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Locality: Seaside, California

Phone: +1 559-750-7553

Address: 788 Broadway ave 93955-4306 Seaside, CA, US

Website: www.Eliteteammonterey.com

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Eliteteam Monterey 02.07.2021

Body Lock Work via Kabibs Dad’s Seminar I watched weeks ago. Body lock> Front Head Lock + Cradle > Single Leg You want the ability to take someone down as well as defend takedowns, There are multiple forms of takedowns you will encounter in Jiujitsu, ones that involve the head, arms, legs and body locks.... You will take your partner down while in front of them as well as behind them. Managing the transitions between takedowns and control positions or submissions is what we work to improve. #EliteteamMonterey #Kaizen #MontereyJiujitsu

Eliteteam Monterey 28.06.2021

Keep pushing the needle

Eliteteam Monterey 25.12.2020

Your ability to take someone down and manage the defenses Using the single leg to take someone down or using their defense to your single leg as entries into the Ashi Garami systems which we used to take people down.... #EliteteamMonterey #Jiujitsu See more

Eliteteam Monterey 19.12.2020

Pressure Passing Open Guard Traditionally passing has been taught with the focus on the Far Side Underhook. We took that into consideration when it came to putting together this framework for passing open guard. ... Passing Guard consists of head position, arm position, and leg position Today we broke down Arm Position into three different principles Farside Underhook Nearside Underhook Double Underhooks Each one offering something slightly different but all leading up to the most powerful option in the hierarchy Double under hook passing #EliteteamMonterey

Eliteteam Monterey 30.10.2020

Learning how to use your body as a weapon, how your arms and legs work to inflict damage. How we can use lever and fulcrum along with precise force to break our opponent. How we learn to take down another person from the feet and control their body using the mechanics of our body.... All of this means nothing if we don’t know that we are the protectors of the weak, we are the ones that empower the powerless, and we are the warriors in the garden. #Eliteteammonterey #Jiujitsu

Eliteteam Monterey 21.10.2020

Your ability to take someone down and manage the defenses Using the single leg to take someone down or using their defense to your single leg as entries into the Ashi Garami systems which we used to take people down.... #EliteteamMonterey #Jiujitsu See more

Eliteteam Monterey 11.10.2020

Pressure Passing Open Guard Traditionally passing has been taught with the focus on the Far Side Underhook. We took that into consideration when it came to putting together this framework for passing open guard. ... Passing Guard consists of head position, arm position, and leg position Today we broke down Arm Position into three different principles Farside Underhook Nearside Underhook Double Underhooks Each one offering something slightly different but all leading up to the most powerful option in the hierarchy Double under hook passing #EliteteamMonterey

Eliteteam Monterey 29.09.2020

Seated Butterfly Guard

Eliteteam Monterey 12.09.2020

Cool opportunity to share my story abit

Eliteteam Monterey 28.08.2020

Jiu Jitsu FLO is a great resource for anyone wanting to improve their movement for Jiujitsu

Eliteteam Monterey 18.08.2020

Defending leg locks with leg locks I’ve been working on increasing my technical knowledge when it comes to not only defending and escaping leg locks but defendi...ng leg locks and re-engaging into my opponents legs by rearranging my legs. Here Brian is in an offensive cycle and I am in the defensive cycle, I rearrange my legs and we switch cycles. (I put him on the defense)

Eliteteam Monterey 04.08.2020

Outside Ashi Garami entry from seated guard

Eliteteam Monterey 01.08.2020

Berimbolo to outside Ashi Garami #NOGI #Jiujitsu

Eliteteam Monterey 29.07.2020

For anyone that needs a little help

Eliteteam Monterey 26.07.2020

Adding more mats for the family of students that spend time here. Stay strong and keep on the path #EliteteamMonterey

Eliteteam Monterey 17.07.2020

It is a great honor to be a part of this gentleman‘s journey

Eliteteam Monterey 01.07.2020

Some great insight into the martial arts and origination of this grappling practice As more historical evidence comes out we are starting to find that these techniques are a lot older than we assumed before.