
General Information

Locality: San Diego, California

Phone: +1 619-787-1137

Address: 2534 State Street Ste. 432 92101 San Diego, CA, US


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Alliant 07.11.2020

Bed bugs harboring on the underside of a bed skirt. Since bed skirts do not get changed often, this is a very common spot for bed bugs to lay eggs and harbor.

Alliant 04.11.2020

ATTENTION SAN DIEGO HOTELS: Receive 25% OFF your first Bed Bug Heat Treatment and also receive 5 FREE Bed Bug Canine Inspections! With Comic-con in town, don't lose revenue due to bed bug infested rooms!

Alliant 25.10.2020

Don't let your guests wake up to a surprise like this! Contact Alliant today to schedule one of our bed bug prevention or eradication services. This infestation was eliminated in under 8 hours - WITHOUT discarding the headboard, mattress or box springs!

Alliant 12.10.2020

Canine Bed Bug Inspections require little to no prep before or after an inspection. Our dogs and handlers are accredited and certified in bed bug detection.

Alliant 29.09.2020