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Phone: +1 323-243-7766

Address: 415 N Camden Dr #219b 90210 Beverly Hills, CA, US

Website: www.anahataholistichealing.com/

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Anahata Holistic Healing 28.01.2021

ASCENSION IS INSCENSION// Ascension has always been within! There is no doubt that we are in a time of great transition. The world around us is shifting in many ways and now more than ever, it's vital for each of us to turn inward and discover our true spiritual core. It's time to experience who we really are in order to realize what we are not! ... Ascension is the ongoing process of going into the core, transcending, grounding and physical embodiment all at once. Moving up and down, unifying matter and spirit. It is a process where we transform our physical body into light and leave all polarity of the 3rd dimension and become one with all that is on the 5th dimension fully embodied. The outer world is simply the stage where we get to experience this inner shift. It is a great time be alive in this now moment. However, inner work is more important than ever! You need to know yourself, your powers to think and act like spiritual warriors and sovereign beings to navigate these times. The New earth will demand a spiritually stronger you. I will be posting more on ascension tools to assist during this transition.

Anahata Holistic Healing 25.01.2021

I invite you to open your heart to healing sounds of the St. Germain crystal singing bowls played in harmony and binaurals to break up discordant energies, reduce stress and promote a deeper sense of connection to the celestial realms. St. Germain is the keeper of the Violet Flame of Transmutation, change and freedom. As Master Jesus was the great Hierarch of the Piscean Age, St. Germain is now stepping in, for the next 2000 years, as the great Hierarch of the Aquarian Age.... The Violet Flame which is the Seventh Ray of Healing is the most important rays for redemption, change, transmutation of all negative and lower energies, and freedom. St. Germain once said that if we were talk about the benefits of this light for a whole month, 24 hours and 7 days a week, he could not cover all of its benefits. The Violet Flame is a combination of blue for power and pink for love, uniting the energies of the divine masculine and feminine through the power of spiritual alchemy. It is said that it takes two things to move the energies of the planet into the New Earth. Ritual Intention along with light and sound. Crystals bowls emit light and sound simultaneously. In this now moment, as you listen to these crystalline frequencies, intend to shower yourself in the violet flame, transmuting all past karma from this life and all other lifetimes, lower energies back to the light and creating positive change in your life and instead envision love, compassion and forgiveness embedded in your cells. You can recite the following invocation out loud as you listen; In the name of the of the I AM of my being, I call forth the action of the Violet Flame of transmutation, compassion and forgiveness in my auric field, for the cleansing and purifying of every thought and feeling. I ask the action of the Violet Flame to permeate every cell, atom and electron of my four body system 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, for the healing of all distortions in my energy fields from past and present. With much gratitude, I now ask the Violet Fire to manifest in my energy fields in full power. And so be it. Bookmark this post and listen to these frequencies often.

Anahata Holistic Healing 09.01.2021

We are collectively birthing a New Age in this now moment. Let what is falling fall... Allow what is coming to take roots and grow...... Do not resist change as it is the only constant in this impermanent world. Be open to surrendering to the new creations that were seeded long ago for this exact moment in time. Trust what is coming is for your highest good and ascension of humanity. Be the vessel in which light comes through and leads the way.

Anahata Holistic Healing 27.12.2020

A new age is upon us A new year is about to start As we embark on this new timeline, we are all ready for a fresh start. ... We've gone through so much this year. It's been a year filled with uncertainty, loss, much change but also lots of grace. We've done a lot of personal work, faced our shadows, grew individually & collectively, and hopefully learned the lesson of surrender. As we collectively look forward to a brand new year & all the intentions we are going to set for this new beginning, let’s also honor all that we’ve accomplished this year. No matter how small the steps, we made it through 2020. WOW! This was the hardest year for many. We didn’t crumble, we didn’t give up, we didn’t lose hope no matter what life threw at us. We kept our connections despite distance, we worked hard to keep our jobs, families & life intact with all the obstacles in our way we persevered! That is the biggest testament of our human spirit. Yes it was difficult but we made it through. And no matter what may still be in store, if we made it through this time, we can make it through anything. As we shift into these new timelines, we will continue to face uncertain grounds. New Earth & the New Age is being built brick by brick & it will take time for us to see & truly feel the shifts in our personal lives. Much has to be dismantled still but It is coming! Instead of scrambling to set intentions for stability, permanence, lasting pleasure & security, can we embrace uncertainty & change a little longer? Can we surrender our will to the divine? Can we continue to preserve a little longer? Every year we start off with all that we want to accomplish & become to create security, permanence & feel important in some way One of our biggest needs is often certainty but this can also keep us from living a more fully in the midst of a world that is inherently impermanent. This coming year, can we honor exactly where we are, as we are & take pride for all we’ve done? Is it possible to increase our tolerance for instability & change? For now, can we slow down even more & simply start with a new breath? You’ve done so much beloved. You are enough!

Anahata Holistic Healing 18.12.2020

On Monday Dec 14th we will experience a powerful Total Solar Eclipse New Moon in the sign of Sagittarius just a couple of degrees shy of the Galactic Center which is the center of our universe. This eclipse portal is preparing us for the Grand Conjunction & Winter Solstice on the 21st where Saturn and Jupiter align zero degree Aquarius thus marking the beginning of the Age of Aquarius & the New Earth. Total Eclipses are a reset point of manifestation & creation bringing fat...ed new beginnings & fresh starts. As it falls in the sign of Sagittarius, an expansive sign, it brings with it an opportunity for spiritual growth, expansion & abundance. These gifts will be enhanced as a few days later Saturn (planet of karma) will finally leave its home planet of Capricorn & move into Aquarius. At the same time, Mother Earth has been shifting & ascending. The Schuman resonance of our planet has been steadily climbing and it is moving into higher dimensions. As the earth shifts so must we. Under this eclipse we will have the opportunity to shift with her into higher dimensional planes. It is always a choice & you can stay as you are or grow. The celestial realms are encouraging us to ascend and supporting us at the same time with their alignments. The universe is always in working for us & rooting for us. During this time, we may experience ascension symptoms such as headaches, dizziness, lethargy, increased appetite, heart palpitations, anxiety, ringing in the ears, body aches of all of kinds etc. There is nothing wrong with you. You are growing, expanding & shifting. Allow, rest, recalibrate & if the symptoms are too much for you, simply ask them turn the volume down. They listen. I will be holding a couple of special events on this day to help you harness these energies, sit in ceremony and anchor these frequencies within you. It’s a powerful day for rituals and being in deep meditation. Solar Eclipse Activation Workshop @kundaliniyogabythesea Mon 6:00 7:15 pm Celesital Solar Eclipse Sound Healing Journey A virtual ceremonial journey though sound Mon 8:00 - 9:30 pm Both in my stories for your ease. All my love

Anahata Holistic Healing 11.12.2020

To all the healers, teachers, light bringers, truth seekers, and awakened ones... You are in power now! As the earth moves into higher vibrational frequencies, more of us are becoming awakened to our true sense of who we are and why we were placed on this planet at this time. As we awaken to our multidimensional selves, more layers of memories of past incarnations, present mission and what the future holds will unfold for each of us. You are emissaries of the New Earth. If ...you are one of the keepers of the fifth dimensional frequencies, these words hold the vibratory key to unlock your remembering. Your vibration is creating openings on this planet in ways we never knew was possible. Your intentions, your words, your thoughts are creating new realities in every now moment and shifting the course of humanity to a higher timeline. Your courage is needed, your magic is essential, your pure love for all things divine including all of humanity, animals, and Mother Earth is the key. Your DNA has the blue print and mission of the greater cosmos embedded within it. You are a miracle here on earth. The more you open up and embrace all aspects of you, the more you merge with the divine, the more you will have access to the experiences and wisdom you had gained in previous incarnations. Each time you clear and transform energies that keep you from knowing your own divinity and divine mission on this earth plane, you are helping create the New Earth and the paradise this planet can return to once again. Share these vibrations with everyone you meet. Feel the connection with your brothers and sisters in your heart space and continue to foster community, unity and oneness in any way you can. That is our first mission... Your time has come, and although the world events may not reflect this in this now moment, do not lose hope for all is in alliance with us and our collective goal of harmony and love on planet earth. Your time is NOW.

Anahata Holistic Healing 01.12.2020

ASCENSION GATEWAY OPENS // Today on 12/12 vast amounts of Crystalline Light will be poured into our energy fields and hearts activating our light bodies. This is the opening of the portal leading us into a powerful Solar Eclipse to manifest abundance in all forms and culminating into the Winter Solstice gateway to usher in the Age of the Aquarius. The number 12 is an ascension code. It is a number of completion and wholeness connected to the merkabic field and an opportuni...ty to attain Crystalline or Christ Consciousness. Visualize yourself in your etheric Merkaba today traveling the realms and being showered by the photon lights, divine crystalline energies and angelic harmonic vibrations. Allow yourself to receive these ascension codes to purify, cleanse and release any stagnant or dense energies. Human consciousness has an immense opportunity to shift and ascend during this window. Stay in meditation. Stay in love. Stay in grace.

Anahata Holistic Healing 23.11.2020

Welcome to the Age of Aquarius beloved family! Solstice blessings to you all

Anahata Holistic Healing 20.11.2020

The most magnificent Celestial event of our lifetimes is upon us! We are shifting into the Aquarian Age with a rare multidimensional alignment that hasn't occurred in over 400 years and we are here to be a part of this Grand Conjunction! On 12/21/20 new light codes coming from the galactic core will shine on planet earth and when these powerful Central Sun rays reach the surface of the planet Earth on this day everything in this realm will be transformed. ... A rare Grand Conjunction between the planet of Karma (Saturn) and the planet of expansion (Jupiter) will meet at zero degrees in Aquarius and will mark the beginning of a new Epoch ushering much awaited change, ascension, and upgrades stewarding humanity into the Age of Aquarius. There will be an immense amount of light flooding the Planet on this day bringing pure light, love and happiness to all beings on earth. A time to dive deep, clear out old programming and create space for this light to embody and activate your inner light and DNA codes. I am holding space with a few high vibrational events to help you anchor these energies and create the highest timelines for yourself and humanity! Let us gather in ceremony to co-create heaven on earth and usher in our beloved New Earth and lay the crystalline grid for the 5th dimensional ascension for all of humanity. From this day forward more light will be showered onto the planet and all beings. This is the VICTORY of LIGHT we've called in! Monday 12/21 9:30 11:15 am Mass Global Meditation Initiative Rose Ave Life Guard Tower We will gather to anchor in light and meditate in unison will hundreds of thousands of other light workers around the world at the same time. This is a free event. Join if you are called! 6:00 7:15 pm Kundalini Yoga & Meditation Activating Inner Light @kundaliniyogabythesea 8:00 9:30 pm Winter Solstice Activation Soundbath We will gather virtually and sit in a circle of light joined by our hearts to welcome these new energies and anchor the higher timelines with intention setting ceremony, meditation and Reiki infused sacred sounds! All events in my stories for your reference and ease of signups.

Anahata Holistic Healing 02.11.2020

CANDLE OF HOPE// These times have been prophesized for centuries. Rest assured in the knowing that the creator has already taken this precious planet back into His loving embrace and we are now under the jurisdiction of the Central Sun. No matter the agendas, we have already laid the groundwork for greater consciousness and each day more light workers join to help others awaken to their true natures and finally face the truths of this world. Our light has become their greate...st fear and that is the vibration they operate on. Do not despair, do not fear and continue to shine your light and spread the truth. The sleepers will awaken in time. We chose to incarnate in this timeline to help shift humanity out of this slumber. Allow the hand of God to wield its magic. Stay vigilant, awake and aware. Do not become sad, worried or fearful of what you uncover or turn it off because it is too depressing or anxiety inducing. Instead of going into fear and hopeless, face the darkness but light a candle of hope in your heart knowing that miracles will soon manifest and the gifts of love, unity and harmony will be showered on us from the creator and our star families. December is a month of major shifts for all of humanity. A powerful Solar Eclipse on the 14th and a Grand Conjunction leading us into the Winter Solstice marks the portal for massive amounts of highly charged cosmic rays of light to flood the earth. This cosmic radiation carries with it consciousness codes of the fifth dimension and will stimulate a dimensional shift to raise Gaia's overall vibration. A great spontaneous healing of the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual bodies including all of our chakras will help humanity awaken in masses. May we all receive and activate our crystalline bodies to embody the highest frequencies of the New Earth.

Anahata Holistic Healing 29.10.2020

PORTAL OF TRANSFORMATION // This historic Lunar Eclipse happening in a historic year, helps us shed and release all that is no longer aligned and step into our powers! This portal marks the inception of a great spiritual awakening and shift in consciousness for all of humanity. Eclipses always create change where we are unwilling or too scared to move in the right direction of our destinies. The winds of change created by this lunation will help cleanse and restore balance w...here needed preparing us for the major events in December of a Total Solar Eclipse, Grand Conjunction and Winter Solstice - A full HOMECOMING to the LIGHT! This will be an illuminating time to bring new truths or revelations to the surface that can change how we view the world around us. While Eclipses can bring intensity, this is a very cleansing and restorative energy to create more harmony in our lives. The lunation of this Eclipse falls in the twin signs of Gemini, signifying both the human and the being that makes us human beings. Not just physical but the soul as well. It is also the energy of the Twin Flame love uniting into oneness of divine love helping us get closer to the fifth dimension bridge. Bask in the light of the full moon, allow it to cleanse and nourish your heart, soul and illuminate the truth of your being. If you would like to sit in ceremony to usher in these energies, join us TONIGHT for our signature Virtual Celestial Lunar Eclipse Sound Healing Journey. This will be a ceremonial event with astro talk, intention setting, a powerful meditation to manifest miracles and your ultimate destiny, sealed with a full hour of sacred sounds. Sunday Nov 29th 8:00 - 9:30 pm Create sacred space, carve out the time for yourself, bring a pen/paper, candle, and an open heart. This will be best experienced with headphones or high quality speakers. We look forward to sharing this journey under the same moon together wherever you may be in the world. You also have access to the recording for 72 hours after so you can watch live or at your leisure. Link in bio for your reference. Lunar Eclipse blessings to all! Artist unknown. Lmk if you do.

Anahata Holistic Healing 13.10.2020

Tonight is a powerful portal of transformation as we usher in a lunar eclipse. Join us for soothing sound bath and ceremony to shed and release all that is no longer aligned and step into our powers!

Anahata Holistic Healing 24.09.2020

Your energy creates everything in your life. Once you are in optimal state you can attract better experiences, people and situations. No matter what is going on in the world, take time multiple times a day to shift your focus back within, start to cultivate your precious energy and protect it. All that is going on in the world in this now moment is to distract you from your magic and potential. ... The news, politics, duality consciousness that is our current human exsitence is all set up to leave you fragmented and disconnected from the truth of your being. Redirect your attention back onto your life and work towards mastery of this gift you've been given. Remember your dreams, your hopes, the things and people who matter most to you and start to reconnect. They will become your life force. We are here to self actualize, to grow, to prosper, to love and to give. Stay focused. Once you've found your center, help others find theirs once again.

Anahata Holistic Healing 14.09.2020

ROOFTOP CELESTIAL SOUND HEALING JOURNEY // This Sunday afternoon, please join me, @taylorbarnes1, @kovacares and guest DJ @eda_arapaslan rooftop of @astro.gong.yoga for a beautiful afternoon of rooftop sound healing, meditation and dance! You’ve been asking for In Person community healing events and we just created the perfect, socially distanced, outdoor and safe way to connect once again. We will gather together for a 90 minute, high vibrational Celestial New Moon Sound ...Healing Journey to heal through sacred sounds, meditation and energy healing. You are then invited to stay for an additional hour of medicine dance music, with an incredible DJ, to move the energy and share your vibrations as the sun sets with your soul family, old friends and new friends. This final Super New Moon in Scorpio will be inching us closer to this new portal of high vibrational energy that will open up come December. We can plant seeds of peace, love and unity during this time. Let us join our hearts, forget our worries, and fears as we share our energies, connect in community. For this journey you will experience the magic and healing medicine of Alchemy Crystal & Tibetan Singing Bowls, Gongs, Didgeridoo and other rare instruments as we guide you in ancient meditations and breathwork to clear your vessel and allow new light codes to enter and recode you through sacred sounds, light and Reiki Energy Healing. We will seal the session with an hour of medicine dance music to move the energy and share time in community. THINGS TO ENHANCE YOUR JOURNEY: -Yoga Mat -Blankets -Pillows -Layers of clothing - Mask (you will be able to remove them once you are on your mat) Ticket link: https://clients.mindbodyonline.com/classic/ws Look forward to sharing this magical afternoon with all of you

Anahata Holistic Healing 05.09.2020

ASCENSION GATEWAY// 11/11 is an incredible Gateway of light and Divine connection directly with Source that allows us to manifest very quickly. When we are in alignment with our unique purpose; what we were put on the planet to do and share with others, we will be supported by the Universe in immeasurable ways. Being a master number, it not only teaches us how to master our life, but also teaches us to be a master manifestor. ... On the basic level, one represents Oneness. This is what the universe is trying to move us back into. The ultimate purpose of our being. Our true essence is that we are one with everything and everything is one with us. We are not separate from any living thing. 1 looks like a column or an antenna and acts as a conduit between the spiritual and physical world. 11 is two pillars or gateway as the masculine and feminine circuitry are linked in eternal connection. 11:11 is a mirror of number 11 reminding us to see the divinity that is within us in all and that everyone is a reflection of us. When we carry love that’s what we will see, when we carry anger or hate that’s what will be reflected back. And last but not least 11:11 adds to 4 which is the number of the heart chakra and love - the ultimate lesson of these times. Today, this Ascension Gateway is ushering in light codes to collapse polarized forces that divide us, stewarding in the New Earth and Unity Consciousness. These codes will move us from 3rd dimension to the 5th and beyond. Think of all the ways we’ve been programmed to be divided; gender, race, religion, sexual preference, etc. Hold in your heart the love of all humanity. Know that everyone is a part of you and you are part of them. The time is now to dissolve the barriers of sex, race, gender preferences, religion and political divide. Don't depend on the politicians to do this for you. You are the Masters! We are all One and one with the Divine. Let us create UNITY, LOVE, PEACE and ONENESS on this New Earth together. Blessed 11/11 portal to all.

Anahata Holistic Healing 17.08.2020

A New Earth is being birthed. The message and the lesson is Unity Consciousness. It is now time to HEAL the divide. It doesn’t matter what politician you voted for, it is time to stop that distraction and focus on creating REAL CHANGE that matters to real people and not the political agendas and narratives we’ve been sold. It is dire that we stop the name calling of people who voted differently than us because that only perpetuates the divide. ... It is time to come together as one nation, one humanity, one heart and start tackling the issues that matters to ALL of us. Don’t believe the politicians will do this for you. It is UP TO YOU! WE ARE THE SAVIORS. I believe we can all agree and come together on certain fundamental things that we need as human beings to thrive and create our New Earth. Human Rights matter. Our basic freedoms of speech, to be sovereign, and to thrive needs to be protected. Mother Earth is our home and we need to cultivate infinitely more reverence and respect for her. Black lives not only matter but are SACRED. Let us honor that everyday and mirror that reverence. Child Trafficking is real and is a billon dollar industry just in the USA. Let’s end it. LGBQT rights matter and must be protected. Medical freedom is our right and should be defended. Animals are precious angels and we need to clear up our karma with them once and for all or we will keep finding ourselves in lockdowns. Everyone should have access to affordable medical care and we need to hold Pharma accountable for their rape of our health, wellbeing and pocketbook. We all have the right to create wealth and get ahead based on our efforts. It is also true that no matter how much effort we put into it some people do not have the same privileges. Let’s change that. No matter who sits in that White House let us come together, WOW today that we will fight TOGETHER for EACH OTHER. The New Earth and 5D ascension awaits us to take action NOW and to do it TOGETHER AS ONE.

Anahata Holistic Healing 29.07.2020

As we enter this week, remember to stay in your heart space and be kind to others. Everyone will be carrying an additional amount of anxiety, fears and their own truths. Hold space for others that are having a hard time. ... Be generous with your time, patience and love. Forgive quickly if someone is acting out of character and offer your kindness. No matter how divided we may feel, we are in this together. Remember that in the end we all want the same things. Peace, love, unity and harmony. Beam love from your heart and third eye and ask the universe to fill the heart of our leaders with love for our humanity, our consciousness, mother earth and to protect us all. Let us remember that the one who created us is not going to desert us. We are not alone. Accept and surrender the outcomes gracefully and focus on unity, peace and love. Be the example of the world you want to live in. Wrapping you all in a blanket of love today and the rest of the week.

Anahata Holistic Healing 26.07.2020

ONCE UPON A BLUE MOON // The Blue Full Moon portal is a gateway to New Earth we are co-creating together. This is a gateway month and a power month indeed! So much of the old structures and our old selves have to crumble before we can usher in the new. ... It's a time of transitions, honoring cycles of death and rebirth and celebrating the gift of life. Let us join our hearts during this important gateway and co create heaven on earth for ourselves and future generations to come. At this time the veil between dimensions are thin and we have an incredible opportunity to connect to higher realms, our guides, loved ones on the other side, our ancestors as well as our future selves. Tonight, honing in on the blueprints of highest potential on this portal, join us for a virtual ceremonial journey where we will anchor your wishes with intention setting ceremony, a beautiful meditation followed by high vibrational sound frequencies to seal in your hopes and wishes. Friday October 30th 8:00 - 9:30 pm Ticket link in bio and stories. You can join live or watch at your convenience for up to 72 hours after the event. We look forward to sitting in circle with you beautiful souls.

Anahata Holistic Healing 06.07.2020

Who else is feeling anxiety this week? I definitely have been feeling the collective in my heart space. The fear of the unknown is crippling and drains our energy field. Today let’s make a commitment together to surrender and have faith in the divine plan. ... Cultivate a knowing in your heart that the one who created us will not desert us. We are loved beyond measure and everything we experience, all created realities are grace and for our highest good. Breathe in 10 seconds... Hold the breath for 10 seconds .... Breathe out for 10 seconds... Continue for 11 minutes. Work up to 20 seconds for each segment and observe your mind shift back to neutrality, your energy shift and your trust restored. Wrapping you all in a blanket of love.

Anahata Holistic Healing 01.07.2020

As the veil between dimensions grow thinner, more truths will be revealed. Duality consciousness and polarization will reach extremes. Stay centered. Stay in your heart space. Stay in love. As fear, hate and division play out on the world stage, connect to the knowing that only love is real. In situations of conflict and division pour love and watch it dissolve back to the truth. Love is the key. Love is the medicine. See the divine in all! That is the only way to ascension. ~ Channeled message from Archangel Chamuel

Anahata Holistic Healing 15.06.2020

SUPER NEW MOON & ARCUTURUS GATEWAY // Join us virtually for an intimate evening on the Super New Moon in Libra to bring balance, peace and harmony into our collective and in our own personal lives with a relaxing and healing soundbath. Libra encourages us to connect to energies of balance, fairness, neutrality and justice. Energies that are so needed in this time and space. With Mars and Mercury in retrograde until election day, it is imperative that we embody and project har...monious vibrations onto the globe. This Super New Moon is an amplifier so whatever energies we are carrying we will be amplified. We can use this portal to get centered, clear and clean so that we can amplify the highest vibrations. As always the cosmos will be aiding us in expanding our consciousness and be able to hold space for more love and unity in our hearts. At the same time as the New Moon, our Sun makes its annual alignment with one of the brightest stars in the night sky, Arcturus. Honing in on the blueprints of highest potential on this portal, this will be a ceremonial journey where we will anchor your wishes with a beautiful meditation connecting to the Arcturian energies, intention setting ceremony, followed by high vibrational sound frequencies to seal in your hopes and wishes. If you feel called to sit in circle with us link to sign up in my bio. All my love, Shehera

Anahata Holistic Healing 05.06.2020

AUTUMN EQUINOX // Tonight we celebrate and tune in to the powerful portal of Autumn Equinox. More important than any New or Full Moon, today is a day where we can literally rewrite our destinies! As the portal opens, it ushers in very powerful and transformative light codes for Quantum Alignment. A potent time to balance our collective shadows, the lightness of our consciousness and the feminine- masculine embodiment within each of us. As we navigate the landscape of collect...ive chaotic change, we have an opportunity to personally balance the scales of justice, harmony, love, unity and peace within. As more of us work towards these ideals, we can mirror them back to the collective consciousness. We can clear so much on this day! We are being encouraged to balance the forces of duality and polarity and generate even more light from within to see us through the winter months ahead. Equinox is a beautiful time to let go and permanently release the past, reset and give birth to something new! As one cycle ends, we can celebrate the beginning of a new season, taking harvest of all that we've sown and extending gratitude to multiply our blessings in the coming months. If you are called to sit in circle with us, please join us virtually tonight for an intimate evening on the Autumn Equinox to bring balance, peace and harmony into our collective and in our own personal lives with a relaxing and healing meditation, breathwork and soundbath trifecta. THINGS TO ENHANCE YOUR JOURNEY: Create sacred space for yourself and carve out this time for you (perhaps light some candles, incense...) Headphones (quality of sound is best with headphones or if you have good speakers... computer speakers are not ideal for highest quality sound output) Paper and pen/pencil to write out your intentions Blanket Pillows Sacred Items to Charge with Sound Current (picture, crystal, mala, etc...) BY DONATION: Suggested donation is $25, however if you cannot afford that feel free to pay what you can comfortably afford while supporting us at the same time. Link to sign up: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/virtual-celestial-fall-equinox

Anahata Holistic Healing 31.05.2020

CRYSTALLINE CONSCIOUSNESS // In a world that is rapidly changing, amidst the chaos we have many tools to stay grounded, connected, & calm. My personal practice of achieving these higher states of being when the world around me is in disarray is to dive deeper in my personal practices of creating peace within. Meditation, music, sound healing & working with crystals are top of my list of things that bring me not only peace but also elevated states of consciousness. I can think... more clearly, my intuition becomes more enhanced & I am guided by my own GPS as opposed to being led. Crystals in particular have played a huge role in my awakening. They are the key to retrieving information from the Universal Mind. All of Earth’s Living Library which is our complete story is actually stored in large crystal plates, rather than books & we have the ability to access this information. The crystal grid of the Earth is constantly receiving activations & upgrading. As it upgrades with certain Light Codes, we can receive these same upgrades by tuning into them. The Crystal Children incarnated in this timeline have a direct connection in their DNA to communicate through this grid. However, no matter when we came on this planet, all who live during this Great Awakening & Shift have the capacity to open to this type of consciousness. A stone I’ve been working with a lot more recently is Amethyst. Amethyst is easily available & accessible to all, It is said to be the bridge that connects the concrete with the Divine. It is an antidote to a cloudy, foggy mind, associated with clarity, contemplation & sense of control over life as it works directly on the third eye & crown chakra. The purple & violet hues of this gemstone enhance connection to spirit, nobility, unconditional love, compassion & humanitarianism while removing negativity & obstacles. Additionally, this powerful gemstone can help reduce EMF, stress, insomnia, balance metabolism, open up intuition, bring a sense of calm & clarity to our chaotic world. I love this stone because it helps me feel comforted, grounded & yet truly uplifted & connected to the celestial realms.

Anahata Holistic Healing 13.05.2020

There are hidden worlds between worlds where precious remnants of the Motherland, Mu, remains. The place where humanity had its inception and where we had have had lifetimes, as high priests and priestesses, shapeshifters, mermaids, dragons, creatures of the sea, air and of the earth. These relics of the lost lands send out their energies to the world, and we receive them in the moments when we meditate or dream of our other lives, when we remember, fleetingly, who we once we...re, and when we discover we, too, have abilities to heal, to hear, to sense and to communicate deeply with the natural world. Take a moment and give thanks to the earth, to soften into the world, to notice plants and their languages, the birds and their song, the intertwining of all that is, and know that you are part of the beauty that is all around you. Reconnect and recommit to your own reclaiming of power -- allow the sense to extend and to feel the world in a deeper, more intuitive way. The lost books of Lemuria are written in your DNA, and when you recall, even for a moment, all that you are, its energy is reactivated in this world today. No longer as memory, but as true, enduring abilities that, once remembered, can be reclaimed and reactivated, in gentle, inspiring ways.

Anahata Holistic Healing 04.05.2020

CHANGE YOUR CONSCIOUSNESS... change your reality! A few weeks ago, I had the incredible fortune and blessing to have a life changing experience with a quantum morphogenic technology that holds promise to heal the body of all dis-eases, psychological disorders, energetic blocks and reinstate full vitality, life force and expand consciousness and intuition! As we navigate these times where psychological operations are using viral, scalar and mind control technologies to gain... control over the world population it is more important than ever to work on your consciousness to see the truth and be guided beyond the matrix. If we tune in, we have infinite tools available to us such as meditation, your breath, yoga (kundalini yoga specifically), nature, dream work, and now Rasha Technology. The RASHA was created by Dr. Jere Rivera-Dugenio, Ph.D. and combines the brilliant technologies of Nikola Tesla, Antoine Priorie' and Dr. Royal Rife into one integrative quantum self-healthcare system. The RASHA Scalar-Plasma-Crystalline Sound Harmoniser is a true scalar plasma energy device using light and sound frequencies with the most advanced frequency generating software that protects, enhances and harmonizes the autonomic nervous system by relieving stressors, transmuting negative habitual patterns, supporting relaxation, cellular detoxification and healing from electrosmog and geopathic stress. Last but not least the Rasha Technology helps to recalibrate your consciousness back to its original eternal life energy using the base 12 Lotus codes and not the finite energy source of the 3D matrix which is the death star by activating your 12 DNA strand potential. Everything on this planet is set up to eventually die including us however, by connecting to the infinite life codes we can extend life, health, and expand our consciousness beyond the potential we have been made to believe. What an incredible breakthrough in consciousness expansion. Be sure to follow RASHA Techonology on Instagram for upcoming workshops, events and meditations to clear shadow body, embody higher frequencies and move into infinite life giving potential and consciousness.

Anahata Holistic Healing 15.04.2020

THE CONNECTION NETWORK // Much like the complex and sophisticated network of trees that communicate with one another by sending chemical, hormonal and electrical signals including pheromones and other scents through the air to one another, we too have the capacity to connect beyond time and space to each other. Though we may be apart, we are always deeply rooted and connected to one another through our hearts and souls. Distance and space is part of the 3D illusory matrix. ... Understanding nature is the first step in understanding our own true natures. We have a natural network built in, connecting us to everything and everyone including Mama Earth. Today take time to ethereally connect to those you love and miss through your heart space. Visualize the deeply woven ethereal bonds that connect us all and travel through the ethers to their hearts. At the same time, take a moment to send love, gratitude and strength to our beloved Mother Earth and the beautiful trees that are being systematically sacrificed once again due to corruption and manipulation of our eco-systems by lobbyist, industrial giants and exploiters. The trees are our beloved brothers and sisters that are going up in flames without so much of a thought from most of us but as they burn they are taking a part of us with them. Our memories of our distant pasts are deeply embedded within these tree networks. They are here to help us remember our truths and protect us. Most people Lemuria was lost without a trace but the trees are the ones who survived the catclysmic events that occurred 12,000 years ago and have remained on the pacific coast for our benefit. They possess Devic Intelligence for us to consciously access for our evolution and have stayed here for our protection. Stewardship of land and animals are evolutionary initiations towards ascension to the 5th Dimension. Let us connect collectively beyond the divisions and polarizations that are so rampant right now and remember our roots, connections to one another and Mother Earth.

Anahata Holistic Healing 09.04.2020

Most of us at some point in our lives have felt unsafe to speak our truths. In our early years, we may have been scolded by parents or teachers for speaking the naive innocence of our perceptions & inner knowings. Albeit well-meaning, our parents, teachers & society at large have all been shaped to follow a certain narrative & perspective of the world we live in. They too were victims of censorship of their intuition & deep held wisdom which they freely surrendered to the sy...stem. This is the process of INDOCTRINATION & it is vital that we begin to think critically & speak our truths even if it is uncomfortable. Pain, discomfort & even diseases are natural effects of living a life in the shadows. We may not have had much choice as children but as adults we are no longer victims & can choose how we would like to assert ourselves, leave our footprints & live out our divine missions while serving humanity. We are all sovereign human beings with infinite innate wisdom. Seek beyond the popular stories, your own previously held values or beliefs & be open to other possibilities. Share them without any hopes of convincing others because these ideologies are so deeply embedded in most of us that often there is too much cognitive dissonance to see anything else besides the indoctrinated held views. It is not your job to change anyone's mind. However, it is all of our duties to speak the truth at all times, even if our voice shakes or we fear losing friends, followers etc. We plant the seeds & become Wayshowers with our voices which will allow others the freedom to seek & see the truths when ready. The heavens and planets broadcast their life force constantly for our ascension & realizing our full potential. Know that there are forces holding back the access to these planets, stargates & portals so we stay compliant, acquiescent & blind to our own divination. The divine floods of light flow through us when we accept the ultimate truth that we are part of the creator therefore the creator in motion. We lack nothing & have infinite potential waiting to be tapped into. While that may seem dangerous to the governing few, it is your absolute birthright!

Anahata Holistic Healing 26.03.2020

Playing sacred frequencies for Mt. Shasta and singing songs of remembrance echoing through the mountains. Grateful for this special connection and co-created moment with the magical beings of this special place.

Anahata Holistic Healing 11.03.2020

CREATIVE NEW MOON// Tonight will be a powerful portal right at the exact time of the New Moon to gather together, set intentions in ceremony, meditate and connect to sacred sounds to repair and activate our DNAs and human vessels. This is a hopeful new moon, encouraging us to really tap into our own inner sun during the dark of the night and shine our light from within and have hope that the sun will always rise again no matter how dark the night might be. Leo is very bri...ght, optimistic, cheerful and full of energy. Literally a ball of sunshine! You’ve met people that carry that kind of energy right? Now you have an opportunity to tap into that kind of energy yourself. We are still in the Lion's Gate portal and we just had the second of three activations yesterday on 8/17 with 8/26 being the last door activating our bodies, our hearts and our DNAs we have the potential to co- create whatever future it is that we are dreaming of. The stargates are open and streaming their light codes and helping us remember our Lemurian, Atlantean or Stargate pasts. Invoking the knowing that we are powerful beyond measure, fearless spiritual warriors and we have lived and survived through galactic wars and darker times. These strenghts and truths are within you waiting to be untapped. If there are things that you need to get done, projects you need started, if you need extra attention at work on your platform this is the time to really put yourself out there as you will be supported by the cosmos. In the same token, as the energy is super high we can give way to anger, frustrations, temper flares and so it's also a perfect portal to release what stands in our way to our greatness. Let us heal and plant seeds of love, peace, health, harmony and abundance for ourselves and the collective. If you feel called join us for our Celestial New Moon Sound Healing for a ceremonial Soundbath setting intentions, DNA activation and healing through sacred sounds. Tuesday 8/18 7:00 - 8:30 pm Link for tickets in bio. We look forward to sharing this evening with all of you New Moon blessings to all

Anahata Holistic Healing 08.03.2020

REMEMBERING // Inter-universal lifeforms are able to move between realms, dimensions, galaxies and time itself. They are connected to a great source of creation energy and are often benevolent and healing. They remind us of our untapped potential and the mysteries of the hidden worlds that lie within our own cells and DNA. The mysteries of our soul and awareness. Once, there were temples of healing, where we would return, again and again for regular and subtle reweaving of ...the energy within our system. Light, color, sound and pure vibration were our medicines. This is energy is returning to you, revealed through a glimpse into the dimensional worlds where this healing still takes place. Know that you are re-membering in your dream state and intuition. Intend daily to re-member and re-activate your dormant DNA and potential. Ask for guidance and be taken to the healing temples in your meditations and dreams. They are waiting with open arms to help us realize our full light to find peace, love and full awareness of our true essence. Reconnect and recommit to your own reclaiming or power and allow your senses to extend and feel the world between worlds in a deeper more intuitive way. Light and sound are your guides and the medicine of the future. Tune in daily and allow yourself to be transcended.

Anahata Holistic Healing 29.02.2020

MESSAGES FROM THE MOUNTAIN & BEYOND// Humbly I sat at its feet, with eyes closed, I saw her magic & benevolence. Within its arms we were held, & deep in its core we journeyed surrounded by loving light beings. ... She whispered & they echoed; Welcome home dear ones. We’ve been waiting for you. You are here to remember. You are a spark of the Divine & you are infinite. Your soul has angelic origins & you are made of the stars. This is the intersection of Heaven & Earth where your Earthly body can be upgraded to its full Galactic potential with the missing DNA codes that were taken away from you as human consciousness lowered. As more and more of you are waking up, remembering your true natures, Divine Blue Print that is more aligned with Mother Earth’s, we here in her womb are celebrating your rebirth. You see, human beings had fallen to such a low level of consciousness that it was not possible for them to function with all strands of DNA without misuse of power & energy. As you each open yourselves up to the vibration of unconditional love & higher consciousness your former faculties & gifts will be gradually reactivated. You chose this lifetime & journey. You are incarnated to be the light, to transmute darkness & to alchemize fear. In order for the New Earth to be experienced now, we need the majority of humans to be vibrating at the Fifth Dimensional frequency of love, compassion & willingness to live as Divine Beings. Carry the light of the mountain with you in your heart & ignite this light within the hearts of all others. There is still much healing to be done for the collective to reach this level of consciousness. Duality consciousness must be released & your emotional, mental bodies must be cleared of all negativity. Otherwise you would not be able to stay in our vibrations & hold these higher frequencies for too long. A better world starts with you. We simply mirror back your level of consciousness. The New Earth already exists & it is waiting for you to embody its energies. We are with you always & you are loved unconditionally. Your simple intention to connect & upgrade is all that is needed. And so it begins...

Anahata Holistic Healing 24.02.2020

COSMIC ALIGNMENT // The Lions Gate is a time of increased cosmic energy flowing between the physical and spiritual realms. This gateway is marked by an alignment between the Earth and the star Sirius. As the star Sirius rises in the sky, Orions Belt directly aligns with the Pyramid of Giza, and from our perspective on Earth, it appears that Sirius is closest to Earth. ... When this alignment happens, there is an intense surge of light which awakens DNA, activates the human energy field, and transmits high vibrational frequencies and codes of awakening and abundance. The spirit world is In essence speaking through light codes, sending star medicine and harmonious frequencies. Tune in to your heart today, listen and embody these gifts. Infinite potentials and possibilities are available to upgrade humanity and create a sacred circle that bonds us all with each other and the star nations. Infinite blessings to all on this sacred day.

Anahata Holistic Healing 12.02.2020

Miracle Mantras I am connected to source. I am here. I am here. I am present. ... I am safe. I am sacred. I am divine. I am powerful. I feel the energy of peace in my body. I feel ease and grace in every area of my life. I am light. I am love. I am connected to nature. I trust myself. I trust the divine flow. I trust I am guided by a higher power. See more

Anahata Holistic Healing 05.02.2020

AWAKENING CODES// Today is the Galactic New Year where we welcome a new phase and energetic transition into higher realms and receive light codes for a new cycle of creation. Based on the Mayan 13 month calendar and 28 day lunar cycle which represent the feminine aspects of creation, we celebrate the divine feminine rising that is more in tune with Mother Earth's original blue print. Last year we begun a 13 year cycle called the White Wizard and the beginning of the Great B...attle. The old paradigms are struggling for air and slowly crumbling. The veils are being lifted and the truths revealed. Their weapon of choice has been to keep mass consciousness at the a level of fear, anger and drama so we do not move upward in the cycle of evolution. In this phase, we as embodied consicous Warriors of Light, we are being urged to understand that we are capable of manifesting a multi-dimensional rainbow bridge to the Golden Age and New Earth. The White Wizard is about self mastery and understanding that we are super human magical creators. As this grand story unfolds, remain empowered and dignified in knowing your sovereignty and unified consciousness with source. As we approach 8/8 Lion's Gate Portal, time will speed up and instant manifestation will be accessible to you. Crowned by the Benevolent Source of Life and 2020 vision, let us call in happiness, peace, health, wealth and freedom for all beings. Whatever spiritual practices you may have, dive deep and use your magic. Today make a commitment to be a conscious instrument for TRUTH, FREEDOM and LOVE. Warriors of Light ... This is your call to AWAKEN and RISE UP!

Anahata Holistic Healing 20.01.2020

We all have a spiritual immune system that is our guide and intuition to this 3D matrix we are living in, that alerts us to the illusions and the veils around us. Do not get DISTRACTED especially from yourself. Tuning in daily is SACRED work. Deep within we KNOW when something is not right, what we hear may be false, what we see is may not be the whole truth... We feel these things deep in our bones, in our hearts and it sends alarm signals within our whole system but we of...ten don't know what to do about it so we keep searching for the truth in the news, digging through marginalized information, reading books etc... this is simply the start of awakening. Detach from the matrix... and change the channel. TUNE IN. Know that we are in a space where timelines are merging and shifting more rapidly than ever, truths are being unveiled we never imagined and even history is being rewritten in front of our eyes. There is so much misuse of energy, power, resources, and corruption on the rise. But you've been here before... You've lived millions of lifetimes, you've seen history through many eyes, you've lived through harder times, you've fought many wars, and you've also lived in the Land of Mu, the Motherland, where love reigned, unity and brotherhood were supreme. You were Masters of Energy, Alchemists, Healers, Light Bringers, Conscious Scientists, and Earth Medicine Doctors. You want to change the world? GO WITHIN... You already have the SACRED MEDICINE to heal the world. Follow your heart's inner guidance instead... it knows the way. It is not up to them... It is up to YOU. When we wake up to our powers, stop the distractions, do the inner work to awaken to our sovereignty and light, the world will shift on the positive axis once again. Increase your light quotient by whatever means possible. Increase your vibration back to LOVE. Release the VIRUS of FEAR and embrace your DIVINITY! We are the ones we've been waiting for!

Anahata Holistic Healing 08.01.2020

Join us tonight for a deeply healing New Moon Soundbath ceremony.

Anahata Holistic Healing 20.12.2019

CANCER NEW MOON // Have you been in a "mood" lately? Ever since Cancer season kicked off with the last Solar New Moon Eclipse in Cancer, most of us have been feeling all sorts of feels... Some intense as anger and rage, while others poured out as grief from deep buried places. Feelings we thought we've conquered resurfaced to push our button again and most of us have been feeling more exhausted or sleeping longer than usual from this emotional intensity. As tough as this cyc...le has been, it has no doubt brought much illumination and this second New Moon in Cancer is a gentle opportunity to wash it all with a loving wave of healing. We are being given a divine chance to name and claim our feelings this week and tap into our hearts wounds and injuries so we can forge ahead with more clarity and confidence. Cancer is the sign of home, family, and nurturing thus enabling us to either mend broken bonds or create safer and more supportive relationships and nests. But it always starts with the relationship we have with ourselves. How are we showing up for ourselves? Are we spending enough time in self care, self love, nurturing our hearts and souls? If not, start today and from a place of overflow you can then share with your loved ones. Tonight is a powerful time to plant the seeds of what we want to call in! Join us for a ceremonial Celestial Sound Healing Journey where we will anchor your heart's desires with a beautiful meditation, intention setting ceremony, followed by high vibrational sound frequencies to seal in your hopes and wishes during this portal. 7:00 PM PST/10:00 PM EST Replays will be available for 72 hours after so you can watch either live or at your leisure. We look forward to having you join us tonight so we can cocreate miracles together

Anahata Holistic Healing 15.12.2019

Join us today for New Moon Solar Eclipse Sound Healing Journey to integrate these powerful energies of the trifecta portal we are in. We are being blessed with ascension rays to heal trauma, clear karma and unleash the magic within us. This New Moon is an opportunity to call in the beautiful New Earth where peace, justice, equlity, love and oneness is our way of life. Let us connect, meditate, visualize and crystallize this new vision together as one family.

Anahata Holistic Healing 10.12.2019

Hello family. We’ve been without power all day and no internet. We regrettably are cancelling the event and will be refunding all tickets. New moon blessings to all and we look forward to being of service to you at our next event.

Anahata Holistic Healing 04.12.2019

HEART MEDICINE // This beautiful Full Moon in Leo is beckoning us to do that last bit house clearing deep in our heart space. Since before the new year we’ve been working on this theme and this month on so many levels we will be challenged to truly open the dungeon of the heart. Our hearts are the major magnetism and manifestation center we have and the degree that it is open will bring the same amount of happiness, prosperity and harmony in our lives. Also as the world ar...ound us seems to be in chaos, we are being called to rise beyond ourselves and help others that have no tools. An act that requires selflessness and compassion. Both are surrendering the small self to the higher self and god within. The more we heal the heart, the more we are able to let others in, feel one with all and connected to the whole. It is all done through the portal of the heart. So on this Leo Full Moon which rules the heart center dig deep and see what you need to heal in order to fully rise, fully open and let it all in. What blocks do you need to release? What pain and trauma do you need to dissolve into the light? For a deep heart healing session, join us tomorrow night Feb 8th @orayamovement for a powerful Celestial Sound Healing Journey or book a heart healing session with me one on one. And a big thank you to @tailored.art for creating this beautiful and powerful image of me. The lioness in me will cherish this image forever. This is my work this lifetime as a Leo. To continue to heal my heart, open it fully and let the Divine in. Link to tomorrow’s event in my bio. We look forward to sharing this magical full moon with all of you. See more

Anahata Holistic Healing 25.11.2019

LUNAR BEINGS // The moon is the emotional flow of energy, hormones and imagination. The energy of the moon is interactive within the micro & macro cosmos, our body & the universe. We recognize how lunar cycles interact with mother earth, ocean tides, plant and hair growth, animal rhythms and woman's hormonal cycle. Lunar energies also influence our emotional equilibrium. ‘Moon points’ are sensitive physical areas located on the human body and are sensitive to lunar energies.... A male has one moon point, under his chin. Hair grows on his moon point, absorbing solar energy and neutralizing the lunar effect. By nature, a male is primarily influenced by the solar energy. A woman has 11 moon points which affect her emotional state. Because a woman fluctuates it can be difficult for a man to understand her. Let us assume a man leaves the house in the morning. Everything is okay. However, when he returns home her energy has moved into a different moon point. He enters the house, his shoes are a little dirty and she reacts. Yesterday she would have spoken sweetly & today she is outraged. This fluctuating nature can be confusing to the man. There are 11 sites of the moon on a woman, through which the moon moves in a 28 day cycle, spending 2 1/2 days at each center. The sequence varies with each woman & it does not coincide with her menstrual or zodiacal moon cycle. It is different with each woman but the sequence remains constant in any individual woman except in the case of an emotional shock which can change it. It can be predicted and known only by observation. A woman can always feel it if she just concentrates with sensitivity. A man can also learn her cycles with sensitive observation. In terms of sensitivity the most important is the hairlineand then the cheeks, where they are pink. Third is the lips, then the sun spot on the ear lobes, the back of the neck, breasts, belly button area (or the corresponding area on the spine), the inner thigh, eyebrows, clitoris & the membrane in the vagina. To understand a woman's emotional fluctuations, it is necessary to understand the moon center cycle, as her mood changes with her moon changes. ~ Yogi Bhajan See more

Anahata Holistic Healing 22.11.2019

UNCONDITIONAL LOVE ALCHEMY // I've been working with the medicine of Pink Aura Gold since the beginning of the year. I am so drawn to the sound, color and resonance of this magical creation that I've accumulated multiple bowls in different sizes and notes in this alchemy. It has to be one of my favorites at this time and for good reason. This particular alchemy is a a high-frequency LOVE alchemy resonating with the pure energy of MARY MAGDALENE. It is a companion of uncon...ditional and courageous love, and resonates the enacting of all activities from a heart-centered origin. The radiant healing love source vibration guides the heart to inspire the mind. A perfect medicine for the year 2020 which is all about strengthening and opening up the heart chakra to its full capacity. During this year which sets the tone for the next decade we have to understand through compassion and unconditional love or we will miss the times. If you feel called to work with this powerful Unconditional Love Alchemy bowl, DM me for details. See more

Anahata Holistic Healing 19.11.2019

This is one of those LIFE CHANGING questions to ponder when you face difficult situations. It’s changing the perspective from a drama or martyr mentality to one of a victorious SPIRITUAL WARRIOR. With anything we want to master, we go through a series of trials and tribulations. Successes and failures until we can feel we’ve arrived. We often look at the finished product of a person and wish we could be just like them but fail to recognize the journey that no doubt had twis...ts and turns as well as dead ends and restarts. When we shift the lens to this is prep course I signed up for in order to gain the skills to do this thing called life, we are no longer in victim hood mode and can look at ups and downs of life simply as the road we must travel to arrive at our destination. It’s shifting the focus from Why is this happening to ME? to WHY is this happening to me? ... what am I supposed to learn here and how is it going to serve my growth and ultimate purpose I signed up for? It’s a subtle shift in emphasis but the impact is HUGE.

Anahata Holistic Healing 15.11.2019

ECLIPSE OF THE HEART// With the emotional Cancer Lunar Eclipse, we can be certain there will be a whole lot of howling going on this week. Flow with whatever comes up as it is unleashing buried feelings, untapped emotions you've been holding onto. This is the bookend to the Solar Eclipse we just had which also illuminated the hearts. This is the final work and it will bring to the forefront areas of our lives that need to be healed and released once and for all. Eclipses oft...en bring closures in dramatic ways but they simply speed up time and bring the inevitable to the surface so we can meet our soul's destiny faster. Falling in the emotional and sensitive sign of Cancer which also rules over the heart, we must harness the more exalted aspects and lessons of this cardinal sign. Cancer is connected to home, family and is a sign of the nurturer but also mother and ultimately the divine mother. Our deep relationship with the divine mother and other feminine archetypes such as Isis, Mother Mary, Mary Magdalene, the High Priestess within (regardless of sex) and last but not least Mother Moon and Mother Earth will help us in our success this year. The main take away from this eclipse is to unlock the heart and deal through unconditional love and compassion no matter what comes up. One of the best ways we can do that is to understand what may have internalized through our mother or society about the concept of unconditional love. Healing this relationship and understanding the dynamics can help open our hearts such a great deal. Forgiving our mothers for who they are which is in essence human and then activating unconditional love of the supreme divine mother for soul success in all areas of our lives. During this portal it is helpful to use practices that cultivate the inner feminine and activate your intuition such as meditation, dream journaling, yoga nidra, soundbaths or anything that will align your nervous system to become quiet and hear the call from within. If you are feeling the big moon and would like to join us for our heart healing Sound journey come and let us heal together. Oraya Friday Jan 10th 8:00 -10:00 pm Tickets Link in bio

Anahata Holistic Healing 12.11.2019

Exactly!!! Just a few days in and already the frequency of this year is so much more powerful. May it be a year of so much growth, expansion, blessings and ease for us all.

Anahata Holistic Healing 03.11.2019

I'm not interested in being a "lover." I'm interested in only being love. ~ Ram Dass

Anahata Holistic Healing 20.10.2019

PORTAL OF LIGHT // As the year comes to an end we have two more opportunities to release any residue of the old and call in the new energies being poured on the crystalline grids of the planet. Both Winter Solstice and the upcoming Solar Eclipse hold a vast amount of transformative energies for us to uplevel and expand the power of our spirit while in human form. They are doorways for us to heal past emotional, spiritual and even ancestral wounds and further activate our dorm...ant crystalline DNA and energy centers. We are magnificent magical beings and these celestial events are the cosmic gifts for us to awaken our true nature. Winter Solstice is the equivalent of the solar New Year. The longest night of the year has been celebrated by many traditions as a sacred and rich time. In the past, it’s been a night to gather around the fire, practice spiritual ceremonies to call back the Sun. The solstice portal offers enormous amounts of photon waves of light and subtle intelligence to those who are open to receive it. These energies impact our ability to uplevel in the new year to follow and close the gaps that would otherwise keep us living in the past. This is a poignant time to stop and listen, to harmonize our energy and reassess our connection to our spirit and life’s purpose. It's a powerful time of re-birth and transformation to acknowledge our shadow, heal our wounds, release old thought patterns and align with our own inner light to illuminate our highest destiny. Join us this Friday night with our special guest Nick Young on the Sitar and other ethereal instruments for our Celestial Winter Solstice Sound Healing Journey. Nick is an amazing healing artist and fuses eastern traditional music with contemporary sensibilities to create a unique blend of music that is beautiful, mysterious, transporting and enchanting. We are so thrilled to create some magic with him during this powerful portal. This will be a beautiful night of sound meditation, community and creating magic together. We look forward to sharing it with you all. Kundalini Yoga by the Sea Friday Dec. 20th 8:00 - 9:30 pm Tickets on events page

Anahata Holistic Healing 18.10.2019

HEALING ANCESTRAL KARMA// Seeing unhealthy patterns in your family and ensuring those patterns end with you and are not passed down is an extremely brave and powerful decision. When we work to heal ourselves, we are doing a great service to the world as we are all connected but even more specifically healing our own ancestry. The new science of epigenetics now show that we are intricately connected to 14 generations. That is 32,766 ancestors that when you wake every morni...ng, stand up and cheer...Take a bow... They are cheering you on because your liberation is their liberation. I will be holding a powerful Ancestral Karma Healing class on Monday the 16th @kundaliniyogabythesea at 6 pm to clear karmic residue from your filed as we prepare to enter the new year. If you feel called to join, sign up directly on their website or on ClassPass. Let’s rise together See more

Anahata Holistic Healing 06.10.2019

CRYSTAL CLARITY MEDITATION // Full Moon blessings to you all. Tonight at exactly 9:12 pm pst and 12:12 est is the last Full Moon of the decade and it is going to be a powerful evening to clear out some old stories, release and rise before we enter Winter Solstice and the Eclipse season as well as the brand new year ahead. Each New and Full Moon cycle is an offering to upgrade if we can tune in to the lessons offered by the cosmos. This particular Full Moon is falling in the...Continue reading

Anahata Holistic Healing 25.09.2019

SOUND MEDICINE // There is so much dissonance in our collective field ... fear, shame, guilt, hate, anger pull us down in the lower vibrations and prevent the ascension that is on the horizon for us all. Through the frequency of love that is being sung by so many sound healers and light workers around the world we have a revolutionary tool for our evolution and ascension at this time. Listen to the songs being poured on the crystalline grids of the planet. ... Certain harmonics of sound can penetrate substance, move molecules and rearrange realities. A new dimension and a new earth await us through this medium. Sound is truly the medicine of the future. See more