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DJ Thielen LIVE 14.01.2021

Today I’m Thankful For So Much... Family - Thankful to have a loving , caring , and supportive family ...I you all! Friends- Thankful for so many amazing friendships old and new!... New Relationships- Thankful for new found relationships this year and many more to come! Clients- Thankful for AMAZING Clients that we can serve, love, and help! I believe we should all be thankful, appreciative , and grateful each day but I know life gets busy I get it. Let’s all try to show more grace, love , and kindness every day and let us all be reminded daily all we have to be thang for and not just 1 day a year but each and every day A Very Happy Thanksgiving To You All!!!

DJ Thielen LIVE 14.01.2021

It’s Your Life...Design It However To Want! When it comes to life it’s cliche BUT WE ONLY HAVE ONE LIFE never take the days for granted OR waste your life living below your full potential. Remember when you were a kid and dreamed of being a pro athlete, a dancer, a fireman, or whatever and it seemed so real and easy. When my 3rd grade teacher asked me what I wanted to to be I immediately answered without hesitation A PROFESSIONAL BASEBALL PLAYER...and one day I was!... Life is simple...not easy but simple to when you realize a few basic facts. 1. You can achieve anything you want and love the life however you desire so STOP putting limits on your dreams. 2. Create habits and routines that align with your dreams and focus on being consistent with those. One day you’ll wake up and be living your dream life and not even realize it. 3. DREAM BIG and remember you deserve whatever you believe you deserve. How’s that for simplicity? The thing is now you have to do the work, put in the effort, and make sacrifices to get there al while enjoying the journey along the way. I believe in you now it’s time YOU believe in YOU..There’s no better time than now so go get it and live tour best life!!!

DJ Thielen LIVE 11.01.2021

As some of you may or may not know I contracted COVID about 11 days ago now....here’s what I’ve learned that may help you or a loved one! It’s REAL , it’s NOT the flu, and IT WILL kick your butt if you get it and it takes root in your system ! Listen I was one of those that use to think it was a conspiracy too until I was virtually bed ridden for 11 days. Don’t listen to people that act as if this is fake ...it’s not. As a healthy 49 year old man way healthier than most my a...ge , it exhausted me beyond anything I’ve ever experienced. Daily ongoing headaches, nauseated, no appetite, slept at least 12 hours a day, lost my taste, obviously lost my energy, drive for accomplishments was down, and even started feeling depressed! When you lose your energy, feel sick, and you don’t feel like getting out of bed for days on end it’ll effect you not just physically but mentally as well...trust me. I felt like it actually was trying to take my soul a little as weird as that may sound...thank you GOD it didn’t. I can’t imagine if my wife didn’t have it too, or if we had young kids...that would really suck! Please friends be smart, wear a mask when around others, keep sanitizer on you, and definitely get an vaccine when it’s available. Don’t listen to all these knucklehead ....know it all...conspiracy theorists out there and just remember it’s simple...protect yourself and your family as much as you can while still enjoying and living life. If you do contract COVID here’s what you need to take high doses of...DAILY VITAMIN C GLUTATHIONE ZINC VITAMIN D This will really help and the regimen recommended by one of the TOP doctors in LA that treats COVID patients to help them get well. I’d also recommend watching positive videos, reading positive books, and pouring in good things to your mind as to not get depressed because it can happen and you don’t even realize it. As for me it’s taught me to appreciate each day way more, it’s given me more compassion for people that battle depression, it’s allowed me to slow down and complete many tasks I’d put off that needed done, and it’s made me more thankful for my family and friends. Thankful For A NEW Vision

DJ Thielen LIVE 29.12.2020

What Does 10 Mean To You? Please Comment & Let Me Know Would Love To Hear Your Thoughts!

DJ Thielen LIVE 29.12.2020

How Baseball Helps Me In Life & Entrepreneurship And Can Help You Too In this photo I was a young 24 years old and just starting to understand how to think positive In anything in life there are certain habits, routines, and thinking that can allow us to have success....but what are they?... 1. Understand some people will cheer you on, and some people will boo you. There’s always going to be people that either support you and want to see you win and those that are cheering for you to fail. Either way it doesn’t matter...so keep the positive ones close, ignore the haters, and do you! 2. Let a bad at at stay a bad at bat. If you have a bad at bat in baseball the beat thing you can do is DETACH from anger, forget about it, and remember you have 3 more chances. In the same way when something makes us mad...we have to have a short memory, forget about it, and smile and move on. Looking forward to and expecting the wins we want to have happen in the day! 3. Believe you’re the best one on the field. Self confidence and belief in yourself is the #1 key to achieve the highest level of anything we do. The best MLB careers of my best friends weren’t the most talented ....but they believed they were better than they were, therefor they tapped the highest level of potential inside of them achieving greatness! Remember we can achieve anything we set our minds to...so think big, believe you’re the best, and never give up no matter how hard it gets. Keep making adjustments, pivots, and adapt until you get there just never quit

DJ Thielen LIVE 15.12.2020

How To Control How You Age There are 3 main keys to staying young at heart, mind, spirit, and physical being. While I’m still learning to tap my highest potential, I have a few things in my 49 years to share with you.... 1. You may see actors and people like Sylvester Stallone ... at 74 years old and say Wow how does he do it? Answer...Good habits, good routines, a good diet, belief in yourself, and an obsessive work ethic to set a goal and never quit no matter what! 2. Our thoughts we think will dictate the direction of our lives. You may say, well DJ how do I control my thoughts and stop reacting and start responding? Answer...You consciously chose to. Wake up in the morning, don’t look at your phone for 30 minutes, get some cardio and exercise in to release endorphins, make your bed, Take Vitamin supplements, set a TOP 3 list and achieve them. If you don’t control your morning you usually won’t control your day! 3. Deal with stresses in a healthy way. So how do you do this ? Answer- You will always have stressful things come at you. In fact the more you’re doing the more you’ll have. Since you can’t get rid of it the key is managing it...how you look at it, and the way you react or respond to it will be huge. Chose to respond rather than react, eat healthy foods for good daily fuel, and anytime something you would say is bad happens try to find one thing GOOD about it and always look at what you can learn! I encourage you to just keep getting better each day, never quit, end learn from your mistakes ...BE A GAME CHANGER my friend

DJ Thielen LIVE 25.11.2020

There comes a time in our life’s to when from what we’ve been through, if shared, can truly help others! People always thank me for being on their podcasts but I must say , it’s really my honor, because without people like my buddy @warnertrejo the message wouldn’t touch as many souls.... This is easily ONE OF MY FAVORITE PODCAST SHOWS... Stay In The Big , and you must follow this guy and add this to your favorite podcasts too!

DJ Thielen LIVE 19.11.2020

Thank you Grant Cardone and Elena Cardone and The whole 10family for this amazing value you’re providing to me and so many others so we can grow, evolve , and be the best version of us we can all be! #10Xchallenge

DJ Thielen LIVE 15.11.2020


DJ Thielen LIVE 28.10.2020

FREE 10X EVENT...here's the link https://sociali.io/ref/nK47386210 IF you want more in your life Financially, Physically, Mentally, Emotionally, and YOU are re...ady to 10x YOUR results you can sign up with Grant Cardone for FREE...YES FREE! Just click the link below and get IMMEDIATE ACCESS! Click Now For Your IMMEDIATE ACCESS! https://sociali.io/ref/nK47386210

DJ Thielen LIVE 12.10.2020

When It Comes To Our Kids Nothing Is More Valuable... - Growing up without it dad it was my #1 goal that ones day when I had kids I’d be there for them...PERIOD! - At 25 years old I had my Son @deaventhielen which led me to my walking away from Professional Baseball to raise him and be there... - When he was only 8 years old my wife @sharonannjenkins came into my life and we became a blended family very quickly. That’s also when this beautiful girl @presliann now became my 9 year old daughter - It was so sudden and I didn’t know what a daughter needed from a dad and being the Step-Dad The only thing i knew is that I should provide financially for sure and make sure she had what she needed - I didn’t realize back then the emotional love and encouragement and support Daughters need from their dads BUT I’ve grown and learned that along the way and am still leaning now - Now she’s 25 and All I really know is I’ll be there for her in every way possibly till the day I die and Ill always love her and be the best Dad and example I know how to be - Thank you @presliann for showing me what a great daughter is and blessing me with the chance to be a dad to you...I You! - HAPPY NATIONAL DAUGHTERS DAY!!! See more

DJ Thielen LIVE 27.09.2020

Let me start by saying I'm very Blessed to do so many Interviews where people ask me various questions about a multitude of things especially... "Hey DJ, Where Is The Real Estate Market Right Now & Where Are We Headed"? After 15 years and 3,000+ closed deals lets just say it gets pretty easy to read the Terrain and see certain patterns such as...... 1. The supply and demand of Inventory available 2. The longevity of being in a great up swing market cycle to where it must come down 3. How much fear is in the market 4. How many Mortgages are in default 5. And just an over all "Instinct" as to where things are headed You see my very first mentor at 26 years old told me something I'll never forget he said " All you have to do to be successful is the opposite of what the masses and most people are doing. When they're going right you go left.....when they're buying stocks you should be selling...and when everyone is sleeping you should be working". It was advice that 23 years ago I received and is more relevant today than ever. I saw that everyone was becoming a Mortgage Broker prior to that massive collapse in 2007-2009 and now everyone and their mom is getting their Real Estate License. Meaning anytime the masses are going on way...be ready to pivot and go the other because that's a sign there's a big SHIFT about to happen! So this is why I tell everyone GET A MENTOR that's been there, done that, and has the T-Shirt as they say. It can save you not just from small mistakes but possibly even catastrophic ones that could cause massive loses even Bankruptcy. In a world where everyone is AN EXPERT even though they've been in the game for like a year or two you must be careful here's what to look for in a Mentor. * A Long & Successful Track Record, Because That Shows Consistency! * Someone That's Already Weathered The Storm, Because A Smooth Sea Never Made A Skilled Sailor! * A Person That You Connect With And Feel Good Working With, But They Must Also Meet These Other 2 Criteria's, Because Just As Someone Is Nice Doesn't Mean Anything At All About Success Or Business So Be Careful! Go Be That Game Changer You Were Meant To Be!!!

DJ Thielen LIVE 21.09.2020

Hiring 1 ROCKSTAR High Ticket Enrollment Coach...DM Me Now To Set Up An Interview Immediately!Hiring 1 ROCKSTAR High Ticket Enrollment Coach...DM Me Now To Set Up An Interview Immediately!

DJ Thielen LIVE 18.09.2020

Why does my friend Grant Cardone say that "Real Estate Is The BEST GAME In The World"? HERE ARE 3 MAIN REASONS.... 1. You can do deals virtually anywhere in the... world especially with today's technology making it easier than ever before! Knowing the right strategies to use is KEY and having a Mentor is even more important and they can shorten your learning curve to allow for almost IMMEDIATE success compared to going it alone. 2. It's the #1 way to become a Millionaire! More people have become Millionaires through Real Estate Investing than anything else in the history of the World. Plus with the ability to do deals without using your own money IF you know how it's virtually crazy to not be in the Real Estate Game is some way, shape, or form. 3. It pays us while we sleep! There's a famous quote from Billionaire Warren Buffet where he says..."If you don't learn to make money when you sleep, you'll work until you die". Real Estate is the #1 way to Acquire, Earn , and Scale your passive income for you and your family so you can experience life on your terms and live your dreams. At the end of the day unlike Pro Athletes... We can ALL do Real Estate and make money like a Professional Athlete without being one or having that small window to make money like they do. As Grant says we can ALL do Real Estate until we're 95 years old and I don't know any sport you can do that in. I encourage all of you to take advantage of the opportunity you have today with Real Estate 100%!

DJ Thielen LIVE 11.09.2020

Why Does Grant Cardone...Mr 10X Live Where He Wants And Invests Where It Makes Sense? - The answer is simple...because it makes sense - When looking at Real Est...ate most of us are told to "Buy LOW and Sell HIGH", but the problem with this mindset is that it promotes looking at the wrong thing - You see if your main objective is to "Buy Low And Sell High...then all you are looking at is price, not value, not quality, and definitely not the bigger meaning of a GREAT DEAL and GREAT INVESTMENT and I totally agree with Grant on this after 15 years as an Investor and over 3,000 deals done....I'll take QUALITY over CHEAP every time - When Investing in Real Estate especially OUT OF STATE, always look for good area's...quality properties...and solid markets AND limit the renovations from none to minimal. This will avoid contractor issues and allow for quick OR immediate cash flow from your Investment - This will also allow you to always WIN at the end of the day because great properties in great areas will always be in demand, always increase in value more than other homes, and in the long run will always out-perform the cheap junkers every single time. - Also Investing this way will save you a TON of stress, worry, and lost revenue making your experience much more pleasant while earning great returns and alleviating the headaches...make sense? See more

DJ Thielen LIVE 25.08.2020

Sometimes we just need to have a little faith, keep believing, and stay the course even on the days when you don’t feel like it as I share in this chat with my ...friend Jeramy Poole in his show THE MOMENT! - Life can be hard, trying, and sometimes overwhelming BUT having faith that the desires of your heart will come to fruition will keep you going - There’s a saying that Tough times don’t last...but tough people do - I say feed your FAITH and DREAMS every day and starve your fear and doubts ...AND give your energy to which truly matters...YOUR DREAMS! - It’s your life and you can do whatever you decide you want to do and have it be however you want it to be - So keep the faith and hold onto your dreams even if it’s for one more day, and know and BELIEVE that if anyone else has made it to where you want to be...that you can too! See more

DJ Thielen LIVE 13.08.2020

The #1 Answer I Give When People Ask What It Takes To Have Success In Anything...

DJ Thielen LIVE 04.08.2020

Today on DJ THIELEN LIVE - Success Strategies For Living Your Best Life- "The Magic Of Thinking Big" LIVE with Jay Jay !!!... Today I'm With My Friend Jay Jay...He's A World Class Speaker, Trainer, And High Level Coach. He's worked with brands such as Audi, Mc Donalds, Hilton, and Starbucks just to name a few. He's traveled the world as a speaker and will share with you what he has learned from his life that will benefit you in a HUGE way and impact your soul. If you want to finally take your life to the next level this is the guy...DON'T MISS THIS EPISODE. Our show is brought to you by DjThielenLIVE.com . Please SHARE...LIKE...and COMMENT, I love interacting with our audience and ENJOY THE SHOW!!!

DJ Thielen LIVE 20.07.2020

The person you are, radiates out as energy, and at the same time operates like a magnet. You are uniquely you, and have your own special energy signature. Energy naturally radiates; after all it’s always in motion. And energy is always seeking and moving toward energy that’s just like itself. Everyone has own criterion for beauty and most of us are stuck on the physical looks. But we need to remember that physical beauty has to fade away with time as this is the inevit...able law of nature. However, the beauty of heart will always grow with time. A heart which can uplift others, give a helping hand, wipe the tears, make someone smile and hug a needy. Who does not hesitate in sharing the love or anything else what he/she has. A heart which is full of love for everyone. Having a heart which loves and cares is the first requirement to be beautiful. You are as beautiful as your heart not by looks but by the divinity inside you. 503-740-6029 #wholesalingrealestate #houseflippers #propertyinvestments #wholesalerealestate #wholesalinghouses #realesatateinveators #realestateadvice #propertyinvestor #houseflipping #realesatateinvesting #realestateexpert #realestategoals #investmentproperty #flippinghouses #djthielen #djthielenlive See more

DJ Thielen LIVE 30.06.2020

In a world where self-hatred is a multibillion-dollar industry, loving yourself is a revolutionary act. Choosing to disconnect from the messaging that tells us we can never be too thin, white, or wealthy can completely change our lives. Best of all, by making the decision to live as your fully embodied, entirely realized, unapologetic self, you embolden others to do the same. You let other people know that it's safe for them to be who they really are. You don't even know h...ow massive a change this can be. By living as your whole self, you can literally tear the fabric of reality and create a new paradigm for yourself and the people around you. The radical self love movement focuses on inspiring and aiding people who are hurting to come to terms with who they are. Radical self love emphasizes the importance of caring for yourself, accepting yourself, and not settling for less than what you deserve. 503-740-6029 #wholesalingrealestate #houseflippers #propertyinvestments #wholesalerealestate #wholesalinghouses #realesatateinveators #realestateadvice #propertyinvestor #houseflipping #realesatateinvesting #realestateexpert #realestategoals #investmentproperty #flippinghouses #djthielen #djthielenlive See more

DJ Thielen LIVE 16.06.2020

No one will want you to accomplish your goals more than you will. You need to invest in yourself and your dreams like your life depends on it because quite frankly, it does. You can’t expect other people to motivate you or remind you of what you said you wanted. You need to put a plan together, time block, write daily affirmations, set reminders on your phone, listen to podcasts, read, and remember why you started. Now none of us are perfect, and we can’t predict what lif...e throws at us but we do have control over how we handle it and how we show up each day and it’s my mission to not only hold myself accountable but to help anyone who would like to be held accountable too. Be intentional with your day an set a time to work on each aspect of your goals. 503-740-6029 #wholesalingrealestate #houseflippers #propertyinvestments #wholesalerealestate #wholesalinghouses #realesatateinveators #realestateadvice #propertyinvestor #houseflipping #realesatateinvesting #realestateexpert #realestategoals #investmentproperty #flippinghouses #djthielen #djthielenlive See more

DJ Thielen LIVE 30.05.2020

Daring to be different can happen on a personal basis. And I think there’s a helpful daring to be different and an unhelpful daring to be different, the distinction all coming from whether the intention is to achieve a positive outcome, even when there could be significant disruption involved. But What If You Fail? But what if you do all this and it doesn’t work? What if you look silly, fail, land flat on your face?... Well, you might do sometimes. And if it happens, the biggest tip I can give you is to pick yourself up, spend some time in the reflect and learn space, and ask yourself what, with the benefit of hindsight, you could have done differently to achieve a more successful outcome. Know that you’ve done your best, and that at least you gave it a go. This may feel like very little consolation, but really learning to dare to different successfully is like learning how to do anything else. We may stumble, but we will survive, pick ourselves up, and resolve to try again another day. 503-740-6029 #wholesalingrealestate #houseflippers #propertyinvestments #wholesalerealestate #wholesalinghouses #realesatateinveators #realestateadvice #propertyinvestor #houseflipping #realesatateinvesting #realestateexpert #realestategoals #investmentproperty #flippinghouses #djthielen #djthielenlive See more

DJ Thielen LIVE 22.05.2020

Truth is, you might be wasting a lot of your time and energy on the wrong things. You spend your mornings trying to capture the perfect picture for social media, and your afternoons racing to your next meeting. By now, you must be exhausted, and are looking to change something in your life ASAP. First thing's first: Let's reconsider your priorities. I've found that it's easy to get caught up in nonsense and distracted by the drama of life. You'll fall down while going aft...er someone else's goals, or give everything to a love story that just wasn't meant to be. Please don't waste your time and energy on what never deserved it in the first place. Put your focus on what really matters, and start chasing things that will make you a great person. 503-740-6029 #wholesalingrealestate #houseflippers #propertyinvestments #wholesalerealestate #wholesalinghouses #realesatateinveators #realestateadvice #propertyinvestor #houseflipping #realesatateinvesting #realestateexpert #realestategoals #investmentproperty #flippinghouses #djthielen #djthielenlive See more

DJ Thielen LIVE 04.05.2020

Failure is real, and it is impossible to resist. With mistakes comes learning and learning creates character. And a change of character is necessary for a life well lived. Bad circumstances are never fun to go through. It is a fact nobody enjoys going through a storm.... The key is you are going through, meaning you will come out on the other side as a changed person. With mistakes comes learning and learning creates character. And a change of character is necessary for a life well lived. Bad circumstances are never fun to go through. It is a fact nobody enjoys going through a storm. The key is you are going through, meaning you will come out on the other side as a changed person. 503-740-6029 #wholesalingrealestate #houseflippers #propertyinvestments #wholesalerealestate #wholesalinghouses #realesatateinveators #realestateadvice #propertyinvestor #houseflipping #realesatateinvesting #realestateexpert #realestategoals #investmentproperty #flippinghouses #djthielen #djthielenlive See more

DJ Thielen LIVE 23.04.2020

You are an important addition to humanity, offering what only you can, YOU. Who you are. Your character and personal qualities are the value you contain. And who you are is the best and most incredible thing you offer to the world. Be satisfied with who you see reflected in the mirror right now. I am not talking about the external appearance I am referring to your internal appearance. That which hold the core you. The true you. Importance comes from within you, not outside yo...u. 503-740-6029 #wholesalingrealestate #houseflippers #propertyinvestments #wholesalerealestate #wholesalinghouses #realesatateinveators #realestateadvice #propertyinvestor #houseflipping #realesatateinvesting #realestateexpert #realestategoals #investmentproperty #flippinghouses #djthielen #djthielenlive

DJ Thielen LIVE 08.04.2020

Actually this should read: there’s always a price. Period. For you’ll either pay the price for your greatness; or you’ll pay the price of mediocrity. We all go through it at some point in our own evolution. This is the first point of entry in our realization that we have some type of impact and influence on our world.... It’s the beginning of a path of ever-unfolding awakening and awareness. Yet there is much more to the path to be learned. And you must keep walking. It’s time to step forward. 503-740-6029 #wholesalingrealestate #houseflippers #propertyinvestments #wholesalerealestate #wholesalinghouses #realesatateinveators #realestateadvice #propertyinvestor #houseflipping #realesatateinvesting #realestateexpert #realestategoals #investmentproperty #flippinghouses #djthielen #djthielenlive See more

DJ Thielen LIVE 21.03.2020

Making a plan of where we want to go is definitely a good idea, it is okay to steer off course a bit sometimes and simply follow the whims of our hearts. In fact, instead of planning every moment, it is more beneficial to simply throw yourself into things and go with the flow. Instead of wasting time sketching out the future and procrastinating, it is better to start doing things even if you don’t have the end in mind. It is a lot like writing a novel. Instead of tryin...g to work out the ending and fates of every character from the beginning itself, it is okay to start with a rough sketch and then experiment and let intuition guide you. 503-740-6029 #wholesalingrealestate #houseflippers #propertyinvestments #wholesalerealestate #wholesalinghouses #realesatateinveators #realestateadvice #propertyinvestor #houseflipping #realesatateinvesting #realestateexpert #realestategoals #investmentproperty #flippinghouses #djthielen #djthielenlive See more

DJ Thielen LIVE 14.03.2020

This simply means that standing for what you beleive in, even if that means standing alone, is always the best thing for yourself. Standing up for what you know is the right thing will makes you feel good in the end. Human beings are social creatures. And as such we crave for and thrive well in group settings. Due to this nature, those of us who do not feel as if we fit into a certain mold or cast feel a sort of emptiness inside that requires large amounts of brainpower to ig...nore. And even against our best interests, sometimes we conform to standards beneath us in order to achieve that alluring and often dangerous feeling of acceptance. It takes a very strong will to fight against the pressure to fit in and it takes even more to stand up against a particular crowd when we know they are wrong. 503-740-6029 #wholesalingrealestate #houseflippers #propertyinvestments #wholesalerealestate #wholesalinghouses #realesatateinveators #realestateadvice #propertyinvestor #houseflipping #realesatateinvesting #realestateexpert #realestategoals #investmentproperty #flippinghouses #djthielen #djthielenlive

DJ Thielen LIVE 02.03.2020

It is such a great reminder to stop counting the days until this or that happens, or until this or that gets done, and instead start focusing on making each day count as it is happening. You have to remember that in life all you can do is your best. Put your heart out there. Lay it all on the line. And once you have done that there is absolutely nothing that worrying about will do for you. You do your best and you let the rest come as it may with your head held high an...d your hopes for great things to come. Don’t waste one minute of your life wallowing in worries or sadness for things that you cannot change. Focus on the positive. Focus on what you can control and let go of the things that you cannot control. Trust whatever higher power you believe in. Life may not go the exact way you think it should, but trust that things are happening for your own best good so long as you are doing your very best in all you do. 503-740-6029 #wholesalingrealestate #houseflippers #propertyinvestments #wholesalerealestate #wholesalinghouses #realesatateinveators #realestateadvice #propertyinvestor #houseflipping #realesatateinvesting #realestateexpert #realestategoals #investmentproperty #flippinghouses #djthielen #djthielenlive See more

DJ Thielen LIVE 22.02.2020

Although life changes are inevitable, we can also initiate personal change so we can rise to the challenge and become a bigger and better person as a result. This has one great advantage: we can control ourselves while it’s remarkably hard to exert any sort of direct control over anyone else. Our disappointment with other people should be redirected towards exerting control over the one thing we can reliably command: ourselves. Seeing us exhibiting certain virtues has a... remarkable ability to inspire others into imitating us. And even if change is not immediate, we can at least take pride in the integrity of our position, knowing that we have had the strength and dignity already to have started to become the change we want to see. 503-740-6029 #wholesalingrealestate #houseflippers #propertyinvestments #wholesalerealestate #wholesalinghouses #realesatateinveators #realestateadvice #propertyinvestor #houseflipping #realesatateinvesting #realestateexpert #realestategoals #investmentproperty #flippinghouses #djthielen #djthielenlive See more

DJ Thielen LIVE 11.02.2020

Developing and maintaining positive energy involves more than merely thinking happy thoughts. It is the anticipation of good (i.e. happiness, health and success) and it is the belief that all things situations, obstacles and difficulties will work out favorably in the end. Optimism does not involve ignoring negativity. It is the acknowledgement of the negative but then choosing to focus on the positive. At its root, it is simply the belief that despite the current circ...umstances, things will work out favorable in the end. A positive mind comes from a heart full of faith. If you want to stay positive when facing challenges and negative situations let me know. 503-740-6029 #wholesalingrealestate #houseflippers #propertyinvestments #wholesalerealestate #wholesalinghouses #realesatateinveators #realestateadvice #propertyinvestor #houseflipping #realesatateinvesting #realestateexpert #realestategoals #investmentproperty #flippinghouses #djthielen #djthielenlive See more

DJ Thielen LIVE 09.02.2020

Patience Brings Inner Peace Into Your Life That is something you want to avoid when your life is busy and hectic and the last thing you want is getting sick all the time as a result of stress associated by being impatient. Bring inner peace into your life and stress less by being patient. Time is very important in our lives and plays a significant role. Our whole life revolves around time. We should respect the time and also understand the value of time because the time gone ...is never going to come back. It's better to follow and respect time instead of regretting afterward. 503-740-6029 #wholesalingrealestate #houseflippers #propertyinvestments #wholesalerealestate #wholesalinghouses #realesatateinveators #realestateadvice #propertyinvestor #houseflipping #realesatateinvesting #realestateexpert #realestategoals #investmentproperty #flippinghouses #djthielen #djthielenlive

DJ Thielen LIVE 02.02.2020

Dreaming involves holding tight to a vision of a better life, one of success and abundance. While getting there might be difficult, having to deal with setbacks and failures along the way, it’s surely well worth it. Anyone who’s achieved a big goal knows just how true that statement is. A key reason that they feel this way is that they haven't spent enough time thinking about what they want from life, and haven't set themselves formal goals. After all, would you set out on... a major journey with no real idea of your destination? Probably not! Successful people Take Action! The people that get on in this world, those that become successful, do not do so by talking about what they are going to do, they TAKE ACTION and let their actions do the talking. Take massive action every single day toward your dream life and your results will sky rocket! 503-740-6029 #wholesalingrealestate #houseflippers #propertyinvestments #wholesalerealestate #wholesalinghouses #realesatateinveators #realestateadvice #propertyinvestor #houseflipping #realesatateinvesting #realestateexpert #realestategoals #investmentproperty #flippinghouses #djthielen #djthielenlive See more

DJ Thielen LIVE 18.01.2020

Focusing on what you are doing right now to the best of your ability. It is about recognizing that nothing can be done about what happened yesterday, and that you can only affect what will happen tomorrow by what you do today. If you need a little help viewing every day like it can be your masterpiece, I’m here to help with some trustworthy advice. If you take action on this advice, you’ll see your days transform from ordinary to extraordinary in no time. ... You’ll turn every day into a masterpiece! 503-740-6029 #wholesalingrealestate #houseflippers #propertyinvestments #wholesalerealestate #wholesalinghouses #realesatateinveators #realestateadvice #propertyinvestor #houseflipping #realesatateinvesting #realestateexpert #realestategoals #investmentproperty #flippinghouses #djthielen #djthielenlive See more

DJ Thielen LIVE 15.01.2020

Having an attitude of peace and calm is priceless. One way to develop consistent peace is to learn to live in the now. We can spend a lot of time thinking about the past or wondering what the future holdsbut we can’t accomplish anything unless our mind is focused on today. 503-740-6029... #wholesalingrealestate #houseflippers #propertyinvestments #wholesalerealestate #wholesalinghouses #realesatateinveators #realestateadvice #propertyinvestor #houseflipping #realesatateinvesting #realestateexpert #realestategoals #investmentproperty #flippinghouses #djthielen #djthielenlive

DJ Thielen LIVE 29.12.2019

hGHaving an attitude of peace and calm is priceless. One way to develop consistent peace is to learn to live in the now. We can spend a lot of time thinking about the past or wondering what the future holdsbut we can’t accomplish anything unless our mind is focused on today. 503-740-6029... #wholesalingrealestate #houseflippers #propertyinvestments #wholesalerealestate #wholesalinghouses #realesatateinveators #realestateadvice #propertyinvestor #houseflipping #realesatateinvesting #realestateexpert #realestategoals #investmentproperty #flippinghouses #djthielen #djthielenlive See more

DJ Thielen LIVE 15.12.2019

Someone who is striving to live in their highest potential in the most gentle of ways is someone living as their Infinite-Self. To be connected to your Infinite-Self means to strive to live gently in your highest potential. Everyone, at the core of their being, is Infinite-Self. Awaken your own realisation of your own potential. It is impossible to inspire others of their amazing potential when it’s not clear to them that you are already on this journey. But at the same ti...me realise that your potential is somehow inextricably linked to helping others achieve theirs. Achieving full potential is never a selfish quest. You cannot get the absolute best out of others when you are not comfortable inside your own skin; when you are insecure within yourself; or self-absorbed. 503-740-6029 #wholesalingrealestate #houseflippers #propertyinvestments #wholesalerealestate #wholesalinghouses #realesatateinveators #realestateadvice #propertyinvestor #houseflipping #realesatateinvesting #realestateexpert #realestategoals #investmentproperty #flippinghouses #djthielen #djthielenlive See more

DJ Thielen LIVE 29.11.2019

The FASTEST Way To Be Successful Is ... - #1. SURROUND YOURSELF with like minded people that have done what you want to do, and do what they’ve done! - #2. FI...ND A MENTOR that’s been where you want to go, done what you want to do, and has what you want to have! - #3. DON’T BE AFRAID TO ASK FOR HELP...you’ll be surprised how willing some of is are to help you! - As for me...If you want to FAST TRACK your Real Estate Success 100% I Can Help . - So...what are you waiting for? - Text my personal cell below today I’ll make time for you! - 1-503-740-6029 See more

DJ Thielen LIVE 11.11.2019

When you are told you can’t do it, instead of letting your bruised ego react, remember that love accomplishes far more than anger. Yes, you can prove them wrong. But don’t stop there. Show them that so much is possible beyond what we think the rules are. Show them that challenge is not a reason to stop. Show them your courage so that they, too, might try something they once thought was impossible. ... Make good for yourself. Don’t listen to what they say. That’s what they want. They want to get to you, make you insecure, make you stumble, and fall flat on your face, for the whole world to see. You have to be the opposite of that. You have to stand tall, wave, and smile. Don’t ever dull your shine for someone else. 503-740-6029 #wholesalingrealestate #houseflippers #propertyinvestments #wholesalerealestate #wholesalinghouses #realesatateinveators #realestateadvice #propertyinvestor #houseflipping #realesatateinvesting #realestateexpert #realestategoals #investmentproperty #flippinghouses #djthielen #djthielenlive See more

DJ Thielen LIVE 03.11.2019

Give yourself permission to have an intense desire to win in every area of your life and throw yourself all in on your dreams. The normal way of life is total garbage, the masses have just accepted the life of self-betrayal. The lack of awareness is severe, become aware that you can design your life, awaken your mind so that you can live it at a different level. Do not just settle for this mediocre life, take action to truly awaken, action is what helps you awaken, break ou...t of the hypnosis of cowardice, you do have a choice in how you choose to live. It is up to you. If you do what the majority of people are doing where are you going to be five years from now? Don’t be afraid to be who you want to be and do what you want to do. Get rid of the BS from your life, stop wasting time with people who have no ambition and stop engaging in mediocre daily habits, you have to get serious about success if you want to become successful. 503-740-6029 #wholesalingrealestate #houseflippers #propertyinvestments #wholesalerealestate #wholesalinghouses #realesatateinveators #realestateadvice #propertyinvestor #houseflipping #realesatateinvesting #realestateexpert #realestategoals #investmentproperty #flippinghouses #djthielen #djthielenlive

DJ Thielen LIVE 31.10.2019

Are YOU Tired Of Not Doing Multiple Real Estate FLIPS Or Wholesale Deals A Month? - Simply DM me today or comment below I’ll personally contact you to share exactly how I can help you...

DJ Thielen LIVE 23.10.2019

Thinking strategically about how to grow your business is one of the first things to get thrown to the wayside when things get crazy. This is a problem because you need to continually grow your business beyond your existing clientele for it to be healthy. But sometimes we get too caught in the trenches of running our business, and we forget to work on our business. IF YOU WANT TIPS FOR TAKING YOUR REAL ESTATE BUSINESS TO THE NEXT LEVEL, CONTACT ME. 503-740-6029... #wholesalingrealestate #houseflippers #propertyinvestments #wholesalerealestate #wholesalinghouses #realesatateinveators #realestateadvice #propertyinvestor #houseflipping #realesatateinvesting #realestateexpert #realestategoals #investmentproperty #flippinghouses #djthielen #djthielenlive See more

DJ Thielen LIVE 20.10.2019

Today I wanted to send you a quick message about mindset. It is unbelievable how much power you have over your life, your attitude, the outcome of things just by changing your mindset, just by really concentrating on whatever it is you want to have happen. Whatever you believe, with feeling, becomes your reality. Whatever you intensely believe becomes your reality. Change your mindset and change your reality. It takes time and it takes practice. Practice saying: I’m a w...inner, I can do this, I’m doing this, I’ve got this, or I know I can do this. As corny as you think it sounds to repeat phrases like this to yourself, if you do it will become your reality. You can do anything you set your mind to. That is the truth, I believe you can, and I know you believe it too! 503-740-6029 #wholesalingrealestate #houseflippers #propertyinvestments #wholesalerealestate #wholesalinghouses #realesatateinveators #realestateadvice #propertyinvestor #houseflipping #realesatateinvesting #realestateexpert #realestategoals #investmentproperty #flippinghouses #djthielen #djthielenlive See more

DJ Thielen LIVE 10.10.2019

You are already valuable. You need to see how valuable you are. This is where the process of building self-worth comes into play. How you go about building your self-worth will depend on the value you can already identify within yourself. Helping other people is a great way to build your self-worth because it makes you realize just how valuable your contributions are to others. Participate in activities that you feel strongly about. This may be something as simple as volu...nteering at the community once a week or participating in a local blood drive. Find the activities that make you feel better about yourself, and your self-worth will naturally improve. 503-740-6029 #wholesalingrealestate #houseflippers #propertyinvestments #wholesalerealestate #wholesalinghouses #realesatateinveators #realestateadvice #propertyinvestor #houseflipping #realesatateinvesting #realestateexpert #realestategoals #investmentproperty #flippinghouses #djthielen #djthielenlive See more

DJ Thielen LIVE 22.09.2019

Positive thinking leads a man to success. One who thinks that he can achieve the things, will put his best to achieve, will not fetter by the problems in the path of success and one day he will win positively. Positive thinking is an attitude that pushes you to expect good and desired results. Power of positivity helps you in creating and transforming energy into reality. Positive mindset helps you to seek happiness, health and a happy ending regardless of the situation. ... Lots of successful people have recognized the positivity as the key to success. Power of positivity may change your personal and professional life. Thus, in the tough situations, people ask you to think positive. Now you may have keenness to know what makes positivity a must for you to meet success. 503-740-6029 #wholesalingrealestate #houseflippers #propertyinvestments #wholesalerealestate #wholesalinghouses #realesatateinveators #realestateadvice #propertyinvestor #houseflipping #realesatateinvesting #realestateexpert #realestategoals #investmentproperty #flippinghouses #djthielen #djthielenlive See more

DJ Thielen LIVE 19.09.2019

Gratitude is one of the most underestimated ways anyone can use to enrich their lives. It is the feeling and attitude of appreciation and thankfulness for the good that we receive in life. Gratitude promotes optimism and helps us to develop a more positive outlook. It lets us pause for a moment to reflect on something we have in our life right now instead of always striving for more the next goal, the new dress, the new toy, the new car, or the house renovation Grat...itude is simply cultivating a genuine appreciation for what we already have. 503-740-6029 #wholesalingrealestate #houseflippers #propertyinvestments #wholesalerealestate #wholesalinghouses #realesatateinveators #realestateadvice #propertyinvestor #houseflipping #realesatateinvesting #realestateexpert #realestategoals #investmentproperty #flippinghouses #djthielen #djthielenlive See more

DJ Thielen LIVE 30.08.2019

If you want something, you'll have to make efforts and achieve it. Without any effort, no dream or desire is going to get fulfilled. Think big picture: I'm a firm believer in living in the present and focusing on the now, but sometimes thinking about the bigger picture and what it is you really want to do, create, and achieve with your life is helpful when knowing which step to take next. Taking some time this week to explore my bigger picture a little really helped me hon...e in on what it is I want to pursue over the next few years and it was just the motivation I needed to get stuck into the work that needs my focus now. 503-740-6029 #wholesalingrealestate #houseflippers #propertyinvestments #wholesalerealestate #wholesalinghouses #realesatateinveators #realestateadvice #propertyinvestor #houseflipping #realesatateinvesting #realestateexpert #realestategoals #investmentproperty #flippinghouses #djthielen #djthielenlive See more

DJ Thielen LIVE 18.08.2019

Come with me and join me! Let us start doing something that no one has done so far. With what you have, what you are right now, let's use that to make history! Working to achieve something is hard. ... Battling adversity as we work on a project, or just in day-to-day life is even harder. Progress demands seeing beyond the frustrations and fears that strike on a daily basis. Staying the course requires that we put aside frustrations over results and improvements that come infrequently and on a smaller scale than might be desirable. 503-740-6029 #wholesalingrealestate #houseflippers #propertyinvestments #wholesalerealestate #wholesalinghouses #realesatateinveators #realestateadvice #propertyinvestor #houseflipping #realesatateinvesting #realestateexpert #realestategoals #investmentproperty #flippinghouses #djthielen #djthielenlive See more

DJ Thielen LIVE 31.07.2019

Stagnation comes because there isn't anything that excites you enough to take action. If you don't have a habit of setting goals, and instead just leave yourself to daily mundanes, it's not surprising you are experiencing stagnation. Always look forward "WHAT'S NEXT"?! When we focus on what we are going to be next instead of what we aren’t yet, we more clearly carve out Dweck’s path into the future.... What’s next? makes our classroom dialogue positive. It emphasises the skills, ideas and competencies that students will master next. It carries the positive presupposition that there are things the students have already mastered. It assumes they have already experienced growth, and that this next thing is something they are also capable of mastering. 503-740-6029 #wholesalingrealestate #houseflippers #propertyinvestments #wholesalerealestate #wholesalinghouses #realesatateinveators #realestateadvice #propertyinvestor #houseflipping #realesatateinvesting #realestateexpert #realestategoals #investmentproperty #flippinghouses #djthielen #djthielenlive See more

DJ Thielen LIVE 23.07.2019

To do good is the vocation of all people on the Earth. I don’t know is it almost true or not, but I know that pleasant feeling, which we feel if we help somebody. When we give help, we get a feeling of satisfaction and happiness and we experience a surge of energy and purposefulness. I know that there are enough reasons to try and help someone when we have such an opportunity. Do what you can, with what you have! We know we have been designed to live for something gre...ater than ourselves. Our contribution to this world has to be measured by something more meaningful than the size of our house or the neighborhood where it is located. And our lives are going to find lasting significance in how we choose to live them and how we enable others to live theirs. 503-740-6029 #wholesalingrealestate #houseflippers #propertyinvestments #wholesalerealestate #wholesalinghouses #realesatateinveators #realestateadvice #propertyinvestor #houseflipping #realesatateinvesting #realestateexpert #realestategoals #investmentproperty #flippinghouses #djthielen #djthielenlive See more

DJ Thielen LIVE 21.07.2019

Do you recognize the emotion you are feeling? Can you manage those feelings without allowing them to swamp you? Can you motivate yourself to get jobs done? Do you sense the emotions of others and respond effectively? If you answered yes to these questions, it is likely that you have developed some or all of the skills that form the basis of emotional intelligence. Emotional intelligence can lead us on the path to a fulfilled and happy life by providing a framework throu...gh which to apply standards of intelligence to emotional responses and understand that these responses may be logically consistent or inconsistent with particular beliefs about emotion. 503-740-6029 #wholesalingrealestate #houseflippers #propertyinvestments #wholesalerealestate #wholesalinghouses #realesatateinveators #realestateadvice #propertyinvestor #houseflipping #realesatateinvesting #realestateexpert #realestategoals #investmentproperty #flippinghouses #djthielen #djthielenlive See more

DJ Thielen LIVE 02.07.2019

How do we become the best version of ourselves? - How can we live more authentically? - Well, there is no 5 Easy Steps for Becoming Authentic that you can read to find out; there is no exact roadmap for this way of living. Precisely because we’re individuals with no pre-defined route for our lives, there are as many ways to exist authentically as there are people. - That doesn’t mean that we can’t take specific steps going forward to help us cultivate the courage to live ...more authentically. It depends, to a great extent, on the choices we are willing to make. - That said, being the best version of us is not only what i hope for you BUT also what I recommend. Being GRATEFUL every day for another day and all the blessings that we do have is a great way to live...start there and allow your true and best self to flourish! #wholesalingrealestate #houseflippers #propertyinvestments #wholesalerealestate #wholesalinghouses #realesatateinveators #realestateadvice #propertyinvestor #houseflipping #realesatateinvesting #realestateexpert #realestategoals #investmentproperty #flippinghouses #djthielen #djthielenlive

DJ Thielen LIVE 12.06.2019

The keys to establishing a successful mentoring relationship include creating a relationship of trust, clearly defining roles and responsibilities, establishing short- and long-term goals, using open and supportive communication, and collaboratively solving problems. If you are Real Estate investor and it is been a year doing the same thing in your own strategy but still going NOWHERE... I'm just one text away man, contact me and I'll not just share it with you, I will SHO...W you this Bomb! 503-740-6029 #wholesalingrealestate #houseflippers #propertyinvestments #wholesalerealestate #wholesalinghouses #realesatateinveators #realestateadvice #propertyinvestor #houseflipping #realesatateinvesting #realestateexpert #realestategoals #investmentproperty #flippinghouses #djthielen #djthielenlive

DJ Thielen LIVE 31.05.2019

Here's 3 Quick Gold Nuggets I can give you today! 1. Believe 2. Mirror 3. Be Fully Present... Applying these 3 will ABSOLUTELY help you in your Business! #BestLife #DreamBigDreams #fliprealestate #fliprealestatenow #houseflippers #houseflips #houseflippingbusiness #realestateinvestor #gratitudeattitude #ihaveallineed #blessedandgrateful #gamechangers #bublessedandgratefuln If you are Real Estate investor and it is been a year doing the same thing in your own strategy but still going NOWHERE... I'm just one text away man, contact me and I'll not just share it with you, I will SHOW you this Bomb! 503-740-6029

DJ Thielen LIVE 17.05.2019

Coaching and mentoring have become increasingly necessary in today’s time. It is being used for both personal and professional development. Mentoring/Coaching helps to build a positive and concrete change in individuals and to boost the transfer of knowledge from the coach/mentor to the individual. #BestLife... #DreamBigDreams #fliprealestate #fliprealestatenow #houseflippers #houseflips #houseflippingbusiness #realestateinvestor #gratitudeattitude #ihaveallineed #blessedandgrateful #gamechangers #bublessedandgratefuln If you are Real Estate investor and it is been a year doing the same thing in your own strategy but still going NOWHERE... I'm just one text away man, contact me and I'll not just share it with you, I will SHOW you this Bomb! 503-740-6029 See more

DJ Thielen LIVE 04.05.2019

Being responsible refers to our ability to make decisions that serve our own interests and the interests of others. We first need to be responsible for ourselves before we can be responsible for others. In learning to be more responsible it is important that we know our limitations. It does not matter how smart we are, there is only so much responsibility that a person can handle. It is also important to remember that we are not responsible for things that are out of ...our control, for example, how other people feel or how they react to ourselves or others. Sharing responsibility for both success and failure can lead to increased responsibility to oneself and others. #fliprealestatenow #houseflippers #houseflips #houseflippingbusiness #realestateinvestor #gratitudeattitude #GameChanger #BestLife #DreamBigDreams See more

DJ Thielen LIVE 16.04.2019

As a calm superhero, you understand that you have the ability to own your emotions. Before automatically reacting to something that upsets you, you take a moment to create space between the act and your reaction. During that space, you intentionally choose how to react to others and upsetting events. As a calm superhero, you choose to listen to your own inner guidance over everything else. ... Being calm is a super power. It helps you navigate the complicated waters of our modern world by enforcing a strong sense of self. To develop your abilities as a calm superhero, focus on a daily meditation or self care routine to ensure you take time each day to find stillness to tune in to your inner guidance. Even though you may appear quiet and collected on the surface, your true super powers lie within and are a force to be reckoned with. #fliprealestatenow #houseflippers #houseflips #houseflippingbusiness #realestateinvestor #gratitudeattitude #GameChanger #BestLife #DreamBigDreams See more

DJ Thielen LIVE 30.03.2019

Envisioning the entire day ahead of you can be a daunting task. Whether you have deadlines to meet, a flight to catch or important meetings to attend, making sure you have a positive outlook for the day ahead is crucial for being able to tackle issues and accomplish goals. Throughout the span of 24 hours, a great deal of work can be achieved for the most productive 24-hour day. Life is too short not to enjoy each and every day. Incorporating an activity that makes y...ou happy should be a part of your 24-hour schedule. #fliprealestatenow #houseflippers #houseflips #houseflippingbusiness #realestateinvestor #gratitudeattitude #GameChanger #BestLife #DreamBigDreams See more

DJ Thielen LIVE 14.03.2019

Thought power is the key to creating your reality. Everything you perceive in the physical world has its origin in the invisible, inner world of your thoughts and beliefs. To become the master of your destiny, you must learn to control the nature of your dominant, habitual thoughts. By doing so, you will be able to attract into your life that which you intend to have and experience as you come to know the Truth that your thoughts create your reality.... Use Thought Power to Change Your Life: It is your subconscious mind that is the storehouse of your deep-seated beliefs and programmes. Your imagination is the engine of your thoughts. It converts your thought power into mental images, which are in turn manifested in the physical realm. #fliprealestatenow #houseflippers #houseflips #houseflippingbusiness #realestateinvestor #gratitudeattitude #GameChanger #BestLife #DreamBigDreams See more

DJ Thielen LIVE 04.03.2019

You were put on this earth for a reason. You have a gift to share with the world. Whether that be your artistic skills, your interpersonal skills, or your idealism. Don’t hold back and waste your potential. Don’t fear You have a special gift and potential to change the world. You can do this with your photography, your writing, or your music. What holds you back from fulfilling your potential?... I think for a lot of people it is our fear that holds us back. The fear of being ridiculed. The fear of not becoming successful. The fear that we won’t live up to our own expectations. The only way you can do meaningful work and expand your potential is to focus. Focus means to use all of your psychic energy and only do one thing at a time. It means to tune out distractions. #fliprealestatenow #houseflippers #houseflips #houseflippingbusiness #realestateinvestor #gratitudeattitude #GameChanger #BestLife #DreamBigDreams See more

DJ Thielen LIVE 25.02.2019

The thought of investments needs to come to your mind since the day you have your first salary in hand. The reason for investments may vary, but they need to be investments, not saving money and keeping the same in your pocket or in some hidden wallet in your wardrobe. Keeping money hidden is simply dead money that has no value. Investments of money in may be a stock market, or insurances or mutual funds is much better as your money fetches you returns and it rotates in t...he market instead of being stagnant in your pockets. Impressing other people should always be a side-effect of the way you live life, not the main goal. Aside from losing integrity, putting impressiveness first has other dangers. One is that it is harder to stay motivated if the reasons are only superficial. #fliprealestatenow #houseflippers #houseflips #houseflippingbusiness #realestateinvestor #gratitudeattitude #GameChanger #BestLife #DreamBigDreams If you are Real Estate investor and it is been a year doing the same thing in your own strategy but still going NOWHERE... I'm just one text away man, contact me and I'll not just share it with you, I will SHOW you this Bomb! 503-740-6029 See more

DJ Thielen LIVE 23.02.2019

When you want to make a as big a change in your life, you need to face anything and everything holding you back from successfully making that change. Everything that drains your energy, distracts your focus or clutters your mind. You know the greatest obstacle to your own success? Yourself. No one else. Cliché I know, but it’s the truth.... Beyond the baggage you might are already be aware of, there is plenty more you are carrying around with you that is unknowingly holding you back from the work you’ve always wanted to do. #fliprealestatenow #houseflippers #houseflips #houseflippingbusiness #realestateinvestor #gratitudeattitude #GameChanger #BestLife #DreamBigDreams See more

DJ Thielen LIVE 15.02.2019

WORK UNTIL YOU FEEL DUBAI IS AFFORDABLE One of the best things about life is that we never have to stop learning. There are always new skills to learn and techniques for us to adopt. When you look at the most successful people in the world, they understand this. This is the ideal outcome most of us want. Most of us want to maintain a balance between working hard and working smart.... Smart work shows us where to direct our attention and how to direct it. Smarts acts as a manager enabling us to focus our time and attention on the things that matter. Hard work gives us the ability to implement and act. Once we know what we need to focus our attention on, hard work gets us there, giving us the momentum we need to push through failure, discouragement, and setbacks. Work Hard and Smart. #fliprealestatenow #houseflippers #houseflips #houseflippingbusiness #realestateinvestor #gratitudeattitude #GameChanger #BestLife #DreamBigDreams If you are Real Estate investor and it is been a year doing the same thing in your own strategy but still going NOWHERE... I'm just one text away man, contact me and I'll not just share it with you, I will SHOW you this Bomb! 503-740-6029 See more

DJ Thielen LIVE 31.01.2019

If you’re not seeing the results you want to see you’re most likely not focusing hard enough. When your mind is set on a goal and you’re willing to do anything to accomplish it, it will happen. Changing your thoughts in little ways can virtually change your entire life. Remember the quote "What you think about you bring about" - it's so true It’s been said in many different ways whatever you focus on expands. What I say is Whatever you focus on is what you get; negat...ive or positive, so focus on the positive and you’ll bring more positive into your life. I’m not saying I am always in a positive state or that just thinking positive will get you where you want to be. Negative thoughts creep up on me, too, only now I don’t allow them to last as long. When I’m focused, look out world. I believe with FOCUS we can achieve almost anything. You and your thoughts can change your entire life around starting RIGHT NOW!! FOCUS, FOCUS, FOCUS. Am I making that clear? Do you understand that if you’re ready so is the Universe? If you are ready and you align your Focus with good and what you want, not what you don’t want, you could change your life. I want to be sure you understand because this is powerful! #fliprealestatenow #houseflippers #houseflips #houseflippingbusiness #realestateinvestor #gratitudeattitude #GameChanger #BestLife #DreamBigDreams See more

DJ Thielen LIVE 17.01.2019

We've all heard it before: You need goals to get something done. The same is true in business. If you're a business owner or entrepreneur, goals drive much of what you do. Most people would agree that any goal is better than no goal. However, I want to challenge you to think big goals even if you don't think you'll hit them. No one likes to be set up for failure, but when it comes to creating goals that drive transformation or result in amazing outcomes, you need some... Big Hairy Audacious Goals (BHAG). #fliprealestatenow #houseflippers #houseflips #houseflippingbusiness #realestateinvestor #gratitudeattitude #GameChanger #BestLife #DreamBigDreams If you are Real Estate investor and it is been a year doing the same thing in your own strategy but still going NOWHERE... I'm just one text away man, contact me and I'll not just share it with you, I will SHOW you this Bomb! 503-740-6029 See more

DJ Thielen LIVE 10.01.2019

There’s a link between helping others and finding meaning in your life. And it’s not just those who have already found purpose giving back. Instead, helping others can actually CREATE a sense of meaning in our lives. Helping others fulfills some of our most basic needs such as connecting with others and seeing how your actions make a positive difference. Those are the areas that help define a meaningful life. The idea that there is a link between a meaningful life and helping... others is actually a rather old one. Carol Ryff, a psychologist, reviewed the writings of numerous philosophers and thinkers throughout history and found one overarching ideas: that helping others is a central feature of a positive, well-lived life. A meaningful life isn’t found, but created through our actions. And it starts with looking for ways to help others. #fliprealestatenow #houseflippers #houseflips #houseflippingbusiness #realestateinvestor #gratitudeattitude #GameChanger #BestLife #DreamBigDreams If you are Real Estate investor and it is been a year doing the same thing in your own strategy but still going NOWHERE... I'm just one text away man, contact me and I'll not just share it with you, I will SHOW you this Bomb! 503-740-6029

DJ Thielen LIVE 06.01.2019

Many times in life we get so caught up with measuring ourselves versus others (which causes unnecessary stress and anxiety), when in all reality the only measurement that really matters is the one that is within you. What are the STANDARDS you are choosing for yourself? Are you PROUD of how you are showing up?... Are you giving life your very best? If so, keep on, keepin’ on. If not, I challenge you to just begin living to the point where you are PROUD of what you give to this world on a daily basis. That’s it. Don’t make life more complicated than it needs to be my friends. #fliprealestatenow #houseflippers #houseflips #houseflippingbusiness #realestateinvestor #gratitudeattitude #GameChanger #BestLife #DreamBigDreams If you are Real Estate investor and it is been a year doing the same thing in your own strategy but still going NOWHERE... I'm just one text away man, contact me and I'll not just share it with you, I will SHOW you this Bomb! 503-740-6029 See more

DJ Thielen LIVE 19.12.2018

The ability to not let fear stop you is crucial when embarking in life and a spiritual path. Especially once we start our journey within, fear will be at many times one of the main obstacles to overcome. Everyone has fear. ... Some of us are just more in contact with it then others. Some of us are suffering from it more then others. But we all have it and we all know how it feels like. Some of us have this inner knowing on how to overcome fear. The feeling of fear is a vital emotion and in it's raw essence can protect us and even safe our life. When our existence is threatened or in danger, fear kicks in to push a certain amount of stress hormones into the body so we can accurately respond to the situation. Courage is a choice A big misconception is that a person with courage does not feel/experience fear, or as much. WRONG...a courageous person feels the same feelings as a person that let's the fear stop them. The only difference is the courageous person does not let the fear stop them. And this is simply a choice made within. It is that simple. #fliprealestatenow #houseflippers #houseflips #houseflippingbusiness #realestateinvestor #gratitudeattitude #GameChanger #BestLife #DreamBigDreams See more

DJ Thielen LIVE 10.12.2018

STAY AWAY FROM STILL PEOPLE! This week I want to encourage you to run from the people that are in your life that are still: - Still Broke - Still Complaining - Still Hating... - Still Losing - Still Not Making a Change - Still Living in the Past - Still Making Excuses The people who are still in their current position often times don’t realize what they are doing and most of the time aren’t willing to allow anyone to help them to remove themselves from that still place. If you’re going to create a life you don’t need to take a vacation from, you’re going to have to be willing to remove the still people from your life. I’m telling you decisions like this have to be made in order for you to become who you have been created to be. If you are struggling with any of the above conditions, maybe you need a coach to help you get past the still place. Let me know! #fliprealestatenow #houseflippers #houseflips #houseflippingbusiness #realestateinvestor #gratitudeattitude #GameChanger #BestLife #DreamBigDreams If you are Real Estate investor and it is been a year doing the same thing in your own strategy but still going NOWHERE... I'm just one text away man, contact me and I'll not just share it with you, I will SHOW you this Bomb! 503-740-6029 See more