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F.M.G Training and Nutrition 13.11.2020

SHARE YOUR JOURNEY! You never know who’s watching you your journey might inspire someone to get started and can completely change their life without you even realizing it. Here’s my journey... picture to the left is from 2010 I was sitting around 195-200LB. I worked out 5x a week, no cardio, and ate whatever I wanted.... One day I decided I wasn’t happy with where I was at and I simply just wanted Abs. I remember the day I started doing research and with so much information I was overwhelmed. I kept doing my 5x a week strength training but I added in 2-3 double days of TRX circuits at night. I was under eating so much that there were times where I crashed and burned. I remember having to leave class a few times in college because my body was so exhausted and under fed. All I knew was that I needed to eat less and workout more (wrong). The middle picture was 2014 and I was about 20-25 LB lighter but for the first 2 plus years I was doing everything completely wrong. I got into coaching because I wanted to show people how to lose weight the right way and not destroy their bodies along the way. Good for me that I was young and could recover but if I was in my 30’s I could of possibly did some long term damage. Fast forward to the picture on the right this year. I’ve learned how to eat more calories, train effectively, and most importantly I learned how to recover. I’m currently between 175-177LB. It’s taken me 8 years to get to where I am and I’ve had a lot of ups and downs along the way. My point is that real results take time. It’s a process of figuring what works best for you and only you. Starving yourself isn’t going to get you anywhere fast. My tips for success with fat loss: - Be patient . - learn how to track your food intake. - Eat enough to support your goals. - strength train 3-4x a week. - cardio 2x a week. - eat lots of protein. - keep carbs around training time. - don’t just cut carbs completely. - Don’t always be in a fatloss phase. Take diet breaks and reverse diet. - enjoy the process and be more in tune with your body. 4U Nutriton has 2 spots open this month. Slide in my DM for one of the spots.

F.M.G Training and Nutrition 08.11.2020

YOU DON’T EAT CARBS? . The look on my face when people tell me they cut carbs or don’t eat carbs . I’m going to put this plain and simple.... CARBS ARE LIFE! . On a serious note cutting carbs isn’t always the best approach to cutting weight or losing fat. What happens is you cut carbs and you feel like shit but you weight in after the first week and you are down 6 pounds .... . You’re so excited so you continue on this no carb diet because it’s working then you weight in the next week and you gained weight let’s explain what happened in week 1 You essential lost your water weight because carbs pull water into your muscles. Not having carbs means you are not retaining as much water. . Why carbs should be in your diet: . - Help build muscle.. more muscle you have the more calories we burn at rest. - Give you energy during high intensity workouts. - help with recovery from workouts. - mentally it helps you stick to your diet. . I’m not telling you to go eat a ton of carbs but you shouldn’t just go to cutting carbs as a way of losing weight. . Well then what should you do to lose weight? . 1 Get yourself in a 250-500 calorie deficit. 2 Reduce carbs but increase fats. 3 have protein set at .7-1.2 g per body weight. 4 Sleep 7-8 hours nightly. 5 Reduce stress in your life. 6 Strength Training > Cardio. 7 10k steps daily. . There’s your secret to success! It’s not a quick fix but this is a long term strategy to lose and keep your weight off. See more

F.M.G Training and Nutrition 24.10.2020

WHATS YOUR STORY? My names Frankie I’m 28 and I’m a life transformer I use nutriton and fitness as a way of changing people’s lives. I got into fitness when I was young through sports. I was 7 years old when I started to workout. Once I turned 13 I started weight training and haven’t stop since (15 years )... I was a three sport athlete in high school Football, Wrestling, and ran track. How did I get into coaching? I got into coach because I wanted to help people not go through what I went through. After high school I battled some depression. I didn’t like the person I was anymore and had zero direction with my life. Turning to substances thinking it would help but only made things worse. When I was 22 I decided enough was enough and begin my journey to a new me. I started working out everyday and decided I wanted to lose weight and get abs. I was about 200 pounds when I started his journey. Fast forward almost 3 years later and I lost 25 pounds and was in the best shape of my life up to that point. But let me tell you how much I struggled along the way. 3 years is a long time to try and lose weight for a 21 year old male. I wanted to quit so many times but the little voice in my head kept telling me to go. With no guidance from a coach I did a bunch of stupid shit finally at 23 years old I decided I wanted to help people learn from my mistakes and not take the long scenic route to weight loss. People started asking me to Coach them which lead me into what I do today coaching others. My mission is simple... I want to empower people to love life and themselves. Nutriton is my passion because it’s the key to the healthiest version of YOU! 4U-Nutriton was created for YOU! It’s focus is YOU, our mission is YOU, and your nutrition will be all about YOU. We take a broader view then just food and take your whole life into consideration when developing your plan. Nutriton/lifestyle coaching should be nothing but individualized to YOU. It’s our mission to help YOU achieve success in your health by focusing on YOU and your needs. We all have a story to tell so what’s your?

F.M.G Training and Nutrition 04.10.2020

STOP DIETING . To many people want to just diet hop they finish one diet and go to the next one without really digging into fixing their own lifestyle/nutriton. Meal plans are like having all the answers to the test and when you no longer have the answers you never truly learned.... How following a meal plan goes.... you follow everything to a T and get results but then it ends and you have no idea what to do?? So you go back to doing what you did before and end up gaining all your weight back . Start focusing on lifestyle and stop focusing on another diet/meal plan. When you start learning and finding out what works for you then you will never fail at dieting again. Lifestyle factor you should work on: Sleep- the easiest way to not get results is by not sleeping. If you don’t consistently get a full 7-8 hours then this should be your first focus. Eating 90% or more Whole Foods- shopping at Whole Foods doesn’t mean you are eating Whole Foods. Focus on foods that don’t come processed. Proteins, veggies, fruits, starchy carbs, avocado, nuts. Eat more protein- most people fall terrible short on hitting daily protein requirements. Add in extra protein by doing protein shakes, eating an extra 1-3oz per meal, snacking on things like Greek yogurt, turkey meat, beef jerky. Reduce stress- show me someone who doesn’t have a lot of stress and you will most likely see someone who is lean. Like sleep stress is the fat gainer. When you have constant stress you tend to crave sweets, over eat, binge eat, sleep less, consume more alcohol. Pretty much you do all the things that will make you over weight. Move More- when I say move more I don’t mean exercise more. I mean get your ass up and move around more often then when you exercise. Focus on N.E.A.T (non-exercise associated thermogenesis) this is everything you do that’s not exercise. Walking, fidgeting, doing chores, moving your feet. 10k steps daily is the minimum. Most people fall short of this because they just simply sit all day. Find ways to move more.. get up and walk around for 5 minutes every hour, Park further, take the stairs, walk every day, just increase NEAT and your body can burn more calories daily. Start with the above in changing your lifestyle and watch how your results will come. It’s not an easy fix and takes time to change these factors but when you do it’s life changing. You will no longer be a slave to a meal plan and can start seriously living life as a lean mean fighting machine.

F.M.G Training and Nutrition 29.09.2020

WALKING INTO MONDAY LIKE . Forget what you did or didn’t do this weekend... forget about what you did or didn’t eat... forget about what happened because let’s face it... IT ALREADY HAPPENED. You can’t change the past but you can make your future (today). ... Today get back to eating Whole Foods! Today get back to your workouts! Today get back to your hustle! Today get back to making YOU the best you can! You can’t drive forward if you are constantly looking in your rear view mirror. Today’s your day! Move Better, Eat Better, Live Better.

F.M.G Training and Nutrition 23.09.2020

SUCCESS STARTS TODAY! 3 keys to master your week . . 1 Prepare- this is the day you can get most of tor shopping, food prep, and meal planning done. Prepping your food is half the battle. Make it easier on yourself and dedicate 1-2 hours to your body/fuel.... . Pro tip: Plan out your lunches and you are already 75% successful for the week. 2 Plan- this is a huge aspect most people fall short on. They simply react instead of being proactive. . 3 Relax- you already have enough stress weekly. Take some time to unwind and just enjoy the day. Hit the beach, hike, walk, go to the movies. Do whatever makes you happy and relaxed. Happy Sunday everyday See more

F.M.G Training and Nutrition 07.09.2020

HOW TO FIX A BROKEN DIET. What happens when your diet protocol stops working? You’ve been crushing it and everything was going great but you hit a wall and can’t seem to break it. What to do to break plateaus:... 1: Fix Nutritional deficiencies: . Most people no matter how great their diets are have some sort of nutritional deficiencies. The top ones most Americans face are... omega 3 fatty acids (fish oils), vitamin D, Vitamin C, magnesium (de-stressor), and protein. . Fix some of these deficiencies and break your plateau. 2: Increase daily protein consumption: . Protein is hands down one of the main reasons people can’t stick to their diets or can’t break plateau. Most people eat far under what they are suppose to. You should be consuming .7-1.2 grams per pound of body weight. . High protein diets have been shown in research to help people lose more body fat overall vs those who have a lower protein diet. 3: Improve Food Quantity: . Calories are king . If you want to lose weight you need to be in a calorie deficit. If you’ve been in a calorie deficit to long then you need to increase you calories back up to help improve weight loss. 4: Eat More Macronutrients: . Eating more macronutrients will help improve gut and digestion function. Improving those two areas leads to improved weight/fat loss. 5: less Cardio and More Strength Training. . Strength training > cardio... we can elicit more of a metabolic response vs just doing cardio all the time. Also the more lean muscle tissue you have the more calories you burn overall. . Who’s been stuck in a rut or a plateau? If you’ve tried all the above and it hasn’t worked shoot me a DM and I’ll help you unlock more issues we can address. See more

F.M.G Training and Nutrition 05.09.2020

20 POUNDS DOWN . I want to give a big shot out to Andrea Nichole and Nely Gomez for hitting their next target of losing 20 pounds. The best part about it is that they workout together every Tuesday & Thursday. They have created a support system and community to support each other. Even better is that Claudia Cervantes-Marquez works out with them and has also hit the 20 pound down mark.... Want to know what diet they did? What tricks they implemented? Let me tell you... - zero diets. - No super low calorie tricks. - no crazy workout schedule. - haven’t restricted anything. So here’s what they have been doing: - Eating Whole Foods. - learning how to say no sometimes because they are saying yes to their weight loss journey. - Eating to support their lifestyle. - Making protein a priority. - working out 3-5 days a week. - Focusing on adopting a lifestyle. There’s nothing fancy about what they are doing. No tricks or gimmicks. We are working on making this a lifestyle for them so that they lose and keep the weight off. Are you interested in hearing more about how these rockstars have had success? Shoot me a DM and I’ll tell you how I can help you achieve the same success.

F.M.G Training and Nutrition 27.08.2020

HOW TO CREATE CHANGE! Change is a scary word... shit I’ll be honest and I get afraid of change often. Changes reminds me of being called out in front of people. My face gets bright red and I I don’t know what to say. It’s the most uncomfortable feelings in the world. That’s why most of us don’t embrace change in our life’s. We just accept everything for what it is and don’t try to pursue change.... If you want to lose weight, build muscle, make more money, be happier, love yourself more then you need jump on the CHANGE TRAIN . Here’s a few ways to create change in your life to move you closer to the person you know you what to be. - Journal Daily- writing creates clarity and clarity creates genius. The more you write the more you start to draw your map of change and what you truly want. . - Do things you love more- you want to become healthier but you sit at a desk all day? Do you love to dance? Dance more.. do you love to ride bikes? Go ride a bike.. do more things you love. - Invest more in YOU.... if you don’t take care you then no one else will. If you want to lose weight then you need to start focusing more on you. The better you become the better you will be for others in your life. - love more... we have enough negative fucking people in this world today. You want change? Just love more and spread love more. Open doors for people, compliment people more, buy someone a coffee, help someone with something... spread more love. We can only create change when you realize that you have to become a different person. You can’t create change in your life operating as who you currently are. 6 years ago I was a different person who was far from creating impact in people’s life’s. I had to change who I was in order to fulfill my mission of changing life’s. My question to you today is who do you need to become to spark change in your own life? See more

F.M.G Training and Nutrition 21.08.2020

We're all at war!! . We are all at war or will be at war against the resistance at some point in our life.. . What's the resistance?... . It's the excuses and BS we tell ourselves as to why we can't make serious change in our life. . To find out the kind of resistance you are facing ask yourself these three questions. . -How ready are you to change? -How willing are you to change? -How able are you to change? . Instantly we go to war with resistance when we ask ourselves these questions. . You want to eat better you need to start eating more veggies (change). . Resistance says that you don't really like all those green veggies and neither do your kids so that's out of the question. . Or, you want to get in better shape so you need to start working out consistently (4 times a week). . Resistance says you maybe can squeeze in a workout 1-2 times a week other than that you just don't have the time. . Change is a skill not something we just do. . Practice doesn't make perfect, but practice makes you BETTER! And when we become better we begin to change. . I battle resistance, You battle resistance, we all battle resistance. When we want to see change we call out our resistance for what it is and start to fight back with habits. When are habits win the battles we begin to win the war and we get CHANGE! . That's how we win the war!! That's when we change. See more

F.M.G Training and Nutrition 14.08.2020

SIMPLE WEIGHT LOSS GUIDE! The reason most people can’t have success with weight loss is because they don’t set up a plan for themselves. Weight loss guide:... 1: Eat protein with every meal. Protein is the most satiating macro nutrient. It keeps you full and satisfied the longest. It’s full of fiber to make it slower digesting. Protein also is needed for protein synthesis in your muscles. Help build & retain lean muscle mass. 90% of people fall short of their daily protein consumption. Aim for .7-1.2 grams per pound of body weight. 2: Track your food: this process can be tedious but I believe everyone should learn how to track at some point. Tracking your food helps you hit your daily protein and also helps you stay within in your calorie range. Simple weight everything and track it in myfitness pal. You will most likely realize that you are under eating calories. Why eat less when you can eat more and lose weight? 3: if your goal is weight loss then you need to be in a calorie deficit. You need to consume 200-500 calories under your maintenance calories. How do you know if you are consuming the right amount of calories? Well you do step 2 and track your food. 4: lift heavy weights: weight training > cardio for weight loss. Don’t get me wrong cardio has its place but weight training is still king. When we weight train we create muscle adaptations that demand calories to be pulled towards the muscle. Also, the more lean muscle tissue you the more calories you burn at rest. Who already does all 4? If you don’t what do you struggle with the most out of these? See more