCEPT AND TOLERATE the problem. In situations that cannot be changed or when it is not accessible for you to change your attitude (e.g., loss of a loved one you cannot get them back and you want to scream NO! and not allow this to be true), ACCEP...TANCE is of paramount importance to relieve suffering. Acceptance is a skill that we practice over and over again. It is a skill we never really master but continue improving the ease with which we can tolerate and accept reality. When we practice turning toward the path of acceptance, we also turn intolerable suffering into tolerable pain. We let go of resistance, accept reality as it is, including how we feel about it, and allow ourselves to walk through the discomfort. What’s on the other side? That is for you to discover!

Dr. Bando 19.11.2020

Becoming aware means being willing to see the truth of what is. Then, and only then, can you reach your goals in a strategic, considered way. Wake up and be tactical to watch your life take shape in a way that embodies your full potential. The first step is now: take stock and cultivate awareness in this moment. Options: notice three full breaths, search out colors or shapes in your environment, pay attention to sounds. These simple, straightforward practices will help sharpe...n your awareness and focus, putting you in the driver’s seat with a clear ability to respond to what comes next. Are you ready to be the driver in your life?

Dr. Bando 16.11.2020

When I allow you to think and feel whatever you want to about me and my behaviors, I also communicate to myself that I am strong and my worth is not dependent on another’s opinion. I can then take the data you give me, filter it through my wisdom, and decide the best path forward toward thriving!

Dr. Bando 15.11.2020

When you practice being uncomfortable without reacting or trying to fix it, you build the skill of being able to tolerate whatever life throws your way without a knee-jerk emotional reaction. You become able to observe what is happening and give yourself space to determine a wise way to respond. In order to break the chains of reactivity and addiction to comfort, practice this often. It all starts with the first breath. Happy practicing!

Dr. Bando 13.11.2020

Welcome to 20 minutes of guided Mindfulness practice!

Dr. Bando 06.11.2020

When we open up to others’ feedback, we communicate respect. Self respect: I am confident enough in my worth that I can receive your experience, even if you don’t like something about me. Respect for others: I value your experience and opinion, even when I disagree. It is safe for you to share with me.... ACTION ITEM: Rather than trying to get approval or agreement in an interaction, fully welcome the other person’s experience. Give them space to express themselves even if that means disagreement with you. Notice your internal experience and how the interaction goes. Post up here if you’d like to share!

Dr. Bando 30.10.2020

The choices you make today determine whether you feel like you're simply surviving or thriving in your health, relationships, and career. You have a lot of power! You can choose foods that nourish your body, practice staying in your own lane instead of trying to "fix" those around you, and align your daily work with your core values, regardless of the task at hand. If you'd like help learning how to implement these choices, sign up for my zoom class. Only $22 to participate live, including Q&A. Hope to see you there!

Dr. Bando 26.10.2020

If I can’t tolerate your criticism, then I can’t receive what may be valuable information for me to make changes for the better. When we open up to feedback, our world expands. You have a choice: you can close off and look only for others’ opinions who agree with you = surviving; or, you can look for and welcome dissenting opinions, opening up your work view and possibilities = THRIVING.

Dr. Bando 14.10.2020

When someone tells you anything that you perceive as critical feedback, how do you respond? Instead of feeling upset, discouraged, or insecure, practice saying "thank you for your feedback." Let me explain how this powerful phrase can help you shift from surviving to THRIVING... Thank you to @devitaladesigns for designing such a beautiful necklace!

Dr. Bando 28.09.2020

Check out my video tomorrow for more information on cultivating this THRIVER attitude! And if you’re interested in learning more about how to thrive, join me on Monday, November 9 at 1 pm Pacific for my online workshop: Harnessing Your IT Factor. Link below - See you there!

Dr. Bando 21.09.2020

Happy Monday! In just one week, I will be conducting my 1-hour long zoom class to help you Harness Your IT Factor. Learning this paramount high performer trait will help you THRIVE and stop feeling you're just surviving through life. Reserve your spot today by clicking the link below!

Dr. Bando 18.09.2020

Like if you agree!

Dr. Bando 11.09.2020

With all of the mayhem happening around us, it is now more important than ever to stay strong and focused as you journey through uncertain times. With the right skills, navigating life with confidence is possible. In my interactive 1-hour zoom class I will be teaching you a skill you can learn and apply to show up as your best self every day and THRIVE! To learn more about how to find and harness your IT Factor, join me in my interactive 1-hour zoom class happening November 9th! Reserve your spot here:

Dr. Bando 28.08.2020

BE YOURSELF! Are you holding back some part of yourself? Maybe you think it will make others feel better or you’ll take up too much space or (fill in your go-to reason here). Usually we hold back from being our best, brightest selves because we believe it will keep us safe and liked. I’m here to tell you, that’s baloney. DON’T HOLD BACK!... One of the greatest gifts you can give to yourself and the world around you is to be completely and totally YOU. No apologizing, no trying to lesson yourself so others won’t feel bad, no shirking from all that you are. Instead, step into your light and shine, baby, shine! See more

Dr. Bando 23.08.2020

Are you ready to Harness Your IT Factor? After working with 200+ high perfomers, I've honed in on the qualities most important to develop for anyone to achieve their ultimate success. Now, I'm excited to teach you how to do the same in my 1-hour Zoom class happening November 9th! Registration is now open so save your spot today by clicking the link below. I look forward to helping you shift from surviving to THRIVING!

Dr. Bando 13.08.2020

What are you afraid of? Others judgments? Not being liked or understood? If you listen to these fears, your life will become very small. Did you know that anxiety disorders are developed and maintained by making fear-based decisions to stay in your comfort zone? We have a short time on this earth. If you want to make the most of it, living the full potential you were given, you must be bold and brave. You must walk your walk and unashamedly talk your talk regardless of others... judgments of you. What’s the boldest move you’ve made recently? Life is too short to just survive. That’s why I help people thrive!

Dr. Bando 24.07.2020

After years of running in-person groups, I'm excited to announce my first on-line class! Harnessing Your IT Factor is happening November 9th at 1pm. Join me in this hour-long Zoom class where you will leave with tangible Surviving to Thriving strategies to put into practice. Full details coming soon! In the meantime, turn on my post notifications so you don't miss the registration. Drop a "" in the comments if you'll be joining the class!