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Diocese of Los Angeles Altar Guild 05.02.2021

#feedinghungryhearts #loveyourneighborwearyourmask The Supreme Court on Friday overturned California’s ban on indoor worship. And yet it’s not safe for people t...o be indoors for an hour at a time across household groups, especially those most at risk. Constitutional law experts will debate the fine points. But those who think government is singling out churches, temples, mosques, and other worship venues would have to overlook theaters, museums, lecture halls, and fitness centers secular businesses and institutions whose inside activity has also been suspended to keep people from prolonged contact with one another. Public health authorities also warn us about highly contagious new strains and a Super Bowl Sunday spike. So for the time being, churches in the Episcopal Diocese of Los Angeles will continue to offer either in-person worship outside or on-line worship, depending on what their local leadership have decided. When a county moves from purple to red on the State of California’s scale, its Episcopal churches will regain the latitude to offer inside worship with modifications if they wish. My fellow pilgrims, we’re in the top of the eighth inning. We’ve gotten the two-minute warning. National infection rates are tending down, and vaccine distribution is ramping up. But the risk remains high to essential workers, people of color, older folks, and those with underlying conditions. For nearly a year, members of our churches have acted as Jesus Christ would, giving up what they love for the sake of their neighbors and strangers. By helping keep tombs empty, they have made every day an Easter Day. By our faith, we may imagine the satisfaction our sacrifice in Christ's name has engendered in the highest court of all.

Diocese of Los Angeles Altar Guild 29.01.2021

#DailyInvitation Connect: The Martyrs of Japan (1597) are honored today on the Episcopal Church's Liturgical Calendar while the Diocesan Cycle of Prayer remembe...rs, on the anniversary of their ordination to the priesthood, Susan Klein (1978), and Gregory Larkin and John Saville, III (1983). Reflect: "Japan was first introduced to Christianity by Francis Xavier, a great Roman Catholic missionary. For nearly half a century the churches he founded flourished and grew. Finally, the Japanese government became alarmed at the spread of Christianity, which they regarded as a cloak for subversive activity by foreigners. Christianity was made illegal, and to show that the authorities meant business, six missionaries and twenty Japanese Christians were publicly crucified in Nagasaki. "But this was only the beginning. For the next 250 years, any Japanese people who were found to be practicing Christianity were subject to the death penalty. Through the years many thousands died rather than forsake Christ. At last the ban was lifted in 1859. Christian missionaries again entered Japan. To their astonishment they discovered several secret Christian communities still surviving, without priests and with very little education, but still keeping the faith in a most admirable manner, as they had through centuries of persecution." -- Forward Movement. Act: Let us pray today's collect: "O God our Father, who brought the holy martyrs of Japan through the suffering of the cross to the joys of eternal life: Grant that we, encouraged by their example, may hold fast to the faith we profess, even unto death itself; through Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and for ever. Amen." Image: Martyrs of Nagasaki, Japanese painting c. 16th/17th centuries. (Wikimedia Commons) #feedinghungryhearts #ConnectReflectAct

Diocese of Los Angeles Altar Guild 25.01.2021

#DailyInvitation Coming up this evening, Wednesday, February 3, 2021, 7:00 to 8:00, diocesan webinar "Trauma-Informed Care" presented by Stacey Roth, LCSW and p...resident/CEO of Hillsides, a diocesan institution devoted to the care of children, young adults and their families. "Trauma-Informed Care is understanding, recognizing, and responding to the effects of all types of trauma. A trauma-informed approach aims to help us create an environment that is sensitive to the needs of those effected by trauma." To attend (at no charge), register here: https://www.diocesanconvention.com/gifts-for-ministry. The webinar will also be accessible via Facebook Live on the diocesan Facebook page. The Diocesan Cycle of Prayer today remembers, on the anniversary of their ordination to the priesthood, Richard Harms (1959) and Christine Purcell (2005). Concurrently, the Episcopal Church's Liturgical Calendar honors Anskar, archbishop and missionary to Denmark and Sweden (801-865). More here: https://prayer.forwardmovement.org/the_calendar_response.ph Let us pray today's collect: "Keep your church from discouragement in the day of small things, O God, in the knowledge that when you have begun a good work, you will bring it to a fruitful conclusion, just as you did for your servant Anskar; through Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. Amen." #feedinghungryhearts #ConnectReflectAct

Diocese of Los Angeles Altar Guild 21.01.2021

#DailyInvitation Connect: On this Feast of the Presentation of Our Lord, the Diocesan Cycle of Prayer remembers the ordination anniversary of priests Hartshorn ...Murphy (1974), James Newman (1979). Reflect: From the Gospel of Luke, "Guided by the Spirit, Simeon came into the temple; and when the parents brought in the child Jesus, to do for him what was customary under the law, Simeon took him in his arms and praised God, saying, ‘Master, now you are dismissing your servant in peace, according to your word; for my eyes have seen your salvation, which you have prepared in the presence of all peoples, a light for revelation to the Gentiles and for glory to your people Israel.’" Act: Let us pray today's Collect for the Presentation of Our Lord: "Almighty and everliving God, we humbly pray that, as your only-begotten Son was this day presented in the temple, so we may be presented to you with pure and clean hearts by Jesus Christ our Lord; who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and for ever. Amen." Image: Ambrogio Lorenzetti, "Presentation at the Temple," 1342, Uffizi Gallery, Florence (Wikimedia Commons) #feedinghungryhearts #ConnectReflectAct

Diocese of Los Angeles Altar Guild 13.01.2021

#DailyInvitation Connect: The Liturgical Calendar today honors Deaconess Harriet Bedell (1875-1969), missionary teacher of Native Americans, while the Diocesan ...Cycle of Prayer remembers, on the anniversary of their ordination to the priesthood, Rick Byrum and Marilyn Omernick (2000); and Michele Baker-Wright, Michael Bell, and Mary Marjorie Bethea (2011). Reflect: "Harriet Bedell, missionary and friend to the Seminole Indians of Florida, was born in Buffalo, New York on March 19, 1875. She was trained as a schoolteacher but was inspired several years later by an Episcopal missionary who spoke at her church describing the many needs of missionary work. In 1906 she applied to, and was accepted by, the New York Training School for Deaconesses. Following her training she was sent as a missionary-teacher to the Cheyenne Indians at Whirlwind Mission in Oklahoma. "Bedell's duties at the Whirlwind Mission were many. She cared for the sick and the poor, organized social services for the tribe, performed the duties of the rector in his absence, and provided education for the women and children.... "Bedell emphasized health and education rather than religious conversion in her work with the Seminoles; their spiritual and physical comfort was more important to her than religious conversion." -- Satucket Act: Let us pray today's collect, "Holy God, fill us with compassion and respect for all people, and empower us for the work of ministry whether near or far away; that like your servant Harriet Bedell, we may show forth your praise, not only with our lips, but in our lives, and by giving up ourselves to your service. Through Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. Amen." Images: Deaconess Harriet Bedell (left); deaconesses in Southern California (Diocese of Los Angeles Archives photo). #feedinghungryhearts #ConnectReflectAct

Diocese of Los Angeles Altar Guild 09.01.2021

#DailyInvitation The Diocesan Cycle of Prayer today remembers 29 priests on today's anniversary of their ordination: Mark Asman (1976); Virginia Erwin (1987); P...eter Browning, Lisa Rotchford, Aidan Koh, Gary London, Hank Mitchel (1992); Michael Seiler (1998); Earl Gibson, Kate Lewis, Garrett Mettler, Amy Pringle (2003); Linda Wirt Ahron, Jenifer Chatfield, George Daisa, Steven DeMuth, Nancy Frausto, Francisco Garcia, Sally Howard, Stephanie Wilson Brown, Marianne Zahn (2014); Brainerd Dharmaraj, Carlos Ruvalcaba, Jon Feuss, Jamelia Barnett, William Knutson, Judith Lyons, Kristin Claire (KC) Robertson, and Sarah Dammann Thomas (2020). Let us pray the collect for all Christians in their vocation: "Almighty and everlasting God, by whose Spirit the whole body of thy faithful people is governed and sanctified: Receive our supplications and prayers, which we offer before thee for all members of thy holy Church, that in their vocation and ministry they may truly and godly serve thee; through our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, who lives and reigns with thee, in the unity of the same Spirit, one God,now and for ever. Amen." Image: This year's ordination of priests, Jan. 9, 2021, Church of Our Saviour, San Gabriel -- Standing with Bishop Taylor and the Rev. Norma Guerra, diocesan associate for formation and transition ministry (far upper left), ordinands are (from left) the Rev. Courtney Tan, the Rev. Steven Swartzell, the Rev. Greta Ronningen, the Rev. Walter Thorne, and the Rev. Elizabeth Piraino, joined by the Rev. Canon Melissa McCarthy, diocesan canon to the ordinary (far right). Photo: Hannah Riley #feedinghungryhearts #ConnectReflectAct

Diocese of Los Angeles Altar Guild 08.01.2021

#DailyInvitation Connect: The Episcopal News (diocesan publication est. 1897) is remembered today in the Diocesan Cycle of Prayer together with All Saints by t...he Sea Parish School, Santa Barbara (1965), and the Rev. James Billington, who was ordained to the priesthood on this day in 1997. Concurrently, the Episcopal Church's Liturgical Calendar marks the feast of St. Brigid of Kildare (c. 451-525), one of Ireland’s patron saints (more here https://prayer.forwardmovement.org/the_calendar_response...). Reflect: Covering the six-county Diocese of Los Angeles with award-winning reporting, The Episcopal News is published weekly online and distributed by email continuing a tradition of editorial excellence begun in 1897 with the introduction of the diocese’s first news magazine, The Churchman & Church Messenger. Today’s publication is led by Canon Janet Kawamoto, who was named editor in 2004 after serving the News in other capacities as assistant editor, editorial board chair, and contributor since 1981. All in the diocese are encouraged to receive The News, which is provided to readers free of charge. Don’t miss the weekly email Update for top stories, calendar listings, and more. Read the News here: https://diocesela.org/episcopal-news/ Subscribe here: https://diocesela.org/episcopal-news/contact/ Act: Let us pray today’s collect: O God, whose servant Brigid, kindled with the flame of your love, became a shining light in your Church: Grant that we also may be aflame with the spirit of love and discipline, and walk before you as children of light; through Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns with you, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, now and for ever. Amen. Image: Presiding Bishop Michael Curry preaches at All Saints, Pasadena, as pictured in The Episcopal News. (Photo by Janet Kawamoto) #feedinghungryhearts

Diocese of Los Angeles Altar Guild 30.12.2020

For the next two weeks leading to Inauguration Day, Washington National Cathedral will offer brief (5 minutes) daily prayers online at 5 p.m. ET. We'll be joine...d by our interfaith and ecumenical partners to offer prayers for our battered nation. If you're feel anxious or angry as we approach Jan. 20, we invite you to bring your burdens and leave them at the altar. Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer. Join us at cathedral.org.

Diocese of Los Angeles Altar Guild 28.12.2020

Congratulations to the diocese’s newest priests, ordained by Bishop John Harvey Taylor in an outdoor liturgy, socially distanced amid the pandemic, at the histo...ric Church of Our Saviour, San Gabriel. Standing with Bishop Taylor and the Rev. Norma Guerra, diocesan associate for formation and transition ministry (far upper left), ordinands are (from left) the Rev. Courtney Ann Urquhart Tan, the Rev. Steven Philip Swartzell, the Rev. Greta Ronningen, the Rev. Walter Joseph Thorne, and the Rev. Elizabeth Ann Piraino, joined by the Rev. Canon Melissa McCarthy, diocesan canon to the ordinary (far right). Also today (though not pictured), Bishop Jennifer Baskerville-Burrows of the Diocese of Indianapolis ordained the Rev. Andrea Thornton Arsene to the priesthood on Bishop Taylor’s behalf in a service at St. John’s Church in Lafayette, Indiana. Godspeed to all! Photo by Hannah Riley #feedinghungryhearts #holydistancing #episcopal See more

Diocese of Los Angeles Altar Guild 11.12.2020

#DailyInvitation Connect: The Church of the Epiphany, Lincoln Heights L.A. (est. 1886), and The Church of the Epiphany, Oak Park (1980) are remembered today in ...the Diocesan Cycle of Prayer on this Feast of the Epiphany. The Prayer Cycle also remembers, on the anniversary of their ordination to the priesthood, Jan Womer (1968); Michael Neils (1977); Eduardo Bresciani, Nancy Brown, Anna Olson, Robert Two Bulls, and Pamela Tyler (2001); Colleen Sterne (2007); and Mark Bradshaw (2018). Reflect: In the course of time the Lordship of Christ was revealed to various people. The 'Wise Men from the East' observed his star and were guided to his cradle where they worshiped him as a newborn king. When John baptized him in the Jordan, the Holy Spirit descended 'as a dove' and a voice from heaven proclaimed, 'This is my beloved Son in whom I am well pleased.' At a wedding feast at Cana his embarrassed host was amazed when Jesus turned water into wine. He revealed himself to his disciples, and through their witness the knowledge of him spread... In the Epiphany season we remember these events and the expanding revelation and manifestation of Christ to the world... "In the ancient Eastern Church, January 6 was observed as the feast of the Nativity, Christmas. The Eve of Epiphany is still observed in some places as the 'Twelfth Night' of Christmas and the conclusion of the nativity season." --Forward Movement Act: Let us pray today's collect, "O God, by the leading of a star you manifested your only Son to the peoples of the earth: Lead us, who know you now by faith, to your presence, where we may see your glory face to face; through Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and for ever. Amen." Images: Cesar Chavez preaches at Epiphany, Lincoln Heights, Los Angeles (Diocesan Archives, undated photo); church exteriors in Lincoln Heights and Oak Park (file photos) #feedinghungryhearts #Epiphany #ConnectReflectAct

Diocese of Los Angeles Altar Guild 03.12.2020

#TwelveDaysEDLA2020 On the 12th day of Christmas Such gifts despite the bug Twelve COVID counselors Eleven Nicholases... Ten cheers for voting Nine party planners Eight children’s champions Seven unity builders Six distanced deacons Five servant hearts! Four priests representing This precious trio Two convention wizards And the hope of blessings (and the occasional hug!) See more

Diocese of Los Angeles Altar Guild 17.11.2020

#feedinghungryhearts Is it the bridge of the Starship Enterprise or the Great Hall of St. Paul's Commons, Echo Park? That's Canon Luis Garabay, the Rev. Thomas ...Quijada-Discavage, the Rev. Canon Melissa McCarthy, and convention coordinator Samantha Wylie getting set for our digital diocesan convention, "Servants of the Spirit," coming up on Saturday, Nov. 14. We'll have plenty of digital content the week before for folks to enjoy at their leisure and, on Sunday, Nov. 15, an all-diocese service of Holy Eucharist with the Rev. Canon Stephanie Spellers as preacher. Have you considered running for a diocesan office to help us make our diocese stronger and even better? Learn more here: https://www.diocesanconvention.com/nominations See more

Diocese of Los Angeles Altar Guild 10.11.2020

#feedinghungryhearts My album from this morning's service of consecration and ordination of the Revs. Christie Mossman and Dominique Nicolette Piper into the Sa...cred Order of Deacons, live-streamed from the Great Hall of St. Paul's Commons, Echo Park. Both have spouses named Christopher who support them devotedly. Loved ones and friends from all over tuned in, including Deacon Piper's twins, Charles and Edward. It was a splendid last class for the Ven. Canon Charleen Crean as she prepares to retire as archdeacon. The Revs. Dennis Gibbs and Thomas Quijada-Discavage were preacher and stage manager, Justin Baker producer. It was not an ordination that Thomas Cranmer would have envisioned nor anyone else before March 2020. It was glorious nevertheless, anointed by the Holy Spirit, giving us deacons whom God needs right now. Hallelujah! See more

Diocese of Los Angeles Altar Guild 30.10.2020

Dear friends, One of the first things we do to help those affected by disasters is to provide WalMart gift cards or a card of some kind or a check to those in n...eed. It has been requested that all contributions be sent to: The Diocese of Western Louisiana P.O. Box 4390 Pineville, LA 71361 Please let us know if you have any storm-related issues, and watch out for tornadoes today. Stay safe and stay in touch! God's peace, The Rev. Scott Lenoir+ Disaster Preparedness and Relief Coordinator And, as always, please give to Episcopal Relief & Development! (link in comments)

Diocese of Los Angeles Altar Guild 21.10.2020

Newly ordained to the Sacred Order of Deacons by Bishop John H. Taylor are (from left, front row) Courtney Ann Urquhart Tan, sponsored by St. Mary’s, Lompoc; El...izabeth Ann Piraino, sponsored by St. Timothy’s, Apple Valley; Steven Phillip Swartzell, sponsored by Church of the Messiah, Santa Ana; (second row) Greta Ronningen, sponsored by Church of Our Saviour, San Gabriel; Andrea Lee Thornton Arsene, sponsored by St. Paul’s, Pomona; Bishop Taylor; the Rev. Canon Melissa McCarthy, diocesan canon to the ordinary; and (third row) Walter Joseph Thorne, sponsored by the Episcopal School of Los Angeles. Video of the service conducted with 10 participants in the Great Hall of St. Paul’s Commons and in keeping with statewide and diocesan requirements for physical distancing during the COVID 19 pandemic is available on the diocesan Facebook page here: https://www.facebook.com/LADiocese/videos/3080681911977699/. Contributions to the new deacons’ discretionary funds may be made at www.diocesela.org/offering. Photo by the Rev. Thomas Quijada-Discavage. See more

Diocese of Los Angeles Altar Guild 19.10.2020

#holydistancing You can like beets but hate avocados, no problem. You can love the Temptations but not the Supremes. I actually know somebody like that. No prob...lem! But you can't be for saving lives and reopening the economy but against wearing masks. Wearing masks keeps us from spreading and getting the bug. All the evidence shows it, including in countries from Germany to Taiwan that have been smarter than we have. Countries that saved lives because people wore their masks. Countries that avoided shutdowns because people wore their masks. Everyone wearing their masks is the one sure way to put the pandemic behind us. One thing each of us can do each day wherever we are, besides washing our hands and social distancing. Wearing masks is smart. Please do not listen to manipulating people and movements saying that masks are unmanly or look silly. That it’s communism, antifa, KI, or the Trilateral Commission. You are smarter than that! If infections are low where you live, wear your mask, and keep them low. If you want to get back to normal as soon as possible, wear your mask to deter another shutdown. If you think you’re not infected, take up your cross, follow Jesus, and act as though you are by loving your neighbor and wearing your mask. Do it especially for medical and essential workers who spend long hours each day in their masks for your sake. Los Angeles and Santa Barbara counties require masks in public. Orange, Riverside, San Bernardino, and Ventura counties should but don’t. In our Episcopal Diocese of Los Angeles churches in all those counties, those with the opportunity to return to physical presence over the weekend of June 20-21 will be wearing their masks. Those who won’t wear masks are welcome to be digitally present. Let’s stay the course, flatten the curve, and keep tombs empty. And when you see someone wearing their mask, reckon it as a gift to you, and smile. They’ll be able to tell.

Diocese of Los Angeles Altar Guild 06.10.2020

#feedinghungryhearts #holydistancing #quarantinetextbook Later this morning, we seven Episcopal bishops in California will release a statement about the days an...d weeks ahead when it comes to returning to in-person worship. We pledge to continue to follow the lead of state and local authorities, who by and large have put science and safety ahead of politics and posturing. We're not using our buildings right now because it’s safer that way. The church’s essential work, to glorify God and care for God’s people, didn’t stop even for a second. It couldn’t have, because Christ is risen and burning with life in the hearts of the faithful. To find his holy temple nearest you, don’t Google. Look in the mirror. During this temporary time in the wilderness, the rest is logistics. Digital worship, talking on the phone instead of at coffee hour, extra-careful food distribution, Zoom meetings, on-line giving and advocacy while it hasn't always been easy, our lay and clergy leaders in the Episcopal Diocese of Los Angeles have improvised magnificently. Bravo! Compare the price the institutional church has paid to the 100,000 dead and tens of millions thrown out of work. I don’t envy the politicians who have to balance the imperatives of stopping an epidemic and blunting economic catastrophe. Some of our leaders have done better than others. It won't get any easier in the months ahead. What they need from the church is our prayers as well as our relentless advocacy for those whom the pandemic is hurting most and that does not include the church. The son of journalists, I take the First Amendment as seriously as anyone. Not once have I felt my right of religious expression at risk. The government and courts don't need the likes of me banging on the podium and playing the victim. Yesterday’s episode in Washington had to do with the first Tuesday in November. Right now, my siblings in Christ, it’s time to get ready for a healthy June. As soon as we hear more from the state on returning to in-person worship, we’ll get to work on the details. However and whenever it happens, the health and wholeness of all our people and our neighbors will be our priority. Masks, distancing, hygiene, and mindfulness of those most at risk will continue to be our companions. In the name of Christ, let’s stay the course, flatten the curve, and keep tombs empty. (Photo: Observed yesterday, the last active sign-in sheet at St. Paul's Commons, Echo Park, with a word from Julian of Norwich)

Diocese of Los Angeles Altar Guild 23.09.2020

#DailyInvitation #ConnectReflectAct Connect: On the 10th anniversary of her consecration as bishop suffragan of the Diocese of Los Angeles, the Rt. Rev. Diane M.... Jardine Bruce is remembered today in the Diocesan Cycle of Prayer, together with, on their anniversary of ordination to the priesthood, Gerry Engnan (1980), Paul Collins (1981), Beverly Factor (1993), and Fran Cantella (2005). Prayers of the diocesan community continue for all affected by the COVID-19 crisis. https://diocesela.org/covid-19/ Reflect: Bishop Bruce joins Bishop Diocesan John Harvey Taylor and Canon to the Ordinary Melissa McCarthy in the "Triad" of leadership in the Diocese of Los Angeles. Elected to the episcopate Dec. 4, 2009, Bishop Bruce was for 10 years rector of St. Clement’s by-the-Sea Church in San Clemente, Calif. She is the first woman to be elected bishop in diocesan history. Fluent in Spanish, Mandarin and Cantonese, she oversees diocesan New Community multicultural ministries. A former bank vice president, she provides leadership in diocesan stewardship ministries, and she serves the wider church as secretary of the House of Bishops and as a trustee of the Church Pension Group. Neighborhood ministry "walkabouts" are a highlight of her pastoral mentoring of congregations within the diocese. Learn more here: https://diocesela.org/bishops-office/ Act: Let us pray the traditional Collect for Clergy and People, "Almighty and everlasting God, from whom cometh every good and perfect gift: Send down upon our bishops, and other clergy, and upon the congregations committed to their charge, the healthful Spirit of thy grace: and, that they may truly please thee, pour upon them the continual dew of thy blessing. Grant this, O Lord, for the honor of our Advocate and Mediator, Jesus Christ. Amen." Photos: Bishop Bruce following her consecration in 2015, with Pope Francis in 2015; at All Saints Pasadena in 2018; and at the diocesan MLK service in 2012. #feedinghungryhearts