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General Information

Locality: Kelseyville, California

Address: 4550 Soda Bay Road 95451 Kelseyville, CA, US

Website: peaceplentyfarm.com

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Peace and Plenty Farm, CA 05.12.2020

I’m a klutz but at least it gave me the chance to see this intense color. . We’ve had a few people already bake with our saffron extract with great results. Available on our website (link in bio).

Peace and Plenty Farm, CA 27.11.2020

Received this batch of photos from @jen.valdies that she took while here for a month helping with saffron harvest and pre-harvest work. Love the tones and light. So cool seeing the farm and our life here thru another lens.

Peace and Plenty Farm, CA 14.11.2020

I’ve been wanting to do this for years!