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Locality: El Cajon, California

Address: 190 E Douglas Ave 92020 El Cajon, CA, US

Website: kaleochurch.com

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Kaleo Church 30.05.2021

He is Risen! He is Risen, Indeed! #gospel #family #mission

Kaleo Church 18.05.2021

Loneliness is a condition that all of us have faced at various times in our lives. In Genesis 28 Jacob finds himself totally alone as he flees the home that he loved in order to escape the anger of his older brother. In the midst of Jacob's loneliness God appeared to him in a dream and revealed himself to be exactly what Jacob needed at that time. In this story we will see some amazing truths about God, and with Jacob, I believe we will find that the God who has revealed himself to us continues to be exactly what his people need today. #gospel #family #mission

Kaleo Church 01.05.2021

"How awesome is this place! This is none other than the house of God, and this is the gate of heaven." - Jacob #gospel #family #mission

Kaleo Church 25.04.2021

God has used the gospel to form so many joyful and humble Christ-treasuring servants. Oftentimes we don't see a majority of the service people do to glorify Christ and serve His body at Kaleo. This week we want to introduce you to Siraya Schultz. We asked Siraya some questions and hope it will encourage you as well as help you better know her. Enjoy! #gospel #family #mission

Kaleo Church 23.04.2021

Can you imagine the hopelessness that Jesus disciples felt the day that he was crucified? In all of the world there was nothing that could ever come close to replacing what they had in Jesus. Some of you are familiar with this type of feeling. The fear that something you lost will never be able to be replaced and that things will never get better. This Easter I want us to consider the words of comfort that Jesus offered to his disciples during their season of loss because I believe that these same words continue to offer us comfort today. #gospel #family #mission

Kaleo Church 14.04.2021

Life is full of crossroads. In Genesis 27 we will look at three different people who all find themselves at very different crossroads. I believe that as we look at each one we will find that we have been at these same crossroads before. But instead of just telling us which path to take God has given us this story which takes us down the different paths so that we can see where they lead and better understand the way we should go. #gospel #family #mission

Kaleo Church 09.04.2021

Every year since our church's beginning, I have been in awe of the generosity of God’s people to give their time, talents, and treasures to the advancement of the gospel. As we shared God’s generosity to us as a church at the last member’s meeting, we also shared how the elders don’t personally see how much the individuals and families of the church give.... http://oldtestamentallusions.blog//old-testament-allusion/

Kaleo Church 22.03.2021

We are excited to interview Daniela Taylor! She has been a committed member of Kaleo Church since 2016, leads a women's DNA Group, serves at the East County Pregnancy Care Clinic and also volunteers to serve our Kaleo Church family in a myriad of other ways. If you've never met Daniela, we hope this interview will help to get to know her better. Be sure to say HI to her the next time she serves on the Hospitality Team at the gathering or join her this Saturday 3/13 at the Pregnancy Care Clinic's Walk For Life! #gospel #family #mission

Kaleo Church 05.03.2021

Prone to wander, Lord, I feel it Prone to leave the God I love Here's my heart, Lord, take and seal it Seal it for Thy courts above #gospel #family #mission

Kaleo Church 27.02.2021

Why would someone sell the most precious possession in the world for a bowl of soup? From the outside it seems crazy until we contemplate how many times we have traded things of eternal significance for a few moments of pleasure. And for those who are disciplined and have learned to control their feelings and find yourself looking down on people like Esau, you too will find that you are represented in this story. #gospel #family #mission

Kaleo Church 21.02.2021

Riches I heed not, nor man's empty praise Thou my inheritance, now and always Thou and Thou only are first in my heart High King of Heaven, my treasure thou art #gospel #family #mission

Kaleo Church 07.02.2021

In Genesis 25 we learn that Abraham had 8 sons, but only Isaac received the blessing. Then Isaac has twins, but before they were even born God declared that only one of them would receive the blessing. All of this leads to the question On what basis does God pass down the blessing? With the help of Romans 9 this message will seek to begin to answer that question. #gospel #family #mission

Kaleo Church 21.01.2021

Hope is called the anchor of the soul because it gives stability to the Christian life. But hope is not simply a ‘wish’ I wish that such-and-such would take place rather, it is that which latches on to the certainty of the promises of the future that God has made. R.C. Sproul #gospel #family #mission #hope

Kaleo Church 04.01.2021

Have you ever felt like you were missing something that you desperately needed? All of us have things that we want that we don’t have, but sometimes there are things that we feel like we desperately need, and yet we still don’t have them. So, what do we do? How are you and I supposed to respond to our unmet needs? In Genesis 24 Abraham we encounter a massive unmet need and we get to watch how Abraham and his servant respond to it. I believe this text has a lot to teach us about what it looks like to trust God and why it is that he can be trusted even when we feel like there are things we desperately need. #gospel #family #mission

Kaleo Church 03.11.2020

#DECISION2020 - you have three decisions to make this week! We live in an age where division over disagreements can be seen everywhere you look. In a culture where unity is cheap, superficial and fragile the Bible tells us that the church is supposed to be different. This sermon will address why the unity of the church is far more important to the witness of the Gospel than what candidate wins this election. We will also talk about how Christians should respond if the candidate they vote for doesn’t win. In an age of division the church has been given an amazing opportunity to show off the power of the Gospel by living out our identity as a family even if we don’t agree about everything. #gospel #family #mission

Kaleo Church 17.10.2020

#gospel #family #mission #NowPlaying

Kaleo Church 14.10.2020

#gospel #family #mission

Kaleo Church 11.10.2020

In an age of distraction how can you and I learn to Treasure Christ above everything else? Why is it that we find ourselves so easily distracted? God comes to grab our attention so that we begin to love the most the One who is most worthy of our love. #gospel #family #mission

Kaleo Church 30.09.2020

Tithe.ly makes it easy to support Kaleo Church and our various ministries by giving online! #gospel #family #mission https://tithe.ly/give_new/www/#/tithely/give-one-time/64220

Kaleo Church 20.09.2020

God of resurrection Conqueror of death Ruler over everything The Lord of lords and the King of kings is Jesus!... #gospel #family #mission See more

Kaleo Church 12.09.2020

"God brought (and bought) salvation when he became incarnate in Jesus Christ. God is not like us, but he chose to be God with us in order to save his people from their sins. Jesus Christ fulfilled the covenant on behalf of his people in order to save them from their sin and depravity and set them free. This human freedom is not autonomy from God but rather freedom to love God...True freedom is freedom not to sin. As a result, human beings will be most free in glory! True freedom is dependence on God, not autonomy from him. Christians must affirm the sovereign freedom of God for it is the very foundation of the hope we have for salvation." - Joshua Moffit #gospel #family #mission

Kaleo Church 02.09.2020

Check out Pastor Tim's sermon starting at 35:00! #gospel #family #mission

Kaleo Church 30.08.2020

"A scary thought for some reading this is that America may be falling. That is scary and sad. But if it does, would that surprise you? The Scriptures make clear that all earthly kingdoms will fall (Dan. 2). Maybe that thought alone is what scares you and is an opportunity to trust Christ and his government for the first time. If faced with the decision, would your allegiance ultimately be in Jesus or America at the end of the day? The history of our country has always had som...e strange overlap of the two but if the overlap was unbraided, where would your allegiance be? The good news is that Jesus can handle your fears and anxieties because he cares for you (1 Pet. 5:7). To be sure, though, Jesus is not any more pro-American than he is Pro-Iraqi, Pro-Germany, etc. Jesus is about his glory and his government. Sometimes we have a valid fear of the government but then turn to an invalid trust in the government to be our Savior." - Wes Van Fleet See more

Kaleo Church 12.08.2020

How often do our longings for home have anything to do with God? Do we feel like pilgrims away from the presence of God? Do we near the point of fainting when we think of being in his presence? Or is our definition of home primarily about us? #gospel #family #mission

Kaleo Church 25.07.2020

When we view the Gospel in a man-centered way we stop being formed BY it and instead we use it as just another tool for our own self-fulfillment, self-help, or to achieve our own social and political ends and the message becomes God is good. Let’s just feel good, be good and do good. THIS is a total distortion of the true Gospel. Instead, the true Gospel is about who God is and what he has done for us in Jesus Christ. The Gospel is Good News, NOT good advice. The ...Gospel is the good news that God, the Holy and Righteous Author of life, looked upon a rebellious people with love and sent Jesus Christ, the only Son of God, into history to reconcile a people to himself by living a perfectly righteous life, dying on the cross for our sins, and rising from the dead conquering sin, death, and evil so that all who trust in Jesus will receive new and eternal life by his grace and have everlasting joy in his Kingdom. #gospel #family #mission

Kaleo Church 14.07.2020

"And there is salvation in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given among men by which we must be saved." - Acts 4:12 #gospel #family #mission

Kaleo Church 27.06.2020

Who is slain when time is killed? - Ernest Van den Haag #gospel #family #mission

Kaleo Church 11.06.2020

Loneliness is something each one of us has felt. We feel it when we are abandoned by a friend or rejected by a family member; we feel it when a child moves out or a loved one passes away; we feel it when we thought we found the person who would take it all away, but somehow it remains. In 2 Timothy 4 Paul experiences deep loneliness. He has been forsaken by a friend, deserted by the church, and harmed by an enemy all as he sits chained in a dungeon waiting to die. However, as lonely as Paul feels he finds strength in the reality that he isn’t really alone and never will be again. This message will look at where Paul found hope in the midst of his loneliness and how we can find it as well. #gospel #family #mission