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New Community Mission Church 27.06.2021

Holy Communion today! First Sunday of every month! See you soon!

New Community Mission Church 25.06.2021

Sermon Wrap May 30, 2021 3-D Gospel Acts 3:11-26... The Gospel means good news. In it contains the good news of God’s love, but it also gives the sobering the news about our sin and how left alone it leads to our destruction. Bad news about sin. Greater news in Christ Jesus. That’s the gospel and here in Acts 3:11-26, Peter and the other apostles will share this Gospel to the Jewish people in 3-D. Deflect the Glory The Jews at this moment were amazed at the healing of the man lame since birth. He was walking and leaping and praising God. The people were crowding around them. And Peter tells them it was not in their own power the man was healed but by faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. Peter deflected the glory he would receive the people to God alone, and that’s what we should do when we receive praise from people in order for people to know God. All glory be to God. Declare the whole Gospel Peter, right away, told them they killed the author of life on the cross. They freed the Jewish criminal instead of the innocent Jesus. They killed God’s holy and righteous one. He gave the bad news. But he doesn’t leave them there, but tells them they acted out of ignorance just like Jesus said on the cross. Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do. Ignorance is not an excuse for sin as most of us know. Peter then gives them the good news. Repent! By repenting their sins would be blotted out, times of refreshing in the presence of the Lord would come, and the promise of Jesus’ return would be theirs. And when we repent the same blessings are ours. Sins forgiven and forgotten. Our soul is refreshed by God alone, and our eternal hope is Christ Jesus’ return to redeem all things. He will make all things new. Display His Love Peter not only tells them the Gospel in word, but with the healing of the lame man, he also shows the love of God in deeds. We are to do the same. It is a dual action. We must proclaim the Gospel of Jesus Christ from our Bible so people will believe. Faith comes from hearing of the Word. And God commands us to show love to one another so the world will know we are His disciples. It’s not one or the other. It’s both in Jesus’ name! Jesus lived the ultimate 3-D life. He always gave glory to the Father. He proclaimed the Good News. All of it. Sin is deadly, but there is life in Jesus Christ. And he displayed His love in Word and deeds! And He did it all the way to the cross and resurrection! Let us in the Spirit do the same! Amen! Questions 1. Which of the 3 areas do you want God to work in you more? 2. Who have you not told the Gospel to? Pray for that person and yourself.

New Community Mission Church 20.06.2021

If you’re looking for a church, we’d love for to join our family!

New Community Mission Church 10.06.2021

Sermon Wrap May 23, 2021 Just a Closer Walk Acts 3:1-10... One of the greatest reputations one can have in the Bible is this. That you walk with God. Only Noah and Enoch have that unique distinction, but God’s people are called to walk with God with all their heart and soul. Very much like the greatest commandment. A walk with God is a relationship with God. From Acts 3:10 we get a glimpse of what that walk looks like. Here’s three points. First we walk with God together. Peter and John were disciples of Jesus. Each had their own personalities, strengths, and weaknesses. Here they went to temple together. Together they minister to the lame man. We also remember Jesus sent His disciples out by two’s. From this we are reminded that we are to be the church together and not separately. No man is an island as they say. There is strength in union. Let’s gather together as the church to love, serve, and support one another. Secondly, we can learn from the lame man. We have much in common. The lame man was lame from birth. Helpless. Daily he would be at the gates of the temple. Not in the temple. All he could do was ask for money. Like him, we were helpless in our sins. We actually were born into sin as David said in Psalm 51:5. All we do is daily live our lives dead in our sins and all we do is seek and ask for things that will not save us from God’s judgment. That is why we need a Savior. Peter tells him he has no gold or silver, but what he does have is the power of Jesus Christ of Nazareth. The lame man is healed and restored. If we see ourselves in this light, we can never think of ourselves more highly than we ought. We are no better than anyone else. All have sinned and in need of salvation through Christ alone. And thirdly we are to walk and leap and praise God for all He’s done. The lame man after being healed immediately went into the temple and leaped for joy praising God and the regulars of the temple recognized him and were filled with wonder. They saw the miraculous change in him through Christ. We are to be like that. When Christ changes us, those around us may see the difference God makes in our lives and therefore gives us opportunity to witness to them. Invite them to House Church and let see the love of God in action. Let them see a new life even in the midst of pain and suffering. We don’t have the resources to save the world. Only Jesus Christ. And we have Jesus Christ to give away. Let’s do that every chance we get! Questions 1. Is there leaping for joy in your walk with God? What can help you remember to live with more joy? 2. Who can we pray for that you may invite to House Church this year?

New Community Mission Church 29.05.2021

Sermon Wrap May 16, 2021 CSI San Mateo Acts 2:41-47... If you’ve ever watched the original show CSI:Crime Scene Investigation, you know it’s about a team of forensic detectives who study the crime scene and through investigation they solve the case in one hour! From that idea, I want to do a short CSI of our own. Not a crime scene, but a church scene investigation. The case is this? How did the church begin and how did it spread like it did? Let me give you one scholar’s view after research. Elaine Pagels The Harrington Spear Paine Foundation Professor of Religion Princeton University Most people who study the origins of Christianity are curious about how this unlikely movement would have succeeded in such a powerful and dramatic way. And it's not an easy question to answer, why this movement succeeded when others did not. One thing that I always think about is that the gods of the ancient world, if you look at them, their images, if you read about them in the Iliad, and the poetry of Sophocles..., the gods looked like no one more than the aristocrats, the emperor and his court. They looked like the courtiers. But here is a religion which claims that God is made manifest in a peasant, probably a man who didn't write, a man who came from the people, a man who was completely unimpressive in worldly terms and much more like the vast majority of people. And in this astonishingly unexpected place, this movement said, God is revealed to be with us. I think that's a powerful statement in itself.... Most historians agree that the growth of the Christian church is a mystery. How did a Gospel message from an ordinary man create a community that would span the globe? Historians have no definite answer, but the Bible does. In Acts 2, it is the Holy Spirit convicting the heart of sin and the 3,000 Jews would believe, be baptized, and receive the Holy Spirit! What did they do then? Luke records that they devoted themselves to the Apostle’s teaching, fellowship, breaking of bread, and prayer. In community they committed themselves to these actions. They were unified in their purpose to grow in relationship to God and each other. God magnified Himself through their lives as they loved one another and witnessed to the world around them the glory of God. And then God multiplied the church. In verse 47, God added to their number those who were being saved. In a world where people are looking for churches that reflect themselves, Acts 2 reminds us we are to be the church that reflects God’s values. We are to be in His word, to be in Fellowship(House Church, to be remembering God in the breaking of bread and corporately in prayer. We do this all together as the church. And we are to do this daily. Questions 1. Which of the four actions, in the Word, House Church, breaking of bread, and prayer do you want to devote more time to and how will you do it? 2. How is the Holy Spirit speaking to you through His Word, House Church, communion, or prayer?

New Community Mission Church 26.05.2021

Sermon Wrap May 9, 2021 Essentials of Evangelism Acts 2:14-41... If you remember elementary school, there was always an emphasis on the three R’s. Reading, writing, and arithmetic. If Johnny and Joanne did well in those areas, they were good. Piggybacking on that, what are the essentials of sharing the Gospel? All of don’t share the gospel in the same way. Some of us are very boisterous. Some do it in a quiet way. But however and whenever you share your faith, there are three essential ingredients in evangelism that we can glean from Acts 2:124-31. First is your redemption. Peter was truly redeemed by Christ. Peter was the one who denied Jesus 3 times. Of all people, besides Judas, he would be the one to deliver the first sermon of the Gospel. He was unashamed. He was redeemed. Likewise we must know we are redeemed and therefore motivated to share how God saved us. We’re sold out for Christ. How could we not share about Him? Secondly, we must have our reference point in sharing the Gospel. Our Bible. Peter used Old Testament writings to show the prophecy of Christ through the prophet Joel and King David. Through Joel, the receiving of the Holy Spirit is revealed. Salvation is found in the name of the Lord and that name is Jesus Christ. Through David, the savior and Lord was not himself, but the Messiah to come through the line of David. God would call Him Lord and have Him seated at His right hand. Peter used scripture to support the Gospel. We also are to base our Gospel on the Scriptures. Yes, there are human arguments and philosophies we can tap into to support it, but ultimately it will be God’s truth to revealed His truth. Lastly, we are to be reliant on the Holy Spirit. Peter proclaimed the Gospel, and the Jewish people were cut to the heart. They wanted to know what to do about their sin. Peter declared to them to repent and be baptized and they would receive the Holy Spirit. Starting at 9am to the end of the day, 3,000 came to Christ! Peter was reliant on Holy Spirit. We are to be reliant on the Holy Spirit when we share the gospel and leave the results to God! We don’t save. God does! He saved us. So let’s be about the three R’s in evangelism. Let’s make sure we’re redeemed. We know enough of the scriptures that reveal the Gospel. John 3:16 is a good start. And let’s be reliant on the Holy Spirit to speak the gospel, and leave the results to God. Questions Which area do you need reinforcement in? What steps will you take to make those areas stronger? Continue to pray for VIP’s to invite into House Church.

New Community Mission Church 13.05.2021

Sermon Wrap May 2, 2021 Big Bang of Another Kind Acts 2:1-13... Jesus said that He would build His church and the gates of hell would not prevail against it. So the church has always been His design, His creation. When did it begin? Right here in Acts 2. It begins with fulfilling His promise which displays His power, and it begins His purpose. Back in Acts 1:4-5, Jesus said, you heard from me; for John baptized with water, but you will be baptized with the Holy Spirit not many days from now. This and in the Gospels, Jesus told His disciples that He would send a helper when He returns to the Father in heaven. Now in Acts 2 the Holy Spirit comes in like the sound of a mighty rushing wind, and like tongues of fire. Wind in Hebrew is ruach which means breath. Through the Old Testament, God revealed His presence and power through wind and fire. God breathed life into man in Genesis. God breathes life into dry bones in Ezekiel. God’s speaks to Moses through the burning bush. A pillar of fire leads Israel through the desert. God is described as an All Consuming Fire. Both wind and fire reveal the presence and power of God. Which come to us when we believe and receive the Holy Spirit. The power of the Holy Spirit is on display here giving the disciples the ability to speak of God’s mighty works in a language that is not their own. They are recognized by other Jews who are there for feast of Pentecost, a festival that is celebrated 50 days after the celebration of the Passover. This gathering remembered all the grain provided by God in the harvest and remember the giving of the Law to Israel. So God gives this gift of the Holy Spirit and the people respond in amazement. How could these Galileans be speaking in our native tongues? And lastly, this gift of the Holy Spirit births the church. It also begins the mission of the church, which Jesus spoke of back in Acts 1:8. But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you, and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the end of the earth. If you look up a map of the locations of the lands mentioned in Acts 2, it looks like an explosion with Jerusalem in the center just like what Jesus said. When we come to Christ and believe, we receive the Holy Spirit. We are empowered to do what God has called us to do. We are to be HIs witnesses wherever we are. Not in our own strength, but His. We’ve had our own Big Bang experience. Let’s go and life for His purpose. Questions 1. How much do you pray for God to use you to share Jesus with others? 2. Pray as a House Church for God to bring more people in your life to share the Gospel.

New Community Mission Church 08.05.2021

Sermon Wrap April 25, 2021 The a Team Acts 1:20-26... We all have a role to play in life. Some will play that role very well. You’re a good father or mother. You’re a good son or daughter. You’re a good friend. You’re a good boss. We all have our role to play in this life and there is a bigger role God has for us as Christians. In Acts 1:20-26, Luke records the process of choosing Judas’s replacement which was prophesied in Psalms. The traitor would die a death in a field and his office would be replaced. This office is the role of apostle. An apostle in Acts was a follower of Jesus who was a witness to the resurrected Christ and chosen by God. In this case the disciples prayed and drew lots for God to decide who would be the replacement. If that was the requirement for being an Apostle then we do not have modern day apostles because we have not seen the resurrected Christ, but apostolic work still carries on. The gospel is still preached and churches are planted. All are works of the Spirit. In this scripture, the disciples are also committed to prayer and preparing for the Holy Spirit to come. The established the core of 12 apostles to be ready to receive the Spirit as Jesus said would come. Likewise we are to be in prayer and commit our plans to God trusting that He will do whatever He pleases because His ways are always good and greater than our plans. Lastly, the word apostle means sent out’ ones. It also has a meaning of ambassador. We are ambassadors of Christ. We carry God’s message of salvation to the nations. In this way, we are apostle like and carry the same function as the original apostles. Ephesians 4:11 tells us that God has given certain roles to build up the church. May we also ask God what role does God want us to fill in order to build up the body of Christ. It doesn’t have to be grand or in need of a seminary degree. What it requires is faith, obedience and love. Let’s be in prayer and prepare for what God has in store just as the 12 apostles were getting ready for God’s gift of the Holy Spirit. Questions 1. What role do you currently play in building God’s people? 2. What do you think you could offer in the future to serve in the church or community?

New Community Mission Church 23.04.2021

Join in person on Sundays! We’d love to see you!

New Community Mission Church 14.04.2021

Sermon Wrap April 18, 2021 Be Real Acts 1:1-20... We know people who want the real thing. No imitation will do. No artificial ingredients. We want cheese made with real milk. We want chili made with real meat. Unless you’re vegetarian. You’re forgiven. (J/K) Seriously, I think most of us want real stuff in our lives. And God certain created all things. He created the reality called life. He created the real church, and He said the gates of Hell shall not prevail against it. In Acts 1 we have the amazing account of Jesus’ ascension. An account that is not always remembered but ever so important. When Jesus ascended into heaven, He gives us at least 3 real promises. Two have been fulfilled. One is to come. The first is that Jesus said he would return to the Father. And by returning to the Father, he would keep the second promise, the gift of the Holy Spirit. With His return to heaven, He’s preparing a place for us. He’s interceding for us to the Father. He gives us the Holy Spirit. It started at Pentecost, and we receive the Spirit when we come to faith in Christ. The third promise is yet to come. As He rose up through the clouds, He will also return like He left. The Bible tells us, He will return one day through the clouds riding on a white horse! Incredible scene to be witnessed one day and how we long for His coming to make all things new! The last thing to take away from Acts 1 is real identity. Judas for three years was a disciple of Jesus. He was numbered among the 12. He was allotted his share in the ministry. Judas was part of the inner circle. He shared in the experiences of being with Christ in His teachings and missions. He was a part of healing the sick, and proclaiming the Gospel, but at the end, he was the betrayer and ending his life in death. Jesus said it is better that the betrayer should never have been born. The sin of rejecting the Savior is deadly serious. The other disciples thought Judas was a real follower. He was not. Let that be a warning to us as well as followers of Jesus. The Bible warns us to make sure we’re real. We are to consistently ask God to check our hearts and make sure we are free from evil. We are to examine ourselves if we are really in the faith. Do we really have Christ Jesus living in us through the Holy Spirit. Here are three check points to ask ourselves and each other if we’re really Christians. 1. Do we believe(follow) the Risen savior Jesus Christ. He died for our sin. Rose on the third day. Ascended into heaven and is coming back. 2. Have I repented from my sins? Is there a change of life/heart because of Christ in me? 3. Do I have a new love for people especially for His church. Do I love and meet regularly with brothers and sisters in Christ. House church. Let’s keep it real with Jesus! Amen!

New Community Mission Church 31.03.2021

Sermon Wrap April 4, 2021 We are Resurrected People Matthew 28:1-10... Good Friday and Easter Sunday go hand in hand. It would not be a Good Friday without a Resurrection Sunday. So important for Jesus to rise from the dead, the apostle Paul said in 1 Corinthians 15:17 And if Christ has not been raised, your faith is futile and you are still in your sins. Why is this so important? Jesus said He would. Tear down this temple and I will raise it up in three days. The messiah would suffer/die and rise in three days. It would be proof that Jesus has power over life and death. When the two Mary’s encountered the Angel, they were filled with fear, but greeted with Fear not. He is risen just as He said! Then the angel calls them to tell the disciples the good news and of the way they meet up with the resurrected Jesus and they drop to their feet and worship Him. Jesus calls them to go quickly tell His disciples to meet Him in Galilee. You can imagine what their response will be. You can actually read it in the Gospels. Their lives would never be the same again! And that’s what happens to all those who come to faith in Jesus Christ. When we encounter the risen Savior, we become resurrected people because the power that raised Jesus Christ from the grave is the same power that lives in us through the Holy Spirit. Because Jesus is alive, we have resurrected lives in at least three ways. We have resurrected perspective. With Jesus alive, His promises are true. There is more to this life. Eternal life with God is our future, and sin in this world will be dealt with. His judgment will happen. We have resurrected power. Sin and death is conquered. Our eternal security is sure! But until then, the Holy Spirit also empowers us to live this life for Him. Jesus said, Abide in me and I abide in you and you will bear much fruit. This only happens when we keep in step with the Spirit. We must continually humble ourselves and be obedient to Him for all He’s done and is doing for us and in us. Lastly, we have resurrected purpose. Simply put, we are His witnesses and we make disciples. As witnesses, we testify to what Jesus has done in how He saved us and working in our lives. We make disciples by investing into others by prayer, the Word, love, and support. Invest in your House Church. Each brother and sister is need of investing into their soul. Those two alone takes a life time to do by the grace and power of God. Let His love be our motivation and His resurrected power! Questions 1. Is there some way to measure how much of a resurrected life you’re living? Don’t be guilty. Be convicted by His Spirit and ask God to change you. 2. Which of the three areas can you ask God and other brothers and sisters to help grow in? By the way, it will take a life time. God will be there every step of the way.

New Community Mission Church 21.03.2021

He is Risen! Join us at 1:30!

New Community Mission Church 07.03.2021

Join us this Sunday!