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Heartland Healing Arts 24.04.2021

Would we be facing the climate crisis we are facing right now if we truly understood the interconnection of all life? Clearly we would not be. The inseparability of mind and soul, body and emotion, the medicine wheel with it’s four quadrants of the mind, the emotions, the intellect, the body and spirit. If we understood that basic truth would we have a medical system that is so doggedly and narrowly just focusing on the biology of the body as if that was the be-all and end-a...ll of everything? #DrGaborMate The wisdom of the medicine wheel holds within it a map of interconnection with all life. The Celtic tradition follows the wheel of the seasons and brings us into balance within and without. In the work I’m doing this year studying trauma therapy with Gabor Mate I’m increasingly becoming profoundly aware of how childhood trauma affects us all. It is a result of disconnection from ourself that creates the coping mechanisms such as depression, addiction, anxiety and ADHD. Disconnection from self also means disconnection from nature which has caused our current environmental crisis. Re-connection through trauma and nature healing is a formidable pair of approaches to help you feel better and save nature too. With the rebirth energies of spring I’m excited to share my next 5 week Introduction to Celtic Shamanism - an Ecotherapy for modern times, starts May 13th online. Deepening our connection to nature through the Elements begins our re-membering to the web of life. My courses are both instructive and therapeutic - healing and informative. Women find a safe space to share authentically and find support for our challenging times. We delve more deeply into the healing medicine of the wheel in my 7 month Celtic Shamanic Practitioner course which will start again next September. Class size is limited so please reach out if it calls to you. More information can be found by clicking the link in my bio. Magical spring blessings to all! This stunning wheel of the year created by #celticshamanism #indigenouswisdom #shamanichealing #shamanism #earthbased #druidry #medicinewheel #traumahealing #compassionateinquiry #naturehealing

Heartland Healing Arts 21.12.2020

The dark night of the soul has deep Medicine for us all. It will burn away the fears that limit our freedom and the illusions that block the light. The journey for truth is life long, not handed to us on a silver platter. The alchemy of soul growth comes through the journey itself. Those pains, projections and triggers are symptoms of the deepest wounds of our inner child crying for attention. What appears to be our enemy is our inner abandonment calling for acceptance. Hold... your emotions like abandoned parts of yourself longing for love, because that’s what they are. Everyone, and that includes everyone, is acting out their trauma as separation from self. A healed heart does not cause harm to others and most of all self. The journey is long and winding - be patient, be kind. Your inner child is waiting in the forgotten forest of your memory for a loving embrace. #traumahealing #darknightofthesoul #gabormate #compassionateinquiry #soulhealing #alchemy #shamanicjourney #innerchild #selflove #mentalhealth #spiritualcounseling #traumatherapy

Heartland Healing Arts 02.12.2020

A Prayer for the Wild Don’t look away. The songbird is silenced. How much do we listen, how much do we care. ... The wilds are dying. Their last breath of air is leaving us lonely in a state of despair. I love you little songbird. May your spirit have flight and sing with the others who share in your plight. We’ll miss you each day, all the magic you sing. Too many others lost on a wing. And a prayer for your kin who’s songs have been silenced is truly a sin. Don’t look away. The wilds are dying so I’ll pray and I’ll pray that we hear your sweet song and then maybe you’ll stay. cara deva #extinction #songbird #wildnature #extinctionrebellion #savenature #sacrednature #lovenature #ecotherapy #shamanism #naturehealing #weboflife #massextinction #saveourplanet #davidattenborough #alifeonourplanet #climatechange #globalwarming #speciescollapse #biodiversity

Heartland Healing Arts 29.11.2020

Celtic Medicine Wheel and Ancestral Healing starts 9/19 The #woundedhealer is the shaman who, by way of a non-ordinary state of consciousness would enter into the spirit world to bring back information and healing medicine for her community. The life of the #shaman was not easy as she was asked to tend to the wounds of the collective, the ancestors, the earth, even beings of the other worlds. They are struck by lightning, psychologically dismembered, or taken through a var...iety of death and rebirth experiences, revealing the deep connection between wounding and healing. Not all of us have the fate to be struck by lightning or go through a literal near-death experience, but we all know what it is like to be psychologically dismembered, struck by metaphorical lighting, or experience soul-death, where the ground falls away underneath us. In these moments, our ordinary reference points are dismantled, the relationship or work or health we thought would last forever dissolves. We’re in a very disorienting, liminal place, in between one thing and another. Something has died, but there has not yet been rebirth; the ashes have not yet reassembled. There can be bardo experiences on a personal level and also within culture, planet, or cosmos, where it is clear that we’re never going to go back to the way things were. In response, the tendency is to scramble out of the death part of the cycle as quickly as possible, to get through the reorganization and back to rebirth and to established ground. This is a very natural reaction, to resolve the death and to reestablish solidity from which to orient. But there is something essential within the reorganization itself, hidden within the deflation and accessible only there. Inside the womb it is quantum and creative, where seeds are ripening and unfolding. Instead of asking how quickly we can cure or heal the reorganization and become reborn, the invitation is into embodiment to the uncertainty and liminality. There is gold in the bardo, but we must cleanse our perception, feel, sense, and stay in the womb of the unknown in order to mine those jewels."#mattlicata #celticshamanism #shamanictraining #energyhealing

Heartland Healing Arts 09.11.2020

There’s just one space left for my upcoming online training! Do you feel called to make a difference in the world, connect more deeply to nature and develop your healing gifts? I have a unique and special course that supports personal healing and development within the container of sacred shamanic wisdom practices. The ancestors are calling us into lineage repair through remembering earth and spirit honoring ways. Check my bio link for more information and to sign up. #celticshamanism #celtic #sacredireland #sacredsites #traumahealing #shamanicjourney #sidhe #spiritguides #reiki #energyhealing

Heartland Healing Arts 22.10.2020

The earth and ancestors are sending strong messages for us to reweave our interconnection. It will take leadership and courage to walk the healing path of sacred reciprocity to heal ourselves and earth. If you feel called to develop your healing gifts I'm holding a safe, intimate space for connection, transformation and growth. Only 2 spaces remain to join this 7 month sacred journey!