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Locality: Irvine, California

Phone: +1 530-262-0255

Address: 3333 Michelson Drive, 3rd Floor 92612 Irvine, CA, US

Website: www.huntingtonpacificmedia.com/

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Huntington Pacific Media 25.04.2021

Sometimes you just need to change things up a bit. . The key is finding change without being disruptive to your goals and overall progress. . For surfing, it’s like deciding to try a different board or maybe even try skating. It’s not deciding to quit and go take up knitting.... . In general, it’s not about quitting and doing something that is not remotely connected. It’s about taking active rest and finding enough variety to keep you focused. See more

Huntington Pacific Media 02.11.2020

I recently read a quote that is worth sharing: Our fear of consequences is always worse than the consequences themselves -Shawn Achor . Often times I feel the need to act now and feel like I know what I’m doing. Because if I don’t, it means that I could be left behind or be out of control and a victim.... . But really...it’s never that bad. It’s always worse in my head. . Take some time today to shift your focus to something positive and allowing yourself to adjust and even fail. . Be patient with your own growth. . It’s better than you think. See more

Huntington Pacific Media 23.10.2020

Sometimes you just need to change things up a bit. . The key is finding change without being disruptive to your goals and overall progress. . For surfing, it’s like deciding to try a different board or maybe even try skating. It’s not deciding to quit and go take up knitting.... . In general, it’s not about quitting and doing something that is not remotely connected. It’s about taking active rest and finding enough variety to keep you focused. See more

Huntington Pacific Media 17.10.2020

You ever wake up on a Monday and be like...Hey Monday, what’s up? I’ve been waiting for you! . If not, why not? . Psychology is increasing showing that happiness leads to success more than success leads to happiness.... . So take some time to be enjoy Monday and work on increasing that happy meter a bit. See more

Huntington Pacific Media 13.10.2020

Here’s a quick math problem. Your dreams are at point A. You’re at point B. But you’re walking towards point C (which is away from point A). .... Will you reach your dream? . Not likely. . People, myself included, like the sense of forward movement. . However, it is often better to take a few small steps toward a dream than a few large leaps that take you further away. . The basic question is...are you pursuing your dream? If not, who’s dream are you walking towards? See more

Huntington Pacific Media 30.09.2020

Having presence is being comfortable in your own skin. It’s recognizing that people like being around but also aren’t focusing on you that much. It’s being relaxed and confident regardless of the circumstance. . It’s about knowing the impact you make and how to use it. . So put your hands down and stop worrying whether you’re awkward. It’s time to get out of your head...You’re more normal than you realize.

Huntington Pacific Media 23.09.2020

How do you stand out? How do get people to notice your brand, product, or service? . Well, most people are comfortable with where they’re at which means they aren’t looking for you. . In order to get their attention, you need to find a way to stand out, be eye-catching, or simply be a little weird.... . Cause let’s face it. I’d noticed a guy surfing on his head. Wouldn’t you? See more

Huntington Pacific Media 03.09.2020

Work 24/7 is a sure way of killing your creativity and decreasing your efficiency. . Sometimes you need to do less and enjoy a day off in order to get the space requires to do your best work. . On that note, Happy Sunday!!

Huntington Pacific Media 23.08.2020

May the 4th with be us all. . Happy Friday everyone...make it a fun one!

Huntington Pacific Media 19.08.2020

It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. . The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; . who errs, who comes short again and again, because there is no effort without error and shortcoming; ... . but who does actually strive to do the deeds; who knows great enthusiasms, . the great devotions; who spends himself in a worthy cause; . who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement, and who at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, . so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who neither know victory nor defeat. Teddy Roosevelt . Keep on fighting, friends. Don’t hold back. See more

Huntington Pacific Media 10.08.2020

Well all want to find that one thing...the thing that makes us feel alive with purpose...the thing we were meant to do. . The good news is that it really can be anything as long as it’s something. . If you’re still looking for the work you were meant to do, start by looking for a passion and why you feel that way.... . Maybe your passion is surfing but you feel that way because you love the excitement and the chill all rolled into one. . You can then take that self-knowledge and start applying it in other ways. It might be trial and error but it’s growth and it’s progress...and you can’t be mad with that. . Good luck making your best work. Can’t wait to see it. See more

Huntington Pacific Media 05.08.2020

Do you know what vibes you send off? Do you know what vibes your company sends? . Whether you like it or not, you’re sending them out. Are they stiff and awkward? Or friendly and inviting? . Branding in business or life is owning and shaping your vibes to so your real self looks more like your ideal self.... . So go ahead. Keep vibing. But good vibes only here please. See more

Huntington Pacific Media 01.08.2020

What are you choosing to take care of? Rust and decay are unavoidable without sustained and ongoing effort. (Sorry but that’s science ) . And since effort is limited, it is important to deliberately choose where that effort is placed. . Are your choices matching your stated priorities?