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General Information

Locality: San Diego, California

Phone: +1 619-299-8560

Address: 6747 Friars Road 92108 San Diego, CA, US

Website: sdsharkdiving.com

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San Diego Shark Diving Expeditions 04.07.2021

We guarantee you will have an amazing and unforgettable experience on any of our expeditions. Don't take it from us... look at what previous clients have experience with us! #shark #sharkdiving #islands #waterexpedition #vacation #ocean #adventure

San Diego Shark Diving Expeditions 01.07.2021

Helping the little guy out! https://tinyurl.com/4r6y4bjj #sdsharkdiving #octopus #guadalupewhiteshark #guadalupewhite

San Diego Shark Diving Expeditions 15.06.2021

You will be diving with the main targets of Tiger & Great Hammerhead Sharks! Also, you’ll visit sites for Caribbean Reef Sharks, Nurse Sharks, Lemon Sharks, and possibly Bull Sharks! Contact us now for more information about our trips 619.791.5458 #shark #sharkdiving #bahamas #waterexpedition #vacation #ocean #adventure

San Diego Shark Diving Expeditions 28.05.2021

What's your opinion on MPAs? https://tinyurl.com/4rwcmanm #sdsharkdiving Guadalupeisland #guadalupeislandmexico #islaguadalupe #Guadalupewhiteshark #guadalupewhite

San Diego Shark Diving Expeditions 15.05.2021

#Guadalupeisland #guadalupeislandmexico #islaguadalupe #Guadalupewhiteshark

San Diego Shark Diving Expeditions 27.04.2021

Guadalupe Island provides some of the world's best great white sharks diving. Beautiful weather topside, warm & clear water, and a really interesting mix of both male and female sharks at different times of the season. Contact us now for more information about our trips 619.791.5458 #shark #sharkdiving #sharkconservation #greatwhiteshark #whiteshark #sandiego #adventure

San Diego Shark Diving Expeditions 07.04.2021

Seems like a common sense idea. What do you think? https://tinyurl.com/26j6k2wx #sdsharkdiving, #sharkdive, #sharks

San Diego Shark Diving Expeditions 01.04.2021

Yikes!! https://tinyurl.com/244vy6rj #sdsharkdiving #sharkdive #sharks

San Diego Shark Diving Expeditions 29.03.2021

Surfing sharks. Who'd guessed: https://tinyurl.com/etzze65w #sdsharkdiving #sharkdive #sharks

San Diego Shark Diving Expeditions 20.03.2021

This is a good thing: https://tinyurl.com/6m53raun #sdsharkdiving #sharkdive #sharks

San Diego Shark Diving Expeditions 10.03.2021

Here's your chance to take care of the ocean: https://tinyurl.com/jnx8bctu #sdsharkdiving #sharkdive #ocean

San Diego Shark Diving Expeditions 02.03.2021

Now that's a lot of diving! https://phys.org//2021-05-female-northern-elephant-hours-d #sdsharkdiving, #sharkdive #elephantseal #sharkbait

San Diego Shark Diving Expeditions 23.02.2021

Fading from the world-its always about the money! https://tinyurl.com/2b8jy27b #sdsharkdiving #sharkdive #vaqueta #seaofcortez

San Diego Shark Diving Expeditions 10.02.2021

The night shift at work: https://tinyurl.com/p73dv2gp

San Diego Shark Diving Expeditions 04.02.2021

Join us on this very special trip to what just might be the greatest gathering of feeding Whale Sharks on the planet! We have timed the trips to be at Isla Mujeres during the height of the Whale Shark season. In my 45 years of diving, I had never seen such a large number of Whale Sharks in one area. https://bit.ly/3sDCFH2 #islamujeres #whalesharks #sandiego #adventure #traveling

San Diego Shark Diving Expeditions 15.01.2021

We want to travel with you! Check out our website today to see all the amazing trips that we offer! Make 2021 your year! http://sdsharkdiving.com/ #travel #explore #adventures #mexico #sharkdiving

San Diego Shark Diving Expeditions 13.01.2021

Interesting findings; https://tinyurl.com/yrxtq785

San Diego Shark Diving Expeditions 10.01.2021

Sign up for our Socorro expedition! Nowhere else in the world boasts giant mantas that literally seek out interaction with divers and snorkellers. The behavior of these mantas exhibit is almost inexplicable. These gentle giants with wingspans up to 20 feet consistently approach divers for intimate eye-to-eye encounters. https://bit.ly/3jwvTyJ #mantas #expeditions #sandiego #adventure #sharkdiving

San Diego Shark Diving Expeditions 10.11.2020

More on fish farms: http://tinyurl.com/yb8kflpb

San Diego Shark Diving Expeditions 23.10.2020

More weird science: http://tinyurl.com/yby7gj6j

San Diego Shark Diving Expeditions 06.10.2020

Throw the keys away! http://tinyurl.com/ya449xso

San Diego Shark Diving Expeditions 02.10.2020

Now we know! http://tinyurl.com/y8cbdcvo

San Diego Shark Diving Expeditions 20.09.2020

That I didn't know: http://tinyurl.com/y9emtbbv

San Diego Shark Diving Expeditions 15.09.2020

In Nova Scotia? http://tinyurl.com/ybbkaeef

San Diego Shark Diving Expeditions 11.09.2020

More cool science: http://tinyurl.com/y9mu32vu

San Diego Shark Diving Expeditions 02.09.2020


San Diego Shark Diving Expeditions 30.08.2020

Congrats to Norbert Wu-I'm buying some of these when they go in sale July 26: http://tinyurl.com/y7k6ym52

San Diego Shark Diving Expeditions 24.08.2020


San Diego Shark Diving Expeditions 21.08.2020

Amazon delivers: http://tinyurl.com/yb4afzcp

San Diego Shark Diving Expeditions 14.08.2020

I know some divers who communicate this way!! http://tinyurl.com/y74ktncx

San Diego Shark Diving Expeditions 02.08.2020

Diving in the Mexican Caribbean might get more expensive: http://tinyurl.com/yaz5rfe6