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General Information

Locality: Los Angeles, California

Phone: +1 323-465-4663

Address: 1310 Vine St 90028 Los Angeles, CA, US

Website: www.paragoncleaners.com

Likes: 75


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Paragon Cleaners and Laundry 06.11.2020

Our first NATIONAL publication!!! Thank you Heather Speranza for all you love and support!

Paragon Cleaners and Laundry 28.10.2020

I wonder how this customer can put on these jeans? Different strokes for different folks I guess! LOL

Paragon Cleaners and Laundry 12.10.2020

and please LIKE our page!

Paragon Cleaners and Laundry 23.09.2020

We are finally on fb!