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Dr Shannon Irvine 10.01.2021

Our Winners from the Breakthrough Video Contest from the Epic Success Program and details for the Unleashed Entrepreneur Video series and LIVE EVENT!

Dr Shannon Irvine 23.12.2020

Dream with me for a second. What does your ideal life look like to you? Where do you live?... What does your day to day life look like? What vacations do you have planned? What are you wearing? What are you eating? What are you feeling? Tap into that version of yourself and your life. This is ALL completely possible for you. Your thoughts create your reality. So what you see manifesting in your business right now, you hand picked. When I discovered this, my world was flipped upside down. . When I realized I held the key in my hand to my own success, I suddenly felt empowered. The entrepreneur within me was UNLEASHED and she ran wild in the best way possible. Are you ready to unleash that brilliant entrepreneur within you? Join me next week for a LIVE video series that will take the procrastination, overwhelm, and imposter syndrome fears out of the equation for you. This series is going to be EPIC. Register here: drshannonirvine.com/unleashed Comment I’m In! if you’re ready to flip the switch for success in your brain. Tag a friend so they can too!

Dr Shannon Irvine 05.12.2020

Every successful entrepreneur you see has done the work to get there. In case you didn't know my story -it took me having a crying breakdown because of burnout to finally commit to changing my reality. The work I’m talking about is mastering your mind and automating your brain for success.... You can work all the long hours, do all the things, and buy all the newest marketing strategies but until you get your mind right, it’s going to constantly feel like you need to be doing more. Your brain is your greatest tool in the game of success. How you think about your business, yourself, and your life matters more than anything else. The moment I did the work and got curious about my thoughts and how they shaped my reality, everything shifted. Ready to do the work? I’ve got the PERFECT place for you to start. The Unleashed Entrepreneur video series begins MONDAY! >> drshannonirvine.com/unleashed

Dr Shannon Irvine 16.11.2020

Goals DO NOT Equal Business Success Setting goals is actually creating a failing business... And this is why! I want to know: How have your goals led you to fail!? Tell me in the comments below... P.S. Are you signed up for the Unleashed Entrepreneur video series!? If not, do it now! drshannonirvine.com/unleashed

Dr Shannon Irvine 03.11.2020

Think of your brain like the leash of a boogie board.. . It attaches itself to any thought that it perceives as SAFE because its main job is to keep you safe. . This is a wonderful and beautiful thing IF your brain is wired for success.... . If it’s not, things get tangled and messy. Making something that was designed to keep you safe actually hindering and holding you back. . My mission is to help one million entrepreneurs take back their lives and businesses by learning how to wire their brain to work FOR them not against them. . Begin today by detaching yourself from any thought that does not advocate for your epic audacious goal. . This process, just like learning how to or boogie board, takes time but with enough patience, perseverance and practice you will be coastin’ confidently in no time! . What thought are you detaching from today? See more

Dr Shannon Irvine 28.10.2020

Truth is... You weren’t wired for entrepreneurship. What you were taught in school and the environment growing up didn’t prepare you for the challenges that you will face as a successful entrepreneur.... But, that doesn’t mean it has to be tough and that you have to work yourself to the bone to succeed. One of my mentors, James Wedmore, put it perfectly when he said: there is no direct correlation between working hard and being successful. Often times we are making our entrepreneurial journey harder on ourselves just by the thoughts we allow our brain to feed us. Our brain has been trained, from our childhood, to keep us safe and most of us grew up thinking that money is hard to come by. Not true. Money is abundant and available to you RIGHT NOW. The key is this, shift the way you look at and think about money. This will begin to open the door to the fact that entrepreneurship doesn’t have to be so stressful or scary and that money is easy to come by. Own the fact that YOU are the creator of your thoughts. Ready to become the UNLEASHED entrepreneur you were destined to become? I have a FREE 5-part live video series starting MONDAY at 12pm PST. >> go to drshannonirvine.com/unleashed to get all the deets sent straight to your inbox!

Dr Shannon Irvine 16.10.2020

Stop feeding your mind junk food thoughts and wondering why you don’t feel good. Your mental fitness is just as important as your physical fitness. When you want to lose a few extra lbs what do you do?... You come up with a game plan. You recognize that those unhealthy patterns can’t continue if you want to reach your goals and live a more vibrant life. You change the habits that are unhealthy and replace them with healthy habits, right? So my question to you is why don’t you do the same with the negative thought patterns you’ve been thinking? It’s the same thing. You can absolutely TRANSFORM your life when you choose to change the way you see and think about things. Just like losing weight, it’s not always going to be easy. Some days you’re going to struggle. But if you make a committed decision to stick with retraining your brain, you will create new thinking habits that will change your life. And the results you will see will absolutely blow your mind. Comment below if this is the year you’re going to get mentally fit!

Dr Shannon Irvine 27.09.2020

I hope that you never count yourself out. I hope that you never think it’s too late for you. I hope you never quit on a dream that you can’t go a day without thinking about.... I hope that you always believe that you are worthy. I hope that you chase that epic audacious goal fiercely. I hope that you take that next scary step. I hope you know that I am always here cheering you on. Your mission matters. Your purpose is powerful. Your vision is valuable. Who needed this reminder? I know I did.

Dr Shannon Irvine 24.09.2020

My story isn’t pretty or full of sparkles. It’s real and it’s raw. Chaos. Anxiety. Jealousy. Comparison. Frustration. Those are just a few emotions I was constantly allowing myself to feel and feed off of day after day.... I would allow myself to think things like: Who do you think you are? You don’t have what it takes. You’re not enough. I was on an endless treadmill that slowly but surely hammered away my self confidence, my self worth, my happiness, and ultimately my health. It got to the point where I just broke down. I couldn’t handle it. I knew something needed to change. If you’re currently feeling those emotions or experiencing that narrative in your head, listen up. Everything that you want for your life is completely possible. The relationships that you want. The health that you want. The business that you want. The freedom you want. It’s all available to you. It’s all on the other side of training your thinking to only allow the thoughts that are going to create the reality that you want. Living from that future state NOW. Scripture says TAKE YOUR THOUGHTS CAPTIVE. That would not be there unless we had the capacity to do that. Your brain is a God-given gift. He wants you to use it to serve your purpose. So step into the higher version of yourself TODAY and take your thoughts captive. CHOOSE to advocate for your higher self and watch how your life transforms.

Dr Shannon Irvine 09.09.2020

Ever wonder what is going on with your brain blocking your abilitty to make $$? Let's break down what is going on with that today! LIVE

Dr Shannon Irvine 03.09.2020

Do you believe that everything that happens in your life is ultimately for your good? Or do you believe that life is happening TO you and always in victim mode? When something goes wrong do you say of course this happened, nothing ever goes my way or do you say okay, how can I pivot? What is this teaching me?... Victim mode will never bring you victory. Something I began doing to snap myself out of victim mode is transforming my what if’s to even if’s. I stopped asking myself things like: What if this doesn’t work? and changed it to Even if this doesn’t work, it’s ultimately helping me grow and become better. This practice has changed my life. Not only has it allowed me to stop worrying so much - it also has taken the pressure off. Now, when something doesn’t work out, I just assume that it’s just the next step towards my inevitable success and move forward. Tag a friend and share this message with them. I truly believe someone you know needs to hear this. Psst - I'm going LIVE at 12pm PST and 6pm PST TODAY. Snag your spot here: drshannonirvine.com/coach

Dr Shannon Irvine 19.08.2020

Need I say more!? You glow differently when you’re happy. Feeding every negative thought is EXHAUSTING and not how God intended for us to live our life.... Stop allowing the lie that you’re not good enough, pretty enough, skinny enough, smart enough, talented enough weigh you down. You can’t shine your light when you’re dimming your sparkle. Psst - Mark your calendars I have two more LIVE coach trainings tomorrow at 12pm PST and 6pm PST. Your next level self awaits! >> drshannonirvine.com/coach

Dr Shannon Irvine 30.07.2020

What do you do when you’re watching TV and you don’t like what’s on? You change the channel, right? Now tell me what you do when a thought you don’t like comes to mind..... A majority of us let it stay. We let those scary thoughts get cozy on the couch of our mind. It’s time to kick that unwanted guest OUT. When these negative thoughts come to mind, change the channel and switch it to something you like. Protect your mind. Keep your space clean. Don’t let messy, unwanted guests stay. Choose thoughts that feed your soul, not ones that steal your joy. What thought have you let get cozy on the couch in your mind for too long? Psst - Mark your calendars I have two more LIVE coach trainings this Wednesday, October 21st at 12pm PST and 6pm PST. Your next level self awaits! >> drshannonirvine.com/coach to save your spot!

Dr Shannon Irvine 21.07.2020

What lens are you viewing your life from? Is it the lens of struggle and hustle? Or is it the lens of growth and opportunity?... When something doesn’t go your way how do you respond? Get really honest with yourself here. If you’re like most people you probably internalize the failure and think of course I failed, it was a silly idea anyways. But let me share something with you - failure is not a bad thing. I repeat, failure is not a bad thing. It’s an opportunity to pivot and GROW. When you view your life from the lens of opportunity, regardless if you fail or not, you are teaching your brain how to be resilient and that regardless of how something pans out that it’s for your ultimate good. Be the kind of entrepreneur who refuses to quit. The gold goes to the one who keeps showing up. Don’t let a few failures take you out - these are stepping stones to your ultimate success. Start believing that everything happens FOR you and eventually your brain will begin reinforcing it FOR you so that it’s automatic. Pretty cool, huh?

Dr Shannon Irvine 18.07.2020

No Sunday Scaries here. I love spending Sundays preparing for the week ahead. That looks like:... - making sure my kids are all caught up on homework. - meal prepping some yummy meals for the week! - planning out my must dos for the week. - finishing up laundry / tidying up around the house. A life hack I've learned is that these tasks aren’t so daunting when I have a line-up of podcasts playing while I’m accomplishing them! Oh and shameless plug for my Epic Success Podcast! I’ve been doing a Brain Science of Success Series on there and there is some JUICY content that you don’t want to miss. Definitely enough content to carry you through your Sunday tasks. Head to drshannonirvine.com to find all the episodes! What do you do to combat the Sunday Scaries?

Dr Shannon Irvine 29.06.2020

When you hear the word change, what comes up for you? Feelings of fear, anxiety and resistance? Or feelings of excitement, joy and fun?... The difference between you and that successful entrepreneur you aspire to be is that they see change as a chance to grow. They do not fear the idea of trying something new. They fear the idea of staying the same. Most people stay at the level they are at because they refuse to change. They refuse to take control of their thoughts and continue to live the same story. They refuse to let go of what is no longer serving them because they like the comfort. We’ve all been there. It’s okay if that’s where you are. In order to be successful in entrepreneurship you need to get comfortable being uncomfortable. Your next level doesn’t live at the same level you’re at. If you’re not feeling challenged, you’re not changing. Comment below what is no longer serving you and declare that you are done with it. Psst - Mark your calendars I have another LIVE coach training on Wednesday, October 21st at 12pm PST. Your next level self awaits! >> drshannonirvine.com/coach

Dr Shannon Irvine 23.06.2020

Tell me if this is you: You pick out the clothes you like to wear and get rid of the ones you don’t. If the barista gets your coffee order wrong you ask for it to be re-made the way you like it.... You pick out and buy groceries you like, not ones you won’t eat. Every single day we make lots of decisions based on our preferences. We are picky. Except when it comes to the thoughts we have in our mind.. Yep, I’m calling you out. But it’s not your fault! These thoughts have become automated in your mind over time. I bet if you spent one day analyzing your thoughts and wrote down every negative one you’d be amazed at how hard on yourself you are. Be PICKY about your thoughts - they matter so much more than what shirt you wear or don’t wear or if your coffee has whole milk or almond milk. Take the same care and concern you take in picking out your groceries for the week into picking out your thoughts for the day. Did this resonate with you? Let me know below!