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Locality: Tustin, California

Website: www.lifelessonswithkathleen.com/freebies

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Kathleen Seals 05.07.2021

To be a success, all the most successful people will tell you that investing in yourself is the most important thing. That could look like... Joining a Mastermind... Taking an online course or program Hiring a coach Buying and reading a book/audiobook .... And a lot of other things Or All of the above... But the common denominator is you are trading your hard earned money and precious time for it. What things do you really respect in your life that are free? How about those that hurt your wallet/pocketbook a little... They stung? If the money was easy to throw away, so will the education be. If the thing was free, you'll treat it like something free. Remember this when you're looking for training or information. Instead of taking 150 intro level trainings just to binge on free info, spend your time wisely by learning and looking for the right voice to take you further... You'll never become an expert by dabbling.. You have to go deeper. You need to get to the juicier pieces in order to really learn and grow, but you'll never get there if you only eat the outside edges. So, find the right voice for you, someone who resonates and is in line with your values and go deeper with them, they have SO MUCH MORE to offer you than just their free stuff. You'll be glad you did. Then finally, you'll start attracting clients who will do the same with you, but until you do... You're just going to get the free sample people dabbling with you. Think about it. #selfknowledge #investinyou

Kathleen Seals 16.06.2021

Probably the first pictures EVER I haven't cared about how I looked or the angle.... I feel *so lucky* to still have both the people that decided to bless me with life with me today on my birthday. It has been SO long since we've all been together for my birthday (probably 21 years) and I can hardly believe we are here today, approaching my dad's 93rd birthday on my 39th and getting closer to William's 3rd.... Numbers are super huge for me, we always notice patterns. My dad always pointed out cool patterns with numbers and I've noticed such fascinating things since then. What a journey... What a life... How lucky we all are to be here to share it together. Love to you all!!! And thanks to my parents for having me and God for giving me my spirit and soul!

Kathleen Seals 11.06.2021

The 5 things your clients needs to know before they make a decision! Make sure they KNOW them, and you're able to help them.

Kathleen Seals 05.06.2021

Welp! It's 6 days into May, but better late than never!!! I'm so excited to have helped 13 people already with their sales goals and have 3 already enrolled in my program that launches later this month! It's going to be so transformational for their lives and all the clients they touch.... The motivation for this has been decades in the making, and I'm so happy that the timing is right to make things happen. If you want to check out our most recent webinar, it's on YouTube (link in bio), but you can also register for next Thursday's, where we can give you personal info that pertains to your business. Can't wait!!! If you know anyone who could benefit from enrolling an extra 1-2 people/month (or more) into their product or service, please share this with them! I guarantee they will get some really juicy nuggets that will change their future calls/interactions.

Kathleen Seals 20.05.2021

What are you sucking at today??? If you're not challenging yourself to get out of your comfort zone, you're not learning and growing. You're just coasting.... Wanna see something potentially crazy and definitely entertaining?? Come join me Thursday (link in bio) for my very first webinar... I'm doing something new. If learning communications and sales isn't for you, then come join me anyway to see me suck at something new and possibly learn a thing or two through the humor! Can't wait to see you there! Register today!

Kathleen Seals 18.05.2021

# to 2019 when I was able to take my 8 month old to Florida to the @johncmaxwell #imc (International Maxwell Certification) to learn from my mentors and the folks he was hearing while he was in the womb. He was so comfortable there, it's like he'd been there a thousand times. It's hard to believe my first one was in 2016 ... Experience and time sure adds up if you're not looking, doesn't it? Looking back, what do you have now experience in than you thought you did?

Kathleen Seals 25.01.2021

Purpose, Vision, & Goals.... this is a topic in the personal development space....it's kind of ** There are 5 common mistakes we make when setting goals that lead us to not succeed at bringing them to life. ( , - - ' 1 + & .)... One thing we do is we mistake our vision for our goal, which is typically outside the realm of our reality. We can DREAM the number - maybe it's the number of people you want to serve or the number of dollars you want to donate or earn... But is the number even in your realm of knowing, like... could you really imagine what it would be like? My husband was telling me recently about when he was 7 or 8 years old and he'd never even imagined $1,000. He didn't even know what $100 looked like... Until his father came home after a big sale at his Karate dojo, and put down $1,000 in cash down on a small table. My husband had NO IDEA what it was. He was shocked. Then his father put down another, and another.... That was the first day in his LIFE that he could see/feel/touch $1,000 let alone $3,000. Up until then, if he had a goal of making $3k, it wouldn't have happened, because he couldn't even imagine it. He could hear the words "a thousand dollars" but it just wasn't real - he couldn't grasp it in his mind. So, your vision can be something that is a tickle in your mind, something you have ABSOLUTELY no idea how it will come to pass, but something that keeps PULLING you to do things that are uncomfortable because it's BIGGER than you. But your goal needs to be something that you can actually visualize. And the truth is, $100 is on the way to $1000, so you can stop there first along the way! So, are you mistaking your Vision for your Goal? If so, try to set a smaller goal along the way to your vision. And, KEEP YOUR VISION HUGE! Make it BIG enough that it PULLS you every day! #beavisionary #mentorship #certifiedlifecoach See more

Kathleen Seals 08.01.2021

HAVE YOU EVER SET A GOAL, ONLY TO GIVE UP ON IT OR AMEND IT? We ALL have!! It's probably because you were making one of these 5 Common Mistakes when you were in the Goal SETTING process.... Light Up Your Life - Episode 2 Today we dive into: The 5 Common Mistakes People Make When Setting Goals The 6 Intellectual Faculties of Goal Setting and Goal Achieving The 7 Universal Laws of Goal Achievement So you can SUCCEED in setting goals that are DESTINED to be accomplished because of the LAWS God has created when He made the Universe. We can't wait to help you achieve your goals!!!

Kathleen Seals 22.12.2020

Naptime Nuggets of Wisdom on Wednesdays - had uploading issues yesterday, but we are BACK! Today, ENERGY LEAKS! What are they? ... How do they affect you? How can you get rid of them? This is straight from the Life on Fire Challenge! I am ONLY mentioning this challenge sooo often because it TRULY has been life-changing for my husband and myself and I don't want it to be a secret from anyone who wants some clarity in 2021, to make a change, to get out of confusion, turmoil and stress. If just ONE person benefits from me sharing about it this much, then that's one entire life that will be changed. And THAT'S what it's all about!

Kathleen Seals 15.12.2020

Do you know the LAWFUL process of goal setting and goal achieving? I mean it. Here are some laws you've heard of...... Gravity Motion Thermodynamics There are laws for things in this universe that whether you believe in them or not...are true, and you can't really win AGAINST them, you have to learn to work WITH them. Just like all the other laws, there are laws of goal setting and achieving and just like the others, they are not something you can debate about or get past, you just have to understand them and work WITH them. Join us on Friday (link in bio) for our next lesson in Light Up Your Life (and Business) to discover... What the laws are for goal setting & achieving and Just how you can manifest your goals and dreams by understanding them! We can't wait to help you reach your goals and dreams. Go to the in bio for more or join us at facebook.com/groups/lightupyourlifeandbusiness #goalsetting #goalsettingtips #lawsoftheuniverse See more

Kathleen Seals 26.11.2020

Consistency isn't what you think it is... We all know that consistency means showing up again and again, but what about the other meaning of consistency? Have you ever felt like the things you feel inside are not in alignment with what you're doing on the outside?... For years, I have been studying abundance. My mentors have taught on the topic of abundance...they teach that as many grains of sand as there are on a beach, there are galaxies in the universe. They teach that there are BILLIONS of people on this planet and that each person isn't just aligned with one other person to do business. So, why have I found myself aligned with those who... like Darth Vader... try to hold too many planets tightly in their hand, and end up losing that which they clung to so dearly...slipping through their fingers the tighter the grasp? When I realized consistency isn't just doing the same thing over and over (that's honestly repetition), but being consistent with actions and beliefs...that changed everything for me. I could shed the past, the alignments I thought were serving me, protecting me, creating a "framework" for me to live within. What is it that you're holding on to that isn't consistent with what's deep-seated inside of you, at your core? Is it a relationship? Maybe with an organization, or a mentor? Is it a behavior, or maybe a thing...that just isn't consistent with what your core values and beliefs are? GET RID OF THAT ENERGY LEAK! It's causing you more harm than good. When I was sharing this thought with @askdrmatt at an event - I can vividly remember him bringing his hands to his sternum, and stretching them out to both sides, as if he was ripping himself in half from the inside. That is *exactly* what it feels like. Let. It. Go. and get CONSISTENT and in ALIGNMENT with yourself to your CORE! It is how you will finally begin to live your true purpose. Right now there's a free challenge that is just getting started that can help you with clearing energy leaks like this and others and finding what is really your mission. Check the link in my bio - Life on Fire Challenge! Can't wait to see you on the inside!

Kathleen Seals 19.11.2020

Have you ever started something new and hit roadblock after roadblock? You are not alone! There's a reason why!... Here's a snippet of last Friday's first episode of Light Up Your Life with Kathleen & Jonathan Seals, a talk show designed to help solo/entrepreneurs on your journey to success (however you define it). Join us over in facebook.com/groups/lightupyourlifeandbusiness to see the full episode and to stay up to date on future topics and lessons that will help you grow yourself and your business and increase your influence and impact in the world. Can't wait to serve you more! facebook.com/groups/lightupyourlifeandbusiness