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Locality: Santa Ynez, California

Phone: +1 805-688-7997

Address: 100 Via Juana Lane 93460 Santa Ynez, CA, US

Website: santaynezchumash.org/culture

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Samala Chumash Language 13.07.2021

sanaqipnas e a qsi It’s a beautiful day

Samala Chumash Language 03.12.2020

kaqnio ha mowouš - I like sweets

Samala Chumash Language 01.12.2020

suk' a pšipšel a 'aqš'utapinimu' - What are you cooking for dinner?

Samala Chumash Language 28.11.2020

kila kina'n nox a 'ima'm - Let's go to the living room

Samala Chumash Language 14.11.2020

kila kiyaxikum - Let's dance!

Samala Chumash Language 02.11.2020

I cook for my family - kšipšeliyew a kiskon

Samala Chumash Language 25.10.2020

ka šo ha patk i halloween!

Samala Chumash Language 21.10.2020

mexme'y - juncus Most important basketry material: baskets were used for cooking, storing water, gathering, storing valuables, along with many other uses. Chumash women are renowned for their basketry skills.

Samala Chumash Language 01.10.2020

tok (dogbane) This is used for cordage and is the most important to our people and used for many purposes: fishing lines, nets, sewing thread, ceremonial regalia, boat thatching and more.

Samala Chumash Language 20.09.2020

Making Moluš Salve (mugwort)

Samala Chumash Language 01.09.2020

Waštiq’oliq’ol (Wild Rose) Wild rose hips are ready to gather! Rose hips are full of Vitamin C and Bioflavonoids (essential for proper absorption of the immune boosting vitamin). You can eat the skin and flesh from a freshly picked rose hip, which has a sweet citrusy and almost cranberry taste. They can also be de-seeded and dried for tea and oils, fresh waštiq’oliq’ol can also be made into a delicious jelly or jam. Waštiq’oliq’ tea flushes the kidneys and urinary tract, reinforces digestion and relieves mild rheumatic pain. Waštiq’oliq’ol can also be strung for necklaces and earrings K’umuye (enjoy)

Samala Chumash Language 23.08.2020

Haku Kašho ha suken (hello, goodmorning) it is officially ‘ixpanš season (acorn). This is the first fall of acorns, remember to leave the first fall for the animals. Keep an eye out for second fall to gather. Stay tuned for more information on ‘ixpanš.

Samala Chumash Language 12.08.2020

Xutaš (coffeeberry) has a strong coffee taste and is very similar to espresso. It has a soft sweet flesh like a blueberry and has 2-3 medium sized seeds. Bark from this plant was brewed into a tea used as a laxative.

Samala Chumash Language 24.07.2020

Qayas (Elderberry) Don’t forget to gather your elderberry! Elderberry season is coming to an end. You can clip the bunch off and rinse, pat the berries dry. Dehydrating these berries allows you to store them and make jam or syrup at a later time. Things to make out of elderberry include jam,syrup, and tea.

Samala Chumash Language 14.06.2020

Rainbow Maria Solares said to never point at a rainbow, always use your elbow.

Samala Chumash Language 02.06.2020

California sage There are many different traditional uses of wewe'y, the most common use is to wet the sage in a stuk (wooden bowl), and is then used to cleanse the body and mind.