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General Information

Locality: Oakland, California

Address: 1603 2nd Ave 94606 Oakland, CA, US

Website: www.akatcafekalli.com

Likes: 1240


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Akat Cafe Kalli 25.10.2020

"No se puede entender y explicar el sistema capitalista sin el concepto de guerra. Su supervivencia y su crecimiento dependen primordialmente de la guerra y de ...todo lo que a ella se asocia e implica. Por medio de ella y en ella, el capitalismo despoja, explota, reprime y discrimina. En la etapa de globalización neoliberal, el capitalismo hace la guerra a la humanidad entera." Subcomandante Insurgente Marcos EZLN See more

Akat Cafe Kalli 23.10.2020

"We aim to build a circular coffee supply from seed to cup..." Sin Fronteras Coffee

Akat Cafe Kalli 07.10.2020

This weekend (Friday-Sunday) 9am-2pm. Breakfast sandwiches!! Please order ahead, hit the link in the bio. https://bit.ly/ackcafe

Akat Cafe Kalli 18.09.2020

East lake and chorizo...Breakfast Friday, Saturday, Sunday 9:00-2:00pm. Order by: https://bit.ly/2HeTB3u

Akat Cafe Kalli 15.09.2020

Elements of a good cup of coffee: Aroma Body Acidity... Organic Coffee from Chiapas https://bit.ly/ackcafe

Akat Cafe Kalli 06.09.2020

The rights moments, coffee Moments! https://bit.ly/ackcafe

Akat Cafe Kalli 20.08.2020

Open today until 2pm. #adelitas-iced-latte brewed with our @sinfronteras.coffee direct from chiapas. Hit the link in the bio to order ahead.