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333 Tarot 06.04.2021

Did you Vote?? Real change starts with taking it to the polls. Receive 15% off any Tarot Reading, Dream Interpretation, Twin Flame Reading, or Crystal Reading. Use this coupon code at check out : VOTE2020 ... Visit to book your appointment. Link in bio! Offer expires at the end of November. #vote2020 #vote #2020 #change #makeithappen #ivoted #ivoted #tarot #coupon #couponing #clairvoyant #readings #healings #twinflames #crystals #dreaminterpretation #clairaudient #clairsentient #claircognizant #psychicreading #psychicreadings #psychicsofinstagram

333 Tarot 22.01.2021

DIVINE FEMININE The intensity of our cycles this month will be transformational, raising awareness to levels vibrational. Keep doing the work as you have seen fit, pushing forward, now is not the time to quit. For the blessings are coming forth to be claimed as such, the expansive variety as such. ... The ability for you to handle damage control between loved ones to burn, to aid and allow those blessings to be earned. Your own steadiness to be applauded too, when you handle yourself and others just like you. Being honest with yourself first and foremost, speak your truth and be a good host. To those in need, the ones that cannot quite do the deed. The ones that have trouble expressing, the ones that are always repressing. They are the ones that need help addressing. To offer and to serve, because you had a learning curve. When you help others you help yourself too. It’s all about that deeper intimacy boo. Within yourself, god source creation will do. #divinefeminine #divinefeminineenergy #femininity #oraclecards #moon #oracle #devi #deva #wisdom #kurma #tortoise #gaia #transformational #transformation #cycle #shedding #learning #curve #helpingothers #helpthoseinneed #observe #understand #masterplan #vibratehigherdaily #truth #reclaim #blessings #retrogradeseason #mercury #mars

333 Tarot 07.01.2021

DIVINE MASCULINE The Divine masculine within, is receiving the keys to begin, to unlock the worthiness of his time, it has nothing to do with gender, ... so please find, a way to rise above the societal norms, we are all god source creation in different forms. Karmic cycles ending, retrogrades that keep on bending, The scope of our reality, life making it known, extreme duality. What path do you walk upon to find your way? To yourself in your true nature to stay? The gifts this month are manifest ten fold when ready, just keep it it neutral and steady. The expansion lies within your own observation, the intimacy with yourself a consolation. To know and understand who you are, your worth, and mission, you set the bar. Make it to the end of the month, rest when you can, and just to be blunt, the energies at bay wish to confuse you all day. When you are in alignment of your truth, things will be easy to say. To state and be, in the same frequency of god source creation energy. #divinemasculine #divinemasculineenergy #masculinity #poetry #automaticwriting #channeledmessages #oraclecards #oracleoftheradiantsun #devi #deva #wisdom #brihaspati #retrogradeseason #lessons #karmic #patterns #closing #reality #change #perspective #selflove #intimacy #truth #neutrality #alignment #source #creation #mercuryretrograde #expansion #key

333 Tarot 03.01.2021

DIVINE CONSCIOUSNESS In the physical realm you have coped with much, But now you are at the helm, the cusp, the precipice of your own being, your higher self is who you are receiving. Are you making room, are you making way, for higher vibrational thinking and being today? You’ve attracted what you have sowed, it’s your old self that has to erode. ... To be purified and reset in a way that you will never regret. Be fearless in this path dear one. Spirit is guiding you to become, one with yourself, the shadow and it’s progression, Never to turn back with regression. A whole new person to be true, the way you engage with yourself, god sovereign, boo. For you are the micro within the macro. Raise your vibrations for others too. Gaia will thank you. #divineconsciousness #divinity #consciousness #poetry #automaticwriting #channeledmessages #tarot #nefertiri #deva #devi #wisdom #vishnu #precipice #recieve #higherself #integration #fearless #spirit #shadowwork #god #soverign #free #gaia #progression #vibratehigherdaily #dothework #pluto #direct #saturn #purify

333 Tarot 31.12.2020

DIVINE FEMININE The harvest moon has proved fruitful now, creative energy flowing to endow, You with your rightful pursuits, of how you want to be and what you want to do. Inspiration coming from your higher self of course! ... To review and revise, not just the way you live your life, but what the things you do, to make life fulfilling to you. To follow your inspiration like the strong currents of a river, all you have to do is dream a little bigger. Source aligned energy awaits you, in equilibrium, the confidence to push through. Who you are in this lifetime and what you were meant to do. Be mindful of your shortcomings as those seem to hold you back, pay attention to feelings of self worth and lack. Do the work around that because spirit always has your back. The world is your oyster and you are Venus reborn, hunting and gathering, do not mourn, for the limiting life you once lived. Step into your power now and forgive, Any and all past aspects of yourself that didn’t seem to fit, it’s the inner self critic that must quit. Step into the shoes you were meant to wear, all you need is a little self care. #divinefeminine #divinefeminineenergy #feminine #poetry #channeledmessaged #automaticwriting #oraclecards #moon #oracle #devi #deva #wisdom #nataraj #selfcare #practice #selflove #stepintoyourpower #forgive #creative #selfexpression #inspiration #letitflow #surrender #confidence #review #revise #power #change #growth #selfworth

333 Tarot 18.12.2020

DIVINE MASCULINE The wealth of abundance with you today, open your eyes and allow yourself to say, thank you in every which way. A tip of the iceberg let the blessings come through. You block your own wealth when you don’t see it too. Defense mechanisms keeping you in your old ways, surrender to the divine feminine energy at play. ... What you cannot move, you must be open to, allowing the ebb and flow to come into, you, your auric field and your space too. Spirit is attempting to align, but it is you who is trying to define, anything and everything with the logical mind. Let it go. It was not meant to be so. That which does not serve, is just but a learning curve. Put your lessons into action, it is but a small fraction, of the work you must do, to receive spirit aligned abundance too. Things are about to change for you. In more ways than one. In order for you to become, an unnameable one. #divinemasculine #masculinity #divinemasculineenergy #poetry #automaticwriting #channeledmessages #oraclecards #oracleoftheradiantsun #devi #deva #wisdom #mohinimurti #abundance #blessings #aligned #source #connection #alignment #truth #surrender #divinefeminine #learningcurve #release #fear #doubt #change #growth #progression #pluto #direct